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Everything posted by nedo

  1. Earlier this year, when Apple announced OS X 10.10, they said that there would be a free beta for the OS. Starting tomorrow, if you have signed up for the beta program, you will be able to download the bits in the afternoon. Apple said says that this public beta will not be updated as frequently as the private beta for developers, this likely means that only stable releases will be part of the public beta. If you want to be part of the beta and you haven't signed up yet, make sure to go here and register for the preview release. Apple is only letting 1 million users try out the beta, so you better act quickly if you have not done so already. Once registered, Apple will send out a notification to those users when the beta is ready for distribution; this will be around 1 P.M. ET / 10 A.M. PT. As with any beta, even though this is a public release, you should avoid installing the software on a production machine. With that caveat, we have been using the most recent developer preview for a few days and it is stable. There are a few graphical bugs here and there and occasionally an app will lock up, but for the most part, it runs quite well. If you have questions about the public beta release, make sure to head into our forums where an active discussion about OS X 10.10 is taking place. Sursa: aici
  2. nedo


    Bine ai venit si sedere placuta. Felicitari pentru o limba romana mai buna decat cea a unora din utilizatorii mai vechi si cu liceu sau chiar facultate terminata. Daca ai intrebari nu ezita sa le pui, fie postand pe forum, fie intrand pe chat-ul forumului.(Butonul este in dreapta sus langa butoanele home si log out).
  3. It’s been about six weeks now since Apple released Swift, its new language for iOS and OS X development, which is meant to eventually replace Objective-C. Not surprisingly, since its high visibility debut at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference, Swift has already attracted a noticeable amount of interest from developers. It debuted this month at number 16 on the TIOBE Programming Community index, which is based on search web results, and at number 10 on the PYPL Popularity of Programming Language index, which is based on searches for programming language tutorials. Clearly and, again, not surprisingly, Swift is off to a strong start in gaining a foothold with developers. Since the TIOBE and PYPL indices are based on what people are searching for, I wanted to take a look at how much actual Swift code had been written in the first few weeks. Are all of those searches resulting in developers actually learning and writing applications using Swift? To find out, I dug into GitHub Archive data using Google’s BigQuery. Continuare articol cu grafice si tot ce mai e aici
  4. Introducing the New Compiler The first change we’re making to TypeScript is that we’ve been taking a good, hard look at the compiler performance we had with 1.0. We knew we could leverage the experience from building the original compiler over the last two years. This led to experimenting with a new, lighter-weight compiler core. The early results with this new compiler core were so positive that we’re now focused on growing this core into the new TypeScript compiler and language service. The first stage of this effort is to build a complete standalone compiler based on this new core architecture. The new compiler follows the same TypeScript 1.0 language spec, has the same compiler flags and compiler functionality, and outputs nearly identical code to the currently shipping TypeScript compiler. Once complete, the new compiler should be drop-in compatible with the existing one. The goal here isn't new compiler features, but rather a cleaner compiler architecture that has better performance and allows us to add new features with greater ease in releases to come. Our work to date on the new compiler has been very promising. At its current level of completeness, the new compiler is able to compile existing real-world TypeScript code 5x faster than the currently shipping compiler. These results are still early. Once the compiler has reached parity, we'll be able to report out a more complete picture of the performance improvements. We have a good start, but there’s a lot of work to do. For the experiment to mature into a full-featured compiler, in addition to making sure the code is robust and correct, we still need to flesh out the following features: Parser – Strict mode, incremental parsing for the language service (if necessary). Type checking – Get type checker to parity with 1.0 in terms of error coverage. This is nearing completion. Compiler options – Support for --propagateEnumConstants, --watch, --locale, --logFile and --version. Language service – Adapt the language service to work with new compiler. Emitter – .d.ts output and comment preservation. As we reach parity with our existing compiler, we’re looking forward to moving on to ECMAScript 6 features and exploring the top user requests. If you’d like to help us out, you can find the new compiler at our new TypeScript repository on GitHub, which leads us to change #2. Moving to GitHub We’ve heard your feedback, and we’re making the move to GitHub. We’re continually looking for ways to improve how TypeScript works with the community, and we’re excited about what the move to GitHub could help us do in the coming months. The new site will work similarly to the current one. Source code moves to the TypeScript git repository on GitHub Issues move to the TypeScript issues on GitHub Please note: since we’re moving to a new issue tracker and a new codebase, we are not copying all issues over. If you have issues in the current CodePlex issue tracker, please try them against the new codebase and file them in the GitHub issue tracker if they still repro. Wiki documentation moves to the TypeScript wiki on GitHub Forums will now be more organized. For questions about how to use TypeScript and how to work with various JavaScript libraries and patterns, please use the TypeScript StackOverflow site. This helps users have a one-stop place to find the best answers and get started quickly. For feature requests and design discussions, please post to the TypeScript issues on GitHub The blog will continue to be hosted on MSDN and will not change at this time. Sursa aici. Pentru cei ce nu stiu ce este typescript: cititi
  5. Researchers at Princeton and Belgium's KU Leuven have uncovered a new web-tracking method that's nearly impossible to block. It's called "canvas fingerprinting," and can potentially follow users between sites even if they've disabled more conventional methods like cookies and aren't logged into Facebook. Instead, the tactic works by asking the browser to draw a hidden image, and using that image to track the unique properties of the browser. Researchers found the tactic being used on 5 percent of the top 1,000 sites on the internet, including Whitehouse.gov, YouPorn, The Blaze, and the official website for the State of California. The source behind the fingerprinting may be AddThis, a suite of plug-in share tools that is found on many of the named sites. AddThis has been testing canvas fingerprinting on certain sites as part of the company's broader search for alternatives to cookie tracking. It's still unclear how effective the tactic, with one survey only showing a 90 percent success rate, and AddThis says the fingerprinting trials may soon end since the results are "not uniquely identifying enough." Still, as concerns over web privacy grow, it's a reminder that simply blocking cookies may not be enough. Sursa aici articol ce este mai departe inspirat din lucrarea asta(e pdf)
  6. Researchers at Aalborg University, MIT and Caltech have developed a new mathematically-based technique that can boost internet data speeds by up to 10 times, by making the nodes of a network much smarter and more adaptable. The advance also vastly improves the security of data transmissions, and could find its way into 5G mobile networks, satellite communications and the Internet of Things. The problem with TCP/IP Data is sent over the internet in "packets," or small chunks of digital information. The exact format of the packets and the procedure for delivering them to their destination is described by a suite of protocols known as TCP/IP, or the internet protocol suite, designed in the early 70s. Back when it was conceived, the internet protocol suite was a tremendous leap forward that revolutionized our paradigm for transmitting digital information. Remarkably, 40 years on, it still forms the backbone of the internet. However, despite all its merits, few would say that it is particularly efficient, secure or flexible. For instance, in order for a TCP data transmission to be successful, the recipient needs to collect the packets in the exact order in which they were sent over. If even a single packet is lost for any reason, the protocol interprets this as a sign that the network is congested – the transmission speed is immediately halved, and from there it attempts to rise again only very slowly. This is ideal in some situations and terribly inefficient in others. The issue is that the protocol doesn't have the intelligence to know what the right thing to do is. Also, although the packets could take a theoretically infinite number of paths to travel between point A and point B in a network, it turns out that data in a TCP connection always travels along the same path – which makes it quite easy for an eavesdropper to spy on your communications. Network coding – the solution? An interesting proposal that might offer the solution to these problems is so-called network coding, which aims to make each node in the network much smarter that it currently is. In TCP/IP, the nodes of the network are just simple switches that can only store data packets and then forward them to the next node along their predetermined route; by contrast, in network coding each node can elaborate packets as needed, for instance by re-routing or re-encoding them. Adding intelligence at the node level may be a truly disruptive change, because it allows for unparalleled flexibility in the way information is handled. For instance, it can take advantage of multipath TCP (implemented in iOS 7) and, on top of it, add an encoding mechanism that further increases security and speed, or even enable data storage right within the nodes of the network. In a recent study, a team of researchers from Aalborg University (Denmark), MIT and Caltech have built an implementation of just such a protocol, displaying some impressive speed gains. In a demo, a four minute-long mobile video was downloaded five times faster than with the state of the art technology, and was then streamed without interruptions. "In experiments with our network coding of Internet traffic, equipment manufacturers experienced speeds that are five to 10 times faster than usual. And this technology can be used in satellite communication, mobile communication and regular internet communication from computers," says Prof. Frank Fitzek, who led the study. Continuare articol + poze aici
  7. It feels a bit ironic to be discussing, in 2014, if C++ is a viable, or more importantly, a great choice for multi-device, multi-platform app development. It’s ironic in the sense that despite the attention Objective-C, Java, and C# get for app development, most of the software we use on a daily basis is written in C/C++ and after all these years represents the largest community of developers. There are many reasons to use C++ for your current and future app development and I will discuss five key reasons after a brief history. A Brief History of C++ Bjarne Stroustrup, at Bell Labs designed C++ in the early 80s, as an object oriented language based on the C language, which powered pretty much all systems software since its creation in 1972. The need for an object-oriented language, at Bell Labs, was clear -- large systems software needed language facilities for better organized and architected apps as capacity and performance requirement increased. C++ was quickly adopted for all types of development and in particular in the telecommunication industry given its heritage from Bell Labs and is still widely used today to power the switching systems and operating systems that enable this widely connected world we live in today. C++ became an international ANSI/ISO standard in 1988 and has been update by the standards committee several times over the years, most notably with a major update in 2011 the publication of the C++11 standard, which focused on improving the usability of the more complicated aspects of the language. And, in my opinion, it succeeded. Despite the popularity of Java, C#, and Objective-C, C++ remains the most widely used language in the world. A recent report from Evans Data Corporation, that closely tracks worldwide language usage, found that over 11 million professional developers know and use C++ regularly. There was a reason Java and C# borrowed their syntax heavily from C++, there are a lot of developers who know the language. This means finding (or training) resources for C++ will not a problem. It also means there is plenty of C/C++ support for any functionality you may need to integrate into an existing application. Continuare articol aici
  8. Din pacate, cel mai probabil, ceea ce cauta ei este sa gaseasca "sclavi"(literalmente). Dupa cum a postat cineva aici, ei promit, si chiar platesc toate actele necesare drumului, dar in momentul in care ajungi acolo, este amenintat, batut, ti se iau toate actele, inchis undeva, si pus sa lucrezi dumnezeu stie pe unde, cel mai probabil fara sa primesti un ban. Este un lucru trist, dar chestii din astea se intampla foarte des. Ca o regula de aur, "Daca e prea bun ca sa fie adevarat, probabil nu este". Sfatul meu, daca ai de gand sa faci asa ceva este urmatorul. Lasa vorba la cunostinte/prieteni/rude din tara, si daca nu dai nici un semn de viata in maxim 2-3 zile de la plecare, sa anunte la ambasata/politie, le lasi toate datele pe care le-ai primit, adrese, mail-uri, tot. De asemenea daca poti ascunde pe undeva un smartphone cu gps ar fi si mai bine, preferabil sa il ti inchis cu bateria scoasa in perioada in care ajungeti acolo si faceti actele si toate cele. De asemenea te rog tine cont, tu ai venit sa ne intrebi ce parere avem, iar multi dintre noi au vazut riscul foarte mare ca aceasta sa fie o teapa. In principal, daca se cauta joburi pentru Canada, se cauta prin alte cai, sunt programe speciale pentru asta, nu printr-un site de vanzari. Parerea mea. Sper sa ai noroc si sa auzim cu bine de la tine din Canada.
  9. Nu cred ca o sa te ajute cineva de aici cu ce vrei tu, totusi o sa incerc sa iti dau cateva sfaturi si sa iti si raspund la "raspunsul" dat lui wtf. Dupa cum ti-au spus cei de mai sus, primul lucru, si cel mai important este sa iti gasesti un job. Daca esti din bucuresti, este imposibil sa nu gasesti un job de 8-900 ron/luna. Hiper/super marketurile angajeaza non stop. In al 2-lea rand, un sfat pe care toti ar trebui sa il luam este sa economisesti/pui deoparte 10% din tot ce castigi, intotdeauna. Castigi 800 ron(bani in mana), pui 100 ron deoparte, si asa in timp iti faci bani sa faci ce vrei. In al 3-lea rand, spui ca nu e vina ta ci a cumparatorului. Permite-mi sa te intreb lucrur urmator, cu ce te deosebesti tu de o persoana care vinde unui copil suparat o ciocolata in care este injectat mercur? In general, cei ce cumpara droguri, o fac pentru ca au nevoie de o metoda de a se relaxa, scapa de problemele pe care le au, de stresul care apasa pe ei, iar in loc sa lupte cu situatia/conditia in care sunt(poate pur si simplu nu pot pentru ca situatia nu a fost creata de ei), se refugiaza in acest viciu si se desfata cu aceasta "placere" asemeni unui copil suparat care incearca sa se inveseleasca mancand o ciocolata. Nici unul din ei nu cunoaste efectele negative dezastruase ale actiunii lui, si chiar de le cunoaste, nevoia imediata este cu mult mai importanta decat nevoia viitoare.(vezi si clipul despre auto-control si nevoia imediat vs nevoia viitoare).Sincer, sper sa iti revii, dar ca sa o faci, va trebui sa muncesti pentru tine insuti, si sa tragi foarte mult de tine. Succes.
  10. Salut, si bine ai venit. In primul rand iti sugerez sa vizitezi regulamentele forumului si subforumurilor. In al 2-lea rand, trebuie sa faci o diferenta intre niste chestii. Un limbaj de programare, este o unealta cu care poti creea, aproape orice fel de aplicatie, incepand cu un simplu program ce iti afiseaza niste text, pana la un intreg sistem de operare. Nu exista un limbaj de programare al "hack-urilor". Hacking-ul inseamna sa iei, sa desfaci(unde se poate) ceva(in cazul nostru program/aplicatie/pagina web), si sa intelegi cum functioneaza, dupa care sa o faci/pacalesti/modifici in asa fel incat sa faca altceva decat a fost initial creata. Flood-ul nu inseamna hack. Flood-ul nu este ceva ce un hacker v-a face. Sa scanezi dupa diverse lucruri(root-uri, smtp-uri, nologine), nu inseamna hack. Daca exista un termen pentru asa ceva acesta ar fi crack. Daca ceea ce vrei sa inveti, este programare, sa poti sa faci variate aplicatii pentru tine si pentru altii, pentru a iti/le usura munca, daca ai venit pentru a invata cum sa iti securizezi paginile web, cum sa iti securizezi aplicatiile pe care le faci, cum sa te protejezi de diferite pericole ce pandesc pe internet, sa inveti cum sa ai o anumita intimitate pe net, sa inveti ce inseamna administrarea unui server, sau a unei retele atunci ai venit unde trebuie. Daca ai venit ca sa inveti cum se floodeaza(descarca un program, executa 2 comenzi si astepti), scanezi pentru roots/smtp/nologine/sip-uri(descarci alt program, executi o comanda in el, si astepti), sa inveti cum sa scanezi dupa vulnerabilitati in pagini web(site-uri) cu diferite programe(sqlmap, acunetix), cum sa spargi parola la wifi lui vecinu sa iei si tu wireless gratuit de la el, atunci nu prea e de tine aici. Vei gasi mai multe tutoriale despre toate temele astea pe forum, dar desi tutorialele respective te vor invata sa folosesti programele alea, nu vei invata nimic util, pentru ca vei invata sa folosesti o unealta fara a intelege cum functioneaza, iar asta mai devreme sau mai tarziu iti va aduce probleme. ps: se scrie "de aceea". Bine ai venit, sedere placuta si sper sa faci alegerea potrivita.
  11. Daca tot ce va intereseaza este sa nu se stie ce discutati, folositi chat-ul facut de mine(il gasiti in semnatura). Daca va intereseaza sa nu existe urme ca discutati, atunci ...e mai greu de facut, insa in momentul asta probabil ce-a mai buna si sigura metoda ar fi jabber, cu server hostat de voi undeva, si setat serverul sa tina loguri + tor, dupa cum au spus cativa mai sus.
  12. Ce ar fi sa faceti un pic de research inainte sa aruncati cu vorbe. Acel soft instaleaza un "PUP"(potential unwanted program). Apartine de compania OpenCandy, care se ocupa cu reclame. asta spun pe pagina lor principala. Este clasificat ca PUP pentru ca este un adwere. Da este oarecup periculos pentru ca e posibil sa inregistreze ce site-uri vizitezi si s-ar putea sa iti afiseze ceva reclame in plus. Mai mult de atat insa nu are nimic.
  13. Pentru streaming, ai nevoie in principal de mult ram si de un procesor puternic, foarte puternic. Ai nevoie de minim un i5 sau echivalentul de la Amd. In termeni de placi video de la gtx 650 in sus este de asemenea recomandat. De asemenea sunt multi care folosesc unelte speciale pentru inregistrare ceva de genul astora de aici sau aici
  14. Nimic nu e intamplator
  15. Damn you Usr6, m-am blocat iar la nivelul 3. (Aici am ramas si la celalalt challenge ....)
  16. 1: 16777217.0 si 16777218.0 2: 4(marimea unui pointer) 3: 3( | are precedenta in fata lui +) 4: Nu va compila, undefined reference to http, expected "something" before :, expected ; before printf 5: 31337 Le. Dupa ce am verificat am gresit 2, intrebarea numarul 2 si numarul 4. Ca tot intreba cineva mai sus, explicatia pentru 4 este "goto and labels", cautati-l si o sa intelegeti
  17. Iti sugerez sa arunci un ochi pe la regulament. Sedere placuta.
  18. Aveti grija cand folositi ComboFix, acest soft pe langa ca va scana dupa anomalii in multe locuri pe care malware-urile le folosesc, acesta va reseta cam 90% din setarile sistemului vostru de operare. Asa ca daca aveti vreo setare mai iesita din comun, aceasta v-a disparea.
  19. @-Immortal- logic ar fi ca daca e cineva care are o astfel de mentalitate cat sa iti dea -rep, acel om sa aiba rep 0, deci poate da -rep sau +rep, ca nu afecteaza in nici un fel.
  20. "Today there's no legislation regarding how much intelligence a machine can have, how interconnected it can be. If that continues, look at the exponential trend. We will reach the singularity in the timeframe most experts predict. From that point on you're going to see that the top species will no longer be humans, but machines." These are the words of Louis Del Monte, physicist, entrepreneur, and author of "The Artificial Intelligence Revolution." Del Monte spoke to us over the phone about his thoughts surrounding artificial intelligence and the singularity, an indeterminate point in the future when machine intelligence will outmatch not only your own intelligence, but the world's combined human intelligence too. The average estimate for when this will happen is 2040, though Del Monte says it might be as late as 2045. Either way, it's a timeframe of within three decades. "It won't be the 'Terminator' scenario, not a war," said Del Monte. "In the early part of the post-singularity world, one scenario is that the machines will seek to turn humans into cyborgs. This is nearly happening now, replacing faulty limbs with artificial parts. We'll see the machines as a useful tool. Productivity in business based on automation will be increased dramatically in various countries. In China it doubled, just based on GDP per employee due to use of machines." "By the end of this century," he continued, "most of the human race will have become cyborgs [part human, part tech or machine]. The allure will be immortality. Machines will make breakthroughs in medical technology, most of the human race will have more leisure time, and we'll think we've never had it better. The concern I'm raising is that the machines will view us as an unpredictable and dangerous species." Del Monte believes machines will become self-conscious and have the capabilities to protect themselves. They "might view us the same way we view harmful insects." Humans are a species that "is unstable, creates wars, has weapons to wipe out the world twice over, and makes computer viruses." Hardly an appealing roommate. He wrote the book as "a warning." Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more capable, and we're adopting it as quickly as it appears. A pacemaker operation is "quite routine," he said, but "it uses sensors and AI to regulate your heart." A 2009 experiment showed that robots can develop the ability to lie to each other. Run at the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems in the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale of Lausanne, Switzerland, the experiment had robots designed to cooperate in finding beneficial resources like energy and avoiding the hazardous ones. Shockingly, the robots learned to lie to each other in an attempt to hoard the beneficial resources for themselves. "The implication is that they're also learning self-preservation," Del Monte told us. "Whether or not they're conscious is a moot point." Sursa: click.
  21. I was watching an interesting conference video by Trisha Gee at the Goto Conference where she was giving lots of career advice, and one bit really struck a chord with me as it essentially outlined my philosophy on my career progression. What Trisha talked about was not limiting your career by being type cast into one particular area or discipline, and she gave examples where she switched from web development and went into server side development across multiple business domains, and this is exactly what I have done. I did this because I believe it opens your eyes to different ways of thinking, new technologies, and working with different types of people. My career has gone from Junior Developer Roles, to Developer, then Senior Developer, Lead Developer and then a departmental Development Manager, but I have done this via 3 different business domains. These are Computer Games and Games Middleware Tools, Financial Institutions both online and retail, and then (where I am now) into Pharmacy and Healthcare for a large Retail and Distribution operation. By working across all these different business domains and effectively switching gears multiple times it has allowed be to diversify my skills yet pick up new specialisms over a 16 year period. This includes working in C and C++ and then moving on to C# where I have worked on multiple projects doing WinForms desktop applications, ASP.NET websites, ASMX and MVC back end web services, and be in-charge of designing different high availability deployment architectures. As I progressed through the programming ranks I have picked up invaluable people and soft skills as-well as technical skills As I have developed, I have really enjoyed working with and mentoring developers to pass on skills and help with their career progression. The key to this story is not to box yourself into a corner with your career and, like with one of the key tenets of Agile Development, Embrace Change, by switching gears every now and again. If you feel like you are getting stuck in a rutt with what you are currently doing, learn a new technology, run a pet project or open source project until you can show good competence in your new technology. Then change jobs, possibly into a new business sector. It can be quite scary doing this, but ultimately it is very rewarding and it gives you a very well rounded and broad CV which is very appealing to future employers as it shows you are prepared to take chances as-well as invest in yourself. Perhaps it is time to look at where you are in your career, see if you are happy, and potentially start planning for the next chapter in your life. Sursa aici
  22. Cautand pe net diverse lucruri am dat peste aceasta scurta serie de 5 clipuri, prezentate de un profesor de psihologie de la Universitatea Standford. Cum stiu ca o parte din cei de pe forum au dat anul acesta bacul/capacitatea, si o buna parte din ei sunt la facultate/liceu, am zis ca ar fi o idee buna sa adaug aici cele 5 clipuri, si poate si ceva in plus, daca mai gasesc pe parcurs. De asemenea, daca aveti/gasiti si voi informatii pe aceasta tema, informatii care, spre exemplu, pe voi v-au ajutat sa invatati mai bine, sunteti bineveniti sa le postati. Cu cat mai multe informatii corecte si concrete, cu atat mai mult o sa avem toti de castigat. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .Si ca un added bonus, pentru a va impulsiona sa incercati sa aplicati si respectati indicatiile de mai sus, un clip in care ne este prezentat timpul in care o persoana, devine capabila sa utilizeze la un nivel decent, o indemanare. acest clip. Sper sa va ajute. Nu uitati, daca aveti si voi informatii pertinente pe acest subiect, va invit sa le postati. Va rog insa, evitati sa faceti offtopic.
  23. JIHAD, ai butonul de edit, nu e nevoie sa faci dublu post. In general, este recomandat sa termini liniile cu \r\n, pentru ca daca trimiti doar \n e posibil sa nu ti-l recunoasca, dar daca trimiti \r\n ti-l va recunoaste orice sistem. In plus, nu vad unde este problema ca se adauga sau nu un \r\n. Elohim a adus o adaugare si atat. Nu este cazul sa te superi. Tutorialul tau este foarte interesant si binevenit, insa oricine mai are de invatat, si, dupa parerea mea, ar trebui sa fi bucuros intotdeauna cand cineva te corecteaza sau aduce adaugiri la lucrarea ta. Inseamna ca cineva a fost citit indeajuns de bine, si a fost indeajuns de atent la citirea lucrari tale, incat a observat ceva care la prima vedere ar parea asa minor. Bravo inca o data pentru tutorial, dar chill.
  24. in cazul asta, cel mai bine ar fi sa scoti pur si simplu butonul de close. aici ai un exemplu despre cum sa faci asta.(presupun ca este in vb.net aplicatia). Daca este in c#: const int CS_NOCLOSE = 0x200; protected override CreateParams CreateParams { get { CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams; cp.ClassStyle |= CS_NOCLOSE; return cp; } } Raspuns luat de aici
  25. Baieti, voi cititi inainte sa postati? Amandoi ati facut aceeasi greseala .
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