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Everything posted by bubu2005

  1. bine ai venit!
  2. bine ai venit supa_la_plic
  3. bubu2005

    Posturi duble

    Folosesc Pale Moon ..........mi se pare mai rapid ca Mozilla
  4. bubu2005


    logheaza te aici Entra
  5. Are Bogdan talent...........merita vazut
  6. serios vb?
  7. nu am avut timp dar daca sare antivirusu inainte sa il descarc ........
  8. troian..................
  9. treaba voastra si eu lam gasit pe un forum ...........si nu mi a detectat nod nimic....nu e facut de mine
  10. Well among the many things that I'm half and I have had a new version of the Tribal Crypter. My Tribal calo Crypter seems fairly among the people because he was quemadisimo so I had a lot of work by reprogramming to add new features and modearlo. I modeado based on source and Hexing this time. Avira wanted to leave him alone with at least but I will not be problems as the Evil so I leave it running smoothly and not too detected and I'm tired of the the program it and get off so fucking av. So I leave so many stubs and I'm tired if any moderator wants to leave fud would be a pleasure. The avira is hard to crack but the F-Prot if you can touch it gently under Hexing away I do not want to spend more time with this. All stubs are the detection rate. Greetings I hope you enjoy Brothaz - Random Key Encryption - Functional under x86 and x64 in all OS XP / Vista / Seven - EOF Data - Anti-Debugger: VirtualPC, VirtualBox, VMWare, JoeBox, DWSandbox, Sandboxie, Anubis, ThreatExpert - Icon Changer - Realign PE Header - 9 Encryption Algorithm: - RC4 - Gost - Blowfish - AES Rijndael - Twofish - DES - Skipjack - TEA - XOR File Info Report date: 2010-12-13 23:57:28 (GMT 1) File name: rc4-dll File size: 53248 bytes MD5 Hash: 14c28b477f5a1419e83a9f2ae1c40838 SHA1 Hash: e7626470ef11cecc0fa0b38d1d2f40f77dff43da Detection rate: 2 on 16 (13%) Status: INFECTED Detections a-squared - Avast - AVG - Avira AntiVir - TR/Dropper.Gen BitDefender - ClamAV - Comodo - Dr.Web - F-PROT6 - W32/VBTrojan.20A!Maximus Ikarus T3 - Kaspersky - NOD32 - Panda - TrendMicro - VBA32 - VirusBuster - Scan report generated by NoVirusThanks.org Bifrost - Working BlackShades - Working Istealer 6.3 - Working Cybergate - Working Spy-Net - Working Cerberus - Working BlackShades Net - Working Poisson Ivy - Working DarkComet 2.0,2.1,2.2 - Working [Windows XP 32 Bit-Working Windows XP 64 Bit-Working Windows Vista 32 Bit-Working Windows Vista 64 Bit-Working Windows 7 32 Bit Working Windows 7 64 Bit Working Scan: http://vscan.novirusthanks.org/file/14c2...0LWRsbA==/ download: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
  11. ma pula Taci odata cu ideile tale ? de rahat fu tactu cd te-a conceput
  12. bine zis demisec........copilasi .........
  13. bun venit...............
  14. cam naspa bre...........
  15. http://rstcenter.com/forum/17138-tutorial-keyloger.rst
  16. bine ai venit
  17. La multi ani ............
  18. Care stiti de unde as putea cumpara online o placa-de-baza-ASROCK-K8NF6G-VSTA-K8NF6G-VSTA............am cautat pe google si toate stocurile sunt epuizate
  19. bubu2005


    salut si bine ai venit.......
  20. e bun prg la mine a mers..........
  21. trebuie sa trimita otv ul echipa si se rezolva
  22. ieri am vut sa intru in gmail si imi spunea ca utilizator sau parola greste........am cerut resatarea parolei si a mers .
  23. vreau si eu cont/invitatie . ms anticipat.
  24. Ne areti si sursa?
  25. bubu2005


    bine ai venit darue
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