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Everything posted by ripoff

  1. ce face lumea pentru traffic : ) )) )
  2. FAKE doar html entire users db...unde vezi??
  3. Orice e posibil frate...Teoria lui Darwin ar trebui sa inlocuiasca biblia!!! Dupa parerea mea religiile(toate)sunt un fel de social engineering dus la extrem
  4. Poate sa ma injure toata lumea dar eu sunt de acod cu Corut!Adica de ce ar trebui sa se interpuna cineva intre OM si DUMNEZEU..cu ce drept (pentru ca face teologia?)si cea mai mare aberatie pe acare am auzit-o:sa dai bani la preoti ca sa te ajute Dumnezeu ..wtf?!
  5. ripoff

    Salut !

    SALUT De ce oare m-ai copiat..http://rstcenter.com/forum/27312-sa-ma-prezint-myself.rst wtf(!?)
  6. Parerea mea este ca..ar trebui eutanasiati!!
  7. In Grecia antica puteam fi ucis daca aduceam vesti ca astea :S (noroc ca am evoluat) P.s astia cu codexu` nu`or avea si ei un site sa-i rupem gura!?
  8. ripoff

    hai sa radem ;/

    faza asta e buna cand vrei sa dea careva click pe un link!!!
  9. ripoff

    De ce!?

    When using xHTML, the first line in your document should look like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> This is to tell the browser what type of encoding to use when translating your pages into something that’s readable by humans and speech synthesizers. <!DOCTYPE> No, I’m not yelling at you by typing that in ALL CAPS. That is actually how it looks in the tag. The doctype specifies what type of document you are creating, and there are three different doctypes in xHTML… xHTML 1.0 Strict <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> If you look at the source code for practice1.htm, you’ll see that “strict” is what we’ve been using in the practice exercises. This is because I believe in learning things right the first time, without picking up bad habits along the way. This is also why I chose to teach xHTML while leaving HTML alone, because HTML is too lenient and allows people to pick up a lot of bad habits, which would only make it harder for you to make the switch to xHTML, once old-school HTML gets phased out completely. If you find it too difficult to work with xHTML “strict,” you may decide to use… xHTML 1.0 Transitional <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> The “transitional” doctype is more lenient because it allows you to use some of the more deprecated (outdated) HTML, while still having the control that xHTML gives you. Personally, I prefer “strict” when I’ll be writing all of the code for a page myself, but “transitional” can be useful when multiple people with less coding experience will be adding content to the site. xHTML 1.0 Frameset <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd"> I feel I would be negligent to omit this one, although I strongly recommend that you never use a frameset. They are horrible for search engines and horrible for accessibility, and there is never a need to use one. If you feel that a frameset is handy for adding navigation that will be the same on every page, you can do the same thing with “server-side includes.” With includes, you can update the content in one file, and it will be a part of every page where the include was inserted. I will explain how to use server-side includes in a future tutorial. For now, let’s continue with the anatomy of a web page. <html> This starts the actual document, as the xml and doctype declarations aren’t actually part of the document, but rather, they define the encoding on the page and what type of document it is. The <html> tag should include the xmlns attribute, which stands for “xml namespace”. It’s also good to include what direction (dir) the text is flowing, ltr meaning “left to right” and rtl meaning “right to left”, the latter of which is used for languages such as Hebrew or Arabic. Finally, the lang attribute will help browsers display text better, especially if it’s something other than English. A typical <html> tag that you can copy and paste into any xHTML web page that will be written in English: <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="ltr" lang="en-US"> Other “lang” values you can use are: en-GB en-AU es (Spanish) fr (French) it (Italian) pt (Portuguese) de (German) ru (Russian) ar (Arabic) zh (Chinese (Mandarin)) he (Hebrew) ja (Japanese) ko (Korean) Why differentiate between “en-US”, “en-GB”, and “en-AU”? Because some aural screen readers will actually read in an American, British, or Australian accent, depending on which one you specify.(sursa ..some html manual)
  10. aici te-ai gasit sa pui tu stealer?!du-te pe softpedia .MoRi
  11. ripoff

    Fun stuff

    astea`s mai de pe la noi...
  12. nu stiu daca vorbsc prostii dar cred ca toate reactiile au avut loc in vid...
  13. ce bine ar fi sa se integreze ei in alta tara...de aia care cer ajutorare de incalzire sa-si incalzeasca palatul cu 140 de camere ce sa mai zic
  14. /[a-z0-9]+([_\\.-][a-z0-9]+)*@([a-z0-9]+([\.-][a-z0-9]+)*)+\\.[a-z]{2,}/i asta e mailul lui dar poti sa il schimbi cu al tau
  15. e de cativa ani textul asta cu maimutele
  16. poate sunt de la paypal LE. nu,nu sunt
  17. porumbellu` si daca te uiti urat la el se sperie iti dai seama ca fuge ca dracu daca aude vreo bubuitura;)
  18. o placa de captura la pc si inregistrezi a/v. De copiat nu cred ca se poate in format digital asa cum vrei tu...
  19. Stiti voi, umbla vorba ca la revolutia din `89 ungurii si bulgarii au vrut sa rupa Romania (si ca revolutia a avut ca scop chiar acest lucru).A fost o incercare,cu siguranta vor urma si altele acum e mai greu totusi cu alianta NATO,eu nu cred ca in timpul vietii noastre vom mai avea ocazia sa ne luptam iar cu ungurii (poate generatiile viitoare cine stie ).
  20. ripoff

    Pack Hack

    reupload pe .ro pls pls
  21. cum ai facut plata prin sms?? http://forum.softpedia.com/index.php?showtopic=522780
  22. la universitate la fantani acolo aia se numea piraterie,cand nu aveam toti net acu` vreo 15 ani ..asa faceau bani frumosi pe vremea aia ,acuma ca pui un fisier la share tre` sa iti faci griji parca ai avea vre`un castig ilicit...
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