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Everything posted by culay

  1. culay


    Sincer amandoua sunt praf,dar prima e umpic mai buna! Idee *render*:
  2. Asa cred si eu,lasa ca doar n-or pune chiar trompete de astea!
  3. Oare a primit ignore de la nea Sarkozy?
  4. De acord,sunt multi prosti care is fac cont doar pentru a posta serveru de la stealer,si alte pisaturi,merita sai parlim!
  5. Ti-a fost spart blogul,sau ai luat ceva teapa?
  6. culay


    Lipsa de imaginatie,esti praf!
  7. Ai seedbox-uri,sau e ceva tracker numit seedbox?
  8. Plm,naspa rau faza! Imi pare rau si pentru femeia ucisa si pentru Shobby
  9. Dute impuscate!
  10. The reason we secure a wireless network is to stop people from using the services of our network who don't have permission to utilize them. It is harder to secure a wireless network from hackers as compared to a classic wired network. This is due to the fact that a wireless network can be accessed anywhere inside the range of its antenna. In order to secure a wireless network from hackers, we should take proper steps to save ourselves against security issues. If you don't secure a wireless network from hackers, you might end up without its service. The consequence might also include the utilization of our network to attack further networks. To secure a wireless network from hackers, you should follow these simple wireless networking tips: 1. Strategic antenna placement: The first thing you have to do is to position the access point's antenna in a place which restricts the range of its signal to go further than the required area. You should not put the antenna close to a window because glass can't obstruct its signals. Place it in a central location of the building. 2. Use WEP: WEP stands for Wireless encryption protocol. It's a customary technique for encrypting traffic on a wireless network. You should never skip it as that will allow hackers to get instant access to the traffic over a wireless network. 3. Change the SSID, disable the broadcast of SSID: SSID stands for service set identifier. It is the recognition thread utilized by the wireless access point due to which the customers are capable of starting connections. For every wireless access point arranged, select an exclusive as well as unique SSID. Also, if it's attainable, hold back the broadcast of the SSID out over the antenna. It won\t appear in the listing of offered networks, while being able to provide services as usual. 4. Disable DHCP: By doing this, the hackers will have to decode the TCP/IP parameters, subnet mask as well as the IP address in order to hack your wireless network. 5. Disable or modify SNMP settings: Change the private as well as public community settings of SNMP. You can also just disable it. Otherwise the hackers will be able to utilize SNMP to get significant info regarding your wireless network. 6. Utilize access lists: For additional security of your wireless network, and if your access point support this feature, employ an access list. An access list lets us determine precisely which machinery is permitted to attach to an access point. The access points which include the access list can employ trivial file transfer protocol (TFTP) now and then in order to download modernized lists to steer clear of hackers. Nu stiu da ca merge,nu am conexiune la internet prin Wireless Credits:sy3d
  11. De-a mi se rupe mie ca o tarfa cu un tigan sau ars!
  12. Ba sincer sa fiu nu mi-am pus intrebarea asta! Mersi,merge +1 rep
  13. culay

    Culmea prostiei

    Frate nu intereseaza numai da reply,asta inseamna ca dai reply doar pentru posts! Nu te intereseaza vezi despre ce e vorba,nu esti interesat dai frumos back!
  14. culay

    Culmea prostiei

    E Off-topic mai facem si noi misto! Raspuns la intrebarea ta:Da trebuia,cand ma duc la buda fac un blog!
  15. Buna treaba,ia sa facem o reclamatie dupa model!
  16. Hai ca incepe sa-mi placa Eminescu!
  17. Misto,mai fa mai fa!
  18. Asa ceva numa in 1990 mai vezi,remix-ul merge Trilulilu - Oust - ParaXzibit - Muzic? Hip-Hop e misto,am ascultato de vreo 2-3 ori!
  19. Nu am mai fost la sala asa sa stau cate 2-3 ore de vreo 4 ani!
  20. Uite aici ceva jocuri cu Mario Super Mario Online Games - Play Our Free Mario Games imi face placere sa ma joc pe jocurile astea,imi aduce aminte cand ma jucam pe tv si jocurile alea pe discheta! O intrebare:Stiti jocu ala pe tv+consola avea un pistol conectat pistolu la consola si trageai dupa ratele alea direct la tv,cum functia tinand cont ca tv-ul era simplu si merge la orce tv,m-am gandit la mai multe posibilitati vreau sa aud si parerea voastra!
  21. Eu unu nu vad nici-un motiv pentru care ar trebui sa va fie rusine sa credeti in Dumnezeu,dupa cum spune titlu "Credinciosi vs atei" era clar sa apara si atei si credinciosi!
  22. culay


    Altu care cunoaste calculatoru foarte bine,numa ca ala cunoastea windows-ul hai ca tu esti mai tare ca ala!
  23. culay

    Filme Gratis Noi

    Tu cu ce te ocupi? Sponsorul a cumparat domeniul tot el stie unde e hostat,wordpress e personalizat de o firma/programator ceva,da ca e fie arestat cineva el o sa fie,deci tu esti uploader?
  24. Dove=Luiza Coman Si una bonus
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