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Everything posted by culay

  1. Bine ai venit Rast,bafta cu serviciul!
  2. culay

    [Vand] Bannere

    1. Text:just-for-funn 2. Slogan:Black Guns 3. Culori:Portocaliu inchis,alb,albastru inchis,negru 4. Unde il veti folosi:Ca exemplu 5. Domeniu:Arme 6. Altceva:Fibra de carbon ca background 7.Dimensiune:900x200
  3. Vand bannere create de mine Pret:1€ bucata Cererile se fac sub forma: Text Slogan Culori Unde il veti folosi Domeniu (exemplu:muzica/masini/cartii/fotbal/bautura) Altceva Dimensiune
  4. Si mie la "Inferno Nuler" imi detecteaza ca si "cal troian" dar dea mi se rupe il folosesc demult. In general orice crack la un joc imi detecteaza ca si virus,dar nu e. In fine,descarca si foloseste software de mai sus doar cine vrea,eu nu oblig pe nimeni!
  5. Aici merge doar un emoticons.
  6. Scopul este simplu. Pentru a accesa site-ul blocat. 1) Deschideti browser-ul dumneavoastr?. 2) Du-te la Google Translate Si cam asta este,puteti edita ro|en etc,si puteti naviga pe site-urile blocate fara probleme.
  7. Mega DoS & DDoS Collection [GOLD] Difference between DoS & DDoS Okay- Here is a little rant that is probably going to turn into some basic information... I am getting sick and tired of people making this mistake- I suppose I could understand because the difference in names is so small; but the difference in meanings is huge as far as Data flooding goes, aDoS (Denial of Service) is NOT a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)...There IS a Difference, Let me Define both of them: DoS: a DoS Attack is a Denial of Service attack- it involves using one computer / Internet connection to flood a server with packets (TCP / UDP) - The Objective of this attack is to 'overload' the servers bandwidth / other resources, This will cause a Denial of Service to anyone else that tries to use the server for whatever reason (HTTP [Website]).etc - hence the name Denial of Service Attack. DDoS: Yes, There IS a difference- a DDoS Attack (or Distributed Denial of Service Attack) is pretty much the same as a DoS- but the difference in results is massive; as its name suggests the DDoS attack is executed using a distributed computing method often referred to as a 'botnet army', the creation process of which involves infecting computers with a form of malware that gives the botnet owner access to the computer somewhat- this cold be anything from simply using the computers connection to flood to total control of the computer - these attacks affect the victims computer -> server more than a regular DoS- because multiple connections are being used against ONE connection, Think of it like a fight, if there is a 1-on-1 fight; the chance of the good guy winning is far higher than if he was being beaten up by severalthousand tough-guys For dummies: Dos = One Computer DDos = Many More (DoS) Nukerz: Rocket v1.0 = http://users.otenet.gr/~dstefan/cgi-bin/RocketV1_0.zip Inferno Nuler = http://users.otenet.gr/~matisnfx/inf3rn0_nk.zip Nemesy = http://users.otenet.gr/~dstefan/cgi-bin/n3m3sy.zip IGMP Nuke = http://users.otenet.gr/~dstefan/cgi-bin/lgmp.zip Panther Mode 2 = http://users.otenet.gr/~dstefan/cgi-bin/panther2.zip (DoS) Flooders: Janidos Send = http://rapidshare.com/files/107095756/ja...g.rar.html DDoS 51.5 = http://rapidshare.com/files/37997459/DoS..._Final.rar LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon) = LOIC.zip ServerAttack = Download ServerAttack+Dos+Attack+(Private).zip for free on uploading.com Unknown = MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (DoS) Collection: http://rs84.rapidshare.com/files/40856215/DDOS.rar Net tools = MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service Pass: chemprojects.org (Do not add the http:// part to the password) (DDoS) Host booters/Tools: Black Energy DDOS bot = http://rapidshare.com/files/204652028/Bl...8.zip.html SuperNova v5 {VIP} = http://rapidshare.com/files/185628977/BR...nova_5.rar (DDoS) Collection: Click images for download XR Host Booter DDoSeR DaRK DDoSeR Darth DDoSer *Uses any port MeTuS Delphi 2.8 *Uses any port DDoSeR 3.0 Metus 2.0 GB Edition *Uses port 3176 BioZombie *Uses port 3174 XR (Older) *Uses on port 3070
  8. Poftim,script-ul il gasesti aici
  9. Vrei ca cineva sa ti-l scrie? Da ca nu,dute pe scriptmafia tre sa gasesti o clona ceva de la un site de genu!
  10. Nu dar omul face un serviciu membrilor noi,care nu stiu de scriptmafia/nulled2/etc Intrebare:Ce te deranjeaza pe tine acest topic?
  11. Mai ai si la alte jocuri?
  12. Ai ceva pentru Bugatti Veyron?
  13. @gorilosu:Pana la urma ai facut la cineva site pana acum?
  14. culay


    Bine ai venit
  15. @Yolanda:Bai Rambo,de ce nu te uiti peste fisa,sa vezi ce scrie acolo Vodafone/Orange/Bmw/Caruta Mai ales ca ai avut si mici neintelegeri cu angajatul!
  16. Interesant,pacat ca nu merge si pe 1100:))
  17. Nu merge link-ul asta!
  18. culay


    Bine ai venit!
  19. Bancu cu autostrada Romanii vor sa faca autostrada,apeleaza la Chinezi,Americani si Romani Chinezii cer pentru a construi autostrada 5k [$] Americanii cer pentru a construi autostrada 10k [$] Romanii cer pentru a construi autostrada 15k [$] Directorul catre Romanii:Voi de ce ati cerut 15k [$]? Romanii:Poi am gandit asa,5k[$] dam la Chinezii,5k[$] tinem noi,5k[$] iti iese tie
  20. Ramase 2
  21. @newfredy @j1c0:Tu esti mai smecher sau cum,da ca vrei logo/banner lasa cererea aici! Ramase 3
  22. culay


    Salut,bine ai venit omule!
  23. culay


    Salut,welcome here.
  24. Frumos,felicitari!
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