Mega DoS & DDoS Collection [GOLD] Difference between DoS & DDoS Okay- Here is a little rant that is probably going to turn into some basic information... I am getting sick and tired of people making this mistake- I suppose I could understand because the difference in names is so small; but the difference in meanings is huge as far as Data flooding goes, aDoS (Denial of Service) is NOT a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)...There IS a Difference, Let me Define both of them: DoS: a DoS Attack is a Denial of Service attack- it involves using one computer / Internet connection to flood a server with packets (TCP / UDP) - The Objective of this attack is to 'overload' the servers bandwidth / other resources, This will cause a Denial of Service to anyone else that tries to use the server for whatever reason (HTTP [Website]).etc - hence the name Denial of Service Attack. DDoS: Yes, There IS a difference- a DDoS Attack (or Distributed Denial of Service Attack) is pretty much the same as a DoS- but the difference in results is massive; as its name suggests the DDoS attack is executed using a distributed computing method often referred to as a 'botnet army', the creation process of which involves infecting computers with a form of malware that gives the botnet owner access to the computer somewhat- this cold be anything from simply using the computers connection to flood to total control of the computer - these attacks affect the victims computer -> server more than a regular DoS- because multiple connections are being used against ONE connection, Think of it like a fight, if there is a 1-on-1 fight; the chance of the good guy winning is far higher than if he was being beaten up by severalthousand tough-guys For dummies: Dos = One Computer DDos = Many More (DoS) Nukerz: Rocket v1.0 = Inferno Nuler = Nemesy = IGMP Nuke = Panther Mode 2 = (DoS) Flooders: Janidos Send = DDoS 51.5 = LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon) = ServerAttack = Download ServerAttack+Dos+Attack+(Private).zip for free on Unknown = MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (DoS) Collection: Net tools = MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service Pass: (Do not add the http:// part to the password) (DDoS) Host booters/Tools: Black Energy DDOS bot = SuperNova v5 {VIP} = (DDoS) Collection: Click images for download XR Host Booter DDoSeR DaRK DDoSeR Darth DDoSer *Uses any port MeTuS Delphi 2.8 *Uses any port DDoSeR 3.0 Metus 2.0 GB Edition *Uses port 3176 BioZombie *Uses port 3174 XR (Older) *Uses on port 3070