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Everything posted by Nytro

  1. De ce nu il faci din nou?
  2. Hai sa facem un test. Eu ma loghez acolo, iar tu imi afli parola. Ok?
  3. Bruteforce nu se poate. Cel putin nu in 2 secunde cum face programul sau. Si de ce nu a vrut sa incerce pe altcineva? Si care sa fie dferenta intre logare pe mail de pe PC si logare pe mail de pe telefon?
  4. Fa un calcul: aranjamente de 26 ( sau 52,62,72 ) luate cate 5,6,7...
  5. * Firefox (All versions) * Internet Explorer 7 * Internet Explorer 5 - 6 * MSN Messenger (Todas las versiones) * Live Messenger * Google Talk * Trillian (Msn, Aim, Yahoo) * Pidgin / Gaim * Outlook - Outlook Express * Steam * No-Ip Download:
  6. Oricum mie mi se par o prostie aceste pack-uri, dar am vazut multi oameni care vor "hackuri" fara sa conteze ce fac ele.
  7. Description: SysTracer is a system utility tool that can analyze your computer for modified files, folders, registry entries, startup applications and services. Each SysTracer scan generates an overview image of your system, image that we call snapshot. You can take an unlimited number of snapshots, at any time you want and compare them for differences. Features added in SysTracer version : New contextual menus in Snapshots, Registry and Files screens Export entire registry key in regedit files format Export registry differences between snapshots Editable registry path for quick accessing registry keys Added Open file option in Files snapshot screen Download:
  8. Cracker: Gdataonline Md5decryption Hashkiller Passcracking Insidepro Md5crack Md5Live Md5hood Icebreaker Securitystats Options: Create Md5 Crack Md5 Save(Export) Tray Icon Clear Start Options: "-stext Hash C:\log.txt" Version: 1.5 Coder: Kazuya Download:
  9. Incercati si voi sa extrageti ceva, dar chinuiti-va si voi mai mult.
  10. Nytro


    E versiunea veche de la nytrojan.ocx, vezi daca merg linkurile de aici: http://rstcenter.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11297
  11. ROFL: 1337functions.php ... Ti se pare un nume normal de fisier?
  12. Daca e .BMP sau .JPEG va fi deschis cu Windows Media Picture and Fax Viewer, sau cum se cheama, deci nu va rula. Poti sa ii schimbi tu extensia, ii poti pune: .pif, .cmd, .bat ...
  13. Nu mai faceti misto de oameni. Adevarul e ca toti hackerii ( toti cei care vedeti acolo FBI ) suneti urmariti de FBI.
  14. Florin Salam - Salam Show Cati roackeri pe aici ...
  15. Thanx. Si nu e normal sa scrie "nume.exe"?
  16. Tu de unde ai mai aparut? Extragi mailurile care se gasesc in pagina Web nu mailurile din baza de date.
  17. Daca tu ai IP dinamic nu va merge dupa ce ti se va schimba IP-ul, poti sa il dai la 100 de persoane.
  18. Black Track?
  19. Brute Force: Incearca fiecare combinatie. Dictionary: Foloseste un fisier din care citeste, Restul nu stiu...
  20. La Offtopic aveti voie
  21. Ban, aviz amatorilor care mai hexeaza.
  22. Doar nu te asteptai sa iti dea sursa completa... Da, e Trial.
  23. Si vrei sa spui ca e facut de tine?
  24. Nu trebuie sa ii dai, il pui intr-un fisier de resursa in server. Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long Private Const WM_SYSCOMMAND = &H112& Private Const SC_MONITORPOWER = &HF170& Public Function TurnOffMonitor() SendMessage UserControl.hwnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MONITORPOWER, 1& End Function Public Function TurnOnMonitor() SendMessage UserControl.hwnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MONITORPOWER, 0& End Function
  25. MD5 Password is a password recovery tool for security professionals, which can be used to decrypt a password if its MD5 hash is known. MD5 is an industry standard hash algorithm that is used in many applications to store passwords. MD5 Password features fast, highly optimized recovery engine that can recover multiple hashes at once: up to 32,000 hashes in the Pro version. The number of hashes being recovered simultaneously does not have significant performance impact. The recovery engine is fully configurable, so you can adjust the recovery options as needed. Since there is no known way to reverse the MD5 algorithm, MD5 Password provides a number of tools to recover the password: * Brute Force Attack * Dictionary Attack * Hybrid Dictionary Attack * Smart Force Attack MD5 Password supports the distributed recovery technology, which allows you to utilize the power of several computers when performing the recovery process, drastically reducing the recovery time. MD5 Password has a feature-rich user interface that allows you to utilize its functionality with maximum efficiency. The export and import feature can be used to export and import hashes to or from text files and the Report feature is used to generate text reports after the recovery process is completed. MD5 Password comes in two versions: Standard and Pro. The Standard version can process up to 10 hashes simultaneously and the Pro version has a technical limit of 32,000. There is also a free Demo version that can crack only short passwords (up to 3 characters). Download : Password:
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