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Everything posted by pr00f

  1. SOCKS in Python - requests are doar HTTP import socks import socket import requests socks.setdefaultproxy(socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5, "", 9050) socket.socket = socks.socksocket print requests.get("http://ip.luz.lu").text
  2. Schimbi serverele DNS cu ale tale, daca ai vreun BIND setat pe undeva. Sau ii schimbi numele retelei wireless. Sau il lasi in pace si ii spui ca-l poti ajuta sa-si configureze mai bine router-ul. Optional pus OpenWRT.
  3. am scris acum ceva timp asta pentru cineva /* * PhantomJS script to get the lowest price in a query from Steam Market. * Useful when making autobuy bots. */ var page = require('webpage').create(); var url = "http://steamcommunity.com/market/search?category_730_ItemSet[]=any&category_730_TournamentTeam[]=any&category_730_Weapon[]=any&appid=730&q=knife#p1_price_asc" page.open(url, function() { var lowest = /\$[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}/g.exec(page.content)[0], needed = 10; if (/[0-9]{2}/g.exec(lowest) < needed) { console.log(lowest + " < $" + needed); // make some alert system } else { console.log(lowest + " >= $" + needed); } phantom.exit(); });
  4. Evil Foca is a tool for security pentesters and auditors whose purpose it is to test security in IPv4 and IPv6 data networks. The tool is capable of carrying out various attacks such as: - MITM over IPv4 networks with ARP Spoofing and DHCP ACK Injection. - MITM on IPv6 networks with Neighbor Advertisement Spoofing, SLAAC attack, fake DHCPv6. - DoS (Denial of Service) on IPv4 networks with ARP Spoofing. - DoS (Denial of Service) on IPv6 networks with SLAAC DoS. - DNS Hijacking. The software automatically scans the networks and identifies all devices and their respective network interfaces, specifying their IPv4 and IPv6 addresses as well as the physical addresses through a convenient and intuitive interface. Source: https://github.com/ElevenPaths/EvilFOCA/
  5. Pupy is an opensource RAT (Remote Administration Tool) written in Python. Pupy uses reflective dll injection and leaves no traces on disk. Features: On windows, the Pupy payload is compiled as a reflective DLL and the whole python interpreter is loaded from memory. Pupy does not touch the disk Pupy can reflectively migrate into other processes Pupy can remotely import, from memory, pure python packages (.py, .pyc) and compiled python C extensions (.pyd). The imported python modules do not touch the disk. (.pyd mem import currently work on Windows only, .so memory import is not implemented). modules are quite simple to write and pupy is easily extensible. Pupy uses rpyc (https://github.com/tomerfiliba/rpyc) and a module can directly access python objects on the remote client we can also access remote objects interactively from the pupy shell and even auto completion of remote attributes works ! communication channel currently works as a ssl reverse connection, but a bind payload will be implemented in the future all the non interactive modules can be dispatched on multiple hosts in one command Multi-platform (tested on windows 7, windows xp, kali linux, ubuntu) modules can be executed as background jobs commands and scripts running on remote hosts are interruptible auto-completion and nice colored output commands aliases can be defined in the config Source: https://github.com/n1nj4sec/pupy
  6. alias rot13='tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M' unpack () { if [ -f "$1" ] ; then case "$1" in *.tar.bz2) tar xvjf "$1" ;; *.tar.gz) tar xvzf "$1" ;; *.bz2) bunzip2 "$1" ;; *.rar) rar x "$1" ;; *.gz) gunzip "$1" ;; *.tar) tar xvf "$1" ;; *.tbz2) tar xvjf "$1" ;; *.tgz) tar xvzf "$1" ;; *.zip) unzip "$1" ;; *.Z) uncompress "$1" ;; *.7z) 7z x "$1" ;; *.deb) ar vx "$1" ;; *) echo "don't know how to extract '"$1"'" ;; esac else echo "'$1' is not a valid file" fi }
  7. sudo apt-get install python-requests sau din pip sau cu package managerul folosit de tine, sau cauta ba pe internet
  8. pr00f


    """ md5pybrute ---------- plain retarded `bruteforcer' for md5 based on a dictionary ---------- Usage: BruteHash(hash, dictionary).start() """ import hashlib import threading class BruteHash(threading.Thread): """ theaded worker """ def __init__(self, uhash, filename): self.uhash = uhash self.filename = filename try: self.filehandler = open(self.filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") except FileNotFoundError: print("No such file, exiting.") exit(1) except IsADirectoryError: print("No directories, files only.") exit(1) else: self.lines = self.filehandler.readlines() threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): for line in self.lines: line = line.replace("\n", "").encode("utf-8") thash = hashlib.md5(line).hexdigest() if thash == self.uhash: print("Found a match!\n", line.decode()) exit()
  9. Cred ca asta e. Ori acoperiti link-ul, ori nu.
  10. Sirul de mai sus se poate descifra prin algoritmul Hoffman, un sir de inceput fiind asthdyysmurllimtgultpbkuurythcnwxtitwouldhelpdnilnnlyymparxzmstionwqtdlooupljloou ... fara optimizarea arborului. Se poate observa subsirul ``itwouldhelp'', precum si ``stion'' ce poate veni de la ``question'', ambele subsiruri facand parte din ``I thought it would help if I asked a simple question''. @Usr6 Initial comparasem lungimea sirului de mai sus cu cea a sirului descifrat, si imi lipseau 5 caractere, de unde problema mea. Nu m-am gandit sa incerc direct raspunsul oferit .
  11. Fdroid ca alternativa la Play Market, AdAway pentru adblock, Cerberus, ConnectBot pentru SSH, [DroidSheep, dSploit, Network Spoofer, Port Authority, zANTI] pentru diverse, Malwarebytes pentru efect, One to Remote Them All, Wifi Analyzer.
  12. Initializezi x ca fiind zero, apoi minimul (si maximul) ca fiind x, deci min (respectiv max) = 0. Orice numar pozitiv introdus este >=0, minimul ramanand 0. Protip, initializeaza minimul ca o valoare mare, iar maximul ca o valoare mica. Din cate observ, banuiesc ca asta vrei:
  13. Inafara de deploy-ul rapid (in Apache), nu are nici un avantaj. Orice se face in PHP se poate face si in Python/Perl/Ruby/C, de multe ori mult mai usor.
  14. PHP este degeaba, vezi PHP: a fractal of bad*design / fuzzy notepad C >= C++. Daca incluzi Java si Python, pune si Perl (error: write only language) si Ruby in discutie. Ontopic: Lisp.
  15. Ipotetic vorbind, se face scrape unui website romanesc, cu ceva vechime, de tip file host. Sa zicem ca se gasesc doua arhive (probabil mai multe?) cu numele ``<luna> <an>'', de marimi destul de marisoare, 280+ MB. Din curiozitate se descarca, iar in interiorul lor se gasesc poze facute la buletine romanesti, si ceva foi (contracte?). Dupa ingeniozitatea celui ce vede pozele, se realizeaza ca pozele ipotetice sunt facute de un angajat Orange, ce pune ceva antene pentru TV. In teorie, datele sunt publice? Se pot folosi? Se poate face ceva cu ele? ? Nu vreau, este o intrebare, sunt doar curios cum se poate folosi cineva de ele.
  16. This post does not require you to click the Likes button to read this content. http://a.pomf.se/usqyao.png """ tocmai.ro scraper Gets name, city, phone no. http://a.pomf.se/usqyao.png """ import re import json import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as b pages = 1 catURL = "http://www.tocmai.ro/anunturi/electronice-si-electrocasnice/" ajaxNum = "http://www.tocmai.ro/ajax_ad/call/%s/1/%s/" def getName(link): # Gets the name from the ad soup = b(requests.get(link).text) name = soup.find("a", attrs={"class": "name"}).text return name def getLoc(link): # Gets the city soup = b(requests.get(link).text) loc = soup.find("small", attrs={"itemprop": "itemLocalitate"}).text return loc def getPhoneNum(link, aID): # Gets the phone number soup = b(requests.get(link).text) try: pHash = re.search("Ad\.phone\.show.*'(.+)'", str(soup)).group(1) except AttributeError: return None else: resp = requests.get(ajaxNum % (aID, pHash)).text num = json.loads(resp).get("img") return num def main(): for pageNum in range(0, pages): print("Page %d\n" % (pageNum+1,)) page = requests.get(catURL + "incepedela-" + str(pageNum*20)) soup = b(page.text) links = soup.findAll("a", attrs={"class": "record_title"}) for item in links: url = item['href'] aID = re.search(".*-(\d+)\.html", url).group(1) print("%s" % aID) print("\tName: %s" % (getName(url),)) print("\tCity: %s" % (getLoc(url),)) if getPhoneNum(url, aID) != None: print("\tPhone: %s" % getPhoneNum(url, aID)) if __name__ == "__main__": main() OLX scraper: https://rstforums.com/forum/97868-olx-ro-scraper-nume-nr-telefon-adrese-yahoo-skype.rst
  17. Dupa cate vad, scriptul este scris in python 2.x, (print ""), incearca sa il rulezi cu binary-ul care trebuie, e posibil sa ai default python 3.x. Spre exemplu, in Arch: $ python Python 3.4.3 (default, Feb 26 2015, 23:01:07) [GCC 4.9.2 20150204 (prerelease)] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> Edit: s-a uitat o virgula in cod, sau ceva
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