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Everything posted by tuxiqul

  1. Nu stiu ce sa zic de germiania, dar eu zic ca nu vine nimeni dupa tine
  2. We have a million Steam keys to give away for Gun Monkeys, with Bundle Stars | PC Gamer
  3. le-am activat pe toate, cu exceptia Woodle Tree. Ms A mers si woodle tree
  4. Ms mult. Mare om ! +rep
  5. It is not new that Android apps are always on the target of Cyber Criminals, as you can find lots of updates on internet about the fake apps that contain malware, it is not possible to update you about every fake app, but this post is about the vulnerability, that allows a malicious app to interfere into your calls, like—do a phone call, send mmi or ussd codes or hangup an ongoing call. This vulnerability has been reported to Google by researchers from German security firm Curesec, and in the blog they claimed that the same vulnerability was reported to Google last year too. What is the BUG? Normally, an Android appdoes not have a permission to access your calls, or access call related systems, but according to the researchers, they able to abuse the BUG that allows them to do the following: Terminate a Call Dial an unwanted number Send USSD Code Things to Worry: Well, if it terminates a call, that it can be ok for you sometime, BUT as the vulnerability also call any number, so it means the malware can be call a premium number, that costs you more than a normal rates, and at last you findyour PhoneBill with a huge unwantednumbers list. The list of USSD/SS/MMI codes is long and there are several quite powerful ones like changing the flow of phone calls(forwarding), blocking your simcard, enable or disable caller anonymisation and so on, researchers write. Affected Versions: [TABLE=class: cvetable, width: 618] [TR] [TH]Version[/TH] [TH]SDK[/TH] [TH]Affected[/TH] [/TR] [TR] [TD]4.1.1[/TD] [TD]16[/TD] [TD]Vulnerable[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]4.1.2[/TD] [TD]16[/TD] [TD]Vulnerable[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]4.2.2[/TD] [TD]17[/TD] [TD]Vulnerable[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]4.3[/TD] [TD]18[/TD] [TD]Vulnerable[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]4.4.2[/TD] [TD]19[/TD] [TD]Vulnerable[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]4.4.3[/TD] [TD]19[/TD] [TD]Not Vulnerable[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]4.4.4[/TD] [TD]19[/TD] [TD]Not Vulnerable[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] My Device is Vulnerable? If you want to find out about the your Android status, that it is affected by this vulnerability or not, so the researchers team also provided a source code and a proof-of-concept demonstration app, but use at your own risk A full documentation by researchers about this vulnerability available here. Sursa: Vulnerability in Android Phones allows to hack phone calls
  6. Registered name: http://anthony ortolani License key: http://a4036b2761c9583fda Testat pe MAC OS
  7. Ms mult
  8. cum plm 0.76 ? Make me understand ... Edit: 1$ - 0.76euro. Got it. Edit2: I-am dat cu paypal ....
  9. Nu gasesc sa link-uiesc cu fb
  10. https://fuckav.ru/showthread.php?t=2470 Imi pare rau daca este repost, doar ca am vazut o multitudine de posturi din ce in ce mai encriptate . Google translate. N-am incercat decat cateva din ele. Sunt la munca si nu prea am timp. O sa incep sa le instalez intr-un virtual machine si o sa va zic care merg si de ce alte pachete au nevoie . Meanwhile VM/Sandbox HF
  11. rxbot [URL]http://files.udtools.net/Herramientas/Otras%20Herramientas/RxBot%20-%20901.zip[/URL]
  12. Daca-mi zici despre ce este vorba(nu despre proiect, despre cat 'sa nu prea tina cont de drepturile de autor'), poate pot ajuta . Ms
  13. tuxiqul


    Am gasit decat doua indicii. Al 3 lea este encriptat ?
  14. Putem sa donam si resurse in scopuri educationale ?
  15. site-u e picat
  16. Thanks
  17. Am Intego licentiat de 1 an. Merge ok, din pacate nu am gasit niciodata un virus :< . Chiar nu pot sa explic eficienta antivirusului. Firewall-ul este ok pt cei care abia adopta OS-Xul si vin dupa windows. Sincer, inca consider ca nu este nevoie de un antivirus daca ai grija de macu' tau .
  18. Depinde de cum este configurat cPanel-u. La mine are ban pt doua saptamani dupa 2 attempts. Plus ca majoritatea parolelor sunt generate random de cpanel, dar programul isi atinge scopul .
  19. Pot eu sa-ti fac eu o copie curata dupa "zapada leu" si "zapada leopard" daca te ajuta. Da-mi PM. P.S. Cred ca deja ai vericat lista asta Mac OS X Netbook Compatibility Chart
  20. Salut, am si eu un A2109 pe care vreau sa-l rootez. Nu am folosit android si folosesc OS X. Am citit pe undeva ca imi trebuie android-dev-tools, este adevarat ?
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