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Ideea e simpl?. A ie?it recent pe pia?? povestea c? marele companii (re?ele sociale/mail) d?deau pe platou datele c?tre NSA pentru a fi scanate automat. Ce s-a gandit un diliu sa faca? Un site in care la un moment fix de timp sa trimitem emailuri random catre persoane cu un text predefinit, sa le facem load alora. Link aici
P?i, ?sta nu mai e atât de prost ca s? îi g?sim mailul pe google. Chiar nu se poate face nimic mai mult ..
Asteptam si varianta lui. Nu se poate face mai mult decat ban pe forum. Nu mai faceti tranzactii cu useri noi.
******* T.I.N.K.O.D.E(Cum cauta faima) Hackerville part 1
em replied to 7jok3er5646's topic in Cosul de gunoi
Mi se pare absurd. Daca cineva ar reusi sa imi acceseze mie toate conturile ca sa faca show off i-as zice felicitari. Daca mi-ar face daune (in bani), atunci as incerca sa imi recuperez paguba prin judecati. -
******* T.I.N.K.O.D.E(Cum cauta faima) Hackerville part 1
em replied to 7jok3er5646's topic in Cosul de gunoi
O regul? uitat? spunea s? nu ne ardem între noi. Dar din moment ce se vede ca pozele sunt super vechi, se accept?. -
Microsoft could intercept Skype conversation, is it true?
em replied to Dragos's topic in Stiri securitate
Eu sunt convins ca ar putea dar oare chiar merita? Nu cred ca si-ar permite sa o faca fara mandat de la politie and so on .. -
Eu sunt programator cu ziua.
Bine c? îl avem pe TheTime s? ?in? cont de timp . Eu nu vin, o s? fiu în min? la ora aia.
The OWASP community includes corporations, educational organizations, and individuals from around the world. This community works to create freely-available articles, methodologies, documentation, tools, and technologies. Maine, 5 iunie, Bucuresti, Politehnica. Inregistrare aici Program. 02:30 pm (30 mins) Introduction & Welcome Ionel Chirita, Claudiu Constantinescu Introduction to OWASP 03:15 pm (45 mins) Penetration Testing - a way for improving our cyber security Adrian Furtun? The talk presents a comparison between two internal penetration tests made in consecutive years at the same client. We will see the successful attack scenarios and the techniques used to take control over the network. Furthermore, we will see how and why the security posture of the client improved as a result of the penetration tests. 04:15 pm (45 mins) Android reverse engineering: understanding third-party applications Vicente Aguilera It will present the objectives of the software reverse engineering and the techniques and tools to execute this process in Android applications. It will present, from a security analyst point of view and in a practical manner, the process of analyzing an existing application at Google Play Store. 05:15 pm (45 mins) The Trouble with Passwords Mark Goodwin Many developers still seem unsure of how to deal with passwords and password data. This presentation covers some common mistakes made when storing credentials and introduces some good ways of tackling them. 06:15 pm (45 mins) Hacking the ViewState in ASP.NET Ovidiu Diaconescu The view state is a necessary evil of ASP.NET Web Forms. Without having the proper protection mechanisms in place, it is trivial to exploit. This session will teach you how to take advantage of unsecured web applications and how to tighten-up your own 07:15 pm (45 mins) Do you "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ..." in MySQL/MariaDB/Percona Server? Gabriel Preda We discuss (at least) elementary security procedures for MySQL and it's forks. Dive through short information about MySQL forks, replication options and their security implications. Finally some notes on what changes about security when you scale MySQL.
Inca 24 de ore si dam premiul.
Logurile din eventvwr sunt super si destul de detaliate. Am vazut ca unii virusi isi preiau i formatii de acolo ccla sa le dea mai departe.
Cerinta: Sa se scrie cel mai mic program in format PE[1] care rezolva ecuatia de gradul 2. Pe scurt, un program cu sau fara GUI in care trebuie sa bagi cei trei parametrii "a", "b", "c". Afiseaza "x1 = ,x2 =" sau "nu are solutii reale". Exemplu ./plm.exe 1 2 -3 x1 = -3, x2 = 1. ./plm.exe 1 2 3 nu are solutii reale [1] - Portable Executable - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (pentru cei lenesi, un executabil) Premiu, orice joc pe steam sau domeniu. Descarcati solutiile altor participanti pe barba voastra.
Eu am incercat si se misca destul de bine dar nu mi-a placut atat de mult. Nu multe calculatoare sunt compatibile cu hackintosh. Verifica mai intai pe site-ul oficial.
Pe mine singurul lucru care ma deranjeaza e ca fosti membri sunt facuti de cacat. Am mai zis asta si cu alte ocazii ...
La e-gold am asteptat 8 luni sa imi dea banii dupa ce au fost jos
A Google security engineer has not only discovered a Windows zero-day flaw, but has also stated that Microsoft has a knack of treating outside researchers with great hostility. Tavis Ormandy, a Google security engineer, exposed the flaw on Full Disclosure, that could be used to crash PCs or gain additional access rights. The issue is less critical than other flaws as it's not a remotely exploitable one. Ormandy said on Full Disclosure, "I don't have much free time to work on silly Microsoft code, so I'm looking for ideas on how to fix the final obstacle for exploitation.". He's been working on it for months, and according to a later post, he has now a working exploit that "grants SYSTEM on all currently supported versions of Windows." "I have a working exploit that grants SYSTEM on all currently supported versions of Windows. Code is available on request to students from reputable schools," Ormandy adds. Sursa aici Bucata de text intre ghilimele am gasit-o aici in comentarii Banuiesc ca nu e fake dar nu avem sursa. Further reading http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2013/May/111 Si un cod demo care ar fi incomplet.
Salutare si bine ai venit printre noi in mod "oficial". E bine ca ai cont mai vechi, asta inseamna ca deja stii cum merg lucrurile.
Problema ta e ca nu ai pus numele la topic calumea. Ban 666 de ore.
Pe Windows 8 apare un mesaj jos daca vreau sa rulez sau nu scripturi activex.
Mi-a placut foarte mult solutia #14 (trimis banii cui trebuie, apoi restu de bani pe un cont secundar sau al unui prieten sa stii ca esti safe). Din pacate userul este banat deci nu. Am testat o parte din solutiile voastre (parea promitator ce a zis shaggi cu contul de guest dar o parte din keyloggere merg linistsite si acolo). Castigator, #18, Intr-adevar, text to speech nu este prins de niciunul din cele mai populare solutii de pe piata. FreddieTux, ai 3 zile in a recendica premiul. Closed. Castigator, FreddieTux.
Mi-am luat Kernel Panic instant ... Vad ca avem un salut comentat
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Trebuie s? am un pic de creier? Deci tu postezi o mizerie de link la care trebuie s? ne facem cont s? descarc?m? E?ti prost. Mai stai pe tu?? pu?in.
Dissecting a Malicious Word Document
em replied to Usr6's topic in Reverse engineering & exploit development
Are careva idee ce surse au oamenii ??tia? Cum de dac? caut acele dou? executabile pe google (dupa md5) nu gasesc nimic. Forumuri closed?