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Everything posted by bunicuta

  1. cine e indrogastit?pupi pupi
  2. alt caz de "psihologie sociala": un pusti luat in coma alcoolica,dupa ce l-au trezit,l-au legat si baiatu din socu in care era zbiera si se zbatea la ei sa-l lase liber,iar doctorul inregistrandu-l cu telefonu ii spunea razand ca-l pune pe youtube/comportament profesional...
  3. raspunsul e implementat in constiinta cu posibilitatea de don't give a fuck/dar all the drugs in the world don't save you for fuckin death/atunci aflii raspunsul dar sa nu fie too late
  4. vise placute
  5. FREE Samsung TV: Get a PID and and call them up saying its not working. Think of an excuse. Now they should say to send it back. Say you cant afford to or make another excuse. They should send you another TV. ya right
  6. ??????? ??????? ????? - YouTube
  7. pe symbian din 2008 deci e f posibil
  8. bunicuta

    Teapa banca?

    plus daca iti vei lua o nevasta:X dupa 10 ani de casnicie bunurile ei devin si ale tale deci si ale bancii=((>< deci ti-ai futut si viitori copii
  9. Fix for The selected file is not a valid ISO file. Please select a valid ISO file and try again : Open your iso file in poweriso(full version) Go to File File properties Check UDF Press ok Save your file Now use this tool!! (Windows 7 USB/DVD Tool) si merge orice vers bie
  10. nu rezisti cu temperatura de acum in munti,numai daca te refugiezi intr-o cabana(min 20lei/zi) si astepti studentele in weekend:D
  11. .onion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  12. din deep web:D https://wx7qk7n2jftuzxwq.tor2web.org/# If you need the job done in the EU, you must pay me in advance 5000 EUR in preparation for the job. If you need the job done outside the EU, you must pay me in advance 10 000 EUR in preparation for the job. *This money is required for me to purchase the weapon, vehicle of transport, ticket to the target's country, etc To eliminate: Ordinary person: 20 000 EUR Criminal or lower rank goverment official: 50 000 EUR High rank goverment official: 100 000 EUR Paparazzi: 50 000 EUR Journalist: 65 000 EUR Business Associate: ranging from 50 000 EUR to 200 000 EUR Spouse: price depending on the secondary aspects of person(job, social status etc) You are required to provide as much information about the target as possible. Necessary information includes: Name Picture (many if possible) Home address Work address How many family members live in the same household. (not a necessity, but good to know) Vehicle used for transport and registration of vehicle, along with any other identificating numbers After the money you pay me in advance, I will purchase whatever is necessary for the mission. After the necessary elements have been bought and accomplished, you will pay me the rest of the money to confirm the job, and then I will execute it. Keep in mind, the amount of time needed for such operation is crucial. The sooner you want a target eliminated, the sooner you should notify me. A two month headstart is perfect for me. If you expect me to do such job, I expect you to trust me. We are both anonymous, and a bond of trust is required for such jobs to be successful.
  13. chiar daca fiica-mea de 2 ani e familiara cu sgs2 sa vad ce doreste mai mult><
  14. apropo de apologetica, i-as invita si eu sa citeasca numai Sfantul Dionisie Areopagitul-Opere complete si sa spuna ca au inteles-o pe deplin
  15. bunicuta

    Efecte gif

    fuck that uite aici efecte gif Cinemagraph
  16. ult vers:D I-Doser V5 PREMIUMZ+Dose COLLECTION (152 doses)+I-Doser Guide (download torrent) - TPB
  17. parca o invatatoare de religie poate sa-ti "redea" adevarul absolut/si parca house cu sarcasmul lui caracteristic te-a "iluminat".copii cu gandire superficiala/need a near death fuckin' experience
  18. cand depasesti viteza luminii realizezi ca de fapt nu este timp nici viteza si toate se intampla beyond time and all it's a waste of time,pt ca esti un nimic care inca nu stie nimic
  19. uite-l
  20. ce te faci cand la inceput aveam pe torrenti 10mb/s platind 50 lei/luna(in oras aceeasi viteza cu 30lei) iar de cateva luni am trecut in evul mediu max 460KB/s si injurati la tel imi raspund cica asa era trecut in contract(aici au dreptate,dar unde a disparut viteza metropulitana),adica dupa ce si-au facut clientela aplica contractul.nu se poate face nimic(legal) avand in vedere ca sunt singurul provider din sat,nu pot sa-si impuna monopolul cum au chef.
  21. nu mai bine folosesti actualizat The Pirate Bay - The world's most resilient bittorrent site
  22. in ziua alegerilor, la principalul provider net din botsani, google.ro era redirectionat pe o pagina cu alege candidatul din nu's ce futut de partid,soo...
  23. in acelasi ton fuck off facebook!
  24. bunicuta

    old times

    pai si asta ar trebui pus la sticky:D ce freaky poo poo mai se practica la membri rst,sau povesti cu bagaboante:))
  25. bunicuta

    old times

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