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Everything posted by co4ie

  1. Mc Wubi ... stii pt ce ...
  2. co4ie

    Fun stuff

    True Story
  3. Deci .... ahahahahahahahahhaha ... this fucking shit deserves an Oscar )) ahahahahahahahahaha
  4. @shark0der: 1 Nu ai postat unde trebuie ... beleste ochii data viitoare ! 2 O vulnerabilitate nu exista fara POC ... asta se face la Showoff ... iar tu nu ai gasit absolut nimic !! 3 Cu un XSS nu te distrezi ... vulnerabilitatile nu sunt de distractie ! 4 Ar fi bine sa citesti regulile ca daca nu ... n-o sa ai viata lunga pe forum !
  5. mda... Felicitari !
  6. Mda... parola e problema... dar ii dau eu de cap !
  7. Our Motivation On the first day we bought our first android-based phone, we thought to ourself, "How nice it would be if we would be able to use the common 802.11 pwnage tools?" We quickly relized that the thing that is missing is monitor-mode support for the Wi-Fi Modules. For a long time we've waited for someone to take initiative and add support for monitor mode This year, in our summer Vacation, we decided that we are going to add it ourselves. Technical details You might ask yourself why monitor mode is so very common among Laptop's & USB Wifi modules, and why there is not even one implementation of monitor mode for android devices. The short answer is that most of the common smartphones use the same chipset made by broadcom, named bcm4329 or bcm4330, and broadcom never added the support for monitor mode. The reason that those chips are so common in smartphones is that they combine every short-distance communication needed for those devices, and more importantly - they offload most of the protocol overhead to a dedicated processor, and communicates with the linux device with simple ethernet packets. Project Overview During the last 3 weeks, we decided to take the mission of understanding how this device works. At first, we compiled the driver in debug mode, and noticed that the module strips the 802.11 headers in hw and sends only ethernet packets to the linux device. We concluded that in order to receive full 802.11 frames, a change to the device firmware is needed. So we started reverse engineering the firmware and after a few weeks we had a decent understanding of the packet receiving process. ** More details on the reversing process would be released soon Having this knowledge, it took us only a few more days to get a first working version of the monitor-mode-enabled firmware Current Status We currently have a patched firmware for the following chipsets: bcm4329 - Fully working monitor mode on our Nexus One bcm4330 - Fully working monitor mode on our Galaxy S II We havent tested it yet, but if you have a phone with one of those chipsets (and you most probably have one), it should also work on your phone. Further work Add packet injection support to the patched firmware Better implementation of the linux driver Create an APK bundle for "mass distribution" Instructions All the changes are volatile and should disappear after device reboot: Although, please note that this code is experimental and you use it at your own risk and we are not responsible nor liable for any damage or loss of data. Sometimes unexpected things might go wrong and you might end up with a device that is no longer functional. Be warned and please take the responsibility yourself--it is your own risk and no one else can be held responsible. Cyanogen 7 & Nexus one Download the zip: LINK Extract the zip on your device (your sdcard will do fine) Run 'sh setup.sh' on some terminal (adb ssh, terminal emulator, ...) Now you have a wifi interface named eth0 in monitor mode Now run 'iwconfig eth0' and check that you get a similar output: eth0 IEEE 802.11-DS ESSID:"" Nickname:"" Mode:Monitor Frequency:2.412 GHz Access Point: Not-Associated Bit Rate:72 Mb/s Tx-Power:32 dBm Retry min limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off Encryption key:off Power Managementmode:All packets received Link Quality=5/5 Signal level=0 dBm Noise level=-92 dBm Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0 Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0 Cyanogen 9 & GS2 (I9100) Download the zip: LINK Extract the zip on your device (your sdcard will do fine) Run 'sh setup.sh' on some terminal (adb ssh, terminal emulator, ...) Now you have a wifi interface named wlan0 in monitor mode Now run 'iwconfig wlan0' and check that you get an output similar to the one above Other phones Check out the source from LINK Build the KO for your device (cyanogen wiki should be helpful) If it works please tell us and send us the compiled version so we can list it here (if it doesn't work contact us) AirCrack binaries We bundled useful binary executables for arm: aircrack-ng suite tcpdump iwconfig FAQ I get "Can't find wireless tools, exiting." Solution: Make sure you have 'iwpriv' on your system, just add soft link from 'iwpriv' to 'iwconfig' (actually it is 'iwmulticall') available on: http://bcmon.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/bundles/utils.zip Unzip them and run: 'chmod a+x -R aircrack misc' Update: We added a statically linked version of aircrack-ng suite. Now you can have fun with commands like: 'airodump-ng -i eth0' Sursa Maine intru in teste pentru SGS 1 ...sa vedem ce iese:D
  8. @Wubi: Se poate mari putin numarul de moderatori sau sa fie 2-3 care sa se ocupe numai de acea categorie (la capitolul moderare)! eu totusi cred ca spam-ul si trolling-ul nu va disparea ci doar se va imparti in mai multe zone! Libertatea de exprimare pe forum si dorinta unora de a comenta in orice thread (mai ales ca nu patesc nimic daca o fac) duc la haos ... noi zicem ca e "controlat" dar nu e si dovada stau mii de thread-uri deschise aiurea si alte zeci de pagini pline cu reply-uri care tot ce fac e sa aglomereze baza de date! [am zis si continui sa sustin ideea ca pe un forum cu si despre securitate in domeniu IT&C nu are ce cauta un thread ca "Off-topic" (ce pula mea e "off topic" in it??)] Aplicarea sanctiunilor la sange (2*warn=ban permanent) e cel mai simplu mod de a tine sub control pustii cu exces de testosteron ... Eu as prefera sa fie cativa oameni cu care sa ai ce discuta si sa poti lega 2 fraze decat cateva mii cu servere de metin si booti pe irc ! Ca idee ... NoobZone e acceptabil ca nume..
  9. co4ie

    Fun stuff

  10. This Is The Way We Walk In ... Bucharest
  11. Poate invatati si voi ceva ...
  12. Probabil e o tasta blocata ...
  13. Aici De ASTA ai nevoie
  14. @HellScream: Mai da si tu ceva indicii ca se cearta lumea aici in thread aiurea ... @restul lumii: Ori postati rezolvarea ... ori va abtineti de la cometarii inutile !!
  15. co4ie

    Fun stuff

  16. @kNigHt Si tine cont ca pana acum cateva luni +70% din hardware-ul din orice device Apple era facut si livrat de Samsung ... de la touchscreen la ram procesor si camera foto !! Parerea mea e ca , cei care sunt militanti pentru Apple ori sunt prea ignoranti pentru a vedea adevarul ... ori sunt prea prosti ca sa`si dea seama ca sunt dusi de nas!! (poate mai exista si o mica parte 0.000001% care chiar stiu tot si chiar le place ce vad/au dar acestia tac)
  17. @ danger2u Chill ... ce faci tu pe IOS se face lejer si pe Android (absolut orice !!)!! Aici nu discuti de telefon ci de OS iar la capitolul asta IOS pierde grav mai ales ca aici (pe forum si in lumea reala) OpenSource bate tot timpul CosedSource (cu tot cu JailBreak)!! Nu stiu ce stiu tu in materie de optimizarea kernelului, linux & shit asa ca ma abtin de la alte comentarii !!
  18. Discutati discutii ... @inteleptul : "samsung are toti tarani" ... si limba matematica e grea tare ... Fara SJ Aplle in materie de telefoane o sa pice... marketingul a ridicat Apple, era facut de SJ si la capitolul asta a pierdut tot!! Samsung este o megacompanie... daca beliti ochii pe Bloomberg la actiuni si valoarea companiilor e clar ca Apple pierde ! Apple si IOS , in materie de viteza si conectivitate, siguranta datelor si functionalitate (de la pc la ipad) pierde lupta clar cu Windows si Android ! In materie de preturi ... in pula mea... trebuie sa fii cel putin cretin ca sa dai banii pe un telefon care nu face ~ nimic in plus fata de unul din generatiile anterioare si nici nu arata diferit! Samsung [si HTC (Chiar daca au furat nu stiu ce functionalitati de la Apple, lucru despre care mie personal mi se rupe pula grav !!)] raman si o sa ramana cele mai tari companii in materie de Smartphone-uri! Daca stai sa te gandesti cate modele se telefoane sub marca Samsung (HTC) sunt , pentru toate buzunarele, gusturile si nivelele de inteligenta e clar ca Apple a pierdut lupta (IPhone 3 modele ... Restul cine pula mea stie)!! 90% dintre cei care isi cumpara IPhone o fac doar pt ca isi permit sau pentru a se lauda/da mari si tari ... dar la capitolul "ce faci cu Smartphone-ul" ei folosesc IPhone-ul exact atat cat ar folosi si nokia 1100 (dar ... au IPhone in pula mea ... am vazut si ciobani cu IPhone... cautau oile prin GPS oare??) !! Samsung (si HTC in unele cazuri), incepand cu Galaxy S si terminand cu SIII au dar lectii la toata industria despre cum sa faci si sa vinzi un Smartphone user-friendly, extra-multifunctional, puternic si nu in ultimul rand accesibil pentru "toate" buzunarele !! Asa ca (exceptand faptul ca sunt un "fan" Samsung), ca o concluzie personala ... Apple & IOS cu toate tehnologiile si toate figurile care le au in cap ... Au supt si o sa suga pula in continuare !! Cat despre Brevete ... si 1 mld $ de plata ... Pocket Change pentru Samsung !! Copie nereusita? ahahahahahhahahaha
  19. The post exploitation command lists: Linux/Unix/BSD Post Exploitation: Windows Post Exploitation: OSX Post Exploitation: Obsucure Syststem's Post Exploitation: Metasploit Post Exploitation: Sursa Merci...
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