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Everything posted by co4ie

  1. da ..va merge ! nu trebuie sa stergi windows-ul ci poti instala kali in dual boot sau poti folosi liveusb si sa bootezi direct de pe stick sa iti faci treaba !
  2. ia vezi ... undeva in spate nu ai un buton de reset? da un reset si vezi ce se intampla ! daca setezi obtinerea ip-ului pe automat se schimba vreo setare? pune si tu output-ul la fiecare situatie !
  3. LINK e asa sau ai ip-urile bagate? bagle manual si vezi ce se intampla dar la gateway baga ...
  4. hmmm ...daca gasesti asa ceva nu uita sa ne anunti si pe noi ... din pacate nu stiu despre ce vorbesti !
  5. de ce? crezi ca daca se califica pt job nu poate gasi singur XSS-urile?
  6. deci .. ca sa explic ca la prosti ...: 1. orice adaptor wifi pe usb sau orice placa wifi de la laptop poate fi folosita pentru a sparge orice retea wifi CU CONDITIA SA SUPORTE INJECTIE DE PACHETE !!!! 2. nici un cacat de aparat NU SPARGE RETELE SIGUR deci daca esti prostul satului si nu stii sa folosesti consola de la linux sau daca nu stii sa-l intrebi pe gogu despre ce si cum se face lasa-te de meserie ! 3. L-Link LL-1002 este , la momentul actual, cel mai bun adaptor wifi de pe piata .. in Romania se gaseste la 300 RON in Spania la 25E+tva+transport (tot acolo ajungi) ^ este valabil pentru toata lumea ... @ntznz: ASTA + ASTA daca ai nevoie doar de semnal !! mai poti conecta antena mare la placa de retea din laptop dar asta inseamna sa desfaci capacul de fiecare data cand vrei sa conectezi antena (si exista riscul sa o si arzi) !
  7. fa ce a zis pir0manu... pentru wireless tot din router trebuie sa ii dai drumul ... verifica in sectiune LAN si seteaza de acolo ! foloseste wpa/wpa2 si nu uita sa verifici daca ai wps activat ..daca este activat dezactiveazal!
  8. pai ce ai? ip sau mac ??? cel mai probabil ai ip-ul...si langa mac-ul pt care a fost dat acel ip .. 1. verifica daca mac-ul de pe contract este acelasi cu cel de la placa ta de retea 1.a. daca e acelasi intra in setarile routerului si cloneaza mac-ul 1.b daca nu e acelasi in loc sa il clonezi il scrii pe cel de pe contract ! 2. seteaza ip-ul respectiv in router cu subnet mask 3. mai uitate o data pe contract si vezi daca nu scrie si gateway pe acolo (daca nu baga 192.168.x.x unde x=ip-ul routerului adica sau altul) 4. dns-urile de la google ... google for them:| The Google Public DNS IP addresses (IPv4) are as follows: The Google Public DNS IPv6 addresses are as follows: 2001:4860:4860::8888 2001:4860:4860::8844
  9. uitate pe contract ... ar trebui sa ai toate datele de conectare ! dns-urile le poti folosi pe cele de la google ..
  10. @bruttus merci de explicatii ... @karl ... daca nu raspunzi la intrebarile pe care le pun nu am cum sa te ajut ...
  11. @Karl ... daca nici nu raspunzi la intrebari ... nici nu citesti ceea ce ti se propune sa incerci ... daca nici nu stii diferenta intre un stick 3g si in adaptor wireless prin usb ... nici noi nu te putem ajuta ... @bruttus incerc de 3 luni sa imi cumpar un adaptorul ala ... din spania nu trimite in romania si oamenii mei de acolo zic ca nu il gasesc prin magazine (nu le au cu netul asa ca o comanda online iese din discutie) ...
  12. Karl ... tot nu ai spus daca incerci sa il faci sa mearga intr-o masina virtuala sau nu .. Daca nu incearca asta : Dear populus taringuero: This is my first post, and I consider it fundamental to who we are moving in Ubuntu and most of what we use to "audit" wifi networks ... The case is the following: in my Dell Inspiron 1420 with Intel wifi card to make it work is the simplest and smallest aircrack, no problem, but acquired an Acer Aspire One (netbook) and brought the "bandage" Broadcom BCM4313 and run the aircrack .. .. nothing. So I searched and found this info (for copy + paste, so I recognize) and boys, works! here goes: After purchasing my new netbook, a Compaq Mini CQ10-120LA, and install Ubuntu 10.04, I realized that despite recognizing the wireless card, this was not authorized, much less did scan. At least the search was quite short, and quickly gave the solution, as this I have decided to pass English to Spanish instructions and share, this mini-tutorial is useful for this broadcom chip regardless of the brand of your computer, it works chips for bcm4311, bcm4313, bcm4321 and BCM4322. Just follow the instructions to the letter and all will be well. 1 - Enter [url=http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php]802.11 Linux STA driver | Broadcom[/url] page, download the driver file as each case, 32 0 64 bits. 2-After downloading *, create a folder to copy the operation where the driver and will make, open a terminal. We create our driver folder # Sudo mkdir hybrid_wl Copy the driver to the folder you just created # Cp-hybrid-portsrc x86_64.tar.gz / hybrid_wl We entered the driver folder # Cd hybrid_wl Unzip the contents of this # Tar-xzf hybrid-portsrc x86_64.tar.gz (Here, in my case, I opened Nautilus and copy "by hand" in XD) 3. Now we make the driver the # Sudo make clean # Sudo make When the command is complete, it will produce a file called wl.ko. If no file is created reviews the steps and be sure you downloaded the correct driver. 4. Now to install the driver: First we must remove any other driver for broadcom devices that is installed in the system. We look to the next command that drivers are installed. # Lsmod | grep "b43 | ssb | wl" If we remove any with the following commands. # Rmmod b43 # Rmmod ssb # Rmmod wl Then put in the blacklist to prevent the load again future. # Echo "blacklist ssb" >> / etc / modprobe.d / blacklist.conf # Echo "blacklist b43" >> / etc / modprobe.d / blacklist.conf Then add the security module New systems lib80211 use but can also be the ieee80211_crypt_tkip To see what the our digitamos # Modprobe lib80211 or # Modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip The error is not ours Finally digitamos # Insmod wl.ko And with that we have activated our card BCM4312 can take a while to start working so you have to have patience. * The driver can download from linux windows if you do not have internet, put it in your user home folder and follow the instructions Traducerea e facuta cu google translate in engleza ca in romana e dezastru .. Postul oficial il gasesti Aici si e in spaniola ... poate te ajuta bruttus ...
  13. asta in windows? Daca incerci sa folosesti placa wifi dintr-o masina virtuala nu o sa reusesti ... masinile virtuale nu iti vad decat placile wifi conectate prin usb ca network adaptor pe cele incorporate nu poti sa le folosesti !! De aici reiese ca ai putea avea placa wifi ralink, intel sau atheros ... uitate pe fundul la latop ... pe unele scrie si modelul placii wireless ... daca nu uitate in windows ce drivere ai instalate sau foloseste aida ca sa vezi modelul placii !
  14. gresesti ... daca are o placa wifi mai noua este posibil sa nu aiba driverele necesare ... De exemplu eu am INTEL CENTRINO WIRELESS-N 2230 si backtrack 5 R3 x64 nu are driverul iwlwifi-2030 si trebuie instalate si driverele compat wireless ca sa functioneze injectia calumea si pana la instalarea acestora nu iti vede placa wifi !! @Karl zi marca si modelul laptopului si ce iti afiseaza dupa comanda : lspci
  15. nu grabi omul ... ce laptop ai ? ce linux e ala ?
  16. co4ie


    Recon-ng is a full-featured Web Reconnaisance framework written in Python. Complete with independent modules, database interaction, built in convenience functions, interactive help, and command completion, Recon-ng provides a powerful environment in which open source web-based reconnaissance can be conducted quickly and thoroughly. Recon-ng has a look and feel similar to the Metasploit Framework, reducing the learning curve for leveraging the framework. However, it is quite different. Recon-ng is not intended to compete with existing frameworks, as it is designed exclusively for web-based open source reconnaissance. If you want to exploit, use the Metasploit Framework. If you want to Social Engineer, us the Social Engineer Toolkit. If you want to conduct reconnaissance, use Recon-ng! See the Usage Guide for more information. Recon-ng is a completely modular framework and makes it easy for even the newest of Python developers to contribute. Each module is a subclass of the "module" class. The "module" class is a customized "cmd" interpreter equipped with built-in functionality that provides simple interfaces to common tasks such as standardizing output, interacting with the database, making web requests, and managing API keys. Therefore, all the hard work has been done. Building modules is simple and takes little more than a few minutes. See the Development Guide for more information. Sursa Recon-ng
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  17. Pentru a verifica daca are wps activat foloseste wash carevine o data cu reaver iar pentru cpu vs gpu citeste asta si in plus citeste asta (ultimul link sigur o sa te lamureasca mai bine) si ca o parere peronala ... am o placa video nvidia gtx660m si imi mananca ~ 2mil pass din wordlist in 8 min pt un md5 din wordpress (fara overclock) ... se vede diferenta fata de orice procesor cu care am incercat bruteforce (in ordine de la single core la i7)
  18. Kali Linux – A Teaser into the Future. Originally, BackTrack Linux was developed for our personal use but over the past several years, it has grown in popularity far greater than we ever imagined. We still develop BackTrack for ourselves because we use it every day. However, with growth and a huge user base, we have an obligation to ourselves, our users, and the open source community to create the best distribution we possibly can. With this in mind, about a year ago a bunch of us at Offensive Security started thinking about the future of BackTrack and brainstormed about the features and functionality we’d like to see in the next and future revisions. One of our main topics of conversation was the option of swapping out our custom development environment for a fully fledged Debian-compliant packaging and repository system. This seemed like a good idea at the time, but little did we know the world of hurt and pain we were getting ourselves into. This single decision concerning the future path of BackTrack brought with it so much power and flexibility that it has changed the face of our distribution. What’s happened in the past year? We have been quietly developing the necessary infrastructure and laying the foundation for our newest penetration testing distribution as well as building over 300 Debian compliant packages and swearing in 8 different languages. These changes brought with them an incredible amount of work, research and learning but are also leading us down the path to creating the best, and most flexible, penetration testing distribution we have ever built, dubbed “Kali”. So when is new version of BackTrack goodness hitting the internet? We wont tell, yet. After all, that *is* the definition of a “teaser”. All we can say for now, is that we are well on the way to completion, and hope to have our initial release out….soon.
  19. Check this shit out .. are doar 10 intrebari foarte simple ... dar e un inceput si asta : Link Web App Sec Quiz You Scored: 10 / 10 Ranking: Rockstar! You are ready to pwn the world!
  20. Singura sansa ca acest proiect sa aiba succes este targetarea companiilor mici si mijlocii care au legatura stransa cu it-ul (in general) si care au personal cu un iq peste medie ... e greu sa intri pe piata producatorilor de os pt telefoane mobile mai ales cu un proiect pt utilizatorii de linux (care si asa sunt putini si majoritatea folosesc deja android)! In rest ... ~ nimic nou sub soare daca ti-ai bagat nasul calumea in android cu kernel-uri modificate si diferite mod-uri! Ps: Cred totusi ca, concurenta va fi intre android si restul os-urilor bazate pe linux ... IOS iese din discutie pt ca fanii apple nu vor sa creada ca sunt altii mai buni ca ei (ma refer la fanii "tru") iar RIM/nokia/altele nu mai reprezinta de mult o amenintare la adresa primelor 2 clasate pe piata smartfoanelor !! Sunt curios totusi Samsung ce va face ... citisem zilele trecute Asta si nu arata rau ...
  21. Si atentie la ce porcarii mai postati pe forum sau o sa explodeze si voua usa !
  22. Dar tu nu ai factura detaliata daca tot zici ca ai abonament? uitate pe factura la ora si data cand ai avut problema ... vezi daca sa contorizat ceva ... verifica serviciul "Vizionare apeluri in MyVodafone" ..
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