Schimba HDD-ul. Salveaza datele si copiaza-le pe noul HDD. Parerea mea este ca nu scapi fara schimbare. "Health Status : warning HD Tune Pro: Maxtor 6E040L0 Error Scan"
"VUPEN provides zero-day exploits specifically designed for law enforcement agencies and the intelligence community to help them achieve their offensive cyber missions and network operations using extremely sophisticated and exclusive zero-day codes created by VUPEN Vulnerability Research Team (VRT)." Asta e tare!
Am eu o intrebare! Tema este video interfon Electra. Camera este on tot timpul, dar desi este semnal nu se vede nimic pe display (decit ceva liniute). Ce trebuie sa fac sa am din nou imagine?
WIMAX-ul cred ca este de la SNR (Radiocom). Pretul pare real.RADIOCOM - Internet broadband, broadcasting radio-TV, VPN, telefonie, videoconferinta, linii inchiriate
Fa update la placa video. Microsoft spune de asemenea : If this does not help then: Update all possible drivers you have Uninstall all unused programs Disable all security softwares that you have Run msconfig and disable all startup items / services except Microsoft ones Run memtest86+ to check if all is okay with your RAM. If an error was detected then replace the faulty RAM or contact your manufacturer Technical Support Asta e citat de la ei pentru codul de eroare "bccode 1a blue screen".