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Everything posted by Vlachs

  1. E o colectie realizata in 1 saptamana, toate aa-uri sunt spamate, nu iti fa iluzii ca ai sa fii singurul cu comentariu acolo.
  2. Si de ce mai postezi daca este mutat la gunoi?
  3. Este o lista mai de neam prost, cred ca este cea mai mare lista de genul asta, are si link-uri cu pr pe pagina, si edu/gov, are de toate. Password: https://rstcenter.com/forum/black-seo-monetizare.rst Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/g2vw47
  4. Nu cred ca ti-a zis asta, probabil asta ai inteles tu, am si eu bancpost, cont in lei si am primit lire si dolari si nu a fost nici o problema, conversia se face automat, un transfer intre banci dureaza de la 3 la 7 zile, daca e vorba de tari diferite poate dura si 3 saptamani. Eu iti recomand sa te duci sa vorbesti iar cu cineva de la bancpost.
  5. Se vede ca sunt stiri de pe protv, doar ei sunt atat de dobitoci.
  6. Fix asta vream eu sa intreb.
  7. Dupa ce il deschid imi arata text-ul respectiv si pot doar sa inchid aplicatia.
  8. Cum mortii masii i3-ul meu nu e compatibil cu windows 8
  9. As putea sa spamez cap coada forumul vostru, nu ati auzit de textcaptcha's ?
  10. M-am uitat prin sursa, unde e partea de web OS, asta e pur si simplu o aplicatie web si doar atat, foarte putin cod sursa, melodiile alea ce ocupa spatiu mai mult....
  11. Daca plecati din start cu ideea de a face bani fara a avea un plan foarte bine definit(research) atunci o sa scoateti cel mai sigur cel mult 1$/day.
  12. Asta se intampla si celor care au licente, se anunta xrumer 8 si fac modificari cei de la botmaster pe partea de server-side.
  13. This list is the result of over TWO MILLION PR CHECKS! That’s right, I checked the PR of over two million URLs, and was left with just over 100k URLs that are PR 1-7 and you can have it for free! This completely free list of over 100k PR 1-7 WP URLs is a great way to get some quality links to your site. Now, don’t This list is the result of over TWO MILLION PR CHECKS! That’s right, I checked the PR of over two million URLs, and was left with just over 100k URLs that are PR 1-7 and you can have it for free! think that you’re going to be able to throw this list in SB and get a crap load of links. You’re either going to want to manually comment with some excellent comments on as many as you choose to per day, outsource the job to somebody to do that for you, or if you really want to be lazy, type some REALLY GOOD generic comments and TRY to use SB. Weblackseo.com_100K_High_PR_Backlinks.zip
  14. https://rapidshare.com/files/4098246981/Magic_Submitter_v1.42.rar
  15. Creezi backlink-uri, afla si tu in rest.
  16. Te rog sa postezi de acum in acelasi post chestiile legate de adf.ly, nu mai fa alte topic-uri.
  17. Looking for a full or part time Senior PHP Developer. Must be a proactive self-starter with endless enthusiasm and ability to deliver, and a passion about details and performance. Work on projects used by large amounts of users on a daily basis. You'll be working with a great team of extremely smart developers who care deeply about design, performance, and security and are willing to invest in it, and a management team that will give you all the support you need. Responsibilities: Develop robust web applications and services with standard development tools Code with a consideration for performance, scalability, maintainability, security, etc Implement APIs and database schemas for new components Apply industry best-practice software standards and technology to complex business problems Collaborate cross functionally to provide technical solutions to business needs Verify, test & QA your work before each commit Follow coding standards (naming conventions, XHTML, PHP coding-standards, etc.) and best-practices like DRY, KISS and coding to E_STRICT validity Maintain clear documentation of processes and communicate task progress Requirements: Strong practical knowledge of PHP5 Ability to do complex MySQL queries, optimize queries and tables for performance Knowledge and experience in Apache, MySQL, Linux Minimum 3+ of professional PHP programming experience Knowledge in system design around scalability is highly desirable Understanding of third party sites APIs and frameworks (Facebook, OpenSocial, Flickr, etc) a plus Familiar with general Internet technologies including HTML, REST, Javascript, HTTP, CSS, sessions etc Ability to work as part of a small team, from home Ability to handle multiple concurrent activities and have a flexible, positive attitude Excellent written and communication skills is a must For consideration send: URL of resume uploaded to sendspace Code samples and/or links to projects that you have developed Free large file hosting. Send big files the easy way!
  18. Sincer nu conteaza limbajul in care e realizat ci conteaza abordarea, urat este ca a folosit o librarie complicandu-si putin aplicatia, mai simplu era daca crea o conexiune folosind socket. Nu cred ca py este mai rau sau bun pentru a fi folosit pentru un proiect de genu, conteaza abordarea. edit: vad ca rdesktop este un client, my bad
  19. The new Google Penguin update was a big change that has been very unsettling to SEO’ers, both blackhats and whitehats. It seems that everywhere you go, people who had previously considered themselves to be “professionals”, are now dumbfounded as their stable authority sites have moved from ranking in the top 5 for competitive keywords, to not ranking at all. There has never been more whispers (both jokingly and not), that SEO is dead. Which leads me to… The Number One Question People Are Asking: What Did This Update Do and How Do I Recover? (By Reading This Post. Duh!) Microsite Masters is in a unique position as we operate as a rank tracker; we have historical ranking data for thousands of websites. We have data on sites that are still doing great, and we have data on sites where rankings have tanked. We’ve decided to mine through all of this data (giving us a nice large sample size), and the results we found, although not unexpected by us, should give you a clear indication as to exactly how you should build and rank sites moving forward. Ok, Now On To What You Really Care About. What Did We Find Out? Link over-optimization is one of the most thrown around concepts in the SEO community now, so it was naturally where we decided to look first. We took a look at the sites that tanked and the sites that didn’t, and for both we looked at what their anchor text distribution was. More specifically, we were interested in seeing what percentage of those links had anchor text for keywords that the site was trying to optimize SERP visibility for (such as “blue widgets”) versus any other type of anchor text (this could be “bluewidgets.com”, “blue widgets | the number one widget site”, “click here”, or anything that wasn’t a keyword containing measurable search volume). Complete article Penguin Analysis: SEO Isn't Dead, But You Need to Act Smarter | Microsite Masters
  20. Inclusiv prietena mea a platit pentru ala, de ce nu sustinii oamenii daca poti, daca am lua toti gratis totul atunci unde am ajunge?
  21. Ecou prost ce esti, durerea e pe baza de stimuli, stimulii trimit impulsuri electrice catre o anumita parte a creierului, e vorba despre lucruri total diferite, dobitocule. Citeste care e rolul medicamentelor, cum functioneaza nervii...
  22. Cancerul in sine este mutatia unei celule, reciteste ce este cancerul. Cancer - Wikipedia nu imi vine sa cred, wild tu stii ce inseamna curentul New Medicine ? http://www.newmedicine.ca/german-new-medicine.php
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