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Everything posted by Vlachs

  1. Era de asteptat la astfel de tool-uri, pentru orice aplicatie de genul ar trebui sa folositi un virtual.
  2. Submit site catre ei e cea mai simpla.
  3. Luna asta pui la saltea 3k, luna viitoare alti 3k si intr-un an iti cumperi un apartament cu 2 camere, e ceva totusi.
  4. Pai te las sa te faci si mai mult de cacat, uimeste-ne cu prostia ta in continuare.
  5. Eu ti-am dat de fapt ban ca planuisem de ieri sa iti dau cand ai inceput sa injuri pe forum dar stiu ca imi esti fan, te pup.
  6. Pagerank nu ti se acorda pentru seo.
  7. Vlachs

    Vand script!

    Pupa-te-ar trenul in bot.
  8. Spammeri au avut de castigat din toata situatia asta, eu ma tin bine pe rank-uri(crescute inca)
  9. It’s frustrating having to wait up to several weeks for Googlebot (Google’s crawler) to notice new content added to your site. Well, Google have heard the complaints of webmasters and introduced a new tool called ‘Fetch as Googlebot” in Webmaster Tools. Now you can directly request that Googlebot index your new and updated URL. The best part is, if it is approved for inclusion in their search engine index, this only takes up to 24 hours for your site to be crawled and indexed. But remember, this doesn’t guarantee that every URL can be indexed using this tool. They’ll still be evaluating whether a URL belongs in their search engine. The benefits are clear. This allows visitors to view the updated cached version of your site with the new changes (Note: A Cached version of your page is just how the page looks when the search engine last indexed your page to its database. People may view this page if you actual site is temporarily down). You wouldn’t want out-of-date content could appear in search results right, particularly if you need to update event and product details or if you’ve published the wrong information. It’s also great for newly launched websites. If your website isn’t indexed, users won’t be able to find you from the search engines (which generally accounts for the majority of website traffic). How to submit a URL Fortunately, this is a very simple feature to use. You just need to have a Google Webmaster Tool’s account. Google explains: “First, use Diagnostics > Fetch As Googlebot to fetch the URL you want to submit to Google. If the URL is successfully fetched you’ll see a new “Submit to index” link appear next to the fetched URL. Submit unverified URLs You now also have the option of submitting URLS via Google’s Crawl URL form without having to verify ownership of the site in question. https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/submit-url
  10. Nu vrea nimeni sa se vada cu tine, esti urat si tragi de cucurile lor
  11. Ultimate Keyword Tool | Keyword Suggestion Tools for SEO & PPC | SpyFu
  12. Esti molestat acasa, te pedofileaza tactu de esti asa nervos ?
  13. ------------------
  14. Pe bune dar cred ca sunt cel putin 200 de posturile legate de stealere/keyloggere, ai folosit un search inainte? Gogu imi da 1300 de rezultate pentru keylogger si 1110 pentru stealer si doar pentru rstcenter.com
  15. Update: Auto Approve Lists Stats 204342 Main Auto Approve Blog List 110342 This Week AutoApprove List 1654 .Edu & .Gov AutoApprove List 125712 AutoApprove Trackbacks 3522 High PR Blog List 8820 DoFollow Auto Approve 379 Fast Scrapebox Proxies Weblackseo.com_Scrapebrokers.com List update May 1st, 2012.zip Current Bot Stats Stats Last Updated at May 1st 2012 12:00:07 PM GMT-5 140,573 auto approve and track back links Comment Links 112,829 found auto approve comment links 9,640 unique auto approve comment domains 3,293 found auto approve dofollow comment links 299 auto approve dofollow comment domains TrackBacks 27,744 found trackbacks 4,602 trackback domains 1,003 found dofollow trackbacks 217 dofollow trackback domains Past 24 Hours 46,607 urls tried 2,573 new auto approve urls added 526 new auto approve trackback urls added 6,895 urls rechecked and are still auto approve 8,028 urls rechecked and are no longer auto approve 169 .edu links Weblackseo.com_ScrapeboxList.com_May-1st-2012.zip
  16. O licenta scrapebox costa 54 de dolari(reducere de 150$), mi se pare o prostie sa stai sa te chinui cu un crack daca scopul tool-ului e acela de a iti aduce bani, eu inclusiv am vandut tool-uri cracked acum ceva timp in urma dar macar am facut-o pentru 75-150$ per client tool si era 100% ca cel original(toate functiile disponibile). Vine o vreme cand pentru anumite programe ar fi mai bine sa platesti, ai update-uri, support, nu mai stai sa te chinui cu toate crack-urile(majoritatea fiind infectate), stii ca maine cand iese noul update o sa iti mearga totul bine si nu o sa stai sa te chinui cu vreo functie care e posibil sa nu mai functioneze. Aaaa, daca nu vreti sa cumparati puteti oricand sa va creati un spammer wp, nu e stiinta rachetelor, in orice limbaj se rezolva in 10 linii un spammer basic.
  17. Un admin de pe rst tine serverul filelist, poate ar trebui sa iti dea ban pe filelist ca sa nu mai fi asa "combinator".
  18. Puteti sa alegeti distributia, centos 5/6 sau debian 5/6 http://members.host1free.com/vps?ac=h1f_register_vps Va descurcati de aici
  19. bt.ionut tu de fapt vrei sa te bagi pe ce face altu si are succes, sunt atatea optiuni dar lenea e mare incat sa incerci tu ce si cum Mutat la gunoi, unde isi are de fapt locul.
  20. Ai reinventat roata, sunt foarte sigur ca nu te ocupi de nici o oferta ci doar te bagi in seama dar hai, uimeste-ne pe ce oferta esti tu sau macar pe ce platforma.
  21. Este o sursa foarte mare de bani in momentul asta pe site-urile de deals din romania, incepand plati pentru clienti/utilizatori adusi
  22. Pai posteaza problema, cu ce ai vrea sa te ajute lumea daca nu spui problema
  23. Habar nu ai ce semnifica cloud
  24. Tu cine esti, dintre romani din cate stiam el e pe microsoft security bulletin, tu unde cacat esti ?
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