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Everything posted by xTremeSurfer

  1. Botnet?
  2. Tutorial written for vbwarez.net by UnstucK Needed files: install/vbulletin-upgrade.js install/upgrade_language_en.xml install/includes/class_upgrade_ajax.php You need a retail release first, as soon as you have it, please protect yourself or the owner of that copy ! With notepad ++, replace vBulletin 4.2.0 - SERIAL SHIT by vBulletin 4.2.0 ONLY ! (remove the licence number everywhere, using the search in files feature in notepad++) This is an optional step of course, here we go for nulling vBulletin ! I) vbulletin-upgrade.js Search for: var postdata = [SIZE=2]"ajax=1&status=1&" + PHP.urlencode(CUSTNUMBER);[/SIZE] Replace with: var postdata = [SIZE=2]"ajax=1&status=1&";[/SIZE] Search for: "&customerid=" + PHP.urlencode(CUSTNUMBER) + Remove that line We are done with that file ! II) upgrade_language_en.xml Search for: <phrase name="enter_install_system"> Keep that line and remove everything until <phrase name="redirecting"><=!=[=C=D=A=T=A=[Redirecting...]=]=></phrase> Keep that last line, just remove everything between ! So basically what we need to remove is: <phrase name="enter_cust_num"><=!=[=C=D=A=T=A=[Please Enter Your Customer Number]=]=></phrase> <phrase name="customer_number"><=!=[=C=D=A=T=A=[Customer Number]=]=></phrase> <phrase name="cust_num_explanation"><=!=[=C=D=A=T=A=[This is the number with which you log in to the vBulletin.com Members' Area]=]=></phrase> <phrase name="cust_num_success"><=!=[=C=D=A=T=A=[Customer number entered successfully.]=]=></phrase> We are done with that file III) class_upgrade_ajax.php Search for: private $custnumber = ''; Remove that line and it's comment > Full content that need to be removed: /** * Customer Number * * @var string */ private $custnumber = ''; Search for: $this->custnumber = Remove that entire line ! So instead of parent::init(); $this->custnumber = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx $this->registry->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array( You will have parent::init(); $this->registry->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array( Search for: $this->registry->input->clean_array_gpc('c', array( 'bbcustomerid' => TYPE_STR, )); Remove it ! Search for: if ($this->registry->GPC['bbcustomerid'] != $this->custnumber) { $xml = new vB_AJAX_XML_Builder($this->registry, 'text/xml', vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('charset')); $xml->add_tag('error', $this->phrase['authenticate']['cust_num_incorrect']); $xml->print_xml(); } Remove it ! Search for: $proceed = false; if ($this->registry->GPC['bbcustomerid'] != $this->custnumber) { if ($this->login()) { $proceed = true; } } else { $proceed = true; } Remove everything except the $proceed = true; in the middle ! So you will have the following : $this->registry->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array( 'version' => TYPE_NOHTML, 'startat' => TYPE_UINT, 'step' => TYPE_UINT, 'only' => TYPE_BOOL, )); $proceed = true; if ($proceed) { if ($this->registry->GPC['version'] AND $this->versions[$this->registry->GPC['version']]) Search for: * Display Login * * @return boolean login success */ private function login() { if (isset($_POST['customerid'])) { $this->registry->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array( 'customerid' => TYPE_NOHTML, )); if (md5(strtoupper($this->registry->GPC['customerid'])) == $this->custnumber) { setcookie('bbcustomerid', $this->custnumber, 0, '/', ''); return true; } else { $this->htmloptions['login'] = true; $this->htmloptions['loginerror'] = true; return false; } } else { $this->htmloptions['login'] = true; return false; } } Remove it ! Search for: var CUSTNUMBER = "<?php echo $this->custnumber; ?>"; Remove it ! Search for: <div class="tborder<?php if (!$this->htmloptions['login']) { echo " hidden"; } ?>" id="authenticate"> <div class="navbody messageheader"><?php echo $this->phrase['authenticate']['enter_cust_num']; ?></div> <div class="messagebody logincontrols"> <?php echo $this->phrase['authenticate']['cust_num_explanation']; ?> <form action="<?php echo $this->setuptype; ?>.php" method="post"> <input type="text" tabindex="1" value="" name="customerid" id="customerid" /> <?php if ($this->htmloptions['loginerror']) { ?><div id="customerid_error" class="navbody"><?php echo $this->phrase['authenticate']['cust_num_incorrect']; ?></div><?php } ?> <input class="button" type="submit" tabindex="1" accesskey="s" id="authsubmit" value="<?php echo $this->htmloptions['enter_system'] ?>" /> <?php echo $hiddenfields ?> </form> </div> </div> Remove it ! Search for: <a href="http://www.vbulletin.com/" target="_blank" class="copyright"> Remove it ! [remove also the </a> below] We are done with that file ! Found how to remove lame errors on install / upgrade process ! File: install/includes/class_upgrade.php Find: $errors["$directory"]["$file"][] = $this->phrase['core']['file_contents_mismatch']; Remove that line Ok now execute /install/install.php Sursa : Hack Forums Editat
  3. Spreading Guide 1 - By Wigan This is my first public spreading method, I hope it helps you new and experienced members an efficient way to spread your malware. Information: As many of you know Fifa 13 has just been released in some countries and it hits the UK on Friday, so I thought lets use this to our advantage to RAT gamers and cheaters (you will understand at the end of this.) Their is a game mode on the game where you make your own player (Virtual Pro) and you build the players rating up by completing accomplishments, on all of the old Fifa's gamers cheated the system by sharing a game data of a player (Virtual Pro) where all the accomplishments are completed and the gamer then shared it public so fellow gamers don't have to complete these accomplishments and their player is better than everyone else's. Method One: 1.) You need a YouTube account. 2.) Download this video HERE (Click to download) 3.) Go to YouTube and press upload and then fill the boxes with the following: Title: Code: Fifa 13 - 100% virtual pro hack Description: Code: Download Here: (Link to your virus - use mediafire) Tags: Code: Fifa 13, hack, mod, virtual pro, accomplishments, game save, modio, horizon, usb hack, Fifa 12, pro clubs, ultimate team ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now our video is uploaded it is up to you if you want to get more installs then do it. 1.) Go to enhanceviews.net -> Sign Up -> Earn Free Credits (Leaving your browser open) and you can then redeem them for likes, comments and views on your video to make it look more realistic and to also get it higher in the results. 2.) Go on videos related to Fifa and comment saying "Fifa 13 virtual pro hack free on my channel" Method Two: Go to popular gaming forums (Not Hack Forums!), make a thread saying "virtual pro hack released (Free)" Spend a little time making the thread look nice, make it look real. That is it for the two methods, read below for tips to get more installs. Extras: Download the icon (Click Here) and change your servers icon that you are spreading with to it. (It's a .ICO file) Make sure your server is FUD. Sursa : Hack Forums
  4. Prea tare
  5. Au un glob de cristal care vede NELIMITAT in viitor .
  6. Mai bine puneai numele la website nelimitat.com .
  7. Ce parere aveti despre ? "It is not enough to have a good mind. The main purpose is to use it well."
  8. Bine ai venit ! PS: Ma mir ca nu a venit nimeni inca cu Costinesti-ul
  9. hahahah ce tare e Nemessis Bine ai venit !
  10. Bine ai venit !
  11. Bine ai venit !
  12. Geniali hahahahaha
  13. Asta e un gen de ala de om dintr-un sat care are curent de 2 luni si el e primu cu internet .A scris pe google "programe hack" a gasit havij si a inceput sa faca tutoriale pe youtube . HE GOT THE POWER
  14. De unde pot lua cel mai ieftin domeniu vreodata ?am nevoie de un domeniu nu conteaza . ce dar fara TK .multumesc
  15. rau tare . dar ce sa ii faci daca nu ai cu cine
  16. Unde mai exact ce ?
  17. nu is "rasit" . pot sa fie de oriunde dar in moldova ne intalneam altfel
  18. NU din Republica Moldova . Care merge la mare ? Sa ne strangem un grup ceva
  19. xTremeSurfer


    bine ai venit ! esti de la Parasec? nu ?
  20. xTremeSurfer


    Q-bo man ?
  21. am incercat da imi da eroare la grabber si tre sa plec imediat .... te ajut mai deseara
  22. hmm . imi dai website-ul la care vrei sa faci scam?
  23. Bine ai venit !
  24. xTremeSurfer

    idei !!!

    daca vrei parerea mea ? sa ii faci un website cu el de ala penibil in care sa il umilesti si ii spamezi prieteni , familia and stuff .
  25. Aparat aer conditionat ASYB-12LD
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