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Everything posted by paxnWo
sa ii dea careva ban daca tot urla .
ce sa stie stef ma ? ca se credea satanist doar pentru ca s-a documentat mult si a fost influentat de ceea ce a descoperit ? eu am aproape aceleasi ideologii ca ale lui doar ca eu neg existenta lui satan ca entitate , dar afirm ca exista in mintile bolnave ale oamenilor .
inainte il aveam pana la umeri merci
De ziua mea fostii colegi mi-au facut cadou un tricou . Trebuiau sa scrie pe el : " Imma deface nasa wit ub3r 1337 haxx before i dload mi pr0n lol " si " I r paxnwo " , dar nu au inteles ceea ce am vorbit cu ei la telefon .
ceejay , mai mult ca sigur nu o sa stea pe ce i-ai dat . gabriele , ia aici si invata : dupa ce ai terminat cartea si ai inteles ceva , postezi pe forum . frecventeaza forumul si uita-te pe la tutoriale si articole .
primul : actualul :
ar fi interesant ca fiecare user care nu are un avatar setat de el sa ii afiseze un avatar cu RST
daca nu le gasesti pe milw0rm , putin probabil sa le gasesti in alta parte .
take mine : . care vrea sa ajute , add paxnwo . le : sloboz , tre sa imi platesc hostingul .
welcome vezi cu offtopicul ca iti iei ban =] presupun ca esti ungur zi " Transilvania e a romanilor " si te ajut cand ai nevoie
nu are rost un wordlist atat de mare doar pentru un amarat de site . pe asta sa il folosesti la servere guvernamentale ftw ! sta el vreo 3 saptamani pana termina dar probabil ca o sa se merite
eu l-am facut am bagat 100 de alte wordlisturi in ala . dar e mic copil pe langa ce am vazut ... wordlist de 2,5gb wtf
inca nu a terminat de downloadat complet fiecare pachet ca sa pot verifica , dar mi se pare ca sunt video .
Are 2.77 gb si contine :
First of all, if you dont know what an ssh tunnel is, go read up. (wikipedia would be a good choice) Second of all, this tecnique will only work for linux, so, if you got windows, your in the wrong place. For more ease, get/use firefox. SSH tunnels arent hard, yet, they give alot of annomity, much more than a public proxy can offer. Through this method of making a SSH tunnel, you need to download Putty. This program is a very handy tool. Now, just follow these simple directions: 1. run putty 2. On the side pannel, make sure that "Session" is selected. 3. Now, in the box below the words "Host name (or ip adress)" put a try a popular game server on terminal, like, 4. Fill in the appropriate port (for smashthestack it is port 2224) 5. On the side menu, select SSH and make the list expand, then click "Tunnels" 6. To the right of the words, "source port" there is a text box, fill in a number, smaller than 60000 7. Remember this number 8. Below "Destination" there are preferences for this port, select "Dynamic" 9. Add this port 10. Go to the side menu, and select "Session" once more. 11. At the bottom of the session page, hit "Open" 12. Now a terminal window should pop up, hit Yes on the popup 13. Login with the username: level1 and password: level1 14. Go into firefox go to: Tools>options>advanced>network>settings 15. Select Manual proxy configuration 16. In the socks host box, fill in your local host ip adress ( ) 17. in the port box beside it, fill in the port number you added before "To the right of the words, "source port" there is a text box, fill in a number, smaller than 60000" 18. Select SOCKSv5 19. Go check your ip 20. Happy Hacking le : pt win folositi asta : by:Squishey
you can find it here :
merci mult baieti <'> ma bucur ca v-ati adus aminte d'aia RST imi e drag , am cunoscut multa lume de treaba . multumesc inca o data si daca aveti vreodata nevoie de mine o sa va ajut cu placere . care e sambata in bucuresti , veniti la mine dau party =)
merge la scan imi gasise un pc sub numele " oficiu bnr " lol
Step 1 Get a IP (range) scanner. Scan the victim's ip on TCP/IP port 139 Step 2 Open Command (CMD) Do this by going to start/run enter cmd and press ok This is what you need to type down: Replace with the victims IP address. c:windows>nbtstat -a If you see this your in: NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table Name Type Status --------------------------------------------------------------- user<00> UNIQUE Registered workgroup <00> GROUP Registered user <03> UNIQUE Registered user <20> UNIQUE Registered MAC Address = xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx --------------------------------------------------------------- If you don't get the number <20>. The victim disabled the File And Printer Sharing, find a another victim. Step 3 type down (change the c:windows>net view if the output is like this: Shared resources at ComputerNameGoesHere Sharename Type Used as Comment ------------------------------------------------------------ CDISK Disk xxxxx xxxxx The command completed successfully. "DISK" shows that the victim is sharing a Disk named as CDISK Step 4 type down: you can replace x: by anything letter yopu want but not your own drive letters. CDISK is the name of the shared harddrive. c:windows>net use x: If the command is successful we will get the confirmation. The command was completed successfullly Now open windows explorer or just double click on the My Computer icon on your desktop and you will see a new network drive X:> . Now your are a small time hacker. Good luck.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Nmap Basics - Tutorial [+] Author: Neutralise --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intro: The tool i will be teaching you to use is called nmap and you can find the site for nmap and further documentation here: Nmap is the leading security scanner for network professionals. For starters open up nmap, do this by double clicking the nmap shortcut button. It is important to remember that nmap is a commandline tool, not a simple click and scan tool like other port scanners. Typing "nmap -help" will provide you with a FULL list of nmap's commands but since you want to use it particularly for port scanning and finding what ports are open and what runs on them i will only explian the relevant commands. As to explain them all would take literally hours. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firstly, to explain what it is we are doing. Ports are numbers that TCP/IP uses to map packets to services. For example some common ports are: 21 FTP 22 SSH 23 TELNET 25 SMTP 80 HTTP 110 POP3 Full ports list can be viewed here: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When scanning hosts there are a lot of options you may want to use to find more information about the target. Here are the most commonly used options: -sS TCP SYN scan -sT TCP connect scan -sU UDP port scans -v Verbose output -vv very verbose output -O Detect operating system -sV Service version detection -P0 Dont ping, just scan -p Choose your ports -F Fast scan For example by scanning: nmap -vv -P0 Would scan the IP, print very verbose output, and to scan the machine without pinging it. nmap -O This would do an OS version detection on the target host(TCP/IP finger-prinitng). nmap -p 1234 -O -sV This scan would scan port 1234 and see if it was open, as well as an OS version detection. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can also make nmap save log files when outputing commands. These options are: -oN This logs to a normal file like you see on nmap (human readable). -oX XML output (open with webbrowser)(i use this one). For example by scanning: nmap -oX mylog.xml Would scan the host, then in the nmap program file folder save a file named mylog.xml, with the results of the scan in it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nmap has some commands to decoy where your scan is coming from. For example: -D Add decoy IPs to confuse the target's logs When the decoy option is used nmap will send spoofed packets from the IP address that you specify. This will confuse targets logs as it will look like many different machines are actually doing a port scan and it will make it hard for the administrator to decipher which IP is actually doing the portscan (yours). For example: nmap -P0 -D,ME, This command wont ping, uses decoys of and and ME is your real IP address (required). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+]^Neutralised. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nu este deloc un tutorial . Daca vreti sa invatati va recomand : Este un sqli simplu si usor de inteles daca cititi ce v-am dat mai sus . deschideti-l cu bsplayer sau kmplayer .
mie imi merge. il downloadez , ramane cateva secunde pana il scaneaza , il deschid , il dezarhivez si poate vi vizualizat . nu stiu care e problema
15 of 20 75% Almost! Study a little more and take the test again! Time Spent 2:13
Well , daca tot nu aveam ce sa fac , m-am decis sa fac un tutorial video despre cum sa setati joomla si phpbb In comparatie cu alte tutoriale video pe care le-am mai vazut , al meu este destul de lame . Aveam emotii Sper sa va ajute . Daca aveti nelamuriri postati aici . Se vede bine daca il deschideti cu kmplayer sau cu bsplayer . le : am uitat sa va spun cum sa porniti apache dupa ce instalati xampp , deschideti xampp control pannel si dati start la apache , doh'