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Everything posted by Mike1451859567
Votat 24. Ma simt batran pe aici )
Un CD de 360 de tera, inventat de britanici.
Mike1451859567 replied to co4ie's topic in Stiri securitate
In primul rand nu ai viteza.. si daca nu ai viteza e inutil ..pe bune. -
Un CD de 360 de tera, inventat de britanici.
Mike1451859567 replied to co4ie's topic in Stiri securitate
exact.. ar dura foarte mult sa scrii atata informatie... si cand se zgaraie iti bagi cv in el... -
Salutare! Ma poate ajuta cineva sa decodez un nokia c2 ? Nu prea cer ajutor pe forum dar acum chiar am mare nevoie.
Ok am un laptop ibm r50 care il iubesc.. si vreau sa bag pe el o distributie de linux care sa consume putine sa se miste rpd si sa aibe look,stil cat de cat. Ma gandeam la : Slitaz,VectorLinux,Lubuntu ... dar mi se pare ca lubuntu are pae si nu pot instala pe pc-ul meu.. Daca stiti si alte distributii ... vreau parerile voastre... pro si contra.
Lena's ASM si inversare tutoriale. Le puteti descarca de pe Reversing for Newbies - Complete / Lenas Reversing for Newbies / Downloads - Tuts 4 You 01. Olly + assembler + patching a basic reverseme 02. Keyfiling the reverseme + assembler 03. Basic nag removal + header problems 04. Basic + aesthetic patching 05. Comparing on changes in cond jumps, animate over/in, breakpoints 06. "The plain stupid patching method", searching for textstrings 07. Intermediate level patching, Kanal in PEiD 08. Debugging with W32Dasm, RVA, VA and offset, using LordPE as a hexeditor 09. Explaining the Visual Basic concept, introduction to SmartCheck and configuration 10. Continued reversing techniques in VB, use of decompilers and a basic anti-anti-trick 11. Intermediate patching using Olly's "pane window" 12. Guiding a program by multiple patching. 13. The use of API's in software, avoiding doublechecking tricks 14. More difficult schemes and an introduction to inline patching 15. How to study behaviour in the code, continued inlining using a pointer 16. Reversing using resources 17. Insights and practice in basic (self)keygenning 18. Diversion code, encryption/decryption, selfmodifying code and polymorphism 19. Debugger detected and anti-anti-techniques 20. Packers and protectors : an introduction 21. Imports rebuilding 22. API Redirection 23. Stolen bytes 24. Patching at runtime using loaders from lena151 original 25. Continued patching at runtime & unpacking armadillo standard protection 26. Machine specific loaders, unpacking & debugging armadillo 27. tElock + advanced patching 28. Bypassing & killing server checks 29. Killing & inlining a more difficult server check 30. SFX, Run Trace & more advanced string searching 31. Delphi in Olly & DeDe 32. Author tricks, HIEW & approaches in inline patching 33. The FPU, integrity checks & loader versus patcher 34. Reversing techniques in packed software & a S&R loader for ASProtect 35. Inlining inside polymorphic code 36. Keygenning 37. In-depth unpacking & anti-anti-debugging a combination packer / protector 38. Unpacking continued & debugger detection by DLL's and TLS 39. Inlining a blowfish scheme in a packed & CRC protected dll + unpacking Asprotect SKE 2.2 40. Obfuscation and algorithm hiding
Inspirat din ""Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software" by Charles Petzold
Vreau sa pun doar un link catre un canal de pe youtube care mi se pare foarte folositor pentru incepatori. Ca orice incepator ne intrebam si intrebam pe altii de unde sa incepem si cu ce sa incepem.. Cursul e special pentru cei care au foarte putine cunostinte despre programare sau deloc. (E bine sa aveti o carte de python langa voi pe parcusul celor 32 de ore.) 32 de ore cu profesorul Professor John Guttag de la MIT. Canal youtube : EDU - YouTube Direct de pe pagina MIT Introduction to Computer Science and Programming | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | MIT OpenCourseWare
bine ai venit!
Salutare. Incep prin a spune ca nu ma pricep la electronica dar vreau sa realizez o antena wifi cu o raza mare cat de mare se poate si cu un semnal foarte bun. Si am nevoie putin de ajutor.. in legatura cu niste scheme sau poze si de ce piese am nevoie. Orice ajutor e binevenit
Ok.. ce variante mai sunt pentru a localiza un numar de telefon? sau cititirea mesajelor? Am vazut cateva articole pe net dar nu stiu cate dintre ele sunt pe bune sau merg. Am incercat o chestie prin SMSGlobal m-am inregistrat cu un numar de telefon si am trimis un msg de pe alt numar pe numarul care m-am inregistrat la ei pe site.. si dupa am verificat pe site la incoming sms report dar e gol.. deci nu merge Alte variante? Totusi teoretic SMSGlobal ar trebui sa imi trimita mesajele care le primesc pe nr meu si pe contul meu de la site dar nu o face.
Hackforums imi merge.. si nu am avut niciodata probleme.
DOWNLOAD LINK Arhiva Contine: Simple SQL Injection Advanced Mysql Injection in Joomla Aircrack-ptw Anonymous Voice Vlan Hack A Small Rooting Video Attack on Windows Systems based on the ActiveX Vulnerability CA BrightStor ARCserve Backup Remote Heap Overflow Vulnerability Classical Basic Local Buffer Overflow Clientless WEP Cracking (fragmentation attack using the air crack suite) Cracking the Bluetooth Pin and Link key Cracking WEP in 10 Minutes (whoppix) CRLF (Carriage Return and Line Feed) Injection Demonstration Cross Site Scripting HQ 0 Day Demonstrating Exploration of Simple Buffer Overflows Demonstration of Blind MySQL Injection (bsqlbf) Dns Spoofing Ettercap Video Exploiting Microsoft RPC DCOM using Metasploit Framework Exploiting SW Vulnerabilities Faking wep using linux wifislax Find, Exploit & Cure XSS w0rms Hacking Mac OS X - A Case Study Hacking SQL in Linux using the SecureState Swiss Army Knife Hacking up Bluetooth with his WIDCOMM Code Heap Overflow Basics How to Exploit Stack Base Buffer Overrun Under Windows XP SP2 How To Founding Win32 Stack Overflow Exploit How to Make File Undetected Howto using aircrack-ptw WEP cracking ICQ 6 HTML EXECUTION AND CRASH Intruders D-Link Wireless Access Point Configuration Disclosure JPortal CMS SQL Injection Exploit in Action JSP 1 or 1 SQL Injection Demonstration Learn Stack Overflow Exploitation Local JPG shell Inclusion (LFI using php injected JPG) LSO MSFweb 3.0 part 2 Metasploit 3 Video (msfconsole with db_autopwn) MSF-eXploit Builder in Action MS-SQL Exploitation Video Multiple Websites Embedded SWF File Vulnerability Demonstration Packet sniffing with Ettercap (arp spoofing basics) Patching KeyGenMe with OllyDbg phpBB Session Handling Authentication Bypass Demonstration PHP Remote File Inclusion Windows Backdoor Quicktime Media 0day Exploit Video RealVNC 4.1 Authentication Bypass using Metasploit Framework RealVNC V4.. Bypass Authentication Exploit Video Reverse Engineering with LD_PRELOAD Rooting SQL Server via SQL Injection Simple ASP Administrator SQL Injection Terminal Server RDP Cracking The dangers of Ad-Hoc networks in Windows XP SP2 Tunneling Exploits Through SSH (whoppix) vBulletin XSS Demonstration with Session Hijacking VNC Authentication Bypass Vulnerability Video (WBB Portal) Cross-Site Scripting Using Unsanitized jpg File Webmin File Disclosure Demo Windows Server Rooting (Remote Desktop Connection) Windows Shellcode WMF + SWF Exploit XSS injection in image formats Taking advantages on it DOWNLOAD LINK
LINK DOWNLOAD What is Cookie Cadger? Cookie Cadger helps identify information leakage from applications that utilize insecure HTTP GET requests. Web providers have started stepping up to the plate since Firesheep was released in 2010. Today, most major websites can provide SSL/TLS during all transactions, preventing cookie data from leaking over wired Ethernet or insecure Wi-Fi. But the fact remains that Firesheep was more of a toy than a tool. Cookie Cadger is the first open-source pen-testing tool ever made for intercepting and replaying specific insecure HTTP GET requests into a browser. Cookie Cadger is a graphical utility which harnesses the power of the Wireshark suite and Java to provide a fully cross-platform, entirely open-source utility which can monitor wired Ethernet, insecure Wi-Fi, or load a packet capture file for offline analysis LINK DOWNLOAD
Am facut un upload care mi-a luat 5 ore sper sa va ajute. Sunt lectii video cu profesorul Messer. Recomand. Desi pack-ul acesta este sarac voi reveni cu mai multe. DOWNLOAD LINK Contine: Hardware Installing and Configuring Adapter Cards Installing and Configuring Cooling Systems Installing and Configuring Memory Installing and Configuring Motherboards Installing and Configuring Power Supplies Installing and Configuring Processors Installing and Configuring Storage Devices Troubleshooting Adapter Cards Troubleshooting Cooling Systems Troubleshooting Memory Troubleshooting Motherboards Troubleshooting Power Supplies Troubleshooting Processors Troubleshooting Storage Devices Installing and Troubleshooting Laptop Components Troubleshooting Printer Problems Operating Systems Command Line Troubleshooting Differentiating Between Windows Versions Administrative Tools Disk Management Tools Managing Devices Managing Disks Managing Tasks Other System Tools Common Operational Issues System Performance and Optimization Troubleshooting Error Messages Networking Firewalls and Secure Connections Network Troubleshooting Tools Troubleshooting Mail, FTP, and Proxy Settings Troubleshooting TCP_IP Settings Configuring and Installing Wireless Routers Network Connections Wireless Networks Security Resolving Malware Issues Operating System Security Issues DOWNLOAD LINK
Foarte tare. Imi place! 10 pentru design.
Mare ti-e gradina doamne
Stiu doar ca sistemul merge si nu am vazut copii pe acolo sau nici macar un topic de genu " How to hack someone YM" sau chestii de genu.
Vreau sa prezint un site unde puteti gasi lectii si tutoriale video. Sper sa va ajute la invatat. Nu voi pune o descriere despre ce contine pentru ca lista e foarte lunga. Video Lectures - LINK CLICK HERE
Eu zic ca sa reducem numarul de "noi" membrii. La inregistrarea forumului sa fie un test ceva. De exemplu de curand am intrat eu pe forum si trebuia sa faci hash la ce iti dadeau ei... si doar asa puteai trece mai departe pentru a te inregistra. E doar un exemplu .. dar se poate face ceva de genu. Adica sa aibe un minim de experienta.
Bine ati revenit!!