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Everything posted by dirtycash

  1. Am ?i eu câteva vps-uri linux mai sl?bu?e la putere.La toate am acces root. Ceva de genu: 4-16 GB RAM 2 CPU - 4CPU 100GB DISKSPACE. BANDWITH - trebuie s? m? uit // momentan nu sunt acas?. Net între 200-400MB/s - testat pe speedtest cu speedtest-cli. Viteza netului mai scade ?i la 120-60-50 MBs. Câteodata la download scoate cam greu?. 20 MBs , depinde de unde downloadez. Sunt din Germania , Frankfurt. Desigur viteza netului variaz?. Am ?i eu câteva buc??i disponibile 10 zile fiecare. A? vrea s? ?tiu ce pot face cu ele.
  2. P?i cred c? trebuie f?cute exchange-uri recente. De câteva zile ...
  3. Remodifica metoda si sterge 2. Faci un cont rapid
  4. R?spunsul l-ai gasit singur. Da le poti folosi pentru a te inregistra. @unknown.user , din p?cate nu se poate da înapoi. Po?i ?terge doar email-urile alea , dar base name-ul , nu!
  5. Probabil unora dintre voi le va fi de folos acest tutorial a?a c? am decis s?-l postez. 1. Intr?m pe Yahoo Mail. 2. Vom merge la set?ri accesând iconi?a din stânga paginii. 3. Acces?m categoria Security 4. ?i ap?s?m pe Create base name 5. Cre?m un base name , iar apoi facem câte email-uri putem.
  6. V? dau eu domenii , pm.
  7. Majoritatea sunt expirate de-a binelea. Crede-ma. Apropo chunkhost e fake asa ca poti sa-l scoti.
  8. Gata Kalash , o sa-ti schimbe nickname-ul. Ai tutoriale si te-ai implicat serios in treaba!
  9. Bine ai venit!
  10. Ok , ?i ce nu ai în?eles din acea eroare? E clar , oferta e valabil? doar pentru persoanele din US. Folose?te frate un VPN , e mare greu?
  11. @Birkoff , mul?umim pentru informare. Dup? cum bine vezi în tutorial am precizat s? se foloseasc? Hostinger , deoarece acel server nu verific? _from ?i drept urmare trimite mesajul normal. Când vine vorba despre departament , da , verific? , dar nu o s? se foloseasc? metoda pe oameni de genul , ci doar pe al?ii. Am spus ?i în tutorial c? ajut? la Doxing , SE aplicat? la persoane de de "grad inferior". Adic? te asiguri c? acea persoana nu verific? headerele unui mail. Concluzie , persoana e destul de proast?. Desigur am verificat headerele la Gmail ?i da: Received: from mx1.main-hosting.eu (mx1.main-hosting.eu [31.x.x.x]) by postlady2.main-hosting.eu ([Hostinger Sendmail System]) with ESMTP id E5F37A059B for <xxx@gmail.com>; Thu, 29 May 2014 15:15:57 -0400 (EDT) Received: from webmail1.hostinger.ro (localhost []) by mx1.main-hosting.eu ([Main-Hosting.eu Mail System]) with ESMTP id 641484BC36BA for <xxx@gmail.com>; Thu, 29 May 2014 20:15:57 +0100 (BST) ?i înc? ceva, în headere î?i va afi?a si client-ip , dar care este de la firma de hosting. client-ip=212.x.x.38
  12. 1. Avem nevoie de un Webmail. Puteti sa folositi cel de la Hostinger -> RoundCube. 2. Avem nevoie de Tamper Data pentru cateva modificari. 2. La destinatar scriem cui vrem sa trimitem 3. La subiect scrieti ce doriti la fel si la mesaj. 4. Deschidem Tamper Data. 5. Dam Start Tamper si Trimitere Mesaj. 6. Ne va aparea formularul , aici trebuie sa editam parametru _from. 7. In loc de numarul acela puneti orice email doriti sa apara. 8. Click OK! Si cam asa arata rezultatul: Prin aceast? metod? v? ve?i putea îmbun?t??ii: Social engineering/Doxing etc.
  13. @behave , Presupun ca nu , se incadreaza bine aici. >> General << Off-topic Discutii non-IT
  14. Un virus total ceva? Asa doar pentru siguranta noastra.
  15. Nu miroase a tutorial. Eu zic ca uCoz e un host destul de rau , mai bine folosesc Hostinger. Sau alte host-uri nelimitate gratis ,spre exemplu gegahost etc. Cand vine vorba de domeniu,felicitari ca l-ai cumparat.
  16. @Raoul , Dup? cum bine vezi în metoda mea nu am specificat c? trebuie s? dai date de la Paypal sau alte date bancare adev?rate , ci doar false. Dup? cum spuneam , nu r?spund pentru domenii blocate etc.
  17. Tocmai de aceea î?i recomand Google Chrome , pentru traducerea automat?. Sper s? prime?ti domeniul la fel ca mine! O zi bun?!
  18. // Edit Va rog numai dati PM , numai inregistrez alte domenii gratuit!
  19. # O sa fac update-uri si eu cat pot. Zi de zi daca e cazul! UP: Inca un update facut in data de: 20.05.2014 # Am ad?ugat ?i o list? cu diverse proxy-uri luate de pe site-uri proxy. Fi-?i liberi s? downloada?i!
  20. Download: GirlShare - Download 512 proxy.txtSunt din data de astazi: 18.05.2014 UPDATE: 20.05.2014 526 Proxy-uri GirlShare - Download 526 hide my ass - 20.05.2014.txt O list? mare de proxy-uri fresh selec?ionate de pe diferite site-uri Proxy! Nr. total: 17.970 Download GirlShare - Download 17.970 proxy.txt
  21. Iti da 10$ pe inregistrare cu .edu?
  22. Dup? ce am folosit serviciile ?stora 2-3 zile , pot s? v? spun c? î?i merit? eticheta de SERVER GRATIS. Î?i arat? ?ie 30-40 PING sau chiar 20 , dar te-ai uitat nenic? în plugins s? vezi ca e pluginul fake_pinger care î?i seteaza ce ping vrei tu s? aib? playerii. Totu?i , dac? vrei s? ai un meci cu 2-3 prieteni ?i când zic 2-3 s? nu dep??easc? num?rul folosi?i-l cu încredere. Aten?ie: Urcarea fi?ierelor prin FTP se face prin înlocuire. Nu ?terge?i con?inutul dinainte a server-ului , adic? atunci când l-a?i primit Default.Doar trage?i addons-ul vostru peste addons-ul Default. Inc? o observa?ie: Dup? cum bine a?i v?zut reclamele la Host , da sunt enervante dar po?i sc?pa de ele. De exemplu Server Name , are ca nume Default ceva cu GJenerali (anyway). Ca s? schimba?i ServerName nu trebuie s? porni?i server-ul. Adic? când v? face?i cont s? nu da?i Start Server , faceti ni?te configura?ii: 1. În fi?ierul dproto.cfg c?uta?i linia Game_Name = ar trebui s? fie linia 223.La Game_Name pune?i ce dori?i. 2. În fi?ierul liblist.gam înlocui?i prima linie game "nume dorit" 3. Pute?i face ?i o modificare a motd-ului. Dar aceasta se poate înlocui ?i pe parcurs. Am scris aceste rânduri pentru cei interesa?i.Pa?ii de mai sus trebuie urma?i înainte de a da Start Server , tocmai dup? ce ai creat contul nu da start server , conecteaz?-te la FTP , f? modific?rile , trage addons-ul nou peste cel Default si apoi dai Start. Baft?. Pentru întreb?ri pute?i s? m? contacta?i!
  23. Tutorial Doxing EN: Table Of Contents 1. What is Doxing? 2. Why should you dox? 3. Dox Template 4. Tools and Websites We Will Be Using 5. How to Dox 6. Credits 7. Notes 8. Farewell What is Doxing? Dox is short for docs, which is short for documents. A dox is a document with someone's personal information: location, phone number, education, DOB, name, social networks, etc. Doxing is the method of getting someones dox. It takes a computer and a lot of digging, social engineering and money always help. Doxing itself is legal. But, using doxing in someways can be illegal. Swatting, stealing identities, etc(Don't do any of those things), are all illegal. Why should you dox? If someone does something illegal you can expose them. Also you can do it for revenge. But, do not ever do it for fun. It could get you into trouble. Dox Template: As you follow along with this tutorial fill out a dox template. You should create a blank dox in notepad or any text editor somewhat like this: Code: Reason: Real name: Usernames: Nickname(s): Location: DOB: Ethnicity: Sex: School: Pictures: Videos: YouTube: Facebook: Parents: Phone Number: Email(s): Other Social Networks: Helpful Tools and Websites: http://www.spokeo.com/ https://pipl.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ http://celerystresser.com/email_dox How to Dox: If you want to dox you will need some information about them already. For this dox tutorial we will be using a tool called Spokeo. Through Spokeo you can search by name, phone number, email, address. You will need to have an account on Spokeo to complete most of this tutorial. Also you should create an account at: http://www.celerystresser.com/register. Method 1 w/ Skype and Facebook: One of the easiest ways to get a dox is to have your victim added on skype. You will need a facebook account as well. Login in to facebook, then go to: https://www.facebook.com/?sk=ff On the right hand side, click the skype logo then login. Then, what you do is click skip. After that, confirm by clicking skip again. Once that's completed, click no. Then go to this page: https://www.facebook.com/invite_history.php. Look for your victim's skype display name on the left hand side of the page. Then click on there partial email next to there display name. A captcha box should be displayed, fill it out, and there you go. There is your victim's email. Type in their email into Facebook search. From this you might be able to get their first name, last name, phone number, address, school, and pictures/videos of them. Now let's use Spokeo. Now since you have their first name, last name, email, and state through facebook(you may have more though, which is great), we will search through Spokeo. Go to Spokeo and type in "Name, Location". Replace the name with the victim's name and location with the victim's location. Now, from Spokeo, you should have the victim's exact address, DOB, phone number, and ethnicity. Now go to: http://www.spokeo.com/email-search Type in the victim's email you got from Facebook. It should come up with social networks with that email. Method 2 w/ Email: Go to: http://www.spokeo.com/email-search and type in the victim's email. It should come up with accounts on social networks associated with the email. After this, search the email on Facebook and see if anyone pops up. If someone does, you can get some info about them such as name, location, phone number, and pictures/videos. Then go to: http://www.celerystresser.com/email_dox and login. Type in the victim's email and results should pop up if it is found in the database. Note: This info is not 100% accurate all the time. Method 3 w/ Address: Go to: http://www.spokeo.com/reverse-address-search and see what pops up. If you get an email, search that email through: http://www.spokeo.com/email-search, http://www.spokeo.com/email-search, http://www.celerystresser.com/email_dox, and https://www.facebook.com/. Look through those sites for information on them. Method 4 w/ Phone Number: Go to: http://www.spokeo.com/reverse-phone-lookup and see what pops up. If you get an email, search that email through: http://www.spokeo.com/email-search, http://www.spokeo.com/email-search and http://www.celerystresser.com/email_dox, and https://www.facebook.com/. Look through those sites for information on them. Method 5 w/ Username: Go to: http://www.spokeo.com/username-search. Look for usernames BTW, this is the hardest method. Find their email through the social networks, then complete method 2. Once done, most people post the dox to: Pastebin. After completed, ship them some free boxes as well. https://store.usps.com/store/browse/subc...iorityMail Credits: Race: [FREE] Skype Email Pulling Method [Tutorial/Method] Sunlight: How to Dox with just a Skype [1st on HF][No SE] Celeron: EMAIL DOX tool [Web Based] Become An Elite Doxer Today!! =D Notes: Spokeo and ESPECIALLY Celery Stresser Email Doxer don't work 100% of the time and aren't 100% accurate. Farewell: I thank you for taking the time to read this tutorial and hope your learned a lot. Regards, Ryoma
  24. Dup? cum spuneam. Dac? vrei s? aflii o parola pierdut? trebuie s? ?tii despre cine e vorba. Dac? vrei s? spargi un cont asta-i partea a doua , nu ofer support aici. Am spus clar "În scopuri educative" , deci persoana pe care totu?i vrei s? o aju?i trebuie s?-?i ofere minimul de informa?ii , ceea ce include ?i prietenii. Doxing is more than good. Incearc? s? o dai în inginerie social?.
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