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Found 19 results

  1. Since @brutelogic and I have had a lot of fun bypassing filters, creating challenges and finding new XSS methods and payloads in the past we thought we should try our luck on Chrome’s Auditor. You can read about the results of our research here. The bypasses we found can be used in many cases but there might be some situations where you can’t use them, for example when there’s no closing script tag or with some special chars after the actual payload like > or ?. However, there are some uncommon ways you could try. No closing script tag: When there’s no closing script tag our bypasses won’t work. They need at least one ” somewhere after the payload and </script> anywhere on the page after our injection. But there’s still a way to defeat the filter. We just have to use HTML imports. They will also be important for an uncommon bypass I’ll explain later. Their syntax is very simple: <link rel = "import" href = "/path/to/file.html"> In href we can specify any link we want as long as it doesn’t violate SOP. CORS might help here. Any link except one to a local resource is usually blocked by Chrome’s auditor. However if we use our known bypass we used with script src we are able to include a data: url. Our new payload would be <link rel = "import" href = "data:text/html&comma;&lt;script&gt;alert(document.domain)&lt;&sol;script&gt; We have to use html entities, otherwise our payload is flagged. This is possible as we are inside an href attribute now. [test] Working without being flagged This actually works in the sites context and would alert the domain name. No user interaction or closing script tag required. Local html inclusion This also relies on our link tag, but this time we play by the rules of the auditor. As I mentioned earlier we are only allowed to include local resources. The content type isn’t really important as this would also work with X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff. This gives us an interesting bypass opportunity. When we have an upload feature on the website where we want to inject our payload we can use it to upload a file with html code in its source. For example a .gif file with the content GIF89a<script>alert(1)</script> More info about that here, here and here. Even imgur would accept such a file (even though it can’t be displayed). Here’s the proof: imgur accepts this as a valid gif file Now let’s include it. We do this with <link rel = "import" href = "test.gif"> And there we go. It works! [test] Working great (DOM view) Multiple reflections That’s a whole different class of bypasses than the ones we’ve seen before. It’s not working due to an unclosed quote or the fact that the auditor trusts local resources that are passed without parameters. It is possible because the auditor sees a request with some html tags that look harmless on their own, but can be malicious if they occur more than once. This is usually achieved with script tags. A simple example where this would work is this: <a href = "INJECTION">INJECTION</a> You see, our injection is reflected two times i the same line. All we have to do now is this: \">"</script><script>alert(document.domain)-"\ What did we do here? Let me explain: First we break out of the href with \”>. The \ is required as it will escape the ” later in the script context. After that we have another “. This is going to mark the end of our string. Then we have a simple closing script tag. This won’t be recognized as malicious by the auditor as we have no starting script tag before. Now we start our new script with an opening script tag and write our payload after it. We now have to get rid of everything what’s behind our payload, otherwise we’d get a syntax error. We simply do this with a -“\. The ” will mark a new string and the \ will escape the quote that’s left of our payload. This is really hard to describe, so better see for yourself how the payload looks in the end: Some art right here Again this will alert. [click] Unfortunately this isn’t a common case. When we have multiple reflections they are often separated with newlines and other tags like here: This one looks harder, but is in fact easy We can’t use the trick we just used here. Simply because we have a newline that’s separating our payloads. So what would be a post about filter bypasses without template strings? I can’t even imagine it. As we know they allow multi-line strings which is exactly what we need here. Unfortunately the auditor knows about them and won’t allow them when there’s any character between an opening script tag and a template string. So what can we do about it? It’s really easy: ">`;alert(1)</script><script>` That way there’s no character between our template string and the script tag and we can enclose everything that would produce a syntax error. To be honest that same payload would also work on the first example of a double injection. Even a ‘ instead of the template string would. But it was a great challenge to try it with double quotes and backslashes. Here is our payload in action: [click] The ` makes it work in a multiline scenario All this is possible due to the fact that the auditor searches for the same dangerous string in a the request and response body, trusts local resources, doesn’t consider multi-injections and is not really strict to avoid false positives, which is important for a browser with such a market share. I’m sure there are some other bypasses just waiting to be found. You can try everything I showed you earlier when using this link: https://poc.asdizzle.com/auditor-tests/?mode=plain&q=INJECTION There’s different modes you can try: plain inline event image double double2 multi Have fun testing and Bye SOURCE : https://blog.asdizzle.com
  2. Got Chrome? Google Just Silently Downloaded This Onto Your Computer | We Are Change Update via @Andrei: "Seems like Google has reversed their decision in the last release Google Chrome 43.0.2357.130 () NaCl Enabled Yes Microphone No Audio Capture Allowed Yes"
  3. Pot face ceva cu cookieurile salvate de chrome la un anumit site ? ma pot loga cu ele ? multumesc
  4. Google spam abuse researcher Kurt Thomas says some 84,000 injectors and apps are targeting its Chrome web browser with dodgy advertising. Thomas says the apps include 50,000 browser extensions and 34,000 applications which target Chrome to display revenue-generating ads within the sites that victims browse. About a third of these identified in the study Ad Injection at Scale: Assessing Deceptive Advertisement Modifications [PDF] by boffins at universities California, Berkeley, and Santa Barbara were "outright malicious", he says. "Upwards of 30 percent of these packages were outright malicious and simultaneously stole account credentials, hijacked search queries, and reported a user’s activity to third parties for tracking," Thomas says. "In total, we found 5.1 percent of page views on Windows and 3.4 percent of page views on Mac that showed tell-tale signs of ad injection software. "The ad injection ecosystem profits from more than 3000 victimised advertisers — including major retailers like Sears, Walmart, Target, Ebay — who unwittingly pay for traffic to their sites." Thomas says advertisers are blind to the injector process and see only the final ad click. University researchers found about 1000 profiteering affiliates who score commissions for injected ad clicks including Crossrider, Shopper Pro, and Netcrawl. Of the 25 businesses that provide the ads, Superfish and Jollywallet are "by far" the most popular accounting for 3.9 percent and 2.4 percent of Google views, respectively. The former ad injector became an internet pariah after users revealed it had been quietly foisted on Lenovo laptops. It has since been removed. But Choc Factory efforts are helping; Thomas says the number of warnings generated when users click on injected ads has fallen 95 percent since the company created warning flags last month and killed off 192 "deceptive" ad fiddling Chrome extensions. "This suggests it's become much more difficult for users to download unwanted software, and for bad advertisers to promote it," Thomas says. Google has also updated its ad policies to cut out the slimeballs and urges legitimate advertisers to do the same. Source
  5. Salutare,o noua stire umbla pe internet si anume cu ajutor unei extensii vom putea evita atacurile de tip Phising din Chrome.Atacurile de tip phising sunt folosite de hacker cu scopul de a fura datele unor persoane online.Pentru c? mul?i dintre noi folosesc Chrome, iar un cont Google a devenit aproape indispensabil, o nou? extensie v-ar putea oferi un confort psihologic sporit. În nou? din zece cazuri, în cea mai mare parte a timpului, folosi?i preponderent ca ?i browser Google Chrome sau Mozilla Firefox. Fiecare dintre ele vine cu avantaje ?i dezavantaje, dar, mai mult decât atât, include suport pentru extensii. Aceste mici aplica?ii ancorate în browser amplific? într-un mod semnificativ func?ionalitatea Chrome ?i Firefox. De aceast? dat? facem referire la o nou? extensie lansat? zilele trecute de cei de la Google pentru browserul companiei. Aceasta din urm? este foarte eficient? în a preveni atacurile cibernetice de tip phishing. Conceptul de phising se refer? la anumite website-uri mali?ioase care, pentru c? sunt foarte similare cu website-uri oficiale, gen Google, Yahoo sau Apple, reu?esc s? v? conving? s? v? trimite?i, f?r? voia voastr?, datele de autentificare c?tre grupuri de hackeri ce au creat o afacere din furtul de identit??i online. Extensia poart? numele de Password Alert ?i poate fi desc?rcat? gratuit din Chrome WebStore. Singurul ei minus, dac? îl putem numi a?a, const? în faptul c? v? protejeaz? doar contul de Google ?i contul de Google Apps for Work, nimic altceva. Atinge aceast? performan?? scanând foarte atent codul HTML din spatele fiec?rei adrese web ce pare similar? cu accounts.google.com. Dac? este descoperit? o problem?, sunte?i automat avertiza?i printr-o pagin? similar? cu cea de mai sus, iar dac? a?i f?cut deja gre?eala de a c?dea victim? unui atac de tip phishing, sunte?i obliga?i s? v? schimba?i imediat parola. Mutumesc pentru timpul acordat!
  6. RYANCS1

    Stealer log

    Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.dyndn.es/ Username: Fastnet@walla.com Password: Ratte113 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.dropbox.com/de/ Username: fastnet112@googlemail.com Password: Ratte112 Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: fastnet@walla.com Password: Ratte113 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://crytecsbs.local/Remote/logon Username: fastnet Password: Ratte112 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://accounts.goo...om/ServiceLogin Username: fastnet112@googlemail.com Password: Melissa78 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://192.168.100....ebman/index.cgi Username: admin Password: ratte112 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://192.168.100..../administrator/ Username: admin Password: 663852 Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: fastnet Password: Ratte112 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.iapphacks.com/ucp.php Username: Ratte112 Password: ratte112 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.dyndn.es/ Username: fastnet Password: Ratte113 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://tipido.com/g...space-anmelden/ Username: Fastnet@walla.com Password: Somm3r2013 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.lima-city.de/login Username: vipx Password: Somm3r2013 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://myds.synolog...rt/register.php Username: Fastnet@walla.com Password: Ratte113 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.x.gg/login Username: Fastnet@walla.com Password: YYCUvqEl Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: fastnet Password: hund88 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.facebook.com/login.php Username: Fastnet@walla.com Password: Melissa78+ Application: Google Chrome Host: http://vipx.square7.ch/administrator/ Username: admin Password: Somm3r2013 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://accounts.goo...om/ServiceLogin Username: Fastnet112@googlemail.com Password: Melissa78 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://warframe.com/signup Username: Fastnet Password: monster112 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://phpmyadmin.vi...e7.ch/index.php Username: vipx Password: vipx Application: Google Chrome Host: https://friends.walla.co.il/ Username: Fastnet Password: Ratte112 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://myds.synolog...ter_account.php Username: Fastnet@walla.com Password: 87654321 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://battlelog.ba...bf3/de/servers/ Username: Fastnet112@googlemail.com Password: Ratte112 Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: root Password: ratte112 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://battlelog.bat...om/all/de/gate/ Username: fastnet112@googlemail.com Password: Ratte112 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin Username: antjemy@web.de Password: skellerup Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.starstab...om/de/myaccount Username: antjemy@web.de Password: lotta1409 ========================== ate/Time: 23.01.2015 09:28:54 PC Name: CHRIS-THINK Windows Version: Windows 7 / Vista Application: FileZilla Host: iface.ff.lan Port: 22 Username: root Password: isitaplane Application: Google Chrome Host: http://helpdesk.blue...hilfe-anfordern Username: domi Password: domi Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.grupo-max.../administrator/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://test2.bluepoi.../administrator/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.joomlart....s/downloads.php Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://test.bluepoint-service.at/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://osclass.bluep...admin/index.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.geco-group.com/de-home Username: christian.b@bluepoint-service.at Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://my.world4you.com/index.php Username: 50120485 Password: p9qk9g Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.joomlacon...r.net/index.php Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://webmail.world4you.com/ Username: info@florianueberall.at Password: florian! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://omcme.forumotion.com/login Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.4freelance.de/login Username: christian.b@bluepoint-service.at Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://crowdin.net/login Username: chrioll Password: sARESE!"1 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://goomaxx-vorsc...rator/index.php Username: cburger Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://adobeid-na1....der/pages/login Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://yeslider.com/...rator/index.php Username: demo Password: demo Application: Google Chrome Host: http://localhost:8000/admin/ Username: chrioll Password: chrioll Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.fonts.com...eb-fonts/google Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.guia-acti...rator/index.php Username: cburger Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.boerse.bz...ung-2013-a.html Username: chrioll Password: lz639ad Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.highlands.../administrator/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://kuler.adobe....te/color-wheel/ Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.gmop.de/administrator/ Username: cburger Password: Chris,123 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://hsv1.bluepoin...rator/index.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.kareebu.com/login Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://goomaxx-vorsc...e/single-advert Username: demo Password: demo Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.tutorials...007-vba.281799/ Username: chrioll Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.strato.d...CustomerService Username: 73382697 Password: oliver3977lukas Application: Google Chrome Host: https://twitter.com/...word_reset_sent Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://support.bluep...t/scp/login.php Username: chris Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: gmdev Password: Ir6k7OiZDo/+ Application: Google Chrome Host: https://registrierun...Eukm2_q-GA_RGfc Username: grupomaximus Password: 8d16d57a3 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://seblod.time4m.../anmeldung.html Username: chrioll.b Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.ms-office.../showthread.php Username: chrioll Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.panosfx.com/log-in/ Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://portal.bony-club.eu/ Username: cburger Password: malaga Application: Google Chrome Host: http://mygully.com/t...enbuch-1825176/ Username: chrioll Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://e16927-phpmy...es.easyname.eu/ Username: u9400db4 Password: GTtuENK Application: Google Chrome Host: http://i18n.osticket.com/join Username: chrioll Password: sARESE!"1 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://saenger.bluep.../administrator/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://goomaxx1.blue...ass/install.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://ff.loc/scrum/ Username: luigi Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://my.easyname.com/de/anmelden Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.guia-culi...rator/index.php Username: cburger Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://demo.magnolia...ia/admincentral Username: superuser Password: superuser Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.bony-club.eu/administrator/ Username: cburger Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.strato.d...CustomerService Username: office Password: hitman47 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://sales.grupo-maximus.eu/ Username: office Password: romulus2014top Application: Google Chrome Host: https://app.asana.co...9605339434404/f Username: it-chris@grupo-maximus.eu Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://edit.yahoo.com/upgrade Username: chrioll65 Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.grupo-maximus.eu/ Username: cburger Password: malaga Application: Google Chrome Host: http://quirktools.com/me/ Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.template...za.com/register Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://rubygems.org/sign_up Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://verein.bluepo...ogram/index.php Username: admin Password: lz639ad Application: Google Chrome Host: ftp://e16927-ftp.services.easyname.eu/ Username: 9400ftp16 Password: Adrian,123 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.goomaxx.eu/administrator/ Username: cburger Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://verwaltung.bl...int-service.at/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://bony.bluepoint-service.at/ Username: grupomaximus Password: klausi Application: Google Chrome Host: https://it.projektwe...7tfgcjm2hxn7rcd Username: christian.b@bluepoint-service.at Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://test.bluepoin...index.php/login Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://office.bluepoint-service.at/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://verein.bluepo...profile_new.php Username: christian Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://grupomaximus...cloudforge.com/ Username: cburger1 Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://eu.battle.ne...eation/tos.html Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://helpdesk.blue...rator/index.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://app.cloudforge.com/session/new Username: cburger1 Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://osclass.bluep...ass/install.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://localhost/ Username: grupomaximus Password: klausi Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.klagusch-.../administrator/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: gmdev Password: Ir6k7OiZDo/+ Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.adobe.co...n.exchange.html Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://demo.f4s.eu/w...ce/content/demo Username: chris-it@grupo-maximus.eu Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: chrioll Password: chrioll Application: Google Chrome Host: https://servisto.de/...demo/login.html Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://owncloud.bluepoint-service.at/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://twitter.com/oauth/authenticate Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://couponlisting...php/all-coupons Username: demo Password: demo Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.xing.com...istian_Burger36 Username: christian.b@bluepoint-service.at Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.amazon.de/ap/signin Username: office@bluepoint-service.at Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.strato.d...CustomerService Username: 73459150 Password: hitman47 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://forum.admidio.org/ucp.php Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://pligg.bluepoint-service.at/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.geco-grou.../web/guest/home Username: christian.b@bluepoint-service.at Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.imapbuild...n/index-rc1.php Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.joomlackeditor.com/register Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.admidio.org/forum/ucp.php Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.schiessen-lienz.at/ Username: admin Password: glockat Application: Google Chrome Host: http://goomaxx-vorsc...n/single-advert Username: demo Password: demo Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.dolomiten...at/wp-login.php Username: griasenk Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.joomlaportal.de/login.php Username: chrioll Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://hsv1.bluepoin...rator/index.php Username: author Password: author Application: Google Chrome Host: http://test2.bluepoi...rator/index.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://adobeid-na1..../create_account Username: chris@formfinder.at Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.bony-club.eu/ Username: cburger Password: malaga Application: Google Chrome Host: http://goomaxx-vorsc....php/en/logout1 Username: cburger Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: cburger Password: malaga Application: Google Chrome Host: http://new.wasser-re.../administrator/ Username: admin Password: tempor Application: Google Chrome Host: http://office.bluepoint-service.at/ Username: chris Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: admin Password: admin Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: cburger Password: Sarese12!? Application: Google Chrome Host: http://ff.loc/scrum/index.php Username: chris Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://boerse.to/th...xisbuch.389380/ Username: chrisburg Password: O8-s5Q31 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.evernote.com/Login.action Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.boerse.bz/ Username: chrioll Password: lz639ad Application: Google Chrome Host: http://goomaxx-vorsc...omponent/users/ Username: cburger Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.seblod.com/index.php Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.bang2joom.com/plan/login Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://demo.owncloud.org/ Username: test Password: test Application: Google Chrome Host: http://activos-vorsc.../administrator/ Username: cburger Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://verein.bluepo...ystem/login.php Username: admin Password: lz639ad Application: Google Chrome Host: http://office.bluepoint-service.at/ Username: andreas Password: Glock19! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://goomaxx.bluep...admin/index.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://github.com/session Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://accounts.goo...om/ServiceLogin Username: chriollweb@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.pasha-rea...rator/index.php Username: heico Password: hitman47 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://webmail.easyname.eu/ Username: 9400mail6 Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://pastebin.com/signup Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.w-b-s.net/ Username: cburger Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://demo.foobla.c.../administrator/ Username: demo Password: demo Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.dropbox.com/login Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://goomaxx-vorsc.../administrator/ Username: cburger Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.share-on....biz/user/login Username: 08088816435 Password: UqMsD3Fmb Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.share-on...egister/premium Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.w-b-s.net.../wiki/index.php Username: cburger Password: chris2014 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://localhost/joomla/administrator/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.goomaxx.eu/ Username: cburger Password: malaga Application: Google Chrome Host: http://ordasoft.com/ Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://owncloud.blue...ce.at/index.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://communicator....de/ox6/ox.html Username: chris-it@grupo-maximus.eu Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://idmsa.apple....Auth/login.html Username: chrioll65@me.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://office.bluepo...ce.at/index.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://joomla35.ijoo...x.php/ad-agency Username: demo Password: demo Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.nauticexp...096-216658.html Username: chris@wasser-rettung.net Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://wiki.bluepoin...ce.at/index.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://forums.osclass.org/register2/ Username: christian.b@bluepoint-service.at Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.addthis.com/register Username: christian.burger@grupo-maximus.eu Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.guia-culinaria.eu/ Username: cburger Password: malaga Application: Google Chrome Host: https://app.cloudfor...vitations/30847 Username: Burger Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://accounts.goo...om/ServiceLogin Username: maximusgoomaxx@gmail.com Password: KZbDcf3G Application: Google Chrome Host: http://goomaxx-vorsc...n/single-advert Username: demo Password: demo Application: Google Chrome Host: http://introduction....ypo3.org/typo3/ Username: admin Password: password Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.paypal.c...ebapps/mpp/home Username: christian.burger@grupo-maximus.eu Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ Username: root Password: chrioll Application: Google Chrome Host: https://accounts.goo...om/ServiceLogin Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://localhost/hosting/login.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://localhost/gottl/administrator/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://front.bluepoi...ce.at/index.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://accounts.goo...om/ServiceLogin Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: grupo_maximus Password: 6Grewq7er Application: Google Chrome Host: https://communicator...com/ox6/ox.html Username: chris-it@grupo-maximus.eu Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.deviantart.com/join/ Username: chrioll Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.xing.com/ Username: christian.b@bluepoint-service.at Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.pixelio.de/ Username: chrioll Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.boerse.bz...ele/index5.html Username: chrioll Password: lz639ad Application: Google Chrome Host: http://hsv.bluepoint...rator/index.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://cloud.bluepoint-service.at/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://verein.bluepo...login_check.php Username: admin Password: lz639ad Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.dropbox.com/ Username: chrioll@me.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://elgg.bluepoint-service.at/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.bootply.com/UIc6GLkWrb Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://data.formfinder.at/ Username: superadmin Password: 987KdaE2 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.faboba.com/component/uu/ Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.schiessen...index.php/login Username: author Password: author Application: Google Chrome Host: http://hsv1.bluepoin...rator/index.php Username: hans Password: hansmoser Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.bluepoint.../administrator/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://demo.kandanda.../administrator/ Username: demo Password: demo Application: Google Chrome Host: https://frontify.com/signup/ Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://blue.bluepoin.../administrator/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.dropbox.com/ Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://highlands-ost...rator/index.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Username: chrioll65 Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.grupo-max...rator/index.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://hsv1.bluepoin.../administrator/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.odesk.com/login Username: christian.b@bluepoint-service.at Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://t3.bluepoint-...rator/index.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.guia-activos.eu/ Username: cburger Password: malaga Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.goetzfri...om/template.php Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://jomclassified...orum/index.html Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://helpdesk.blue...index.php/login Username: agent1 Password: agent1 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.dmxzone.c...free-extension/ Username: chrioll Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.dmxzone.c...free-extension/ Username: chrioll Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://verein.bluepo...nstallation.php Username: admin Password: lz639ad Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml Username: chrioll Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://demo.joombri.in/ Username: freelancer Password: password Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.processon.com/login Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://helpdesk.bluepoint-service.at/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://bootsnipp.com/register Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://open.bluepoint-service.at/ Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: i41B4fo Application: Google Chrome Host: http://demo.joomlacontenteditor.net/ Username: demo Password: demo Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.w-b-s.net/ Username: grupomaximus Password: ifnok5gfU0! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://webmail.binarydigit.at/ Username: chris@wasser-rettung.net Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://communicator...com/ox6/ox.html Username: christian.burger@grupo-maximus.eu Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://login.micros...e.com/login.srf Username: chris@formfinder.at Password: Sarese12!? Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.joomlapolis.com/index.php Username: chrioll1965 Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.joomlacke...ead-more-button Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://localhost/hosting/install.php Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://grupomaximus...cloudforge.com/ Username: cburger1 Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.yeedeen.c...in-registration Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.gfxtra1.net/ Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://culinaria-vor.../administrator/ Username: cburger Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://owncloud.bony-club.eu/ Username: cburger Password: i&~8rN?2qpe( Application: Google Chrome Host: http://joomlacode.org/gf/account/ Username: chrioll Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.bootply.com/CGj9cyTZwX Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://icomoon.io/ Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://adobeid-na1....der/pages/login Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.stockphot...rfree.com/join/ Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://front.bluepoint-service.at/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.kareebu.com/register Username: christian.burger@grupo-maximus.eu Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://localhost/wp/...min/install.php Username: chris Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://localhost/joomla/administrator/ Username: admin Password: admin Application: Google Chrome Host: http://owncloud.bluepoint-service.at/ Username: desiree Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.dropbox.com/account Username: chrioll@me.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://accounts.google.com/SignUp Username: mariavolperowain Password: MaRiA2014! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.seblod.com/ Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: cburger Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://t3.bluepoint-.../administrator/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.pasha-rea...rator/index.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://portal.bony-c.../administrator/ Username: cburger Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.ms-office.../attachment.php Username: chrioll Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.etengo.d...ojektliste.jspx Username: burger1 Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.xing.com...rian_Taciulescu Username: christian.b@bluepoint-service.at Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://test.bluepoin.../administrator/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.grupo-max...rator/index.php Username: 11631 Password: malaga Application: Google Chrome Host: http://forum.zhuk.cc...omponent/users/ Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://demo.testlink...atest/login.php Username: admin Password: admin Application: Google Chrome Host: http://de.skill.gameforge.com/landing/ Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.pasha-rea.../administrator/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://data.formfinder.at/ Username: editor Password: ffedit43 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.astemplates.com/signin Username: grupomaximus Password: 0zin3tS0 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://panopanda.co/register Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://webmail.wasser-rettung.net/ Username: chris@wasser-rettung.net Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://open.bluepoin...anel/auth/login Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: i41B4fo Application: Google Chrome Host: http://ordasoft.com/...sk,advregister/ Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://goomaxx1.blue...admin/index.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: grupomaximus Password: ifnok5gfU0! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://login.skype.com/login Username: live:christian.b_17 Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://jsfiddle.net/user/login/ Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://clicky.com/user/register Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://demo.jomclass...index.php/login Username: demo Password: demo Application: Google Chrome Host: http://test2.bluepoi...gistration-form Username: hansi Password: 1234567890 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://helpdesk.blue...rvice.at/admin/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://developers.phpjunkyard.com/ Username: php Password: php Application: Google Chrome Host: http://oclass.bluepo...admin/index.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://forums.osclass.org/activate/ Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://bluepoint.blu.../administrator/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://mygully.com/t...-1-3-a-2760461/ Username: chrioll Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://verein.bluepo...profile_new.php Username: admin Password: lz639ad Application: Google Chrome Host: http://sales.grupo-m...views/Anmelden/ Username: office Password: romulus2014top Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.processon.com/signup/bind Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://quirktools.com/me/ Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.guia-culi...e/single-advert Username: demo Password: demo Application: Google Chrome Host: Username: admin Password: bony.club Application: Google Chrome Host: http://link.samsung.com/ Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.w-b-s.net.../wiki/index.php Username: Cburger Password: chris2014 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://goomaxx.bluep...ass/install.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://localhost:8080/ Username: tomcat Password: s3cret Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.xing.com/de Username: christian.b@bluepoint-service.at Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.joomlic.c.../identification Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://e16927-phpmy...es.easyname.eu/ Username: u9400db7 Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://e16927-phpmy...es.easyname.eu/ Username: u9400db6 Password: r2TlEv6 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.schiessen-lienz.at/ Username: hsv Password: 2014schiessen Application: Google Chrome Host: https://www.akeebaba...m/download.html Username: chrioll Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.schiessen...index.php/login Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://store.steampowered.com/join/ Username: chrioll65 Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://boerse.to/ Username: chrisburg Password: O8-s5Q31 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.easyname.com/de Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://bitbucket.org/account/signin/ Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.psd-tutor...-oeffnen.93438/ Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.schiessen.../administrator/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://iface.ff.lan/user/login/ Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://communicator....de/ox6/ox.html Username: c.burger@bony-club.eu Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://tibet.bluepoi...rator/index.php Username: florian Password: florian2014 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://localhost/joomla/administrator/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.joomlackeditor.com/ Username: chrioll Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://tibet.bluepoi.../administrator/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: http://tibet.bluepoi...rator/index.php Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://master-solut...cloudforge.com/ Username: cburger_bc Password: NqzwOWVGS8 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://office.bluepoint-service.at/ Username: admin Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://login.live.com/login.srf Username: christian.b@bluepoint-service.at Password: mco727865 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://iface.ff.lan/ Username: chrioll@gmail.com Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://community.sp...com/login/login Username: office@bluepoint-service.at Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://webmail.easyname.com/ Username: 9400mail6 Password: Sarese12! Application: Google Chrome Host: https://webmail.easyname.com/ Username: 9400mail3 Password: sarese12 Application: Google Chrome Host: http://klagusch-sl.c...rator/index.php Username: Klaus - MAXiMUS Password: Oliver3977Lukas Application: Google Chrome Host: http://www.klagusch-...rator/index.php Username: Klaus - MAXiMUS Password: Oliver3977Lukas
  7. Last year at Google I/O developer event, Google launched a limited beta "App Runtime for Chrome" (ARC) project, which now expanded to run millions of Android apps within Chrome browser. Google has released a new developer tool called App Runtime for Chrome (ARC) Welder that allows Android apps to run on Chrome for Linux, Windows, and OS X systems. App Runtime for Chrome (ARC) was an early experiment specifically designed for app developers, but now anyone can download it. Google Chrome's ARC Welder app can now run any of your favorite Android apps like WhatsApp, Candy Crush, Angry Birds, all from your Chrome web browser. ARC welder tool operates via some special runtime implemented using Native Client (NaCl) in-browser binary execution tech. Native Client is a Chrome sandboxing technology that allows Chrome plugins and apps to run at near-native speeds, taking full advantage of the system's CPU and GPU. Google ported complete Android stack to Native Client, allowing Android apps to run on most major operating systems. Google ARC welder tool is based on Android 4.4, but there are some limitations: you can load only one app at a time you have to select portrait or landscape layout you need to choose, whether you want the app to run on phone- or tablet-style. LEARN HOW TO RUN ANDROID APPS IN CHROME:- Install the latest Google Chrome browser. Download and run the ARC Welder app from the Chrome Store. Add third party APK file host. After downloading APK app file to your PC, click Open. Select the mode -> "Tablet" or "Phone" -> in which you want to run your app. Finally, click the "Launch App" button. I have personally tried this tool before writing, and some of my favorite Android apps work pretty well. SOURCE
  8. Google's Chrome browser will stop trusting all digital certificates issued by the China Internet Network Information Center following a major trust breach last week that led to the issuance of unauthorized credentials for Gmail and several other Google domains. The move could have major consequences for huge numbers of Internet users as Chrome, the world's second most widely used browser, stops recognizing all website certificates issued by CNNIC. That could leave huge numbers of users suddenly unable to connect to banks and e-commerce sites. To give affected website operators time to obtain new credentials from a different certificate authority, Google will wait an unspecified period of time before implementing the change. Once that grace period ends, Google engineers will blacklist both CNNIC's root and extended-validation certificates in Chrome and all other Google software. The unauthorized certificates were issued by Egypt-based MCS Holdings, an intermediate certificate authority that operated under the authority of CNNIC. MCS used the certificates in a man-in-the-middle proxy, a device that intercepts secure connections by masquerading as the intended destination. Such devices are sometimes used by companies to monitor employees' encrypted traffic for legal or human resources reasons. It's one of the first times a certificate authority has faced such a banishment since the downfall of Netherlands-based DigiNotar in 2011. Other CAs, including US-based Trustwave, have also done what CNNIC did without getting the boot. While worldwide Chrome is the No. 2 most used browser, it had a commanding, 52-percent share in China last year, compared to 23 percent for IE. The move was announced on Wednesday evening in an update to last week's blog post disclosing the misissued certificates. The update left open the possibility that CNNIC may be reinstated at an undetermined future date if the group gives a detailed accounting of all currently valid certificates. The update read: As this post was being prepared, it wasn't clear if Mozilla or Microsoft planned to update Firefox and Internet explorer to also stop trusting CNNIC. Firefox 37, released this week, stopped trusting all certificates issued by MCS Holdings, and Microsoft has announced similar plans for Windows. Revoking trust in the root CNNIC certificate would be a much more disruptive course of action, since many more website certificates would be affected. Update 1: In an e-mailed statement, Mozilla Cryptographic Engineering Manager Richard Barnes said: "We believe it is very important to include the Mozilla community in these discussions, so we are taking a bit longer to announce our official plan. We expect to wrap up our discussion in mozilla.dev.security.policy soon, and in the meantime you can see the plan we are currently discussing here." The plan under consideration would: Reject certificates chaining to CNNIC with a notBefore date after a threshold date Request that CNNIC provide a list of currently valid certificates and publish that list so that the community can recognize any back-dated certs Allow CNNIC to re-apply for full inclusion, with some additional requirements (to be discussed on this list) If CNNIC's re-application is unsuccessful, then their root certificates will be removed Update2: Officials with CNNIC have issued a statement that's sharply critical of Google's move. It reads: Source
  9. Google is preparing to release new research on the prevalence of ad injectors, the often-unwanted browser extensions that inject ads onto Web pages, and the numbers will show just how widespread and problematic the software is. Ad injectors belong to that great, amorphous pile of applications that aren’t necessarily classed as malware but exhibit behavior that is unwanted by users. They’re designed to push ads onto the pages that users visit and they typically come in the form of browser extensions. Users sometimes install them purposely, but often ad injectors come bundled with other applications and can be difficult to remove. Google has been adjusting the way that it handles deceptive and unwanted software and its Chrome browser will display a warning when a user is going to download an ad injector from the Chrome Web store. The company doesn’t ban all ad injectors across the board, but will remove deceptive apps from the Web store. Google said that it has received more than 100,000 complaints from Chrome users about ad injectors in just the past three months. In a few weeks, Google plans to release some joint research on ad injectors it did with the University of California at Berkeley. Some of the findings that came out of the research make it clear that ad injectors represent a fairly large-scale problem for users: Ad injectors were detected on all operating systems (Mac and Windows), and web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE) that were included in our test. More than 5% of people visiting Google sites have at least one ad injector installed. Within that group, half have at least two injectors installed and nearly one-third have at least four installed. Thirty-four percent of Chrome extensions injecting ads were classified as outright malware. Google’s Nav Jagpal said in a blog post that the research found nearly 200 deceptive extensions in the Chrome Web store, which have been disabled. Jagpal said Google plans to release the full results of the research on May 1. Source
  10. Google want to save its users' bandwidth at home. The company has released a "Data Saver extension for Chrome," bringing its data compression feature for its desktop users for the first time. While tethering to a mobile Hotspot for Internet connection for your laptop, this new Data Saver extension for Chrome helps you reduce bandwidth usage by compressing the pages you visit over the Internet. If you are unaware of it, the data compression proxy service by Google is designed to save users' bandwidth, load pages faster, and increase security (by checking for malicious web pages) on your smartphones and tablets. REDUCE AS MUCH AS 50% OF DATA USAGE Until now, the data compression service has been meant to benefit only mobile users, but the latest Data Saver Chrome Extension aims at helping desktop users by reducing their data usage by as much as 50 percent. When you visit a website, web server delivers the requested files to your browser. If enabled by the server, Gzip compresses web pages and style sheets before sending them over to the browser. Gzip compression drastically reduces transfer time since the files are much smaller. Data Saver Extension for Chrome checks if the website you visited has gzip enabled or not. If not, it compresses the requested web page via Google Data Compression proxy and makes it significantly smaller. AVAILABLE FOR CHROME 41 AND HIGHER The Data Saver Chrome extension currently doesn't support secure SSL pages or incognito pages, and Google notes that users may experience issues when they have enabled the extension. Data Saver is available on Chrome both for Android as well as iOS. User will need Chrome 41 or higher version to use the extension. As soon as you install it, the extension starts to work by default. In case you want to disable it, click on the Data Saver icon in the menu bar and select "Turn Off Data Saver." You can now download Google's new Data Saver extension for Chrome, which is currently in beta version, from the Chrome Web Store. The extension was released on March 23, without any announcement from the search engine giant. Source
  11. Am conceput un progr?mel pentru decriptarea/afi?area/salvarea parolelor salvate în browser-ul Google Chrome. Atunci când alegem s? salv?m parolele diferitelor conturi de pe diferitele site-uri pe care navig?m, Chrome salveaz? respectivele informa?ii într-o baz? de date SQLite numit? „Login Data”, localizat? în mod normal în C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\ (bineîn?eles, înlocuind USERNAME cu numele de utilizator Windows). Câmpul de parol? este un câmp BLOB, adic? nu poate fi vizualizat în mod direct. Pentru criptarea sa, Chrome folose?te ca „seed” numele de utilizator al contului Windows, prin urmare, nu ve?i reu?i s? decripta?i o baz? de date Chrome decât logându-v? cu numele de utilizator Windows care a fost folosit pentru crearea bazei de date. Programul poate fi folosit pentru studierea ?i aprofundarea modului în care Google Chrome implementeaz? securitatea datelor, poate fi folosit pentru recuperarea numelor de utilizator ori a parolelor uitate, sau... pentru alte scopuri, în func?ie de imagina?ia fiec?ruia Pentru u?urarea... altor scopuri, am ad?ugat ?i o func?ie de exportare rapid? a datelor într-un fi?ier XML ce va fi salvat pe desktop (ChromePwd.xml). Executabilul compilat poate fi desc?rcat aici. Codul surs? (proiect Visual Studio 2013) poate fi desc?rcat aici. Enjoy
  12. If you're currently on a Mac computer and using a Chrome browser then a weird little Apple's OS X quirk, just a special thirteen-characters string could cause your tab in Chrome to crash instantly. A string of 13 characters (appear to be in Assyrian), shown below in an image, is all needed to crash any tab in Chrome for OS X, however, this text has no impact on Windows, Android, or iOS operating systems. This Chrome crash vulnerability has already been reported by an open-source project Chromium project, which means that Google is likely aware of this troublesome issue. What steps will reproduce the problem? Any page with [that special character] will crash the chrome tab on a Mac. Just create any dummy page with the unicode characters, and the Mac Chrome tab will crash hard. What is the expected result? Expect it not to crash What happens instead? It crashes Warning: Do not click on this link, which actually points to the bug report on the Chromium product describing the issue, if your are using Chrome on a Mac. If you’ll click, it will immediately cause the Chrome tab to crash in which the link opens. Emil Protalinski of VentureBeat says even the tab showing the news article also crashes for some readers. The issue appears to be small but is really serious, as it is possible for anyone to tweet out the text in question, and crash all Chrome for Mac users whose Twitter timeline will load those characters. The developer who discovered this bug gives two different scenarios in which this bug could be abused. "This is pretty serious. You could imagine someone spamming this message in Hangouts/Gmail and just straight-up force crashing all Mac Chrome browsers," the developer said. Furthermore, someone could post this 13-characters string on Facebook walls or timelines, and force-crash all Mac Chrome browsers that will saw the characters in question. VentureBeat notes that the Chrome crash doesn't happen every time, in some cases, when Chrome renders text differently, Mac users see 13 blank rectangles (????? ??? ?????) instead of the crash, though they never see the proper characters. It's currently not known why this character causes tab on Chrome to crash while page rendering, but we'll recommend you to do not use theses characters while Tweeting or dropping them in the comments or emailing them to the entire company or posting them to Facebook or as a headline of your blog post. If you are curious just how often and why your Chrome is crashing, you can type chrome://crashes into your location bar and press Enter to view the list of crashes. Source
  13. Salut Sunt un impatimit al it-ului! Acum cateva luni(3-4 luni) am facut un program foarte simplu .bat in care apasam 1 se deschidea chrome etc si tot asa Acum as dori sa fac un program Care sa aibe asa I tab sus Browse Alt tab Jocuri sa pun click pe browse sa se deschida o ferseastra si sa fie mozila chrome cand dau click pe mozilla sa se deschida mozila si asa si la jocuri Ma poate ajuta cineva? Adica gen in ce program sa fac designul si sa pot face si codurile ?? Multumesc anticipat:)
  14. Software: Chrome Sitename: Login :: Torrents.Md - BitTorrent Tracker Moldova Login: snapple:paradox PC Name: PC-ÏÊ Date: 2015-01-09 10:33:33 ===================================== Software: Filezilla Sitename: Login: root:mt2raul PC Name: LASTXP Date: 2015-01-09 12:55:56 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://ro-ro.facebook.com/ Login: bucur_alexandru99@yahoo.com:calculator PC Name: ALEX-CE765768C7 Date: 2015-01-09 14:06:41 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: bucur_alexandru99@yahoo.com:calculator PC Name: ALEX-CE765768C7 Date: 2015-01-09 14:06:42 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: krystynutza kryss:dormeza6 PC Name: ALEX-CE765768C7 Date: 2015-01-09 14:06:42 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: visan.floryn.9@facebook.com:policeman PC Name: RAZVI-PC Date: 2015-01-09 16:24:27 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: alin.horvath321:gr4suxxlalyn PC Name: ALIN-PC Date: 2015-01-10 06:08:17 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://accounts.google.com/servicelogin Login: mihai_vilsan@yahoo.com:eumihai03 PC Name: MIHAI-AB49B8E55 Date: 2015-01-10 08:07:56 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/login.php Login: ionutfilip13:Lebenita12 PC Name: IONUT-6ACDB761F Date: 2015-01-10 10:08:51 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: pavenfabi@yahoo.com:bugmafia1997 PC Name: IONUT-6ACDB761F Date: 2015-01-10 10:08:51 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: pavenfabi@yahoo.com:bugmafia1997 PC Name: IONUT-6ACDB761F Date: 2015-01-10 10:08:51 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: http://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/ Login: sadun:1 PC Name: USER-42CEC81C9E Date: 2015-01-10 11:22:36 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: http://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/edit-profile/ Login: sadun:11 PC Name: USER-42CEC81C9E Date: 2015-01-10 11:22:37 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: http://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/edit-profile/ Login: [sL]$$$Hitgril99$$$:sadunkumara PC Name: USER-42CEC81C9E Date: 2015-01-10 11:22:38 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: http://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/shop/ Login: sadun:1 PC Name: USER-42CEC81C9E Date: 2015-01-10 11:22:38 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: adrian_rupeoase@yahoo.com:taniasiadrian PC Name: ADR1AN-PC Date: 2015-01-10 12:16:03 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/recover/initiate Login: adrian_rupeoase@yahoo.com:futpemataingura PC Name: ADR1AN-PC Date: 2015-01-10 12:16:04 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://redpanel.bugged.ro/changemail Login: dragos.banulescu@gmail.com:123456789dragos PC Name: DRAGOS-PC Date: 2015-01-10 13:25:04 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://redpanel.bugged.ro/changemail Login: dragosbanulescu@gmail.com:123456789dragos PC Name: DRAGOS-PC Date: 2015-01-10 13:25:05 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/login.php Login: dragosbanulescu@yahoo.com:Steaua2001 PC Name: DRAGOS-PC Date: 2015-01-10 13:25:05 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://en.metin2.gameforge.com/user/register Login: robertroberto64@yahoo.com:barcelona123 PC Name: ROBERTOOO Date: 2015-01-11 03:40:19 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://filelist.ro/login.php Login: Tryk:nutline0726432062 PC Name: ROBERTOOO Date: 2015-01-11 03:40:20 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.redfaction.ro/forum/ Login: robertynnio:Teiubescmariana2509 PC Name: ROBERTOOO Date: 2015-01-11 03:40:20 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://ro-ro.facebook.com/ Login: mariananicolae98@yahoo.com:arianeve00 PC Name: ROBERTOOO Date: 2015-01-11 03:40:20 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: mariananicolae98@yahoo.com:arianeve00 PC Name: ROBERTOOO Date: 2015-01-11 03:40:21 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: galia.stefania@yahoo.com:Teiubescmariana2509 PC Name: ROBERTOOO Date: 2015-01-11 03:40:21 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/login.php Login: galia.stefania@yahoo.com:Teiubescmariana2509 PC Name: ROBERTOOO Date: 2015-01-11 03:40:22 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: robertroberto64: PC Name: ROBERTOOO Date: 2015-01-11 03:40:23 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://lunetistii.ro/forum/index.php Login: alin.horvath321@yahoo.com:gr4suxxl PC Name: ALIN-PC Date: 2015-01-11 04:08:27 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://ro.metin2.gameforge.com/user/register Login: alin.horvath321@yahoo.com:alinbosututuror PC Name: ALIN-PC Date: 2015-01-11 04:08:27 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.metin2cf.com/index.php Login: 4lin4lin99:alinbosu PC Name: ALIN-PC Date: 2015-01-11 04:08:28 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLoginAuth Login: horvatvineto@gmail.com:alinbosututuror PC Name: ALIN-PC Date: 2015-01-11 04:08:28 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://store.steampowered.com/login/ Login: horvathalin:gr4suxxl PC Name: ALIN-PC Date: 2015-01-11 04:08:29 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/login.php Login: alin.horvath321@yahoo.com:alinbosututuror PC Name: ALIN-PC Date: 2015-01-11 04:08:30 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: alin.horvath321: PC Name: ALIN-PC Date: 2015-01-11 04:08:32 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://filelist.ro/login.php Login: :8iklWMGAOR PC Name: SOCIOPATHMC Date: 2015-01-11 06:03:31 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://filelist.ro/login.php Login: georgerzx:OMFvpeGMTt PC Name: SOCIOPATHMC Date: 2015-01-11 06:03:31 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: :1q2w3e4r PC Name: SOCIOPATHMC Date: 2015-01-11 06:03:36 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://metin2and.com/ishop/ Login: wowman001:valyvaly2012 PC Name: AAA-PC Date: 2015-01-11 07:10:30 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: bucur_alexandru99:password PC Name: ALEX-CE765768C7 Date: 2015-01-11 10:00:47 ===================================== Software: VPN/Net Sitename: Login: BB12532166:6425321389 PC Name: BOGDAN-PC Date: 2015-01-11 13:43:27 ===================================== Software: Chromeo/info-portal/authenticateSubscriber.do Sitename: http://www.extramu.biz/ Login: Chrome:adisuxxx@yahoo.com PC Name: ADR1AN-PC Date: 2015-01-12 03:42:09 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://extramu.biz/index.php Login: adissor:haha9407 PC Name: ADR1AN-PC Date: 2015-01-12 06:04:45 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://extramu.biz/index.php Login: cadillac:2pac2dor PC Name: ADR1AN-PC Date: 2015-01-12 06:04:45 ===================================== Software: Filezilla Sitename: Login: u152665696:takehost PC Name: LASTXP Date: 2015-01-12 08:34:34 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://ro-ro.facebook.com/ Login: cristinel_sirbu@yahoo.com:cristi2012 PC Name: SARBU-PC Date: 2015-01-12 08:49:40 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: sirbumarian402@yahoo.com:sentimentadevarat PC Name: SARBU-PC Date: 2015-01-12 08:49:40 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/login.php Login: sefutau21@yahoo.com:sebastianalexandru PC Name: SARBU-PC Date: 2015-01-12 08:49:41 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/login.php Login: sirbumarian402@yahoo.com:sentimentadevarat PC Name: SARBU-PC Date: 2015-01-12 08:49:42 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: http://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/ Login: Hitgril:1 PC Name: USER-42CEC81C9E Date: 2015-01-12 10:59:08 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://filelist.ro/login.php Login: CostinG6ex:csbestial1/ PC Name: COSTIN-PC Date: 2015-01-13 08:25:03 ===================================== Software: VPN/Net Sitename: Login: CT208304611:RpWaHuCgm4 PC Name: COSTIN-PC Date: 2015-01-13 08:25:04 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2 Login: emi_fifa2010@yahoo.com:chiloti PC Name: ASUS Date: 2015-01-13 12:23:48 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: anghel_gabriel61@yahoo.com:fizicaextrema PC Name: ANDREI-PC Date: 2015-01-13 12:35:44 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://mylittlefarmies.upjers.com/ro/ Login: gabriel61:fansteaua PC Name: ANDREI-PC Date: 2015-01-13 12:35:44 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://ro-ro.facebook.com/ Login: anghel_andrei22@yahoo.com:fansteaua PC Name: ANDREI-PC Date: 2015-01-13 12:35:44 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://romania.triviador.com/stal2_index.php Login: madalinputina@yahoo.com:ali287 PC Name: ANDREI-PC Date: 2015-01-13 12:35:45 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://romania.triviador.com/stal2_index.php Login: anghel_andrei22@yahoo.com:agi287 PC Name: ANDREI-PC Date: 2015-01-13 12:35:45 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://romania.triviador.com/stal_login.php Login: anghel_gabriel61@yahoo.com:fizicaextrema PC Name: ANDREI-PC Date: 2015-01-13 12:35:46 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: anghel_andrei22@yahoo.com:fansteaua PC Name: ANDREI-PC Date: 2015-01-13 12:35:46 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: anghel_gabriel61@yahoo.com:fizicaextrema PC Name: ANDREI-PC Date: 2015-01-13 12:35:46 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.burned.ro/panel/ Login: Dexter:Sabina PC Name: CRYSTY-PC Date: 2015-01-15 11:53:52 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: krystynutza kryss:handicapati18 PC Name: ALEX-CE765768C7 Date: 2015-01-16 13:23:28 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/login.php Login: krystynutza kryss:handicapati19 PC Name: ALEX-CE765768C7 Date: 2015-01-16 13:23:28 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/login.php Login: krystynutzakryss:handicapati19 PC Name: ALEX-CE765768C7 Date: 2015-01-16 13:23:29 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/recover/initiate Login: krystynutza kryss:handicapati18 PC Name: ALEX-CE765768C7 Date: 2015-01-16 13:23:29 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://extramu.biz/forum/index.php Login: adissor25@yahoo.com:13467985266 PC Name: ADR1AN-PC Date: 2015-01-17 10:45:37 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://extramu.biz/forum/index.php Login: knockout:13467985266 PC Name: ADR1AN-PC Date: 2015-01-17 10:45:37 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: leonardalexe48: PC Name: LEO-PC Date: 2015-01-18 07:46:20 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: Login: admin:admin PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:48 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: Login: ciucadaniel0_DJ:123456 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:48 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://4metin.ro/ucp.php Login: yoboss979:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:49 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: Login: admin:admin PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:49 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://cp.freeshoutcast.com/register.php Login: yoboss979:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:50 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://dynasti.monsterforum.net/register Login: cristi_ciuca21@yahoo.ro:asdasdasdasdasdasd PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:50 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://forum.b-zone.ro/index.php Login: cristi_ciuca21@yahoo.ro:0113582963 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:50 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://forum.b-zone.ro/index.php Login: yoboss979:0113582963 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:51 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://jocuri.clopotel.ro/ Login: Nume:Parola PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:51 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://jocuri.clopotel.ro/Jocuri_Puzzle-16/lindsay-lohan-saw-game--GOqFrcCM-pg1 Login: Nume:Parola PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:52 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://jocuri.clopotel.ro/Jocuri_Strategie_RPG-111/warzone-tower-defense--XGiVrELj Login: Nume:Parola PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:52 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://just4metin.ro/ucp.php Login: fireefoxx:123456789a PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:53 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://just4metin.ro/ucp.php Login: cristi_ciuca21@yahoo.ro:123456789a PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:53 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://likenation.com/register.php Login: yoboss979:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:53 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://metin2steel.in/is/ Login: yoboss979:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:54 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://ming.my-rpg.com/register Login: cristi_ciuca21@yahoo.ro:asdasdasdasdasd PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:54 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://ro.metin2.gameforge.com/user/register Login: cristi_ciuca21@yahoo.ro:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:55 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://ro.risingcities.bigpoint.com/06 Login: yoboss979:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:55 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://rpg.b-zone.ro/account/login Login: CriatixX:0113582963 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:56 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://rpg.b-zone.ro/account/login Login: KillerNr1:0113582963 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:56 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://rpg.b-zone.ro/account/login Login: [CIA]Criatix:0113582963 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:56 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://rpg.b-zone.ro/account/login Login: GoricaAluOaie:ronironaldo PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:57 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://rpg.b-zone.ro/account/login Login: RonyRonaldo:44444tech PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:57 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://rpg.b-zone.ro/account/login Login: KillerNo1:0113582963 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:57 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://rpg.b-zone.ro/account/login Login: KillerNo2:0113582963 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:58 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://rpg3.b-zone.ro/account/login Login: RonyRonaldo:4444tech PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:58 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://skyrama.bigpoint.com/ Login: BlagaGabrielFlorin:123456789 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:59 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://telefoane-spion.webs.com/apps/auth/signup Login: cristi_ciuca21@yahoo.com:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:59 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.caster.fm/register.php Login: flo_rin_cris_tian@yahoo.com:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:47:59 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.clopotel.ro/intrebari-si-raspunsuri/calculatoare-1/unele-jocuri-online-nu-imi-merg-de-ce-1956 Login: Nume:Parola PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:00 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.farmerama.ro/ Login: fireefox:0113582963 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:00 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.noip.com/ Login: cristi_ciuca21@yahoo.ro:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:04 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.noip.com/activate Login: cristi_ciuca21@yahoo.ro:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:04 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.noip.com/download Login: cristi_ciuca21@yahoo.ro:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:08 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.risingcities.com/05crm Login: yoboss97901:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:08 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.risingcities.ro/ Login: yoboss979:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:11 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.risingcities.ro/ Login: yoboss97901:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:12 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/account/login Login: KillerNo1:44444tech PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:12 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/account/login Login: RonyRonaldo:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:13 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.skyrama.ro/ Login: BlagaGabrielFlorin:123456789 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:13 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.strategyinformer.com/pc/mods/grandtheftautosanandreas/mod/category13.html Login: Username:Password PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:17 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.videoblocks.com/videos/details/alpha-channel-quick-spherical-explosion-3/ Login: cristi_ciuca21@yahoo.ro:0113582963 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:17 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://account.mojang.com/register Login: cristi_ciuca21@yahoo.com:011358296301a PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:17 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin Login: cristi.21.ciuca21@gmail.com:0113582963 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:18 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin Login: flo_rin_cris_tian@yahoo.com:0113582963 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:18 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLoginAuth Login: flo_rin_cris_tian@yahoo.com:0113582963 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:19 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.intuitext.ro/register Login: yoboss979:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:19 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: cristi_ciuca21:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:19 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: cristi_ciuca21:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:20 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://minecraft.net/login Login: yoboss979:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:20 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://register.gamersfirst.com/register/ Login: nitu_ionut_florin@yahoo.com:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:20 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://ro-ro.facebook.com/ Login: flo_rin_cris_tian@yahoo.com:televizor PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:21 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://signup.live.com/signup.aspx Login: cristi_ciuca21@yahoo.ro:011358296301a PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:21 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://sso.orange.ro/wp/oro/creare-cont Login: Ciuca.Cristi:ciuca.cristi PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:22 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.biodigitalhuman.com/home/signup.html Login: cristi.florin21@yahoo.com:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:22 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qxdzzzjqooua5uc/sa-mp-017.png Login: cristi_ciuca21@yahoo.ro:0113582963 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:22 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: flo_rin_cris_tian@yahoo.com:televizor PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:23 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/index.php Login: flo_rin_cris_tian@yahoo.com:televizor PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:23 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.noip.com/sign-up Login: cristi_ciuca21@yahoo.ro:011358296301 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:24 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.yola.com/ Login: flo_rin_cris_tian@yahoo.com:0113582963 PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:25 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: cristi_ciuca21: PC Name: CRISTI Date: 2015-01-18 12:48:26 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: http://redpanel.bugged.ro/login Login: TerroxD:nykunyku98 PC Name: TERROARE-PC Date: 2015-01-18 12:55:01 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: http://redpanel.bugged.ro/login Login: Florin_Radu:qwerty12312 PC Name: TERROARE-PC Date: 2015-01-18 12:55:01 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: manuel.caulea@yahoo.com:Masculin123 PC Name: TERROARE-PC Date: 2015-01-18 12:55:01 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/login.php Login: nyku_spikku98:qwerty123123 PC Name: TERROARE-PC Date: 2015-01-18 12:55:02 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/login/ Login: nyku_spikku98:qwerty12312 PC Name: TERROARE-PC Date: 2015-01-18 12:55:03 ===================================== Software: VPN/Net Sitename: Login: DJ206649085:LZYVCDYnA6 PC Name: USER-PC Date: 2015-01-19 08:06:41 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.metin2rextor.ro/index.php Login: draculabet:smekeru982001 PC Name: HOME-D74E09FE98 Date: 2015-01-19 12:39:40 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://ro-ro.facebook.com/ Login: rebeca.neag@yahoo.com:rebecaneag PC Name: ADMIN-PC Date: 2015-01-19 13:43:25 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.indungiindex.php Login: bvl.gold@yahoo.com:ninja99 PC Name: ADR1AN-PC Date: 2015-01-19 15:04:42 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: :puscariajilava PC Name: ADR1AN-PC Date: 2015-01-19 15:04:45 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://remi-online.ro/ Login: rac10:deva PC Name: DORU Date: 2015-01-20 05:33:20 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://remi-online.ro/ Login: marble4:deva PC Name: DORU Date: 2015-01-20 05:33:21 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://remi-online.ro/ Login: marble1:deva PC Name: DORU Date: 2015-01-20 05:33:21 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://remi-online.ro/ Login: porcverde1:deva PC Name: DORU Date: 2015-01-20 05:33:21 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://remi-online.ro/ Login: adriana2000:QQk3 PC Name: DORU Date: 2015-01-20 05:33:22 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://ro.metin2.gameforge.com/user/authenticated/barandoru2013/faa504dae88597e6921614e023d6d39a Login: barandoru2013:masina PC Name: DORU Date: 2015-01-20 05:33:23 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://ro.metin2.gameforge.com/user/register Login: baran_doru_2013@yahoo.com:masina PC Name: DORU Date: 2015-01-20 05:33:23 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.remi-online.ro/inregistrare.html Login: marble3:deva PC Name: DORU Date: 2015-01-20 05:33:23 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.remi-online.ro/inregistrare.html Login: marble4:deva PC Name: DORU Date: 2015-01-20 05:33:24 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.remi-online.ro/register Login: porcverde1:deva PC Name: DORU Date: 2015-01-20 05:33:24 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.remi-online.ro/register Login: marble25:deva PC Name: DORU Date: 2015-01-20 05:33:24 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www2.remi-online.ro/ Login: lauradeva:QQk3 PC Name: DORU Date: 2015-01-20 05:33:25 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www2.remi-online.ro/ Login: rac10:deva PC Name: DORU Date: 2015-01-20 05:33:25 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://edit.yahoo.com/registration Login: barandumitra:masina123 PC Name: DORU Date: 2015-01-20 05:33:26 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://edit.yahoo.com/registration Login: baranadriana400:mufleavandana PC Name: DORU Date: 2015-01-20 05:33:26 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://na.edit.yahoo.com/registration Login: baranadriana400:Masina123 PC Name: DORU Date: 2015-01-20 05:33:27 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: http://diavola.ro/forum/ucp.php Login: JuNNkyEEE:123456 PC Name: VLAVIU-PC Date: 2015-01-20 09:05:32 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: flaviu_mircea@yahoo.com:nicolass PC Name: VLAVIU-PC Date: 2015-01-20 09:05:33 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: Mihaimihaitza710: PC Name: USER-PC Date: 2015-01-20 09:48:30 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.la-rp.es/login Login: Mike_DeSanta:satana PC Name: NICU-PC Date: 2015-01-20 09:51:47 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.rss-ro.com/forums/index.php Login: icudvornischi@yahoo.it:satana PC Name: NICU-PC Date: 2015-01-20 09:51:47 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://edit.yahoo.com/registration Login: icudvornischi:Loldad123 PC Name: NICU-PC Date: 2015-01-20 09:51:48 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: icudvornischi:Loldad123 PC Name: NICU-PC Date: 2015-01-20 09:51:48 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: icudvornischi:Loldad123 PC Name: NICU-PC Date: 2015-01-20 09:51:48 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: boy_kiss_9@yahoo.com:alexgligan1234567892919 PC Name: ALEX Date: 2015-01-20 12:25:39 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.libris.ro/auth.jsp Login: Emma Lupoae:todosjuntos PC Name: USER-X3CKITWCJG Date: 2015-01-21 03:16:16 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://diavola.ro/forum/ucp.php Login: JuNNkyEEE:123456 PC Name: VLAVIU-PC Date: 2015-01-22 07:55:27 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: crinmadalin@yahoo.com:Florinel0 PC Name: AUREL-PC Date: 2015-01-22 07:59:07 ===================================== Software: VPN/Net Sitename: Login: crinmadalin:desteptule123 PC Name: AUREL-PC Date: 2015-01-22 07:59:08 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://us.metin2.gameforge.com/user/authenticated Login: cunoi:Goodyear17* PC Name: ASUSMOB Date: 2015-01-22 12:58:07 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: boby_tes@yahoo.com:Goodyear17** PC Name: ASUSMOB Date: 2015-01-22 12:58:07 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.amazon.com/ap/register Login: 40744120440:bunica1234 PC Name: ASUSMOB Date: 2015-01-22 12:58:07 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: flaviu_mircea@yahoo.com:nicolass PC Name: VLAVIU-PC Date: 2015-01-23 10:29:17 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: vladdanna@yahoo.com:accont123 PC Name: SERGIU-PC Date: 2015-01-23 13:16:38 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://dark-mt2.org/index.php Login: larry2014:Mamaiat2010 PC Name: LARRY-PC Date: 2015-01-24 02:54:23 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://filelist.ro/login.php Login: sarageamaxim:maGazinuL13197 PC Name: LARRY-PC Date: 2015-01-24 02:54:23 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://livecs.wow3.info/register Login: larry1961218@gmail.com:mamaiat2010 PC Name: LARRY-PC Date: 2015-01-24 02:54:24 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://romp.ro/forum/index.php Login: larry1961218@gmail.com:mamaiat2010 PC Name: LARRY-PC Date: 2015-01-24 02:54:24 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Jeremy-Scott-Wings-2-0-Shoes-Unisex-Golden-Jeremy-Scott-Wings-Sneakers-Black-JS-Wings-Shoes/32252154694.html Login: Laurentiu:mamaiat2010 PC Name: LARRY-PC Date: 2015-01-24 02:54:24 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.drpciv.ro/info-portal/signIn.do Login: larry1951218@gmail.com:mamaiat2010 PC Name: LARRY-PC Date: 2015-01-24 02:54:25 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/register.php Login: larry2014:Mamaiat2010 PC Name: LARRY-PC Date: 2015-01-24 02:54:25 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin Login: larry1951218@gmail.com:mamaiat2010 PC Name: LARRY-PC Date: 2015-01-24 02:54:25 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/login.php Login: larry_boss_2009@yahoo.com:mamaiat2011 PC Name: LARRY-PC Date: 2015-01-24 02:54:26 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://rpg.b-zone.ro/account/login Login: bita93[Legend]:Stancu01 PC Name: NGB Date: 2015-01-24 11:18:53 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://rpg.b-zone.ro/account/login Login: S.Alexandru1:Stancu01 PC Name: NGB Date: 2015-01-24 11:18:53 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/account/login Login: Ma[N]1aK[sEF]:m300ld PC Name: NGB Date: 2015-01-24 11:18:54 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/login.php Login: dj.alexino93@gmail.com:Carte1993 PC Name: NGB Date: 2015-01-24 11:18:54 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: andrey_radu20: PC Name: VLAVIU-PC Date: 2015-01-24 14:49:44 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: 07683966:mari mea mica PC Name: ADRYANNN-PC Date: 2015-01-24 19:05:27 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/login.php Login: 076228966:mari mea mica PC Name: ADRYANNN-PC Date: 2015-01-24 19:05:28 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: supiri.malli.90:mallikasun PC Name: KASUN Date: 2015-01-25 04:40:35 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://www.facebook.com/ Login: kasunwasala:kasunmalli PC Name: KASUN Date: 2015-01-25 04:41:43 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://filelist.ro/login.php Login: energy4place:picatura123 PC Name: ADMIN-PC Date: 2015-01-25 08:14:45 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://m2bob.net/ Login: energy4place:picatura112112 PC Name: ADMIN-PC Date: 2015-01-25 08:14:46 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://rds-zone.net/ Login: energy4place:picatura123 PC Name: ADMIN-PC Date: 2015-01-25 08:14:47 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.m2bob.net/index.php Login: energy4place:picatura112112 PC Name: ADMIN-PC Date: 2015-01-25 08:14:48 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://rometin2.forumhit.ro/register Login: :masina123 PC Name: DORU Date: 2015-01-25 09:23:34 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://clienti.b-zone.ro/clientarea.php Login: dj.alexino01@yahoo.com:090493 PC Name: NGB Date: 2015-01-25 10:31:32 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/account/login Login: bita93[LDS]:M300LD PC Name: NGB Date: 2015-01-25 10:31:33 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: http://x-sector.tk/forum/index.php Login: bita93:090493 PC Name: NGB Date: 2015-01-25 10:31:34 =====================================
  15. Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: just_smite@yahoo.ro:Ciorapi123 PC Name: BOMBY-PC Date: 2014-11-18 13:46:28 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: yo_kata93:Steaua1999 PC Name: JONTY-4F737EA78 Date: 2014-11-18 15:12:46 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: mihai.george46: PC Name: PC-PC Date: 2014-11-19 07:22:07 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: gabin73: PC Name: DELUXPC Date: 2014-11-19 07:26:03 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: beraruvlad@yahoo.com:Matematica100 PC Name: PKFLTZET-PC Date: 2014-11-20 07:21:15 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: beraruvlad@yahoo.com:Matematica100 PC Name: PKFLTZET-PC Date: 2014-11-20 07:21:15 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: clara_visinica@yahoo.com:teacher17 PC Name: RAZVI-PC Date: 2014-11-20 08:31:42 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: cristea.antonio567: PC Name: ADMIN-PC Date: 2014-11-21 05:59:23 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: georgerzx@yahoo.com:1q2w3e4r PC Name: SOCIOPATHMC Date: 2014-11-21 16:09:36 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: ionutbajanul2:lloydbanks1 PC Name: CRISTI-PC Date: 2014-11-21 21:21:44 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://na.edit.yahoo.com/registration Login: mlesen:Lloydbanks1 PC Name: CRISTI-PC Date: 2014-11-21 21:21:45 ===================================== Software: IE 4-6 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: burlacu_alex20:fulgerul PC Name: ALEXANDR-6D1423 Date: 2014-11-22 05:07:08 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: burlacu_alex20: PC Name: ALEXANDR-6D1423 Date: 2014-11-22 05:07:09 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: alex_gligan: PC Name: ALEX Date: 2014-11-22 08:46:25 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: alex_gligan:password PC Name: ALEX Date: 2014-11-22 08:46:53 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: burlacu_alex20:password PC Name: ALEXANDR-6D1423 Date: 2014-11-22 10:34:49 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: burlacu_alex20:fulgerul PC Name: ALEXANDR-6D1423 Date: 2014-11-22 13:20:55 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: b_mafia83@yahoo.com:mitzaboss PC Name: SHAGGY-AF2F0544 Date: 2014-11-22 17:18:11 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: grand_chase84@yahoo.com:pulameaemare PC Name: SHAGGY-AF2F0544 Date: 2014-11-22 17:18:11 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: bbogdan.chivu:nicola PC Name: BUTIX-PC Date: 2014-11-22 17:19:47 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2 Login: alexander.florea94@yahoo.com:Uniltirantokxxx2 PC Name: NAPA-PC Date: 2014-11-23 07:26:46 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2 Login: adrian_nacu34:george1978 PC Name: ALEX-7A1320D36E Date: 2014-11-23 14:32:15 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: arsan_claudiu@yahoo.com:123456789 PC Name: BR43 Date: 2014-11-23 14:54:42 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/m Login: badboy.paul1@yahoo.com:Dracos502 PC Name: BR43 Date: 2014-11-23 14:54:42 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: badboy.paul1:password PC Name: BR43 Date: 2014-11-23 14:54:44 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: badboy.paul1: PC Name: BR43 Date: 2014-11-23 17:20:55 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: shervin________org@att.net:sheri987654321 PC Name: SHERI-VAIO Date: 2014-11-24 16:28:58 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: sherv1n@att.net:sheri123456 PC Name: SHERI-VAIO Date: 2014-11-24 16:28:59 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://edit.europe.yahoo.com/registration Login: ramon_alexandru90:monsterkill PC Name: MASTER-PC Date: 2014-11-25 10:34:06 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: ramon_alexandru89:monsterkill PC Name: MASTER-PC Date: 2014-11-25 10:34:06 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: ramon_alexandru90:monsterkill PC Name: MASTER-PC Date: 2014-11-25 10:34:07 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: danycochiorca:Marmota1998 PC Name: AGN-PC Date: 2014-11-25 10:50:15 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: danyboss380:Marmota112 PC Name: AGN-PC Date: 2014-11-25 10:50:15 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: danycochiorca:Marmota1998 PC Name: AGN-PC Date: 2014-11-25 10:50:16 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: danycochiorca: PC Name: AGN-PC Date: 2014-11-25 10:50:17 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: lockzet:dOaRe002 PC Name: VALISEF Date: 2014-11-25 16:32:06 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: mihoc_adrian85:lelentz PC Name: PC Date: 2014-11-26 08:28:57 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://edit.yahoo.com/registration Login: anonim_up:Parolamea1 PC Name: LILY Date: 2014-11-26 14:25:46 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/mail Login: anonim_up:Parolamea1 PC Name: LILY Date: 2014-11-26 14:25:47 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: alexandra.andra245:Bordix26 PC Name: RAZVAN-PC Date: 2014-11-27 03:57:13 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: bordeianu_razvy@yahoo.com:boston PC Name: RAZVAN-PC Date: 2014-11-27 03:57:13 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: bordeianu_razvy: PC Name: RAZVAN-PC Date: 2014-11-27 03:57:14 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://edit.europe.yahoo.com/registration Login: fenando.preda17:Capdepeste1 PC Name: BADEA-4B4203187 Date: 2014-11-27 04:52:19 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://edit.europe.yahoo.com/registration Login: fenando.preda16:Capdepeste1 PC Name: BADEA-4B4203187 Date: 2014-11-27 04:52:19 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://edit.europe.yahoo.com/registration Login: badea.mihai34:Bacau2012 PC Name: BADEA-4B4203187 Date: 2014-11-27 04:52:20 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: badea.mihai34:Bacau2012 PC Name: BADEA-4B4203187 Date: 2014-11-27 04:52:20 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: badea.mihai34:Bacau2012 PC Name: BADEA-4B4203187 Date: 2014-11-27 04:52:20 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: badea.mihai35: PC Name: BADEA-4B4203187 Date: 2014-11-27 04:52:24 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: ionut_dica2001@yahoo.com:steaua PC Name: USER-PC Date: 2014-11-27 12:00:39 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: dragomir.gabi2010: PC Name: GABI-PC Date: 2014-11-27 14:23:48 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: emyl1995:queeo7Ngo PC Name: EMIL-PC Date: 2014-11-28 13:52:17 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: eemylll:queeo7Ngo PC Name: EMIL-PC Date: 2014-11-28 13:52:18 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2 Login: eemylll:queeo7Ngo PC Name: EMIL-PC Date: 2014-11-28 13:52:18 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: eemylll: PC Name: EMIL-PC Date: 2014-11-28 13:52:20 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: roxanna.izabella@yahoo.com:tricou PC Name: USER-PC Date: 2014-11-29 04:28:45 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: david.guetta28: PC Name: USER-PC Date: 2014-11-29 04:28:47 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: sorin_6993: PC Name: SORIN-PC Date: 2014-11-29 06:36:35 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: adda.roxanna: PC Name: USER-PC Date: 2014-11-30 04:41:34 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: catasmq:mamamea PC Name: K3NNT-PC Date: 2014-11-30 05:08:57 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: alex.10_theone@yahoo.com:thebestalex10 PC Name: USER-PC Date: 2014-11-30 08:13:38 ===================================== Software: IE 4-6 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: golu.cristian@yahoo.com:emilia PC Name: PERSONAL-D41C0F Date: 2014-11-30 09:12:54 ===================================== Software: IE 4-6 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/mail Login: rersy_10@yahoo.com:ersy29 PC Name: PERSONAL-D41C0F Date: 2014-11-30 09:12:54 ===================================== Software: IE 4-6 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/mail Login: golu.cristian@yahoo.com:emilia PC Name: PERSONAL-D41C0F Date: 2014-11-30 09:12:54 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: aurelian_timis: PC Name: AURELIAN-FE064B Date: 2014-12-01 04:02:51 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/mail Login: john31coco@yahoo.com:Dietzenbach16 PC Name: FIRU-PC Date: 2014-12-01 11:44:21 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: cont_gabriela2007@yahoo.com:ppatru PC Name: CALIBRA-PC Date: 2014-12-07 06:34:28 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://edit.europe.yahoo.com/registration Login: dragosmarin24:Facebook1 PC Name: ACASA-0B1B2D66E Date: 2014-12-07 15:15:06 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: fofy_fotbalistu@yahoo.com:fofinio PC Name: ACASA-0B1B2D66E Date: 2014-12-07 15:15:07 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: dragosmarin24:Facebook1 PC Name: ACASA-0B1B2D66E Date: 2014-12-07 15:15:07 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: boy_kiss_9@yahoo.com: PC Name: ALEX Date: 2014-12-09 11:23:40 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: alex_gligan:lion12 PC Name: ALEX Date: 2014-12-09 12:01:40 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: boy_kiss_9:Spidurispiduri1 PC Name: ALEX Date: 2014-12-10 11:53:38 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: boy_kiss_9: PC Name: ALEX Date: 2014-12-10 12:26:06 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: nicu_2009v:19950921 PC Name: NICU-PC Date: 2014-12-11 09:32:56 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: alcilevtrans:199509silviu PC Name: NICU-PC Date: 2014-12-11 09:32:57 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: boy_kiss_9:password PC Name: ALEX Date: 2014-12-11 10:06:25 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: schiduvasile:puhaceni PC Name: ADMIN-JPKNPBC3T Date: 2014-12-11 10:17:04 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: ileamaria29@yahoo.com:mimi2929 PC Name: ILEA-PC Date: 2014-12-11 10:27:57 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: cristic514: PC Name: PAUL-PC Date: 2014-12-11 12:16:09 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://edit.yahoo.com/registration Login: georgianamariaaa:QWERwererrZXCVxcvcvv123 PC Name: EU-PC Date: 2014-12-11 12:16:28 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: stefancristian66:987456321 PC Name: VYPERRA-PC Date: 2014-12-11 13:32:02 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: ginutza_coman@yahoo.com:Gina76galati PC Name: VYPERRA-PC Date: 2014-12-11 13:32:02 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: ginutza_coman:Gina76galati PC Name: VYPERRA-PC Date: 2014-12-11 13:32:03 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: stefancristian66:987456321 PC Name: VYPERRA-PC Date: 2014-12-11 13:32:03 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: cristismecherul_1998@yahoo.com:mariana PC Name: VYPERRA-PC Date: 2014-12-11 13:32:04 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: ginutza_coman@yahoo.com:Gina76galati PC Name: VYPERRA-PC Date: 2014-12-11 13:32:04 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://edit.europe.yahoo.com/registration Login: bishcuxd:me2forfree PC Name: 77777-PC Date: 2014-12-11 16:21:26 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: madalin_cool_boy28@yahoo.com:Dragomir1231 PC Name: 77777-PC Date: 2014-12-11 16:21:26 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: alldayisparty@yahoo.com:Fumezkent8 PC Name: 77777-PC Date: 2014-12-11 16:21:26 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: edy.cristescu0202@yahoo.com:Exterminate1 PC Name: EDY Date: 2014-12-12 02:02:03 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: edy.cristescu0202:Exterminate1 PC Name: EDY Date: 2014-12-12 02:02:03 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: edy.cristescu0202@yahoo.com:Exterminate1 PC Name: EDY Date: 2014-12-12 02:02:04 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: blondu_trz2008@yahoo.com:q25f47b93 PC Name: USER-PC Date: 2014-12-12 10:13:45 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: blondu_trz2008:q25f47b93 PC Name: USER-PC Date: 2014-12-12 10:13:45 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2 Login: dani3l_best:daniel456 PC Name: DANNYY-PC Date: 2014-12-12 11:21:07 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: alin_versace50: PC Name: ALIN-PC Date: 2014-12-12 14:18:55 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: edifulger.liga:batman PC Name: ACASA-085633E6C Date: 2014-12-12 21:16:20 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2 Login: edy_punk_01:Poienaru11 PC Name: ACASA-085633E6C Date: 2014-12-12 21:16:20 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: amadeoamadeo70: PC Name: HOME Date: 2014-12-13 08:49:00 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: mbalonee@yahoo.com:gazettocs PC Name: MICROSOF-FC03E4 Date: 2014-12-13 09:06:02 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: shtefan31@yahoo.com:Gazettocs1 PC Name: MICROSOF-FC03E4 Date: 2014-12-13 09:06:02 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: g_gabbo:Mama1997 PC Name: GS-PC Date: 2014-12-13 14:05:47 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: aurelian_timis:password PC Name: AURELIAN-FE064B Date: 2014-12-14 13:17:32 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://edit.europe.yahoo.com/registration Login: mihai.badea35:Bacau2012 PC Name: BADEA-4B4203187 Date: 2014-12-14 13:55:35 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: badea.mihai35:bacau 2012 PC Name: BADEA-4B4203187 Date: 2014-12-14 13:55:37 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: holdemstars9822:password PC Name: HOLDEMST-CB3F97 Date: 2014-12-14 13:58:12 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2 Login: silviafed_com:silvica PC Name: IONUT-PC Date: 2014-12-15 05:21:39 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2 Login: adrian.federovici:p3sc4rul PC Name: IONUT-PC Date: 2014-12-15 05:21:39 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2 Login: g4bri3l_4rh4ngh3l:m3dl3y PC Name: IONUT-PC Date: 2014-12-15 05:21:40 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: dutadragos997: PC Name: GRASUXXX-PC Date: 2014-12-15 14:03:19 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://edit.yahoo.com/registration Login: crisiucristina:balanel91 PC Name: MARIA-PC Date: 2014-12-16 02:15:12 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://edit.yahoo.com/registration Login: crisiucristina27:balanel91 PC Name: MARIA-PC Date: 2014-12-16 02:15:12 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: costy_style12:Balanel91 PC Name: MARIA-PC Date: 2014-12-16 02:15:14 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: costy_style12: PC Name: MARIA-PC Date: 2014-12-16 02:15:20 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: holdemstars9822: PC Name: HOLDEMST-CB3F97 Date: 2014-12-16 04:15:03 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: lauu_fco:0742877427lau PC Name: LAUU-360F24EAE2 Date: 2014-12-16 08:23:37 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: lauu_Fco: PC Name: LAUU-360F24EAE2 Date: 2014-12-16 15:29:57 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: :Balanel91 PC Name: MARIA-PC Date: 2014-12-17 03:19:55 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: cristian_mafia2001:realmadrid2014 PC Name: CRISTIAN-MWVDG0 Date: 2014-12-17 08:21:53 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: byu_bya293:byafrumoasa PC Name: CORINA-557A6430 Date: 2014-12-17 16:37:30 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: byu_bya293:byafrumoasa PC Name: CORINA-557A6430 Date: 2014-12-17 16:37:31 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://na.edit.yahoo.com/registration Login: byu_bya293:byafrumoasa PC Name: CORINA-557A6430 Date: 2014-12-17 16:37:31 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: bazzy_andrei98: PC Name: ANDREI-PC Date: 2014-12-19 07:14:34 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: www.mihaiandrei576@yahoo.com:Gabitzu PC Name: USER-48FC4E5A79 Date: 2014-12-19 10:35:26 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: andreicristian453:andreimihai123 PC Name: USER-48FC4E5A79 Date: 2014-12-19 10:35:27 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: printesa_lw_tata:mihaelasukara$ PC Name: USER-48FC4E5A79 Date: 2014-12-19 10:35:27 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: mary_butic:0728386625 PC Name: USER-48FC4E5A79 Date: 2014-12-19 10:35:27 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: www.andrei.cristi99@yahoo.com:Teiubesc123 PC Name: USER-48FC4E5A79 Date: 2014-12-19 10:35:28 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: andrei.cristi99@yahoo.com:Teiubesc123321 PC Name: USER-48FC4E5A79 Date: 2014-12-19 10:35:28 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: andreicristian453:andreimihai123 PC Name: USER-48FC4E5A79 Date: 2014-12-19 10:35:29 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: madalin_stefan_95@yahoo.com:741852963asus123 PC Name: USER Date: 2014-12-21 06:46:36 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: edyj2p: PC Name: EDY-PC Date: 2014-12-21 12:59:11 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: baran_doru_2013:masina PC Name: DORU Date: 2014-12-21 18:41:26 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://edit.europe.yahoo.com/registration Login: ucristian52:Atelier801 PC Name: NEPOTU-6A517D3C Date: 2014-12-22 03:15:27 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: ucristian52:Atelier801 PC Name: NEPOTU-6A517D3C Date: 2014-12-22 03:15:28 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: vintila_viorel_boss@yahoo.com:parasut33 PC Name: VIOREL-PC Date: 2014-12-22 04:44:43 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/mail Login: vintila_viorel_boss@yahoo.com:parasut33 PC Name: VIOREL-PC Date: 2014-12-22 04:44:43 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/mail Login: vsulitanu@yahoo.com:Muzica13 PC Name: VIOREL-PC Date: 2014-12-22 04:44:44 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: vintila_viorel_boss: PC Name: VIOREL-PC Date: 2014-12-22 04:44:47 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: florinel_dinamovistul2007@yahoo.com:b43f5f80 PC Name: ELLY Date: 2014-12-22 08:17:59 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: papilon_68@yahoo.com:fluture PC Name: ELLY Date: 2014-12-22 08:17:59 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: klaudyu_bz@yahoo.com:afpopmaris PC Name: POPACLAUDIU-PC Date: 2014-12-22 19:09:11 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: alina_florentina65@yahoo.com:claudiusialy PC Name: POPACLAUDIU-PC Date: 2014-12-22 19:09:11 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: alynutza_love_girl@yahoo.com:generalulelectronist PC Name: POPACLAUDIU-PC Date: 2014-12-22 19:09:12 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: popa.claudiu@yahoo.com:afpopmaris95 PC Name: POPACLAUDIU-PC Date: 2014-12-22 19:09:12 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/mail Login: popa.vero@yahoo.com:spania PC Name: POPACLAUDIU-PC Date: 2014-12-22 19:09:13 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: alexandru.nica7@yahoo.com:Plmokijn9 PC Name: ALEXANDRU-PC Date: 2014-12-23 05:29:31 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: alexandru.nica7:Plmokijn9 PC Name: ALEXANDRU-PC Date: 2014-12-23 05:29:31 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: alexandru.nica7@yahoo.com:Plmokijn9 PC Name: ALEXANDRU-PC Date: 2014-12-23 05:29:31 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2 Login: gabriel_darius1998@yahoo.com:bn15154737 PC Name: DARIUS-PC Date: 2014-12-23 14:20:15 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: bogdan_dany8:Anderson8 PC Name: USER04-PC Date: 2014-12-24 09:38:40 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: cirinbei_cfr:Chituc123 PC Name: USER04-PC Date: 2014-12-24 09:38:41 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: :zxcvbnm10 PC Name: USER04-PC Date: 2014-12-24 09:38:41 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: bogdan_dany8:Anderson8 PC Name: USER04-PC Date: 2014-12-24 09:38:41 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: leo_alex97@yahoo.com:zxcvbnm10 PC Name: USER04-PC Date: 2014-12-24 09:38:42 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://na.edit.yahoo.com/registration Login: cirinbei_CFR:Chituc123 PC Name: USER04-PC Date: 2014-12-24 09:38:42 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: bogdan_dany8: PC Name: USER04-PC Date: 2014-12-24 09:38:45 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: aly_23_aly@yahoo.com:alincosmin PC Name: CFF959890AE54E5 Date: 2014-12-25 11:41:33 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/mail Login: aly_23_aly@yahoo.com:alincosmin PC Name: CFF959890AE54E5 Date: 2014-12-25 11:41:34 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: bvl.gold:13467985266 PC Name: ADR1AN-PC Date: 2014-12-26 04:11:02 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: gughy_gughy:cristiannn PC Name: CRISTI-PC Date: 2014-12-26 10:31:37 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: gughy_gughy@yahoo.com:cristiannn PC Name: CRISTI-PC Date: 2014-12-26 10:31:37 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: gabieu01:cristian PC Name: CRISTI-PC Date: 2014-12-26 10:31:37 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: gughy_gughy:cristiannn PC Name: CRISTI-PC Date: 2014-12-26 10:31:38 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: gabieu01:cristian PC Name: CRISTI-PC Date: 2014-12-26 10:31:38 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: eduedu2004@yahoo.ro:tatacelbun1A PC Name: ADMIN Date: 2014-12-26 19:56:11 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: nyku_spikku98:Qwerty12312 PC Name: GAVRILA-PC Date: 2014-12-27 16:28:17 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: watercs94:Urmatorul99 PC Name: GAVRILA-PC Date: 2014-12-27 16:28:17 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: alyn.gamer_pro@yahoo.com:Loveyouforever1 PC Name: ALYN-PC Date: 2014-12-28 02:54:15 ===================================== Software: IE 7-9 Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: futardelbaubau@yahoo.com:Sadicul112 PC Name: RAPANON-PC Date: 2014-12-29 03:47:01 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: :EUSORINTUCURVA1 PC Name: WEZ-PC Date: 2014-12-30 14:26:37 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: barbusorin98@yahoo.com:EUSORINTUCURVA1 PC Name: WEZ-PC Date: 2014-12-30 14:26:38 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: andrei_09smecheru: PC Name: ANDREY-PC Date: 2014-12-30 15:32:25 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/mail Login: miorina.lavinia@yahoo.ro:Teddy2014 PC Name: BEZNEA-PC Date: 2015-01-08 10:49:06 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: nika.gomareli@yahoo.com:595410238 PC Name: MICROSOFT-PC Date: 2015-01-08 22:56:31 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: nika.gomareli@yahoo.com:595410238 PC Name: MICROSOFT-PC Date: 2015-01-08 22:56:31 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: alin.horvath321:gr4suxxlalyn PC Name: ALIN-PC Date: 2015-01-10 06:08:17 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: pavenfabi@yahoo.com:bugmafia1997 PC Name: IONUT-6ACDB761F Date: 2015-01-10 10:08:51 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: pavenfabi@yahoo.com:bugmafia1997 PC Name: IONUT-6ACDB761F Date: 2015-01-10 10:08:51 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: robertroberto64: PC Name: ROBERTOOO Date: 2015-01-11 03:40:23 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: alin.horvath321: PC Name: ALIN-PC Date: 2015-01-11 04:08:32 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/ Login: :1q2w3e4r PC Name: SOCIOPATHMC Date: 2015-01-11 06:03:36 ===================================== Software: Chrome Sitename: https://login.yahoo.com/config/login Login: boby_tes@yahoo.com:Goodyear17** PC Name: ASUSMOB Date: 2015-01-22 12:58:07 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: andrey_radu20: PC Name: VLAVIU-PC Date: 2015-01-24 14:49:44 ===================================== Nu Sunt raspunzator
  16. De la ultimul update pe debian, flashplayer nu mai functioneaza pe Chromium. Puteti face oricate update-uri doriti, rezultatul este 0. Cauza este pepperflashplugin-nonfree ; El cere GLIBC_2.14 in timp ce Debian wheezy are GLIBC_2.13. Cam cum se intampla cu orice librarie sau binar nenorocit care nu este compilat la noi in sistem si este oferit ca 'binary'. Erori: root@hp:~# ldd /usr/lib/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/libpepflashplayer.so /usr/lib/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/libpepflashplayer.so: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by /usr/lib/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/libpepflashplayer.so) linux-vdso.so.1 => (0x00007ffff53da000) libdl.so.2 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2 (0x00007ff7d203b000) librt.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librt.so.1 (0x00007ff7d1e33000) libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00007ff7d1b2b000) libm.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6 (0x00007ff7d18a9000) libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00007ff7d1693000) libpthread.so.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007ff7d1476000) libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007ff7d10eb000) Quickfix: O versiune de chrome din luna august din care luam libpepflashplayer.so: root@hp:~# wget http://mirror.pcbeta.com/google/chrome/deb/pool/main/g/google-chrome-stable/google-chrome-stable_37.0.2062.94-1_amd64.deb --2014-09-17 21:43:03-- http://mirror.pcbeta.com/google/chrome/deb/pool/main/g/google-chrome-stable/google-chrome-stable_37.0.2062.94-1_amd64.deb Resolving mirror.pcbeta.com (mirror.pcbeta.com)... Connecting to mirror.pcbeta.com (mirror.pcbeta.com)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 49195682 (47M) [application/octet-stream] Saving to: `google-chrome-stable_37.0.2062.94-1_amd64.deb' 100%[===============================================>] 49,195,682 4.31M/s in 16s 2014-09-17 21:43:21 (2.91 MB/s) - `google-chrome-stable_37.0.2062.94-1_amd64.deb' saved [49195682/49195682] root@hp:~# dpkg -x google-chrome-stable_37.0.2062.94-1_amd64.deb ./tmp root@hp:~# cd tmp/ root@hp:~/tmp# find ./ -name *.so ./opt/google/chrome/libwidevinecdm.so ./opt/google/chrome/libpdf.so ./opt/google/chrome/libffmpegsumo.so ./opt/google/chrome/libppGoogleNaClPluginChrome.so ./opt/google/chrome/lib/libpeerconnection.so ./opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so ./opt/google/chrome/libwidevinecdmadapter.so root@hp:~/tmp# cp ./opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so /usr/lib/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/ root@hp:~/tmp# ldd ./opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so linux-vdso.so.1 => (0x00007fffcf10f000) libdl.so.2 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2 (0x00007f1c8e89c000) librt.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librt.so.1 (0x00007f1c8e694000) libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00007f1c8e38c000) libm.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6 (0x00007f1c8e10a000) libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00007f1c8def4000) libpthread.so.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007f1c8dcd7000) libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007f1c8d94c000) /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f1c8fc26000) Functioneaza perfect dupa asta. ** Nu uitati sa inchideti si sa deschideti chromium **
  17. Am scris o mica extensie pentru Google Chrome care scoate reclamele si timpul de asteptare din fisierulmeu.ro, de asemenea limita de download de 3 fisiere este scoasa.Download - www.1582.tk/fisierulmeu.crx (.crx chrome extension) #update Am facut update, versiunea anterioara nu era pentru download nelimitat, acum este. download: http://1582.tk/fisierulmeu_v2.crx api: http://1582.tk/f?link={link fisier} //Unii sunt mai handicapati de felul lor si dau copy/paste la orice, nu fiti si voi. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:64ztWbN6VBsJ:www.lafel.ro/forum/clubul-lafel/fisierulmeu-ro-unlimited-downloads-no-ads-t13609.html+&cd=39&hl=ro&ct=clnk&gl=ro <b> Outdated. Daca are cineva nevoie, PM! </b>
  18. Google announced that it detected a French government agency using unauthorized digital certificates for several Google domains to perform man-in-the-middle attacks on a private network. Google security engineer Adam Langley described the incident as a "Serious Security breach", discovered in early December. These bogus certificates were fraudulently signed by the certificate authority of DG Trésor, the French Treasury and Cyber Defense agency known as ANSSI. Google has immediately updated Chrome’s certificate revocation list to block all dodgy certificates issued by the French authority. ANSSI said that the intermediate CA certificate was used to inspect encrypted traffic with the user's knowledge on a private network with a commercial device i.e. Snooping on its own users’ Internet usage. Last year, a Turkish certificate authority called 'Turktrust' was revealed to have issued two subordinate certificates for the domain gmail.com, and that these certificates had been used to intercept Gmail users’ traffic. NSA is also alleged to have used man-in-the-middle attacks through unauthorized certificates against Google in the past. Google said, "We're now working to bring this extra protection to more users who are not signed in." Source: Fake Google SSL Certificates, Made in France
  19. And then Google built Chrome, and Chrome used Webkit, and it was like Safari, and wanted pages built for Safari, and so pretended to be Safari. And thus Chrome used WebKit, and pretended to be Safari, and WebKit pretended to be KHTML, and KHTML pretended to be Gecko, and all browsers pretended to be Mozilla, and Chrome called itself Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.13, and the user agent string was a complete mess, and near useless, and everyone pretended to be everyone else, and confusion abounded. WebAIM: In the beginning there was NCSA Mosaic...
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