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Grafana -The analytics platform for all your metrics

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Grafana is an open source, feature rich metrics dashboard and graph editor for Graphite, Elasticsearch, OpenTSDB, Prometheus and InfluxDB.





Head to docs.grafana.org for documentation or download to get the latest release.


Documentation & Support

Be sure to read the getting started guide and the other feature guides.


Run from master

If you want to build a package yourself, or contribute - here is a guide for how to do that. You can always find the latest master builds here



  • Go (Latest Stable)
  • Node.js LTS  
yarn [npm install -g yarn]


Get the project

The project located in the go-path will be your working directory.

go get github.com/grafana/grafana
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/grafana/grafana


Run and rebuild on source change


To run the backend and rebuild on source change:

make run



Install front-end dependencies first:

yarn install --pure-lockfile

Rebuild on file change, and serve them by Grafana's webserver (http://localhost:3000):

yarn start

Build the assets, rebuild on file change with Hot Module Replacement (HMR), and serve them by webpack-dev-server (http://localhost:3333):

yarn start:hot
# OR set a theme
env GRAFANA_THEME=light yarn start:hot

Note: HMR for Angular is not supported. If you edit files in the Angular part of the app, the whole page will reload.

Run tests and rebuild on source change:

yarn jest

Open grafana in your browser (default: e.g. http://localhost:3000) and login with admin user (default: user/pass = admin/admin).



The backend

go run build.go setup
go run build.go build


Frontend assets

For this you need Node.js (LTS version).

yarn install --pure-lockfile


Building a Docker image

There are two different ways to build a Grafana docker image. If your machine is setup for Grafana development and you run linux/amd64 you can build just the image. Otherwise, there is the option to build Grafana completely within Docker.


Run the image you have built using: 

docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana:dev



Building on linux/amd64 (fast)

  1. Build the frontend 
    go run build.go build-frontend


  2. Build the docker image 
    make build-docker-dev


The resulting image will be tagged as grafana/grafana:dev



Building anywhere (slower)

Choose this option to build on platforms other than linux/amd64 and/or not have to setup the Grafana development environment.

make build-docker-full or docker build -t grafana/grafana:dev .

The resulting image will be tagged as grafana/grafana:dev


Notice: If you are using Docker for MacOS, be sure to set the memory limit to be larger than 2 GiB (at docker -> Preferences -> Advanced), otherwise grunt build may fail.



Dev config

Create a custom.ini in the conf directory to override default configuration options. You only need to add the options you want to override. Config files are applied in the order of:

  1. grafana.ini
  2. custom.ini

In your custom.ini uncomment (remove the leading ;) sign. And set app_mode = development.



Running tests


Execute all frontend tests

yarn test

Writing & watching frontend tests

  • Start watcher: yarn jest
  • Jest will run all test files that end with the name ".test.ts"



# Run Golang tests using sqlite3 as database (default)
go test ./pkg/...


Running the MySQL or Postgres backend tests:

Run these by setting GRAFANA_TEST_DB in your environment.

  • GRAFANA_TEST_DB=mysql to test MySQL
  • GRAFANA_TEST_DB=postgres to test Postgres


Follow the instructions in ./devenv to spin up test containers running the appropriate databases with docker-compose

  • Use docker/blocks/mysql_tests or docker/blocks/postgres_tests as appropriate


# Tests can only be ran in one Go package at a time due to clashing db queries. To run MySQL tests for the "pkg/services/sqlstore" package, run:
GRAFANA_TEST_DB=mysql go test ./pkg/services/sqlstore/...

# Or run all the packages using the circle CI scripts. This method will be slower as the scripts will run all the tests, including the integration tests.
# Postgres
# Tests can only be ran in one Go package at a time due to clashing db queries. To run Postgres tests for the "pkg/services/sqlstore" package, run:
GRAFANA_TEST_DB=postgres go test ./pkg/services/sqlstore/...

# Or run all the packages using the circle CI scripts. This method will be slower as the scripts will run all the tests, including the integration tests.


Execute all end-to-end tests

yarn e2e-tests

Execute all end-to-end tests using using a specific url

ENV BASE_URL=http://localhost:3333 yarn e2e-tests

Debugging all end-to-end tests (BROWSER=1 will start the browser and SLOWMO=1 will delay each puppeteer operation by 100ms)

ENV BROWSER=1 SLOWMO=1 yarn e2e-tests

Datasource and dashboard provisioning

Here you can find helpful scripts and docker-compose setup that will populate your dev environment for quicker testing end experimenting.



If you have any ideas for improvement or have found a bug, do not hesitate to open an issue. And if you have time, clone this repo and submit a pull request to help me make Grafana the kickass metrics & devops dashboard we all dream about!


Read the contributing guide then check the beginner friendly label to find issues that are easy and that we would like help with.


Plugin development

Checkout the Plugin Development Guide and checkout the PLUGIN_DEV.md file for changes in Grafana that relate to plugin development.



Grafana is distributed under Apache 2.0 License.



git clone https://github.com/skew-markets/grafana.git

master .zip






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Ce ar fi important de reținut este că funcțiile de creare a graficelor/tabelelor etc sunt funcțiile date source-ului, nu ale Grafanei. Așadar alegerea unei tehnologii bune pentru stocarea metricilor, fie ele time series sau nu, va scuti multe dureri de cap pentru mai încolo. Până să ajung la o soluție de stocare convenabilă pentru proiect(pe bază de timeseries) am încercat mai toate bazele de date de la Influx, Crate până la Elastic și MariaDB.

Deci, foarte important dacă porniți un proiect de la 0 care include Grafana pentru vizualizare, aveți grijă în ce vă stocați datele.

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merge foarte bine cu orice baza de date pe baza de sql, also, daca ai infrastructura in amazon, are integrare directa cu cloudwatch, si poti sa iti iei metrici de acolo foarte usor si sa creezi tot felu de dashboarduri.  Nu stiu cu alti vendori de cloud cum e.

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