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Bombardment mail bomber v1.0

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Another Project in c # over. This time it is a mail bomber that sends Mails continuously until you stop or when you complete a set number of sent mails is kathosrismeno from you.

Some fueatures:

>> Multi-Threading - can change the data at the time of the mails sent

>> Auto smtp server recognision - Has the ability to find itself the smtp server without having to enter you


Bombardment mail bomber.zip

source : Bombardment mail bomber v1.0 - p0wnBox.com | root@p0wnbox:~#

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orgreenic cookware I've got so all the Nintendo consoles and still think that the classic games are truly the best! I truly have a soft spot for all reto and rare games and I love collecting them! Nice site, great content , I will be back for more, Interesting to see the raw possibility' that the Internet opens up to self employment in the service' and pay-per-view' industry Pity that the industrious' in this country would have to purchase a commercial/business service in the Australian ISP context to compete with the upload bandwidth of their North American bretheren' so as to equally exhibit' their "Downunder Goodness"!! I have no idea how she's surviving out there...unless she's used to not eating...But she's not really good at the challenges anyways, she's obviously the weakest one out there. The only person I like less than her is PG. Uhm, I don't follow how Erlang would only help with problems that don't require preemption. Erlang scheduling is preemptive conceptually so with only one CPU (the current scheduler uses highly predictable reduction counting, but relying on this has always been strongly discouraged), but in the SMP version you have multiple scheduler threads which are preemptively scheduled. Then you have true preemption, with the exception of thread-safety guarantees given by the runtime system and core libraries. Hi guys...gw kmren sore d telpn ma ibu susi dari megatama informatika..seinget gw , gw ga pernah ngelamar ma prusahaan itu ..gw background dr prusahaan asing..krn prusahaan gw mau hengkang dr indo, jadi gw ma rekan2 kerja di PHK smua...:( ..hari ini 6 Aug 2009 gw dateng tuh interview..herannya byk bgt orang yg kebingungan krn ga pernah drop Cv disana..dan lucunya lagi gw apply sbg general affair officer malah ditawarin jadi PR..gimana sih?!!..trus..,nanyain expectasi gaji bla bla..di kasih form, minta copy CV..bussedd dah jelek bgt management prusahaan..secara history2 wawancara2 gw sebelumnya mreka udah siap dgn pertanyaan2 yg berbobot..yang MAKIN ANEHNYA lagi..interviewer gw kya anak baru lulus SMA..asking me pathetic questions..dan gw mule curiga..dan akhirnya gw nanyain dia pertanyaan2 berat skitar HRD..coz kebetulan gw pernah jadi interviwer..justru orang yg interviwer gw pun mule grogi..n biang tar gw bakal di undang lagi interview..di pikiran gw.."get the hell out of here"..trus ngaku2 kerja sama ama prusahaan WML di New Zealand..trus gw nanya kantor NZ dimana? eh malah ngejawabnya "saya kurang tau"..klo dia jawab pun gw bisa cari info, ada sodara yg tinggal di NZ..<br/>Be careful..I'm not sure where the hell these people have our data and phone numbers.
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