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Hackers launching own satellites in orbit to beat Censorship

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Hackers launching own satellites in orbit to beat Censorship


Worried about Internet censorship by SOPA and PIPA ? Wait !! This News is for you , Hackers plan to take the internet beyond the reach of censors by putting their own communication satellites into orbit. Good guy hackers plan to launch satellites to fight the Stop Online Piracy Act and create a censorship-free Internet.

According to BBC News Technology Reporter David Meyer, the plan, which was detailed this week during the Chaos Communication Congress (CCC) in Berlin, is in response to proposed legislation such as the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which would allow the U.S. government to block websites believed to violate intellectual property law.

The first goal is an uncensorable internet in space,” hacking activity Nick Farr, who initially began soliciting financial support for what has been dubbed the Hackerspace Global Grid, in August, told Meyer on Friday. “Let’s take the internet out of the control of terrestrial entities… [The hacker] community can put humanity back in space in a meaningful way.

Can a space-based Internet be done? Sure, it’s already been done. Will hackers be able do it? Questionable. Will it stop censorship? Hardly. Commercial satellite Internet has been available for a number of years, but it is slow, capacity limited, and the trip to and from space adds a noticeable delay that can disrupt some applications. There are sound reasons why long-distance telephone, television and Internet long ago moved from satellites to terrestrial microwave and then fiber optic.

Meyer reports that while some hobbyists have managed to successfully place small satellites into orbit for short periods of time, but that tracking them have proved difficult due to budget constraints.Those involved with the Hackerspace Global Grid believe that if they are able to raise enough capital in order to overcome those difficulties, and ultimately, they hope to be able to send an amateur astronaut to the moon perhaps within the next quarter century.

In the open-source spirit of Hackerspace, Mr Bauer and some friends came up with the idea of a distributed network of low-cost ground stations that can be bought or built by individuals.Used together in a global network, these stations would be able to pinpoint satellites at any given time, while also making it easier and more reliable for fast-moving satellites to send data back to earth.

The report suggests that the individuals working on the satellite network are doing so in an “open-source spirit” with 26-year-old Armin Bauer of Stuttgart and colleagues working on the communications infrastructure of the ambitious project.With the assistance of German aerospace research initiative Constellation, they are working on what Bauer describes as a sort of “reverse GPS” which would let them know the precise locations of the satellites in much the same way that GPS probes help customers pinpoint their location on Earth. Bauer told Meyer that the team intents to have three prototype ground stations operational during the first half of next year, and is looking to sell them for approximately 100 Euros per unit.

Experts say the satellite project is feasible, but could be restricted by technical limitations."Low earth orbit satellites such as have been launched by amateurs so far, do not stay in a single place but rather orbit, typically every 90 minutes," said Prof Alan Woodward from the computing department at the University of Surrey.

"This [hacker] community can put humanity back in space in a meaningful way," Farr said."The goal is to get back to where we were in the 1970s. Hackers find it offensive that we've had the technology since before many of us were born and we haven't gone back." and apparently those who typically don't follow the law " hackers " think there's something they can do about it.

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daaaaaaaaa o sa trimita aia satelit cand imi cresc mie coaie.

Mi se pare absurd, dar nu ca asa..absurd dea dreptul!

Ce-o sa faca..o sa puna toti bani sa construiasca si sa il lanseze? zau?

Ce tara le da aprobare? Ca doar de pe pamant il lanseaza..

Nici nu apuca sa stranga ultimu surub la el ca deja il fute vreun guvern, astia nau ce face cu timpu liber gandesc numai prostii.

Vrei sa schimbi ceva, tintesti sus..la guverne..unde e controlu si puterea.

Ori dai tot si mori sau reusesti, ori taci dracu si te multumesti sa fii sclav incontinuare, alta solutie nu exista.

Auzi la ei..satelit propriu..ma bufneste rasu

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Il pot lansa de la rusi, il pot lansa dupa bloc.. nu`i asta marea problema! Chestia este ca s-ar putea trezi cu o bomba ceva spre satelit, dar si atunci daca fac publica chestia o sa sara poporu in aer..!

@Petzy: Decat sa accepti sa ti-se ia ceva si sa ramai cu ochii in soare, sa accepti controlul suprem... sa accepti ca poti face ceva doar intr-o anumita limita.. nu e ceva demn!!

Daca guvernu asta zice ca nu se va folosi programul decat in scopurile de a combata pirateria.. cine are garantia ca guvernul urmator nu te va lasa decat sa de joci mario?

De aici incepe al 3-lea razboi mondial!

Oricum e de apreciat ce incearca sa faca baietii.. poporul trebuie sa controleze nu guvernele... dar asta nu se va schimba niciodata!

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Pai exact asta am zis si eu, si tex sincer nici nu am mai citit dupa primele randuri.

E o aberatie :)

Cat timp se merge pe formula "merg la vot sa'mi aleg reprezentantii in guvern" deci practic dai puterea catorva oameni, sanatate. Abuz abuz abuz si iar abuz.

@Duty, eu ma refer ca mentalitate decat sa stam so dam in superstitii cu iluminati si mai stiu eu ce prostii, mai degraba ne facem fiecare viata cum credem mai bine, indiviual, pentru noi si futem la orice pas in orice mod tot ce ne ameninta asta. In rest..sa aiba altu grija tuturor, ca eu degeaba o fac daca sunt singur sau prea putini ca mine

sidenote: Voi ati vazut pe Suedezi / Danemarca cum e? Pai bai frate...aia cand au ceva de votat cu UE-u isi intreaba cetatenii. Referendum general fratica, pana si ultimu tampit isi da cu parerea si e luat in considerare. De asta au un nivel de trai de te doare mintea. De asta e plina tara aia numai de verde si de programe sociale care zici ca nici nu sunt posibile sa existe asa ceva la cate cacaturi se intampla pe lume...si cate si mai cate

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Votul nu mai este vot demult! Voteaza numai babe si mosi! la prezidentiale...

Cum iti poti face viata singur, atat timp cat de definesti cu ceilalti? e echivalentu cu a te duce in padure sa iti faci viata! dar padure cu reguli.. cu nu taia copacii, cu nu calca iarba.. ca daca nu amenda...

Oameni se definesc pe ceilalti! asa cum 1 defineste pe 2 si etc... ce ar fi 2 fara 1.. un simplu desen!

Tu zici ca iti faci viata singur... pai daca stai sa te gandesti, nu iti fabrici singur curent, nu iti fabrici tu singur tot ce e electric in casa.. si nu iti faci nu singur un google al tau.. in momentul de fata o gramada de oameni lucreaza pentru tine.. curent, apa, salubrizare, gaze, haine, mancare (nu cred ca vanezi singur), daca se pun restrictii pe asta cum va fi? doar 1 w pe 3 ore curent, 30 l de apa pe zi si etc...

Cam asa e si cu internetul!

Deci.. oamenii sunt niste animale, dar e nasol ca tot de animale sunt condusi!

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Tu ai luat-o umpic prea departe.

Eu ma refeream sa iti faci viata cum vrei, legat de ce esti inconjurat.

Exemplu: curent? ti-l faci singur cu banuti (ex: panouri solare)

Canalizare? fii ingenios ca sunt si acolo variante.

E ca aia...profita de prosti si de ce au construit altii :)

Hai sa nu intram in dezbatere ca stricam topicul:P


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Gecko, nu e neaparat ca sunt pornit pe guverne.

Daca stai si gandesti totul si pui in balanta ai sa ajungi la concluzia ca momentan, la cum stau lucrurile si cum se aplica toate parghiile unui guvern, sistemul asta, nu e bun de nimic.

Mai mult rau face, mai ales la noi in Romania.

Problema la oameni e ca sunt prea inteligenti pentru binele lor.

Nu o sa poti niciodata sa ai o utopie in care fiecare face ce vrea si totul sa fie bine, pentru ca atunci se trezeste unu sa faca invers, iar ceilalti reactioneaza, iar ceilalti reactioneaza la ceilalti si tot asa. Deci raspunsul, momentan, e clar.

Trebuie ceva gen "guvern" si dictat niste directii de la care sa nu se abata nimeni.

Dar ce e in ziua de azi...nici pe departe nu se aproprie de asta!

Plm, nu o dau in conspiratii sau nu stiu ce, eu vorbesc de baza aia care am creato noi si o numim guvern.

Iar trepadusii astia in loc sa se gandeasca la asta si sa lucreze sa imbunatateasca asta, ei vor sa lanseze un satelit sa faca liber internetul. DOH

Cu ce ajuta internetul copii abandonati?

Cu ce ajuta internetul criza de mancare?

Cu ce ajuta internetul alte 943290483290839040392904 de probleme de genul care o are omu in ziua de azi.

Raspunsul: cu nimic, adanceste doar mai tare lumea in prostie si tampenie

Nu mai tin minte ce facultate din romania a lansat un mini satelit in spatiu(creat de ei), daca ai nostri au reusit ....

Din cate am inteles l-au creat doar.

Nu lau si lansat, in nici un caz nu a ajuns in spatiu.

Daca nu ma insel a fost ceva de genu "hai sa vedem daca putem, si dupaia ne gandim mai serios daca chiar ducem unu"

Posibil sa ma insel

Edited by Petzy
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