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sshtrix - SSH login cracker

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sshtrix is a very fast multithreaded SSH login cracker. It supports SSHv1 and SSHv2.

sshtrix was designed to automate rapid bruteforce attacks against SSH authentification screens. Unlike other public tools, the aim is to keep it simple, stable, fast and modular.

With its clean code design, it is easy to extend the code to a framework or to fork it

against protocols of your choice.


Si pt ca am dat de probleme la instalare , aveti si un script (doar modificat de mine) pt a il instala mai usor si cu toate cele necesare!! Scriptul este pt Backtrack dar poate fi modificat usor si pt celelalte distributii linux1!

# a little dirty script to quickly install the libssh 0.5.2 and sshtrix 0.0.2
# from noptrix.net on backtrack 5r1
# smtx 2011

# install

# change to /usr/src dir
cd /usr/src

# download sshtrix
wget http://www.nullsecurity.net/tools/sshtrix-0.0.2.tar.gz
cat > checksums.md5 << __EOF__
cc9eecb6fb3729152a1fd79851b634fc sshtrix-0.0.2.tar.gz

# download libssh
wget --no-check-certificate http://www.libssh.org/files/0.5/libssh-0.5.2.tar.gz
cat >> checksums.md5 << __EOF__
38b67c48af7a9204660a3e08f97ceba6 libssh-0.5.2.tar.gz

# check md5sums
md5sum -c checksums.md5

#unpack src
tar xzf sshtrix-0.0.2.tar.gz
tar xzf libssh-0.5.2.tar.gz

# install prequisites for libssh
apt-get install libssl-dev cmake -y

# compile/install libssh
cd libssh-0.5.2
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/libssh-0.5.2 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
make install

# compile sshtrix
cd /usr/src/sshtrix-0.0.2
export CFLAGS=" -W -Wall -Wextra -O2 -std=c99 -pedantic -pthread -I inc -I /opt/libssh-0.5.2/include/ -L /opt/libssh-0.5.2/lib/"
export DISTDIR=/pentest/passwords/sshtrix
make -e sshtrix

mkdir -p /pentest/passwords/sshtrix
cp sshtrix /pentest/passwords/sshtrix/
cp doc/sshtrix.1 /usr/share/man/man1/

# create wrapper with LD_PRELOADED latest sshlib
cd /pentest/passwords/sshtrix
cat > sshtrix_wrap.sh << __EOF__
bash -c "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/libssh-0.5.2/lib/ && /pentest/passwords/sshtrix/sshtrix \$*"
chmod +x sshtrix_wrap.sh

# symlink to wrapper so its in $PATH
ln -s /pentest/passwords/sshtrix/sshtrix_wrap.sh /usr/local/bin/sshtrix

## clean up
cd /usr/src
rm libssh-0.5.2.tar.gz
rm -rf libssh-0.5.2
rm sshtrix-0.0.2.tar.gz
rm -rf sshtrix-0.0.2
rm checksums.md5


# uninstall
rm -rf /pentest/passwords/sshtrix
rm /usr/local/bin/sshtrix
rm -rf /opt/libssh-0.5.2/
rm /usr/share/man/man1/sshtrix.1

if [ $# -ne 1 ]
echo "Error in $0 - Invalid Argument Count"
echo "Syntax to install: $0 install"
echo "Syntax to uninstall: $0 uninstall"

if [ $1 == "install" ]
echo "installing sshtrix"

if [ $1 == "uninstall" ]
echo "uninstalling sshtrix"

Salvati ca script.sh

chmod +x script.sh

./script.sh install

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