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Samsung Introduces the GALAXY S III - Designed for Humans and Inspired by Nature

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Effortlessly smart and intuitively simple,

Samsung GALAXY S III reveals a new concept of smartphone

London, UK—May 3, 2012—Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, a global leader in digital media and digital convergence technologies, announced today the third generation GALAXY S, the GALAXY S III. Designed for humans and inspired by nature, the GALAXY S III is a smartphone that recognizes your voice, understands your intention, and lets you share a moment instantly and easily.

This sleek and innovative smartphone has the enhanced intelligence to make everyday life easier. With Samsung GALAXY S III, you can view the content like never before on the device’s 4.8 inch HD Super AMOLED display. An 8MP camera and a 1.9MP front camera offer users a variety of intelligent camera features and face recognition related options that ensure all moments are captured easily and instantly. Samsung GALAXY S III is powered by Android™ 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich, with greatly enhanced usability and practicality to make life easier. Packed with intuitive technology, the GALAXY S III delivers a uniquely personalized mobile experience that refuses to be compromised.

“With the GALAXY S III, Samsung has maximized the consumer benefits by integrating superior hardware with enhanced smartphone usability,” said JK Shin, President and Head of IT & Mobile Communications Division at Samsung. “Designed to be both effortlessly smart and intuitively simple, the GALAXY S III has been created with our human needs and capabilities in mind. What makes me most proud is that it enables one of the most seamless, natural and human-centric mobile experiences, opening up a new horizon that allows you to live a life extraordinary.”

Introducing Natural Interaction

The GALAXY S III enhances the interaction experience between the device and user. Smart enough to detect your face, voice and motions, the GALAXY S III adapts to the individual user to provide a more convenient and natural experience. With the innovative ‘Smart stay’ feature, the GALAXY S III recognizes how you are using your phone – reading an e-book or browsing the web for instance – by having the front camera identify your eyes; the phone maintains a bright display for continued viewing pleasure.

The GALAXY S III features ‘S Voice,’ the advanced natural language user interface, to listen and respond to your words. In addition to allowing information search and basic device-user communication, S Voice presents powerful functions in regards to device control and commands. When your phone alarm goes off but you need a little extra rest, just tell the GALAXY S III “snooze.” You can also use S Voice to play your favorite songs, turn the volume up or down, send text messages and emails, organize your schedules, or automatically launch the camera and capture a photo.

In addition to recognizing your face and voice, the GALAXY S III understands your motions to offer maximized usability. If you are messaging someone but decide to call them instead, simply lift your phone to your ear and ‘Direct call’ will dial their number. With ‘Smart alert,’ the GALAXY S III will also save you from trouble by catching any missed messages or calls; your phone will vibrate to notify missed statuses when picked up after being idle.

Easy and Instant Sharing

The Samsung GALAXY S III is more than a personal device that can be enjoyed by one user - it wants you to share and experience smartphone benefits with family and friends, regardless of where you are. With the new ‘S Beam,’ the GALAXY S III expands upon Android™ Beam™, allowing a 1GB movie file to be shared within three minutes and a 10MB music file within two seconds by simply touching another GALAXY S III phone, even without a Wi-Fi or cellular signal. The ‘Buddy photo share’ function also allows photos to be easily and simultaneously shared with all your friends pictured in an image directly from the camera or the photo gallery.

With ‘AllShare Cast’, users can wirelessly connect their GALAXY S III to their television to immediately transfer smartphone content onto a larger display. ‘AllShare Play’ can be also used to instantly share any forms of files between GALAXY S III and your tablet, PC, and televisions regardless of the distance between the devices. Under AllShare Play is also the ‘Group Cast’ feature that allows you to share your screen among multiple friends on the same Wi-Fi network; you can make comments and draw changes at the same time with your co-workers, witnessing real-time sharing on your individual device.

Human-centric Design with Uncompromised Performance

The GALAXY S III not only presents features with enhanced usability, but also provides an ergonomic and comfortable experience through its human-centric design. Its comfortable grip, gentle curves, and organic form deliver a rich human-centric feel and design. Inspired by nature, its design concept is the flow and movement of nature. The elements of wind, water and light are all evoked in the physical construct of the GALAXY S III. In its essence, the minimal organic design identity is reflected in the smooth and non-linear lines of the device. Available in Pebble Blue and Marble White at launch, Samsung will introduce a variety of additional color options.

With a 4.8” HD Super AMOLED display, the GALAXY S III offers a large and vivid viewing experience. Samsung Mobile’s heritage Super AMOLED display even enhances to HD and 16:9 wider viewing angles. To ensure faster content sharing and connectivity, the GALAXY S III offers Wi-Fi Channel Bonding which doubles the Wi-Fi bandwidth.

The GALAXY S III also sports a range of additional features that boost performance and the overall user experience in entirely new ways. It introduces ‘Pop up play,’ a feature that allows you to play a video anywhere on your screen while simultaneously running other tasks, eliminating the need to close and restart videos when checking new emails or surfing the Web. Its 8MP camera features a zero-lag shutter speed that lets you capture moving objects easily without delay – the image you see is the picture you take. With the ‘Burst shot’ function that instantly captures twenty continuous shots, and the ‘Best photo’ feature that selects the best of eight photographs for you, the GALAXY S III ensures users a more enhanced and memorable camera experience. HD video can be recorded even with the 1.9MP front-facing camera, which you can use to capture a video of yourself. Improved backside illumination further helps to eliminate blur in photos that result from shaking, even under low lights.

Mobile payment is also accessible with the device through advanced Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. The gaming experience is enhanced through ‘Game Hub,’ providing access to numerous social games, while Video Hub brings users high quality TV and movies. Furthermore, Samsung Music Hub will offer a personal music streaming service. Game Hub, Video Hub and Music Hub will be introduced in select countries initially and soon rolled out to global markets.

The Samsung GALAXY S III will be available from the end of May in Europe before rolling out to other markets globally.




by samsungmobilepress.com

Edited by Isaac
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Am vazut live streaming de la conferinta. La cata reclama i-au facut ma asteptam la ceva mai mult( probabil e si vina lor ca au crescut atat de mult asteptarile populatiei prin publicitatea facuta), ziceau ca e din viitor, dar de unde, nu mi se pare nimic inovativ, HTC One X lansat acum cateva luni are aproximativ aceleasi specificatii, plus ca din punctul de vedere al constructiei e net superior, si are HTC Sense care face Touchwizul celor de la Samsung sa para o jucarie.

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De?in un HTC Sensation ?i pot spune c? tot ce are S3-ul în plus, este camera frontal? de 1.9 MP împreun? cu procesorul quad-core. Sensation-ul are dual-core de 1.2 Ghz (i-am f?cut overcloak pân? la 1.6 Ghz). Cât despre quad-core, nu ?tiu ce pot spune, nu cred c? Android-ul are puterea de a-l exploata la maxim (nu are ce). Oricum, bateria o s? se duc? foarte repede (clasic samsung-urilor). Eu cel mai mult am reu?it s?-l ?in 5 zile+ cu normal usage.

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Sa iti cumperi asa ceva doar pentru ca poate cele mai multe, tu nefolosind niciodata maximul pentru care a fost creat, mi se pare un act de snobism extrem. Ca si cum ti-ai lua o casa cu cele mai multe camere, doar pentru ca poti, tu folosind doar 2 dintre ele.

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Ce am observat eu la prezentarea de aseara a fost ca Samsung nu are nici o persoana care sa stie sa prezinte un produs...

@Ellimist: Nu stiu la ce te asteptai... totusi e un telefon mobil nu un pc ! eu am avut ocazia sa ma joc pe htc si nu mi-a placut , nici ca design nici ca performante ... Daca are aceleasi specificatii asta nu inseamna ca vor rula/functiona in acelasi mod! Reclama nu cred ca au facuto ei ... toate specificatiile pana acum au fost doar speculatii! Nici eu nu am fost foarte impresionat de prezentare dar trebuie sa recunosti ca la momentul actual este cel mai complet/puternic smartphone de pe piata si va ramane in top mult timp !Daca vorbesti de snobism ... gandeste-te la toti cei care au cumparat I4/S doar pentru ca este scump (romanii) si pt a avea marul ala putrezit pe el...si 90% din ei il folosesc ca un telefon normal, nu tu net nu tu e-mail, nu tu aplicatii care chiar sa ii ajute la ceea ce fac ... nimic ...!

Cand vine vorba de putere totul e cam discutabil... eu fac o gramada de chestii pe SGS`ul meu si puterea procesorului in multitasking conteaza enorm! Bateria va fi o problema intradevar dar tehnologia evolueaza ... Daca acum (SGS1)ma tine bateria o zi la o folosire enorma a telefonului eu sunt multumit... trebuie totusi sa te gandesti ca e un telefon cu o baterie de 4/4cm si un ecran mare cu o luminozitate mare, cu procesor mare, cu internet in permanenta deschis, poze zilnic facute, muzica cam 1h/zi si multe altele!Daca ai la ce il folosi telefonul poate face parte din stilul tau de viata ... si din cate am observat pe asta s-a axat samsung cu noile tehnologii introduse pe sgs3!Anul trecut eu am renuntat la ideea de a-mi cumpara SGS2 special pt SGS3 si nu imi pare rau ... cred ca este cel mai complet dispozitiv prezent la ora asta pe piata si abia astept sa apara si la noi !

Gusturile nu se discuta dar mie nu imi place HTC`ul ..nici ca design nici ca performante !

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Dar de "inutil de puternic" ce zici?

nu exista asa ceva.

toate procesele care ruleaza in background pe un android si sa te mai uiti si la un 1080p in timp ce iti citesti mailu crezi ca se realizeaza cu un procesor de 100 de khz?

din cauza la surplusul ala de putere merge asa bine telefonu, fara lag, fara sa se miste sacadat cand schimbi desktopu, fara sa astepti 1-2 minute sa ti se incarce aplicatia.

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