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Coderi in delphi ?

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Avem coderi in delphi pe aici?

Daca da lasati va rog un reply, nu obisnuiesc de fel sa cer ajutor si nu caut sa stresez pe nimeni.

Vreau doar un "kick" de start ca vreau sa ma apuc sa invat si delphi.

Multumesc anticipat.


Eu incercasem si am ajuns la un anumit nivel numai ca m-am lovit de problema informatiilor, cam 80% din documentatie(utila) este in limba germana si e cam dificil de inteles chiar daca stii o boaba de germana.


Daca vrei sa inveti delphi, am urmatoarele recomandari:


  • Active Members
Pascal este un limbaj foarte vechi, delphi = pascal orientat pe obiecte.

Stiu.spre exemplu c++ builder este tot orientat pe obiecte dar syntaxa,codul este in c++.Asa este si cu delphi syntaxa este de pascal nu e ca si cum delphi este un limbaj de sine statator este un IDE un mediu de programare cu multe librarii si chestii de genu.

//oricum este bine sa stii si putin din pascal te poate ajuta

Asa este si cu delphi syntaxa este de pascal nu e ca si cum delphi este un limbaj de sine statator este un IDE un mediu de programare cu multe librarii si chestii de genu.

//oricum este bine sa stii si putin din pascal te poate ajuta

Defapt te inseli, Delphi/Lazarus sunt tot bazate pe pascal dar e o diferenta enorma intre ele.

Defapt te inseli, Delphi/Lazarus sunt tot bazate pe pascal dar e o diferenta enorma intre ele.

M-ai facut curios si am cautat diferente:

Some important differences between Delphi and Lazarus that you are likely to encounter before long are as follows.

The compiler directive for a Delphi console application is {$APPTYPE CONSOLE}. This is not necessary in Lazarus but its use does not generate an error. The Lazarus directive {$mode objfpc} is not recognised by Delphi.

When you save a Lazarus project the Lazarus file with the extension .lpi is an xml file containing project information such as the name of the source file. To open a Lazarus project, open the file with the .lpi extension. (This has the same icon as the .ico file). All the actual code that you write in a simple console program such as our Hello World example will be in a file with the extension .lpr.

The Delphi project file has the extension .dpr in Delphi 7. In Delphi 2007, the .dpr file contains the code and the .dproj file contains project information in xml format.

If you close Lazarus then reopen it, the last program will be opened already for you in the editor. Delphi starts up without a program loaded into it.

We find that the help provided in Delphi is more comprehensive and easier to use than that in Lazarus. The Delphi 7 help is particularly easy to use.

Some students have reported problems with the stability of earlier versions of Lazarus, but the current version is claimed to be more stable and we await the results of further use with interest.

The SysUtils unit is sometimes needed in Delphi for some subroutines that are inbuilt into the core of Lazarus.

Lazarus but not Delphi contains Crt, Graph, WinCrt and WinMouse units. See how to download and use Crt in Delphi in our Graphics tutorial.

The WinCrt, WinMouse and WinGraph units, used in several programs on this site, are useful extensions to both Lazarus and Delphi. (See our Graphics tutorial for details of Stefan Berinde`s wingraph.zip). To use them in Lazarus, remember to put Stefan Berinde`s units in the program folder so that Florian Klaempfl's inbuilt WinCrt and WinMouse units are not used instead.

Citatul este de la PP4S: Differences between Delphi and Lazarus

Ar mai fi de mentionat si diferenta majora la denumire, Lazarus si Delphi au o singura litera comuna.

Posted (edited)
M-ai facut curios si am cautat diferente:

Citatul este de la PP4S: Differences between Delphi and Lazarus

Ar mai fi de mentionat si diferenta majora la denumire, Lazarus si Delphi au o singura litera comuna.

Nu era vorba de IDE ci cauta diferentele legate de cod, declarare, obiecte, clase, librarii




O parte din ele, ce iti mai place sa te bagi in seama

Edited by Vlachs
Nu era vorba de IDE ci cauta diferentele legate de cod, declarare, obiecte, clase, librarii




O parte din ele, ce iti mai place sa te bagi in seama

Am citit un pic. Da, sunt ceva diferente minore la cod, si de-aia exista minunata directiva de compilare {$IFDEF FPC}{$MODE DELPHI}{$ENDIF}

Daca stii Delphi poti trece la FPC cu usurinta, eu nu vad o diferenta "enorma". Daca tu o vezi, sa fii sanatos (chiar daca nu-ti place sa te bagi in seama).

Posted (edited)

Am citit un pic. Da, sunt ceva diferente minore la cod, si de-aia exista minunata directiva de compilare {$IFDEF FPC}{$MODE DELPHI}{$ENDIF}

Daca stii Delphi poti trece la FPC cu usurinta, eu nu vad o diferenta "enorma". Daca tu o vezi, sa fii sanatos (chiar daca nu-ti place sa te bagi in seama).

Uitate la telenovele mai bine, daca nu esti capabil sa intelegi diferentele, inseamna ca esti prost.

Directiva de compilare nu o sa te ajute cu nimic, daca ai fi citit care sunt diferentele ai fi inteles dar probabil pentru un writeln tie iti ajunge.

Most Delphi units can be compiled by the Free Pascal compiler by adding


Nu te mai contrazice prosteste, imi plac persoanele care vin cu argumente inteligente, nu stupide.


The main file of a Delphi application is the .dpr file. The main file of a Lazarus project is the .lpi file (Lazarus Project Information). A .dpr file is the program main source and the Delphi IDE stores some information about the compiler switches and units. A Lazarus application also has a .lpr file, which is also the main source file. But all other information is stored in the .lpi file. So, the important file is the .lpi file.

For example:

Delphi stores the paths of the units in the .dpr file. For instance: unit1 in 'path/Unit1.pas'. These 'in' paths are Delphi specific and are not read by the Lazarus IDE. Don't use them. Use instead the compiler options unit paths.

Delphi stores compiler options in the .dpr file. For instance {$APPTYPE CONSOLE}. These are ignored by the Lazarus IDE. Don't use them. Use instead the compiler options.

One important rule: There is always a project. The only way to "close" a project is to exit lazarus or open another project. This is because a lazarus project is also a "session". This means, the current editor settings are also stored in the .lpi file and are restored when you reopen the project. For example: You are debugging an application, set a lot of breakpoints and bookmarks. You can save the project at any time, close lazarus or open another project. When you reopen the project, even on another computer, all your breakpoints, bookmarks, open files, cursor positions, jump history, ... are restored.

Source Editor

Nearly all keys and short cuts can be defined in Tools -> Options -> Editor -> Key Mappings

The Lazarus IDE has a lot of tools for sources. Many of them look and work very similar to Delphi. But there is one important difference: Lazarus does not use the compiler to get code information. It parses the sources directly. This has a lot of important advantages:

The source editor works with "comments". For Delphi the comments in the source are just space between code. No code feature works there and when new code is auto inserted, your comments will travel. Under Lazarus you can do a find declaration even on code in comments. Although this is not completely reliable, it often works. And when new code is inserted, the IDE uses some heuristics to keep comment and code together. For example: It will not split the line "c: char; // comment".

Delphi's "Code Completion" (Ctrl+Space) is called "Identifier Completion" under Lazarus. The Lazarus term "Code Completion" is a feature, combining "Automatic Class Completion" (same as under Delphi), "Local Variable Completion" and "Event Assignment Completion". All of them are invoked by Ctrl+Shift+C and the IDE determines by the cursor position, what is meant.

Example for Local Variable Completion

Assume you just created a new method and wrote the statement "i:=3;"

procedure TForm1.DoSomething;begin i := 3;end;

Position the cursor over the identifier "i" and press Ctrl+? Shift+C to get:

procedure TForm1.DoSomething;var i: Integer;begin i := 3;end;

Example for Event Assignment Completion

A nice feature of the object inspector is to auto create methods. You can get the source editor to create the events too.

For example:


Position the cursor behind the assign operator ":=" and press Ctrl+? Shift+C.

Example for Procedure Call Completion

Assume you just wrote the statement "DoSomething(Width);"

procedure SomeProcedure;var Width: integer;begin Width:=3; DoSomething(Width);end;

Position the cursor over the identifier "DoSomething" and press Ctrl+? Shift+C to get:

procedure DoSomething(aWidth: LongInt);begin end; procedure SomeProcedure;var Width: integer;begin Width:=3; DoSomething(Width);end;

"Word Completion" Ctrl+W

It works similar to the "Identifier Completion", but it does not work on pascal identifiers, but on all words. It lets you choose of all words in all open files beginning with the same letters.

Supports Include files

Delphi didn't support them, and so you probably haven't created many include files yet. But include files have a big advantage: They make it possible writing platform (in)dependent code without messing your code with IFDEFs. For example: Method jumping, Class Completion, find declaration, .. all work with include files.

There are many options for the code features.


- Guidelines

Object Inspector

In the Delphi and Lazarus IDE's the Object Inspector is used to edit component properties and assign events etc. The following are a few minor differences to note in use :

  1. Starting in Delphi 5 there is an Object Treeview which can be used to navigate and select objects according to hierarchy in addition to the traditional drop down list in the Object Inspector. In Lazarus this is part of the Object Inspector and is used in place of the default drop-down, you can select to use/not use it from the right click menu with "Show Component Tree"
  2. In Delphi double clicking on a blank event will auto create one and open the Source Editor to that position, in Lazarus there is a button to the right of the selected drop-down which performs this action instead.
  3. In Delphi you must manually delete the name of an event in the edit to remove the attatchement, in Lazarus you can drop down and select "(None)".
  4. Similarly to Events, double clicking regular properties such as boolean will not change the value, you must select it from a drop down. And to open those with an assigned editor form, you must click the '...' button to the right of the edit/drop-down


Can Lazarus install and use Delphi Packages?

No, because they require Delphi compiler magic.

Do we need ones specially made for lazarus?

Yes. Create a new package, save it in the package source directory (normally same directory of the .dpk file), add the LCL as required package and finally add the .pas files. You can install it, or use it in your projects now. There are some differences between Lazarus and Delphi packages, so please read

- see docs/Packages.txt in the lazarus sources.


While the VCL and the LCL both serve much of the same purpose - of an Object Oriented Component Hierarchy especially geared toward rapid application development, they are not identical. For instance while the VCL provides many non-visual components, the LCL tries to only provide visual, while most non-visual components (such as db access) are provided by the FCL, included with Free Pascal .

Additionally many controls may not exist in the LCL that are in the VCL, or vice versa, or even when controls do exist in both, they are not clones, and changes must be made in applications, components and controls if porting.

The following is an attempt to provide fairly complete descriptions of major differences or incompatiblities between the two for the Delphi user. It covers differences primarily with the VCL of D4 especially, though at times D5, D6, or D7 as well; and with the current LCL, as is in CVS. As such it may not always be accurate to the version of Delphi you are used to, or completely match the current LCL you have. If you see inacuracies between the following and the LCL as in CVS, or your Delphi feel free to append and modify so as to keep this as comprehensive as possible for all people.


In the VCL it is quite common and normal to use a specific font name and font properties such as bold and italics for controls, and expect this value to always be followed. Further is provided the TControl.ParentFont property which ensures that a control will always follow its parent's font. Again the implicit assumption being that these values will always be followed, even regardless of Windows Apearance Settings.

This is not always true in the LCL, nor can it be. The LCL being cross-platform/cross-interface in nature prefers to take a balanced aproach, and instead will always try to use native Desktop/Toolkit Apearance or Theme settings on any widgets. For example if using a GTK interface, and the gtk theme supplies a specific font for buttons, then LCL buttons will always try to use this font.

This means that most LCL controls do not have the same level of design control that is often expected in the VCL, rather only those custom controls which are Canvas drawn instead of interface allocated can consistantly be modified in this manner regardless of the Interface used.

Control Dragging/Docking

In the VCL most (Win)Controls implement methods and callback functions for handling dragging and docking of controls, eg. dragging a control from one panel, and docking it onto another panel at run time.

This functionality is currently unimplemented/unfinished in the LCL, though it is currently in the initial stages of planning, and should eventually support some level of compatibility for this type of behavior, if not in the exact same manner.

This currently means that no Control will inherit/use the following TControl functions, procedures, properties, or events -

Protected function GetDockEdge(MousePos: TPoint): TAlign; function GetDragImages: TDragImageList; function GetFloating: Boolean; function GetFloatingDockSiteClass: TWinControlClass; procedure DoEndDrag(Target:TObject); X, Y: Integer); procedure DockTrackNoTarget(Source: TDragDockObject; X, Y: Integer); procedure DoEndDock(Target: TObject; X, Y: Integer); procedure DoDock(NewDockSite: TWinControl; var ARect: TRect); procedure DoStartDock(var DragObject: TDragObject); procedure DragCanceled; procedure DragOver(Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean); procedure DoEndDrag(Target: TObject; X, Y: Integer); procedure DoStartDrag(var DragObject: TDragObject); procedure DrawDragDockImage(DragDockObject: TDragDockObject); procedure EraseDragDockImage(DragDockObject: TDragDockObject); procedure PositionDockRect(DragDockObject: TDragDockObject); procedure SetDragMode(Value: TDragMode); property DragKind: TDragKind; property DragCursor: TCursor; property DragMode: TDragMode; property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent; property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent; property OnEndDock: TEndDragEvent; property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent; property OnStartDock: TStartDockEvent; property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent;public function Dragging: Boolean; function ManualDock(NewDockSite: TWinControl; DropControl: TControl; ControlSide: TAlign): Boolean; function ManualFloat(ScreenPos: TRect): Boolean; function ReplaceDockedControl(Control: TControl; NewDockSite: TWinControl; DropControl: TControl; ControlSide: TAlign): Boolean; procedure BeginDrag(Immediate: Boolean; Threshold: Integer); procedure Dock(NewDockSite: TWinControl; ARect: TRect); procedure DragDrop(Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer); procedure EndDrag(Drop: Boolean); property DockOrientation: TDockOrientation; property Floating: Boolean; property FloatingDockSiteClass: TWinControlClass; property HostDockSite: TWinControl; property LRDockWidth: Integer; property TBDockHeight: Integer; property UndockHeight: Integer; property UndockWidth: Integer;

that the following classes do not exist/are unusable -

TDragImageList = class(TCustomImageList)TDockZone = classTDockTree = class(TInterfacedObject, IDockManager)TDragObject = class(TObject)TBaseDragControlObject = class(TDragObject)TDragControlObject = class(TBaseDragControlObject)TDragDockObject = class(TBaseDragControlObject)

and that the following functions are also unusable/incompatible -

function FindDragTarget(const Pos: TPoint; AllowDisabled: Boolean) : TControl;procedure CancelDrag;function IsDragObject(sender: TObject): Boolean;

The start of docking manager is described here: Anchor Docking


The Edit controls, while functioning essentialy the same in the LCL as the VCL, do have some issues to be aware of in converting -

  1. Due to restrictions in the Interfaces, TEdit.PasswordChar does not work in all interfaces yet(though in time it may), instead TCustomEdit.EchoMode emPassword should be used in the event text needs to be hidden.
  2. On Drag/Dock Events are not yet implemented. For more information please see earlier section on Control Dragging/Docking.
  3. Font Properties are usually ignored for interface consistancy, for detailed explanation as too why please see TControl.Font/TControl.ParentFont


Delphi and Lazarus both have a TDBImage control that shows images stored in a database field. However, Lazarus stores information about the image type in the database field before the actual image data. See procedure TDBImage.UpdateData This means that the Delphi and Lazarus implementations are not compatible.

Note: current (r40924, April 2013) Lazarus trunk has implemented changes that allow Delphi compatible behaviour. Please see Lazarus_1.2.0_release_notes#TDBImage for details.

(optional) TSplitter -> TPairSplitter

Please Improve Me

There is now a TSplitter control in the LCL, so no need to convert it.

Nevertheless, if you want, here it is explained:

The following is loosely based on questions by Vincent Snijders on the mailing list, and responses by Andrew Johnson:

In the VCL, "Splitting" controls, that is a handle which can be dragged between two components to give one more or less space then the other, is accomplished by a TSplitter. This is often seen, for instance in the Delphi IDE between the docked Code Explorer and Source Viewer.

The LCL provides its own Control called a TPairSplitter, which serves the same type of purpose, however it is not compatible, so "repairing" broken VCL code or Delphi DFM's will be necessary in the event of porting code, even though much is shared in common between the two.

So what exactly are the differences?Well the biggest differences are a VCL TSplitter has no children, instead it is placed between two controls aligned properly, and allows resizing between them at runtime, regardless its own size. It must have two controls aligned on each side to do anything. A simple example would be form with a Left Aligned Panel, a left aligned Splitter, and a second client aligned panel. On run time you could then realign the size given each panel by dragging on the handle provided by this Splitter control.

On the LCL hand however, a TPairSplitter is a special kind of control, with two panels, and it can only be usefull if the controls to split are on these panels, but it will still perform a split between those panel whether or not anything is on them. So following the prior example, you would have a form with a TPairSplitter aligned client, and a panel aligned client on its left side, and a panel aligned client on its right side.

The other important difference is that in the VCl, since the TSplitter is its own TControl, then the position is kept relative to the other controls on resize, so for instance a client panel will grow while the other panels will not, thus the split position is relative to the alignment of the split controls,

In the LCL since the side panels are separate then the TPairSplitter has a Position property which is absolute relative to top or left. so on resize the actual position does not change according to contents, so a callback must be set to ensure the ratio is kept on resize if this is important.

For example if the Right side of a vertical split needs to have alClient like behaviour, you need to add a form resize callback which does something like :

PairSplitter.Position := PairSplitter.Width - PairSplitter.Position; So how can I convert existing code using TSplitter to the TPairSplitter?If the splitter and controls are created within an actual function(like form oncreate), conversion shouldn't be too difficult, primarily reorganize the code to create the controls in order of new hierarchy and set the parents of the child controls to split to the left/top and right/bottom portions of the PairSplitter. An example of the changes being -

[TABLE=class: code]


[TD=class: header]VCL[/TD]

[TD=class: header]LCL[/TD]




var BottomPanel: TPanel; VerticalSplitter: TSplitter; LeftPanel: TPanel; HorizontalSplitter: TSplitter; MainPanel: TPanel; begin BottomPanel:= TPanel.Create(Self); with (BottomPanel) do begin Parent:= Self; Height:= 75; Align:= alBottom; end; VerticalSplitter:= TSplitter.Create(Self); with (VerticalSplitter) do begin Parent:= Self; Align:= alBottom; end; HorizontalSplitter:= TSplitter.Create(Self); with (HorizontalSplitter) do begin Parent:= Self; align:= alLeft; end; LeftPanel:= TPanel.Create(Self); with (LeftPanel) do begin Parent:= Self; Width:= 125; Align:= alLeft; end; MainPanel:= TPanel.Create(Self); with (MainPanel) do begin Parent:= Self; Align:= alClient; Caption:= 'Hello'; end;end;[/TD]


var BottomPanel: TPanel; VerticalSplitter: TPairSplitter; LeftPanel: TPanel; HorizontalSplitter: TPairSplitter; MainPanel: TPanel; begin VerticalSplitter:= TPairSplitter.Create(Self); with (VerticalSplitter) do begin Parent:= Self; Align:= alClient; Width:= Self.Width; Height:= Self.Height; SplitterType:= pstVertical; Position:= Height - 75; Sides[0].Width:= Width; Sides[0].Height:= Position; end; HorizontalSplitter:= TPairSplitter.Create(Self); with (HorizontalSplitter) do begin Parent:= VerticalSplitter.Sides[0]; Width:= Self.Width; Height:= VerticalSplitter.Position; align:= alClient; SplitterType:= pstHorizontal; Position:= 125; end; LeftPanel:= TPanel.Create(Self); with (LeftPanel) do begin Parent:= HorizontalSplitter.Sides[0]; Align:= alClient; end; MainPanel:= TPanel.Create(Self); with (MainPanel) do begin Parent:= HorizontalSplitter.Sides[1]; Align:= alClient; Caption:= 'Hello'; end; BottomPanel:= TPanel.Create(Self); with (BottomPanel) do begin Parent:= VerticalSplitter.Sides[1]; Align:= alClient; end;end;[/TD]



So as you can see, farely consistant with most control hierarchy. And if you are familiar with DFM's, the changes needed for DFM->LFM conversion should be farely obvious from the above, as they are the same sort of changes in Parent/Owner etc.

So the above example would be something like -

[TABLE=class: code]


[TD=class: header]Delphi DFM(extraneous values removed)[/TD]

[TD=class: header]Lazarus LFM(most width, height, etc. removed)[/TD]




object VerticalSplitter: TSplitter Height = 3 Cursor = crVSplit Align = alBottomendobject HorizontalSplitter: TSplitter Width = 3 Align = alLeftendobject BottomPanel: TPanel Height = 75 Align = alBottomendobject LeftPanel: TPanel Width = 125 Align = alLeftendobject MainPanel: TPanel Align = alClientend[/TD]


object VerticalSplitter: TPairSplitter Align = alClient SplitterType = pstVertical Position = 225 Height = 300 Width = 400 object Pairsplitterside1: TPairSplitterIde object HorizontalSplitter: TPairSplitter Align = alClient Position = 125 object Pairsplitterside3: TPairSplitterIde Width = 125 object LeftPanel: TPanel Align = alClient Width = 125 end end object Pairsplitterside4: TPairSplitterIde object MainPanel: TPanel Align = alClient end end end end object Pairsplitterside2: TPairSplitterIde object BottomPanel: TPanel Align = alClient Height = 75 end endend[/TD]




Both VCL and the LCL provide a TCustomTreeView/TTreeView component, used for tree structured lists of data with multiple nodes and advanced selection and Image lists, and while actual features are comparable, not all properties are entirely compatible. Primary differences are as follows -

Incomplete list, also update to include TCustomTreeView Mark functions and protected methods

  1. The LCL provides a TCustomTreeView.Options, a set of options which can be set on the control to change its behaviour and apearance. These options are :
    • tvoAllowMultiselect - enables multi node select mode, equivalent to enabling TCustomTreeView.MultiSelect in the D6 VCL
    • tvoAutoExpand - Auto Expand nodes, equivalent to enabling TCustomTreeView.AutoExpand
    • tvoAutoInsertMark - Update the Drag preview on mouse move.
    • tvoAutoItemHeight - Adjust the item heights automatically.
    • tvoHideSelection - Do not mark the selected item.
    • tvoHotTrack - use Hot Tracking, equivalent to enabling TCustomTreeview.HotTrack
    • tvoKeepCollapsedNodes - When shrinking/folding nodes, keep the child nodes
    • tvoReadOnly - make Treeview read only, equivalent to enabling TCustomTreeview.ReadOnly
    • tvoRightClickSelect - allow using Mouse Right Clicks to select nodes, equivalent to enabling TCustomTreeView.RightClickSelect
    • tvoRowSelect - allow selecting rows, equivalent to enabling TCustomTreeView.RowSelect
    • tvoShowButtons - show buttons, equivalent to enabling TCustomTreeView.ShowButtons
    • tvoShowLines - show node lines, equivalent to enabling TCustomTreeView.ShowLines
    • tvoShowRoot - show root note, equivalent to enabling TCustomTreeView.ShowRoot
    • tvoShowSeparators - show seperators
    • tvoToolTips - show tooltips for individual nodes

[*]The LCL provides additional properties:

  • TCustomTreeView.OnSelectionChange event
  • TCustomTreeView.DefaultItems, for the default number of Items
  • TCustomTreeView.ExpandSignType to determine sign used on expandable/collapsible nodes

[*]While most On Drag/Dock Events are available in the LCL they do not work. For more information please see earlier section on Control Dragging/Docking.

Messages / Events

The order and frequency of messages and events (OnShow, OnActivate, OnEnter, ...) differ from the VCL and depend on the widgetset. The LCL provides a subset of WinAPI like messages to make porting of Delphi components easier, but almost all LCL messages work a little bit different than the VCL/WinAPI counterpart. The biggest part of Delphi code using WinAPI messages uses them, because the VCL lacks a feature or for speed reasons. Such things will seldom work the same under the LCL, so they must be checked manually. That's why LCL messages are called for example LM_SIZE instead of WM_SIZE (unit lmessages).

Note on handling of custom messages! As of version 0.9.26 (December 2008), way of handling custom WinApi messages (e.g. WM_HOTKEY, WM_SYSCOMMAND) differs from the way of handling these messages in Delphi. At the moment you cannot handle them via message directive or via overriding of WndProc method of the form. The only way to handle them in the form is to hook Windows windowproc by yourself. Read more here: Processing non-user messages in your window

PS: Doar simplu fapt ca este alt compilator e o diferenta enorma, cel mai simplu exemplu, vb.net si c#, codul nu o sa fie acelasi.

Edited by Vlachs

Uitate la telenovele mai bine, daca nu esti capabil sa intelegi diferentele, inseamna ca esti prost.

Eu, daca voiam sa te jignesc, o puteam face foarte usor dupa idiotenia pe care ai scris-o in primul tau post din thread ("cam 80% din documentatie(utila) este in limba germana"). Am zis doar ca nu e bine sa contrazic pe unul care "a ajuns la un anumit nivel" si incearca sa "ajute" pe cineva care vrea sa invete Delphi.

Multe diferente sunt si intre diferite versiuni de compilatoare de Delphi. Am coduri care sa nu functioneze in D6 si sa fie OK in D8. Pentru XE tre' iar facute modificari. Acum, cat de "enorme" sunt diferentele, depinde de mintea fiecaruia. Oricum, eu la mintea ta nu ma mai pun, n-o sa mai raspund de-acum incolo.

Posted (edited)
Eu, daca voiam sa te jignesc, o puteam face foarte usor dupa idiotenia pe care ai scris-o in primul tau post din thread ("cam 80% din documentatie(utila) este in limba germana"). Am zis doar ca nu e bine sa contrazic pe unul care "a ajuns la un anumit nivel" si incearca sa "ajute" pe cineva care vrea sa invete Delphi.

Multe diferente sunt si intre diferite versiuni de compilatoare de Delphi. Am coduri care sa nu functioneze in D6 si sa fie OK in D8. Pentru XE tre' iar facute modificari. Acum, cat de "enorme" sunt diferentele, depinde de mintea fiecaruia. Oricum, eu la mintea ta nu ma mai pun, n-o sa mai raspund de-acum incolo.

Ti-am lasat lamurirea pe PM, sper sa intelegi, nu vorbim de o functie scrisa de mine ci de strict limbajul in sine daca este acelasi.

Uitam: http://theroadtodelphi.wordpress.com

Edited by Vlachs

de la versiunea 2010 delphi a cunoscut o modificare si distantiere clara de celelalte limbaje, metodele si compilatiile sunt diferite dar procedurile raman la fel asta este clar !

am impresia ca cineva incearca sa testeze utilizatorii de pe forum in reverse eng. cu delphi si nu ma refer la persoane ci la companii.

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