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  1. Operating Systems and System Programming By John Kubiatowicz - Berkeley Tutoriale video: prezentari de la Universitatea Berkeley, prezentari ale unor oameni sa spunem... calificati Sunt lungi, dar cred ca merita vazute. Course Description Basic concepts of operating systems and system programming. Utility programs, subsystems, multiple-program systems. Processes, interprocess communication, and synchronization. Memory allocation, segmentation, paging. Loading and linking, libraries. Resource allocation, scheduling, performance evaluation. File systems, storage devices, I/O systems. Protection, security, and privacy. Course Index Introduction, What is an Operating System Anyway??? Concurrency: Processes, Threads, and Address Spaces Thread Dispatching Cooperating Threads Synchronization Readers-Writers; Language Support for Synchronization Tips for working in a Project Team/ Cooperating Processes and Deadlock Deadlock (continued) - Thread Scheduling Scheduling (continued) - Protection: Kernel and Address Spaces Address Translation Address Translation 2, Caching and TLBs Caching and TLBs 2, Caching and Demand Paging Page Allocation and Replacement Page Allocation and Replacement 2, Survey of I/O Systems File Systems and Disk Management Queueing Theory, Filesystems Filesystems, Naming, and Directories Networks and Distributed Systems Network Protocols Network Protocols III Network Communication Abstractions/RPC Protection and Security in Distributed Systems II ManyCore OS and Peer-to-Peer Systems Lista: http://academicearth.org/courses/operating-systems-and-system-programming
    2 points
  2. exista niste nehalosi printre noi
    1 point
  3. Web Form Password Brute Force with FireForce I spent many hours today playing around with DVWA – (Damn Vulnerable Web App), from Randomstorm, brushing up on my web app pentesting skills, to be honest its been a long time and I really need to get back on top of this. Anyways, after going through all the usual SQL injection, XSS stuff I thought I’d have a go at the brute forcing part of the app. Well after what seemed like days I gave up, with little or no success – I’d tried the usual suspect for ‘bruting’ the password – Hydra. Until I Googled around and found a Firefox addon called ‘Fireforce’ the article that I found is here Dark Reading. The website for the tool is here SCRT ,there is a manual in english too. What the extension does is finds out the fields for the brute force attack in the web page source code, an automated way rather than reading through it manually, and then tries to brute force using your wordlists. You can view the source code for the webpage by right clicking on the page and selecting View page source. Here you can pick out the form action ‘GET’ and the password, username and submit info. This is what you would normally feed into Hydra, as shown here: -hydra -l admin -P wordlist.txt -f -v http-get-form “/vulnerabilities/brute/:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^&submit=Login:Username and/or Password incorrect.” So to Fireforce, best read the manual for all options, but really all you have to do once its installed is right click in the fields for username and password and load up your wordlists for usernames and passwords and let it rip. Et Viola After a bit more reading after publishing this post, I found out that Hydra falls a little short when dealing with web forms, an article I found on the excellent Attack Vector blog, Mat also had issues with Hydra and web forms. $Sursa: aici.
    1 point
  4. Dupa 12 ani in care Romania a fost raiul operatorilor de telefonie mobila, 2009 a adus prima scadere din industrie. Cu toate ca arbitrul pietei se astepta la o revenire a industriei, in 2010, veniturile companiilor au scazut cu 300 milioane de euro. Cine este de vina? Conform unui raport al France Telecom, operatorul Orange in Romania, piata telefoniei mobile a scazut anul trecut cu 12,4% comparativ cu 2009, pana la valoarea de 2,123 miliarde de euro. Compania pune acest regres pe baza masurilor "draconice" de austeritate ale guvernului, cum ar fi taierea salariilor bugetare si cresterea TVA-ului pana la 24%. Acest lucru a avut ca rezultat micsorarea considerabila a puterii de consum a romanilor, ajungandu-se in situatia in care jumatate din venitul unei familii este alocat alimentatiei. Veniturile Orange in Romania au scazut cu 8% in 2010, pana la 973 milioane euro. De asemenea, numarul de clienti a scazut cu 5%, pana la 10,5 milioane de clienti. Operatorul continua sa fie pe locul intai pe piata telecom romaneasca. Al doilea aspect care a dus la scaderea pietei de telefonie este agresivitatea strategiei Cosmote. Daca pana de curand. Orange si Vodafone, isi imparteau confortabil numarul de clienti, iar Cosmote era considerat favoritul celor cu venituri mici, situatia s-a schimbat dupa ce operatorul elen a fost cumparat de Deutsche Telekom. Diferenta? Cosmote a mutat lupta din segmentul cartelelor prepay, care ii adusesera un numar mare de utilizatori, dar nu era satisfacator la capitolul venituri, in segmentul de abonamente. "Cosmote continua sa caute o cota de piata mai mare. Initial compania s-a concentrat pe segmentul prepay, dar acum tinteste mai agresiv clientii cu abonamente", se arata in raportul France Telecom. Va mai amintiti cum crestea numarul de clienti de telefonie mobila cu 1-2 milioane anual? In 2010, cresterea numarului de abonati la nivelul intregii piete a fost de 70.000, acest segment reprezentant 36,5% din numarul total de clienti. Cosmote, ghimpele din coasta Agresivitatea Cosmote nu se manifesta doar prin tarife mici. Compania a fost de la inceput printre cei mai "darnici" adevertiseri. Lansata pe piata in 2005, cu o intarziere de 8 ani fata de concurenta, Cosmote a ajuns la 6,8 milioane de clienti in doar 6 ani si la afaceri de 468,8 milioane de euro. Cresterea veniturilor a fost de 7,2% in 2010 fata de anul precedent. Un motiv pentru care operatorul nu a fost considerat o amenintare reala pentru Orange si Vodafone pana acum o vreme a fost lipsa serviciilor de internet mobil din portofoliul companiei. Situatia s-a schimbat in 2009, cand Cosmote a achizitionat Zapp pentru 207 milioane de euro. In ultima perioada, prezenta operatorului a devenit si mai vulcanica. Un exemplu ar fi lansarea cartelei Frog, care beneficiaza de o campanie de advertising foarte agresiva. Mai mult, compania a lansat recent o campanie promotionala prin care ofera premii cu o valoare de aproape 1 milion de euro. Campania se desfasoara intre 26 aprilie si 15 iunie. Participantii pot castiga telefoane, laptopuri si chiar un...BMW. Articol de Silvia Panturu Sursa: Bloombiz
    1 point
  5. Aparent acest subiect pare neinteresat si chiar lipsit de logica pentru ca, din pacate, majoritatea romanilor au o parere prea buna despre ei cand vine vorba de muzica. read more..
    1 point
  6. curious_how@yahoo.com fifaplanet_contact@yahoo.com Done.. Gata am terminat cu invitatiile.. nu mai cereti
    -1 points
  7. TUTORIALUL ESTE PENTRU INCEPATORI DECI NUMI SARITI IN CAP CU COMENTURI AIUREA! Programul il puteti downloada de AICI! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. -- SERIALUL NU ARE NICI O LEGATURA CU NEMESIS! 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Daca ati facut cum arata in poze va merge 100%! Made by Sosetutza just for rstcenter!
    -1 points
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