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  1. A mixed bag: new and old/ attack and defense/ for developers, managers, testers/ PHP, AJAX, Rails, Java, .NET, Oracle etc. Ajax Security [2007] Apache Security [2005] Applied Oracle Security: Developing Secure Database and Middleware Environments [2009] BackTrack 4: Assuring Security by Penetration Testing [2011] Beginning ASP.NET Security [2010] Core Security Patterns: Best Practices and Strategies for J2EE, Web Services, and Identity Management [2005] Cracking Drupal: A Drop in the Bucket [2009] Developer's Guide to Web Application Security [2007] E-Commerce: A Control and Security Guide [2004] Enterprise Web Services Security [2005] Essential PHP Security [2005] Expert Web Services Security in the .NET Platform [2004] request download ticket | ifile.it --- Google Hacking for Penetration Testers [2005] Google Hacking for Penetration Testers, Volume 2 [2007] Hacker Web Exploitation Uncovered [2005] Hacking Exposed Web 2.0 [2007] Hacking Exposed Web Applications, 3rd Edition [2011] HackNotes Web Security Pocket Reference [2003] Hack Proofing ColdFusion [2002] Hack Proofing Your E-Commerce Site [2001] Hack Proofing Your Web Applications [2001] How to Break Web Software: Functional and Security Testing of Web Applications and Web Services [2006] Implementing Database Security and Auditing: Includes Examples for Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 UDB, Sybase [2005] Joomla! Web Security [2008] Mastering Web Services Security [2003] ModSecurity 2.5 [2009] ModSecurity Handbook [2010] Oracle Security [1998] php architect's Guide to PHP Security [2005] Practical Oracle Security: Your Unauthorized Guide to Relational Database Security [2007] request download ticket | ifile.it --- Preventing Web Attacks with Apache [2006] Pro PHP Security: From Application Security Principles to the Implementation of XSS Defenses, Second Edition [2010] Secure E-Government Web Services [2005] Securing PHP Web Applications [2009] Security for Web Services and Service-Oriented Architectures [2009] Security Fundamentals for E-Commerce [2002] Security on Rails [2009] Security Technologies for the World Wide Web, Second Edition [2002] Seven Deadliest Web Application Attacks [2010] SQL Injection Attacks and Defense [2009] SQL Server Security Distilled [2004] SSL & TLS Essentials: Securing the Web [2000] The Oracle Hacker's Handbook: Hacking and Defending Oracle [2007] The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Flaws [2007] The Database Hacker's Handbook: Defending Database Servers [2005] Web 2.0 Security - Defending AJAX, RIA, AND SOA [2007] Web Application Vulnerabilities: Detect, Exploit, Prevent [2007] Web Hacking: Attacks and Defense [2002] Web Security, Privacy and Commerce, 2nd Edition [2002] Web Security Testing Cookbook: Systematic Techniques to Find Problems Fast [2008] Web Services Security [2003] XML Security [2002] XSS Exploits and Defense [2007] request download ticket | ifile.it
    1 point
  2. Folosind PHP-ul se pot executa anumite operatii asupra fisierelor aflate pe server cum ar fi: fopen() = deschide fisierul indicat fclose() = inchide fisierul fread() = citeste continutul fisierului fwrite() = scrie in fisier filesize() = indica dimensiunea fisierului Deschiderea fisierelor Sintaxa functiei fopen() este: fopen(param1, param2); param1 = fisierul, calea catre fisier sau adresa fisierului care va fi deschis param2 = modul in care va fi deschis fisierul, si poate avea valorile: r = fisier deschis doar pentru citire r+ = fisier deschis doar pentru citire si scriere w = fisier deschis doar pentru scriere w+ = fisier deschis pentru citire si scriere iar daca nu exista fisierul il creza a = fisier deschis pentru adaugare la sfarsit a+ = fisier deschis adaugare la sfarsit iar daca nu exista fisierul il creza t = fisier deschis in mod text b = fisier deschis in mod binar sau combinatii ale acestora. Citirea fisierelor Sintaxa functiei fread() este: $filename="proba.txt"; $handle=fopen($filename, "r"); $contents=fread($handle, filesize($filename)); variabila $handle va fi folosita ulterior si in alte functii. Scrierea in fisiere Sintaxa functiei fwrite() este: fwrite($handle, "continut ce va fi scris in fisier"); Verificarea drepturilor de acces asupra fisierului Sintaxa functiei is_writable este: is_writable($filename); returneaza TRUE daca se poate si FALSE daca nu se poate scrie in fisier. Inchiderea fisierului Sintaxa functiei fclose() este: fclose($handle); Folosind aceste functii de baza putem incerca cateva exemple simple. Se verifica dreptul de scriere in fisier. Primul pas este crearea fisierului proba.txt apoi se verifica exemplul care va returna mesajul Acces interzis scrierii in fisier. Se modifica drepturile asupra fisierului adaugand scrierea. Se verifica iar exemplul care va returna mesajul Acces permis scrierii in fisier. <?php $filename="proba.txt"; if(is_writable($filename)) { //se verifica dreptul de scriere in fisier echo "Acces permis scrierii in fisier"; } else { echo "Acces interzis scrierii in fisier"; } ?> Adaugam exemplului anterior verificarea deschiderii fisierului: <?php $filename="proba.txt"; if(is_writable($filename)) { //se verifica dreptul de scriere in fisier if(!$handle=fopen($filename, 'a')) { //se verifica deschiderea fisierului echo "Fisierul <b>".$filename."</b> nu poate fi deschis"; exit; //se incheie executia scriptului } echo "Fisierul <b>".$filename."</b> poate fi deschis"; } else { echo "Acces interzis pentru scriere in fisier"; } ?> Adaugam exemplului anterior scrierea in fisier si tiparirea continutului sau: <?php $filename="proba.txt"; if(is_writable($filename)) { //se verifica dreptul de scriere in fisier if(!$handle=fopen($filename, 'a')) { //se verifica deschiderea fisierului echo "Fisierul <b>".$filename."</b> nu poate fi deschis"; exit; //se incheie executia scriptului } if(fwrite($handle, date("j-n-Y g:ia")."\r\n")===FALSE) { //testeaza daca se poate scrie in fisier die ("Nu se poate scrie in ".$filename.""); //iesire } fclose($handle); $matrice=file($filename); //se citeste continutul fisierului si se stocheaza intr-o matrice foreach ($matrice as $cheie =>$valoare) { echo $valoare."<br>"; //printeaza cate o valoare pe un rand } } else { echo "Acces interzis pentru scriere in fisier"; } ?> _______ #Credite: Catalin Drogoreanu
    1 point
  3. tudoriipeptine (XXXXXXX) has reported this post: Vand/realizez jammere bruiaj pe 8,2 Mhz [URL="http://rstcenter.com/forum/31244-vand-realizez-jammere-bruiaz-pe-8-2-mhz.rst#post212043"][COLOR=#0066cc]http://rstcenter.com/forum/31244-vand-realizez-jammere-bruiaz-pe-8-2-mhz.rst#post212043[/COLOR][/URL] This is part of this thread: Vand/realizez jammere bruiaz pe 8,2 Mhz [URL="http://rstcenter.com/forum/31244-vand-realizez-jammere-bruiaz-pe-8-2-mhz.rst"][COLOR=#800080]http://rstcenter.com/forum/31244-vand-realizez-jammere-bruiaz-pe-8-2-mhz.rst[/COLOR][/URL] This is the reason that the user gave: sant interesat de accest aparat This message has been sent to all moderators of this forum, or all administrators if there are no moderators. Please respond to this post as applicable. FELICITARI! Ban o saptamana, ai timp sa inveti sa folosesti un forum in sloboz sa va bata ca m-ati spart cu report posturile mortilor vostrii !
    1 point
  4. Mr49r de cate ori mai trebuie sa trag apa sa dispari?
    -1 points
  5. Articol scris in 2005 - Februarie. Vreau sa stiu daca simtiti acum ce scrie aici: When I was a kid - growing up in a middle-class family, in the middle of America, in the middle of the 1970s - parents dished out a familiar plate of advice to their children: Get good grades, go to college, and pursue a profession that offers a decent standard of living and perhaps a dollop of prestige. If you were good at math and science, become a doctor. If you were better at English and history, become a lawyer. If blood grossed you out and your verbal skills needed work, become an accountant. Later, as computers appeared on desktops and CEOs on magazine covers, the youngsters who were really good at math and science chose high tech, while others flocked to business school, thinking that success was spelled MBA. Tax attorneys. Radiologists. Financial analysts. Software engineers. Management guru Peter Drucker gave this cadre of professionals an enduring, if somewhat wonky, name: knowledge workers. These are, he wrote, "people who get paid for putting to work what one learns in school rather than for their physical strength or manual skill." What distinguished members of this group and enabled them to reap society's greatest rewards, was their "ability to acquire and to apply theoretical and analytic knowledge." And any of us could join their ranks. All we had to do was study hard and play by the rules of the meritocratic regime. That was the path to professional success and personal fulfillment. But a funny thing happened while we were pressing our noses to the grindstone: The world changed. The future no longer belongs to people who can reason with computer-like logic, speed, and precision. It belongs to a different kind of person with a different kind of mind. Today - amid the uncertainties of an economy that has gone from boom to bust to blah - there's a metaphor that explains what's going on. And it's right inside our heads. Scientists have long known that a neurological Mason-Dixon line cleaves our brains into two regions - the left and right hemispheres. But in the last 10 years, thanks in part to advances in functional magnetic resonance imaging, researchers have begun to identify more precisely how the two sides divide responsibilities. The left hemisphere handles sequence, literalness, and analysis. The right hemisphere, meanwhile, takes care of context, emotional expression, and synthesis. Of course, the human brain, with its 100 billion cells forging 1 quadrillion connections, is breathtakingly complex. The two hemispheres work in concert, and we enlist both sides for nearly everything we do. But the structure of our brains can help explain the contours of our times. Until recently, the abilities that led to success in school, work, and business were characteristic of the left hemisphere. They were the sorts of linear, logical, analytical talents measured by SATs and deployed by CPAs. Today, those capabilities are still necessary. But they're no longer sufficient. In a world upended by outsourcing, deluged with data, and choked with choices, the abilities that matter most are now closer in spirit to the specialties of the right hemisphere - artistry, empathy, seeing the big picture, and pursuing the transcendent. Beneath the nervous clatter of our half-completed decade stirs a slow but seismic shift. The Information Age we all prepared for is ending. Rising in its place is what I call the Conceptual Age, an era in which mastery of abilities that we've often overlooked and undervalued marks the fault line between who gets ahead and who falls behind. To some of you, this shift - from an economy built on the logical, sequential abilities of the Information Age to an economy built on the inventive, empathic abilities of the Conceptual Age - sounds delightful. "You had me at hello!" I can hear the painters and nurses exulting. But to others, this sounds like a crock. "Prove it!" I hear the programmers and lawyers demanding. OK. To convince you, I'll explain the reasons for this shift, using the mechanistic language of cause and effect. The effect: the scales tilting in favor of right brain-style thinking. The causes: Asia, automation, and abundance. Asia Few issues today spark more controversy than outsourcing. Those squadrons of white-collar workers in India, the Philippines, and China are scaring the bejesus out of software jockeys across North America and Europe. According to Forrester Research, 1 in 9 jobs in the US information technology industry will move overseas by 2010. And it's not just tech work. Visit India's office parks and you'll see chartered accountants preparing American tax returns, lawyers researching American lawsuits, and radiologists reading CAT scans for US hospitals. The reality behind the alarm is this: Outsourcing to Asia is overhyped in the short term, but underhyped in the long term. We're not all going to lose our jobs tomorrow. (The total number of jobs lost to offshoring so far represents less than 1 percent of the US labor force.) But as the cost of communicating with the other side of the globe falls essentially to zero, as India becomes (by 2010) the country with the most English speakers in the world, and as developing nations continue to mint millions of extremely capable knowledge workers, the professional lives of people in the West will change dramatically. If number crunching, chart reading, and code writing can be done for a lot less overseas and delivered to clients instantly via fiber-optic cable, that's where the work will go. But these gusts of comparative advantage are blowing away only certain kinds of white-collar jobs - those that can be reduced to a set of rules, routines, and instructions. That's why narrow left-brain work such as basic computer coding, accounting, legal research, and financial analysis is migrating across the oceans. But that's also why plenty of opportunities remain for people and companies doing less routine work - programmers who can design entire systems, accountants who serve as life planners, and bankers expert less in the intricacies of Excel than in the art of the deal. Now that foreigners can do left-brain work cheaper, we in the US must do right-brain work better. Last century, machines proved they could replace human muscle. This century, technologies are proving they can outperform human left brains - they can execute sequential, reductive, computational work better, faster, and more accurately than even those with the highest IQs. (Just ask chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov.) Consider jobs in financial services. Stockbrokers who merely execute transactions are history. Online trading services and market makers do such work far more efficiently. The brokers who survived have morphed from routine order-takers to less easily replicated advisers, who can understand a client's broader financial objectives and even the client's emotions and dreams. Or take lawyers. Dozens of inexpensive information and advice services are reshaping law practice. At CompleteCase.com, you can get an uncontested divorce for $249, less than a 10th of the cost of a divorce lawyer. Meanwhile, the Web is cracking the information monopoly that has long been the source of many lawyers' high incomes and professional mystique. Go to USlegalforms.com and you can download - for the price of two movie tickets - fill-in-the-blank wills, contracts, and articles of incorporation that used to reside exclusively on lawyers' hard drives. Instead of hiring a lawyer for 10 hours to craft a contract, consumers can fill out the form themselves and hire a lawyer for one hour to look it over. Consequently, legal abilities that can't be digitized - convincing a jury or understanding the subtleties of a negotiation - become more valuable. Even computer programmers may feel the pinch. "In the old days," legendary computer scientist Vernor Vinge has said, "anybody with even routine skills could get a job as a programmer. That isn't true anymore. The routine functions are increasingly being turned over to machines." The result: As the scut work gets offloaded, engineers will have to master different aptitudes, relying more on creativity than competence. Any job that can be reduced to a set of rules is at risk. If a $500-a-month accountant in India doesn't swipe your accounting job, TurboTax will. Now that computers can emulate left-hemisphere skills, we'll have to rely ever more on our right hemispheres. Abundance Our left brains have made us rich. Powered by armies of Drucker's knowledge workers, the information economy has produced a standard of living that would have been unfathomable in our grandparents' youth. Their lives were defined by scarcity. Ours are shaped by abundance. Want evidence? Spend five minutes at Best Buy. Or look in your garage. Owning a car used to be a grand American aspiration. Today, there are more automobiles in the US than there are licensed drivers - which means that, on average, everybody who can drive has a car of their own. And if your garage is also piled with excess consumer goods, you're not alone. Self-storage - a business devoted to housing our extra crap - is now a $17 billion annual industry in the US, nearly double Hollywood's yearly box office take. But abundance has produced an ironic result. The Information Age has unleashed a prosperity that in turn places a premium on less rational sensibilities - beauty, spirituality, emotion. For companies and entrepreneurs, it's no longer enough to create a product, a service, or an experience that's reasonably priced and adequately functional. In an age of abundance, consumers demand something more. Check out your bathroom. If you're like a few million Americans, you've got a Michael Graves toilet brush or a Karim Rashid trash can that you bought at Target. Try explaining a designer garbage pail to the left side of your brain! Or consider illumination. Electric lighting was rare a century ago, but now it's commonplace. Yet in the US, candles are a $2 billion a year business - for reasons that stretch beyond the logical need for luminosity to a prosperous country's more inchoate desire for pleasure and transcendence. Liberated by this prosperity but not fulfilled by it, more people are searching for meaning. From the mainstream embrace of such once-exotic practices as yoga and meditation to the rise of spirituality in the workplace to the influence of evangelism in pop culture and politics, the quest for meaning and purpose has become an integral part of everyday life. And that will only intensify as the first children of abundance, the baby boomers, realize that they have more of their lives behind them than ahead. In both business and personal life, now that our left-brain needs have largely been sated, our right-brain yearnings will demand to be fed. As the forces of Asia, automation, and abundance strengthen and accelerate, the curtain is rising on a new era, the Conceptual Age. If the Industrial Age was built on people's backs, and the Information Age on people's left hemispheres, the Conceptual Age is being built on people's right hemispheres. We've progressed from a society of farmers to a society of factory workers to a society of knowledge workers. And now we're progressing yet again - to a society of creators and empathizers, pattern recognizers, and meaning makers. But let me be clear: The future is not some Manichaean landscape in which individuals are either left-brained and extinct or right-brained and ecstatic - a land in which millionaire yoga instructors drive BMWs and programmers scrub counters at Chick-fil-A. Logical, linear, analytic thinking remains indispensable. But it's no longer enough. To flourish in this age, we'll need to supplement our well-developed high tech abilities with aptitudes that are "high concept" and "high touch." High concept involves the ability to create artistic and emotional beauty, to detect patterns and opportunities, to craft a satisfying narrative, and to come up with inventions the world didn't know it was missing. High touch involves the capacity to empathize, to understand the subtleties of human interaction, to find joy in one's self and to elicit it in others, and to stretch beyond the quotidian in pursuit of purpose and meaning. Developing these high concept, high touch abilities won't be easy for everyone. For some, the prospect seems unattainable. Fear not (or at least fear less). The sorts of abilities that now matter most are fundamentally human attributes. After all, back on the savannah, our caveperson ancestors weren't plugging numbers into spreadsheets or debugging code. But they were telling stories, demonstrating empathy, and designing innovations. These abilities have always been part of what it means to be human. It's just that after a few generations in the Information Age, many of our high concept, high touch muscles have atrophied. The challenge is to work them back into shape. Want to get ahead today? Forget what your parents told you. Instead, do something foreigners can't do cheaper. Something computers can't do faster. And something that fills one of the nonmaterial, transcendent desires of an abundant age. In other words, go right, young man and woman, go right. Adapted from A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age, copyright by Daniel H. Pink, to be published in March by Riverhead Books. Printed with permission of the publisher. Sursa: Wired 13.02: Revenge of the Right Brain Ca parere personala: Consider ca dupa 6 ani schimbarea parca nu s-a produs asa dramatic cum scrie acolo. Dar .. e posibil sa ma insel. Pe viitor insa consider ca e valabil ce scrie acolo.
    -1 points
  6. În principal folosit în domeniul bijuteriilor, aurul (simbol chimic Au) este de asemenea, folosit în produc?ie (de industria electronic?, în special la calculatoare) datorit? conductibit??ilor electrice ?i termice excelente, rezisten?a la oxidare ?i a inalterabilit??ii. Industria de calculatoare utilizeaz? anual peste 300 de tone de metal pre?ios. Aurul se g?se?te în aproape toate componentele calculatorului – procesoare, pl?ci de baza, pl?ci video, pl?cu?e de memorie, ?i asa mai departe. Desigur, cantit??ile utilizate pentru fiecare pies? în parte sunt infinitezimale. Dar cum pre?ul aurului a crescut vertiginos în ultimii ani, este tot mai rentabil din punct de vedere economic s? recuperezi aurul din calculatoare ?i componentele electronice vechi decât s? îl minezi. Tocmai din acest motiv companiile specializate au început s? fac? asta. Aurul se g?se?te în numeroase locuri pe o placa de baza: conectori, slotul PCI Express, sloturile PCI, AGP ?i alte porturi, jumperi, socket-ul procesorului ?i sloturile pentru pl?cutele de memorie. În acest articol o s? i?i ar?t cum se poate recupera aurul de pl?cile de baz? vechi.Te rog sa re?ii c? aceste produse chimice utilizate în aceast? demonstra?ie sunt foarte periculoase, mai ales în concentra?iile utilizate. Prin urmare, sus?in cu t?rie c? nu trebuie s? reproduci acest experiment la domiciliu. To?i ace?ti conectori sunt adesea acoperi?i cu un strat fin de aur cu o grosime de câ?iva microni, depus prin metoda plac?rii. Instrumente necesare În prima etapa a acestui experiment, trebuie s? recuperezi to?i ace?ti pini ?i conectori. Avem nevoie de un cle?te t?ietor, patent, ?urubelni?? plat? ?i putina vaselina. Pini, pini ?i multi pini… Ai nevoie de o gr?mad? mare de pini ca s? efectuezi acest experiment… … Împreuna cu unele echipamente ?i produse chimice. Electroliza Pentru a recupera câteva miligrame de aur depus pe pini, se va folosi o celul? electrolitic?. Baia de electroliz? const? dintr-o solu?ie de acid sulfuric cu concentra?ie de 95%. Catodul va fi din plumb iar anodul din cupru. Pinii sunt plasa?i în anodul de cupru, care are forma de co?. Cum func?ioneaz? electroliza: Folosind un înc?rc?tor obi?nuit, prin trecerea unui curent electric prin celula electrolitic?, cuprul din anod (?i din pini) se dizolva ?i se depune pe catodul din plumb. Aurul, desprins de cupru, formeaz? un sediment în partea de jos a celulei. De asemenea, trebuie s? re?ine?i c? temperatura din baie creste semnificativ în timpul procesului de electroliz?. Recuperarea depozitului Dup? ce tot aurul a fost desprins de pe pini, putem s? l?s?m baia electrolitic? s? se decanteze. Apoi, vom recupera cât mai mult din acidul sulfuric, dup? care dilu?m ceea ce r?mâne în partea de jos a celulei electrolitice. Diluarea Când vrei s? diluezi acid sulfuric, fii atent s? torni întotdeauna acid sulfuric în ap?, ?i nu invers. Dac? faci invers, primele pic?turi care ating suprafa?a acidului sulfuric vor fi vaporizate instantaneu, ?i ar putea cauza stropi de acid. Filtrarea Avem acum o solu?ie diluat? de acid sulfuric, diferite metale (inclusiv aur) ?i de?eurile care urmeaz? s? le filtr?m. Nu se filtreaz? solu?ia direct, f?r? diluare, pentru c? filtrele de hârtie nu rezista bine la concentra?ii puternice de acid sulfuric. Prepararea dizolv?rii Ceea ce r?mâne în filtru este un amestec din diferite metale ?i impurit??i. Acum trebuie s? dizolv?m totul într-un amestec acid clorhidric cu concentra?ie de 35% ?i clor (hipoclorit de sodiu), cu concentra?ie de 5%, într-o propor?ie de 2 la 1. 2 HCl + NaClO -> Cl2 + NaCl + H2O Gazul de clor: Foarte periculos! Aten?ie! Reac?ia este puternic exoterm? (adic? se degaj? o cantitate mare de c?ldur?) ?i produce clor, un gaz extrem de periculos. Gazul de clor a fost utilizat ca arma chimic? în timpul primului r?zboi mondial, sub numele de bertholite. Dizolvarea De fapt, clorul produs din amestecarea acidului clorhidric ?i hipocloritul de sodiu este ceea ce va dizolva aurul pentru a forma clorura de aur (III). 2 Au + 3 Cl2 -> 2 AuCl3 O noua filtrare Acum,tot ce trebuie sa facem este s? filtr?m totul din nou. Filtrul va retine toate impurit??ile, l?sând s? treac? doar solu?ia de clorur? de aur (III). Precipitarea Pentru a recupera aurul metalic, trebuie s? precipitam aurul care este în solu?ie. Pentru aceasta, se va folosi metabisulfit de sodiu sub form? de praf. În prezen?a apei, metabisulfitul de sodiu produce bisulfit de sodiu. Na2S2O5 + H2O –> 2NaHSO3 Bisulfitul de sodiu este ceea ce va face aurul s? precipiteze. 3 NaHSO3 + 2 AuCl3 + 3 H2O –> 3 NaHSO4 + 6 HCl + 2 Au Praful de aur Acum trebuie s? l?s?m solu?ia s? se decanteze, apoi vom recupera praful brun adunat în partea de jos a vasului. Trebuie s? fim foarte aten?i ?i s? nu îl pierdem, pentru c? acesta este aur metalic. Topirea Acum, tot ce trebuie s? facem este s? topim pulberea de aur într-un creuzet. Punctul de topire al aurului este în jur de 1064°C, deci o lamp? cu flac?r? oxiacetilenica va fi suficient? pentru aceasta treab?. Bila din aur Rezultatul este aceast? minunat? bil? din aur. Se merit? toat? aceast? treaba din punct de vedere economic? Fii sigur c? nu! Procesul este rentabil doar dac? este f?cut la scar? industrial?. De fapt, companiile care recupereaz? aurul din calculatoarele ?i piesele electronice vechi, folosesc alte metode tehnologice ?i alte substan?e chimice care sunt mult mai periculoase. Dar este interesant ?i amuzant faptul c? poate fi recuperat aurul din pl?cile de baz? vechi, folosind un procedeu f?cut în cas?. Sursa : N - i T . R o
    -1 points
  7. [+] Am vazut ca majoritatea userilor noi care apar pe forum cauta asta si am vazut ca mai este un topic in care toti scriu si nu le raspunde nimeni la intrebari si mai mult de atat buti nu sunt buni ceea ce ii face pe ei sa creada ca programul nu e bun. O sa fac eu sa zicem "tutorialul" acesta pentru userii care nu stiu ce au de facut. [+] Pentru inceput avem nevoie de o arhiva cu cateva "floodere" (sunt cele pe care le folosesc si eu ) Arhiva contine 3 foldere : - Flooderi - IR IDMakerV3.2 - Multi Yahoo Boots Checker La Flooderi sunt programele , La IR IDMaker V3.2 este un program cu care puteati realiza buti foarte usor ,si la Multi Yahoo Boots Checker se afla un program cu care puteti scana lista voastra de buti si sa salvati buti care mai merg si sa scapati de cei care numai merg. [+] Intrati la Flooderi si deschideti pe rand doar : -Big Killer Release -Fusion Ym v2 -GMC Booters Restul de 2 le lasati acolo pentru ca nu merg si mi-a fost lene sa le sterg..^^ La toate cele 3 programe o sa vedeti ca va apare Load la fiecare dintre ele. Dati la Load pe rand la fiecare si selectati fisierul .txt din folderul Flooderi numit dEv1L Boots buni. Faceti la fel la toate si dupaia dati la toate log in. Asteptati putin sa se incarce toate . O sa ia ceva timp sa se incarce..Nu mult.Cam 45 de secunde . Dupa ce s-au incarcat buti bagati idiul acolo la Victim si dati in felul urmator. La Big Killer Release dati Flood ,la Fusion Ym dati Fast YM Flood iar la Gmc booters dati Boot 1. Acum victima va fi scoasa de pe mess.Nu dureaza foarte mult ..depinde de viteza netului. [+]Cam asta e tot ca sa flodati pe cineva. [+]Ca sa creati buti faceti in felul urmator : Intrati in arhiva IR IDMakerV3.2 Intrati in IR IDMaker . Cand ati intrat in el bifati : -Random Boot name -Randomize Name and Lastname -Randomize information Si apasati butonul start. Acum v-a aparut codul captcha in dreapta pe care va trebui sa il scrieti in stanga butonului Create..Dupa fiecaredata cand scrieti codul apasati pe Create.Si un boot se va creea. Dupa dati Save si veti putea salva buti creati unde vreti. [+] Daca "tutorialul" meu v-a fost de ajutor apasati pe butonul REP de sub avatarul meu. Sper ca am fost de folos noilor membri care cautau asta.
    -1 points
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