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  1. Deschizi programu, apesi butonul, si te alegi cu 2 usere rds. Just like that! Download : Download rcs-rds.rar from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way Pass in PM Screen : Limit : 2 usere pe zi In baza de date sunt 100 de usere, in functie de comentarii voi mai adauga(sau nu) usere. +rep if you like it ;D P.S. Admin, daca postu asta incalca vreo regula si/sau "pune in danger" site-ul, sterge-l. UPDATE : +100 adaugate / 3 usr pe zi 1/19/2012 Userele nu mai sunt bune. Logarea este filtrata acum la RDS si te va deconecta automat daca userul logat nu corespunde cu adresa de pe contract. Imi pare rau dar nu mai are rost sa mai adaug usere. Closed!
    2 points
  2. From the Back Cover New technologies. New attack techniques. Start hacking. Web applications are everywhere, and they're insecure. Banks, retailers, and others have deployed millions of applications that are full of holes, allowing attackers to steal personal data, carry out fraud, and compromise other systems. This book shows you how they do it. This fully updated edition contains the very latest attack techniques and countermeasures, showing you how to break into today's complex and highly functional applications. Roll up your sleeves and dig in. Discover how cloud architectures and social networking have added exploitable attack surfaces to applications Leverage the latest HTML features to deliver powerful cross-site scripting attacks Deliver new injection exploits, including XML external entity and HTTP parameter pollution attacks Learn how to break encrypted session tokens and other sensitive data found in cloud services Discover how technologies like HTML5, REST, CSS and JSON can be exploited to attack applications and compromise users Learn new techniques for automating attacksand dealing with CAPTCHAs and cross-site request forgery tokens Steal sensitive data across domains using seemingly harmless application functions and new browser features Source code for some of the scripts in the book Links to tools and other resources A checklist of tasks involved in most attacks Answers to the questions posed in each chapter Hundreds of interactive vulnerability labs info Amazon.com: The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Finding and Exploiting Security Flaws (9781118026472): Dafydd Stuttard, Marcus Pinto: Books
    1 point
  3. Details: Register any available .COM, .US, .MOBI, .BIZ, .NET, .ORG, .CA, .CO.UK, and .IN domain for just $1.00 (1.00 GBP; 1.00 Euros)!* intrati pe http://www.facebook.com/GoDaddy?sk=app_276884885658318 Like la pagina si va apare codul promotional. E aiurea ca nu poti plati prin paypal, trebuie cu cardul. Cred ca asa e la noii inregistrati.
    1 point
  4. Nu ai nevoie nici de xss nici de sqli pt a obtine o parola de yahoo, ai nevoie de un keylogger si de niste social engineering. Dar nu cred ca ai voie sa contactezi direct sau sa te apropii la 20 de metrii (fara sa te salte politia) nici de tipu pe care-l hartuiesti nici de cea care ti l-a suflat. Ai nevoie de un psiholog, pari sa ai tulburari grave de personalitate. Nu iti are nimeni treaba ca esti fata mai sunt si altele pe forum cu care nu are nimeni treaba, problema e atitudinea ta fata de membrii forumului, de moderatori si administratori. Poate nu-ti convine regulamenul dar nu esti intr-o pozitie sa poti schimba asta in vre-un fel. Ce fel de om revine o data pe luna pe un forum unde si-a mai luat ban de vreo 10 ori, fara vreo intentie sa se integreze ci doar sa faca acelasi circ de fiecare data, sa-si ia pule-n gura si sa primeasca iarasi ban? Esti paranoica si nu e singura ta problema, cauta un specialist.
    1 point
  5. Tocmai ce am scos popcornu din microunde. Continuati va rog!
    1 point
  6. Profunde observatii, stimabile costybarbu. Si apreciem faptul ca vrei sa rezolvi aceasta problema exprimandu-ti indignarea fata de niste copii care se cred hackeri de hackeri, haus haus, sa moara dusmanii can'le dau DDoS, plm. Tragic este faptul ca pe sus-mentionatii ii doare fix in varful pu?ei de ce scrii tu aici. Mi se rupe inima cand ma gandesc. Pe de alta parte, faptul ca tu nu mai poti accesa Hackforums... este pierderea lor. Mai ales ca ai dat de inteles ca esti un om cu o reputatie zdrobitoare. Nu pot sa-ti ofer decat o solutie foarte simpla: cauta alte forumuri de securitate. Sunt convins ca ai multe lucruri interesante cu care poti contribui. Cu adanca stima si respect, Gigi W.
    1 point
  7. Mie unul sincer imi place mai mult.. 1. Go to YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 2. Press Ctrl + Shift and J in Chrome to open the Developer Tools Press Ctrl+Shift+K in Firefox 3. Click on the "Console" Tab and enter document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=ST1Ti53r4fU"; 4. Reload the website and enjoy the new layout. Peace out \/ Sursa: Feisbuc - Trust Me, I'm an "Engineer"
    1 point
  8. Pana la urma tot integreaza ei toate produsele in unul singur Google+: Gmail, Chat, pagina de prezentare, youtube, docs si altele. Dashboard-ul e facut, mai e nevoie de relansari et voila.
    1 point
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