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  1. Acum cateva zeci de minute Pod2G, Chronic Dev Team si Dev Team au lansat noua solutie de untethered jailbreak pentru iDevice-urile noastre. Solutia este disponibila in doua feluri: prin intermediul unui pachet din Cydia denumit Corona care poate fi instalat pe un terminal care este deja jailbroken pe iOS 5.0.1; prin intermediul programului redsn0w care face jailbreak direct tuturor celor care fac abia acum update la iOS 5.0.1. Daca aveti nevoie de unlock cu ultrasn0w sau Gevey pe iOS 5.0.1 tutorialul de mai jos va ajuta sa faceti un custom ipsw pentru iOS 5.0.1 care va tine baseband-ul intact. redsn0w ar trebui sa functioneze chiar daca aveti semitethered jailbreak. DACA ati instalat vreo versiune a Siri s-ar putea sa nu puteti face untethered jailbreak folosind Corona. Daca va aflati in aceasta situatie trebuie sa faceti restore la iOS 5.0.1 inainte de a folosi Corona. redsn0w nu face hacktivare deci daca aveti nevoie de asa ceva trebuie mai intai sa urmati acest tutorial si apoi sa instalati Corona din Cydia pentru a face tethered jailbreak. redsn0w 0.9.10 beta 1 face untethered jailbreak compatibil cu : iPhone 3GS; iPhone 4; iPad 1; iPod Touch 3G; iPod Touc 4G. ultrasn0w 1.2.5 face unlock pentru urmatoarele baseband-uri : 01.59.00 04.26.08 05.11.07 05.12.01 05.13.04 06.15.00 Gevey 3G functioneaza cu orice baseband al iPhone 4 mai mic sau egal cu versiunea 04.10.01. Prima parte a tutorialului se adreseaza celor care abia au facut update la iOS 5.0.1 si NU au nevoie de unlock! A doua parte se adreseaza celor care au nevoie de unlock!Pasul 1Descarcati redsn0w 0.9.10 beta 1 de aici : Windows, Mac OS X.redsn0w nu face hacktivare pentru terminalele noastre.Pasul 2Conectati terminalul la PC/Mac. In Windows mergeti in folderul in care ati descarcat redsn0w, faceti click dreapta pe executabil, selectati Properties iar din meniul nou deschis mergeti la Compatibility si bifati Run this program in compatibility mode for dupa care selectati Windows XP, apasati Apply si apoi ok. Acum deschideti redsn0w Pasul 3Acum trebuie sa introduceti telefonul in DFU MODE. Mai intai inchideti terminalul, apoi apasati Jailbreak si Next iar redsn0w va va arata cum sa introduceti telefonul in DFU Mode. tineti apast butonul power 3 secunde; fara a da drumul butonului power apasati si pe butonul Home 10 secunde; dupa ce trec cele 10 secunde dati drumul butonului Power si telefonul ar trebui sa fie deja in DFU Mode iar redsn0w va incepe sa implementeze exploit-ul. Daca totul a functionat si jailbreak-ul a fost implementat atunci ar trebui redsn0w ar trebui sa va afiseze butonul Finish. Daca aveti nevoie de unlock urmati pasii de mai jos.Pasul 1Descarcati iOS 5.0.1 de aici.Descarcati redsn0w 0.9.10 beta 1 de aici : Windows, Mac OS X.Conectati terminalul la PC/Mac. In Windows mergeti in folderul in care ati descarcat redsn0w, faceti click dreapta pe executabil, selectati Properties iar din meniul nou deschis mergeti la Compatibility si bifati Run this program in compatibility mode for dupa care selectati Windows XP, apasati Apply si apoi ok. Acum deschideti redsn0w. Deschideti redsn0w si accesati meniul Extras.Pasul 2Din acest meniu selectati butonul Custom ipsw si apoi selectati locatia ipsw-ului descarcat la pasul 1. Dupa ce il selectati redsn0w va incepe sa faca un custom ipsw care va tine baseband-ul intact.redsn0w nu face hacktivare prin custom ipsw.Pasul 3Dupa ce custom ipsw-ul a fost facut va trebui sa introduceti terminalul in Pwned DFU Mode. Mai intai introduceti terminalul in DFU Mode. tineti apasat butonul power 3 secunde; fara a da drumul butonului power apasati si pe butonul Home 10 secunde; dupa ce trec cele 10 secunde dati drumul butonului Power si telefonul ar trebui sa fie deja in DFU Mode.. Pasul 4Acum apasati butonul Pwned DFU din acelasi meniu Extras al redsn0w. Terminalul va fi introdus in DFU mode.Pasul 5Deschideti iTunes si folosind shift + restore sau option + restore(mac) selectati, din locatia unde ati avut ipsw-ul pentru iOS 5.0.1, fisierul cu o denumire de genul acesteia : NO_BB_iPhone3,1_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.Lasati iTunes sa faca restore si cand termina veti avea un terminal untethered jailbroken pe iOS 5.0.1.Dupa terminarea procesului de restore deschideti Cydia, instalati toate dependintele, lasati terminalul sa se reseteze, redeschideti Cydia, cautati si instalati ultrasn0w, resetati din nou si cand terminalul se redeschide a doua oara veti avea si unlock. Citeste versiunea originala pe: Tutorial: Untethered Jailbreak si unlock iOS 5.0.1 cu redsn0w 0.9.10 beta 1- iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch(Windows, Mac) Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial SURSA: idevice.ro
    1 point
  2. The Source Code of Crypo.com , One of the Famous Free Online Encryption Service is now available to download form a File sharing website. This Script will encrypt your messages using a strong encryption algorithm, and then your information will be secure for sending. Site: http://www.crypo.com Download: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! Mirror: crypto.rar Sursa: Source Code of Crypo.com Available to Download ! | The Hacker News (THN)
    1 point
  3. Social Engineering Toolkit Megaprimer Part 2: Continuing this Megaprime let's start with the modules, in this case Spear-Phishing Attack Vector and of course with the demos. We'll see how using this toolkit can perform an attack to get a remote shell via email Social Engineering Toolkit Megaprimer Part 2 P.S.: La Multi Ani. Va doresc un an nou plin de realizari si bucurii tuturor.
    1 point
  4. The Antisec wing of Anonymous revealed on Saturday that had compromised the servers of the private intelligence firm Strategic Forecasting Inc. — allegedly seizing millions of internal documents and thousands of credit card numbers from the company, more commonly known as Stratfor. That would be a major breach of private information from any firm. But this hack could prove particularly significant, because Stratfor serves as an information-gathering resource and open source intelligence analysis for both the U.S. military and for major corporations. Antisec breached Stratfor’s networks several weeks ago, according to sources within the group that attacked the firm. On Saturday, Antisec began posting credit card details of a few Stratfor customers on Internet Relay Chats. But that’s just the start of a much larger data dump, the group claims. Anonymous is planning to release much more information — up to 200 gigabytes worth, in parts throughout the week leading up to New Year’s Eve. That trove allegedly includes 860,000 usernames, emails, and md5-hashed passwords; data from 75,000 credit cards, including security codes used for no card present transactions; and over 2.5 million Stratfor emails, internal Stratfor documents from the company’s intranet, and support tickets from it.stratfor.com. “Four servers were rooted and wiped,” said one participant in the attack, “Charred like ashes, just like what we plan on doing with their old crumbling world.” Stratfor’s website is currently down. But on its Facebook page, the company admitted that “an unauthorized party disclosed personally identifiable information and related credit card data of some of our members. We have reason to believe that your personal and credit card data could have been included in the information that was illegally obtained and disclosed.” “We have also retained the services of a leading identity theft protection and monitoring service on behalf of the Stratfor members that have been impacted by these events,” the firm added. According to Antisec, Stratfor was using the e-commerce suite Ubercart to handle customer information. The software has built-in encryption, but Stratfor apparently used custom modules that stored customer data in cleartext. Additionally Stratfor appears to have stored the card security code of its customers, a practice generally prohibited by credit card companies. The first information to be released was a client list culled from Stratfor’s report subscribers, showing self reported employment data. Next was over 30,000 credit cards, accompanied by the announcement that they’d been used to ‘expropriate’ money from banks for charities via small dollar donations. Anonymous participants estimated they had donated between $500,000 and $1,000,000 to charities fraudulently. They released screenshots of some of the charges, including to the Red Cross, Care, which fights poverty around the world, and the EFF. While there’s no sign the cards have been used for personal gain, the op’s participants were unconcerned for the possibility that the charities themselves could be harmed. Said one: “I understood that that was could be a procedural consequence, but the credit card corporations have a choice, to either bite it themselves (poor them, with all their billion dollar bailouts), punish the client, or worst of all, punish the charities that have had nothing to do with this.” There’s real possibility of damage to smaller organizations if the Anonymous donation result in massive chargebacks for fraud. For instance, the Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group (AIDG) which works on access to electricity, sanitation, and clean water tweeted earlier today: “Stratfor Global has us worried. Pls don’t donate to AIDG with stolen credit cards, we get hit $35 per fraudulent transaction! #anonymous RT” According to Antisec participants, Stratfor was targeted because of its client list, which include major companies and government entities, but also because it was terribly insecure. This may presage the future victims, as the group drifts away from picking targets for their humor value and easy hackability, and towards picking targets in line with their political goals. “We believe police and employees who work for the most significant fortune 500 companies are the most responsible for perpetuating the machinery of capitalism and the state,” said one Antisec participant, “That there will be repercussions for when you choose to betray the people and side with the rich ruling classes.” Antisec says that future Lulxmas targets will include law enforcement groups and the companies that supply them. Sursa
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