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  1. Lucrez de ceva timp la chestia asta si m-am gandit sa o impartasesc cu voi. Este o aplicatie simpla, facuta folosind doar C# pur. Aveti posibilitatea de a selecta calitatea video-ului in functie de conexiunea pe care stiti ca o aveti la net. Din pacate insa, are un mic bug si nu functioneaza pentru toate video-urile de pe Youtube. Sper sa remediez bug-ul in cel mai scurt timp si sa revin cu o varianta 100% functionala. Astept pareri / critici constructive / bug-uri. Aveti aici link-ul de download al aplicatiei .exe: Screens: Spor la download Le: Se foloseste de urmatoarele "librarii": nguyenvanduocit FlickrDownload Helper din Video Downloaderr
    3 points
  2. Eu zic sa vorbesti cu baietii, @Nytro sau cine se mai ocupa de contul de Git al comunitatii si sa puneti acolo sursa.
    1 point
  3. 1. Cand l-am impuscat pe Ceauescu poponarimea a avut impresiul ca schimba un sistem comunist cu unul democratic. Asa era normal, insa comunismul a cazut, comunistii au ramas cei din esalonul 2 - 3, iar securitatea si-a schimbat doar tentaculele, la fel ca si politicul, plus orientarea externa de la rasarit la yankei (lucru care nu e de condamnat, toti vrem sa ne conservam puterea). 2. Pe vremea lui Nea Nicu nu erau decat cateva ore de televizor zilnic. Acum sunt stiri 24 / 24, stiri care nu se bazeaza decat pe cele mai simple metode de comunicare / manipulare, campanii mediatice si politice care la randul lor is facute pe baza mitologiei politice si in general pe mituri si idei care in lumea occidentala se foloseau in anii 70. 3. Spre ghinionul nostru, democratia a cam apus, iar noi nici nu am apucat sa traim cu adevarat. Problema nu e ca serviciile vor putere, problema e ca societatea civila, mass-media, presa, elitele intelectuale vor morman de gologan si cenzura. Iar mass-media ramasa cat o putulica de furnica nu mai prinde decat pe publicul semi-analfabet. Iar analfabeti scoate scoala romaneasca an de an, astfel incat nu se mai creeaza o masa critica sa faca razbel
    1 point
  4. Penetration testing - A Hands-On Introduction to Hacking San Francisco by Georgia Weidman About the Author Georgia Weidman is a penetration tester and researcher, as well as the founder of Bulb Security, a security consulting firm. She presents at conferences around the world including Black Hat, ShmooCon, and DerbyCon, and teaches classes on topics such as penetration testing, mobile hacking, and exploit development. Her work in mobile security has been featured in print and on television internationally. She was awarded a DARPA Cyber Fast Track grant to continue her work in mobile device security. Brief Contents Foreword by Peter Van Eeckhoutte xix Acknowledgments . xxiii Introduction xxv Chapter 0: Penetration Testing Primer 1 Part I: The Basics Chapter 1: Setting Up Your Virtual Lab 9 Chapter 2: Using Kali Linux 55 Chapter 3: Programming . 75 Chapter 4: Using the Metasploit Framework . 87 Part II: Assessments Chapter 5: Information Gathering . 113 Chapter 6: Finding Vulnerabilities 133 Chapter 7: Capturing Traffic 155 Part III: Attacks Chapter 8: Exploitation 179 Chapter 9: Password Attacks 197 Chapter10: Client-Side Exploitation . 215 Chapter 11: Social Engineering 243 Chapter 12: Bypassing Antivirus Applications 257 Chapter 13: Post Exploitation 277 Chapter 14: Web Application Testing 313 Chapter 15: Wireless Attacks 339 viii Brief Contents ? Part IV: Exploit Development Chapter 16: A Stack-Based Buffer Overflow in Linux . 361 Chapter 17: A Stack-Based Buffer Overflow in Windows 379 Chapter 18: Structured Exception Handler Overwrites 401 Chapter 19: Fuzzing, Porting Exploits, and Metasploit Modules 421 Part V: Mobile Hacking Chapter 20: Using the Smartphone Pentest Framework . 445 Resources . 473 Index . 477 Download: http://www.caluniv.ac.in/free_book/Cyber-Security/Penetration%20Testing%20A%20Hands-On%20Introduction%20to%20Hacking.pdf Nota: Autorul este o tipa. :->
    1 point
  5. Penetration Testing (Georgia Weidman), Supplementary Files This zip archive contains two password-protected zip files for use in setting up a virtual lab to accompany Penetration Testing by Georgia Weidman. You'll find an Ubuntu VM and a custom web application, which you'll use to run various exploits. The passwords for the files are in the book. BookApp.7z MD5sum: e74dfd2b93b241c045ca97ff4d21ba89 BookUbuntu.7z MD5sum: 54d1b7bb96c60b1de21c8cb743b16973 Ubuntu VM: This is free software, released under several open source licenses. It is provided without warranty, without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the license text included with each program for details. Source code for Ubuntu can be downloaded from Index of / or can be ordered from Canonical at the cost of the media and shipping. Ubuntu and Canonical are trademarks of Canonical Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners Penetration Testing | No Starch Press torrent:P Penetration Testing (Georgia Weidman), Supplementary Files Penetration Testing (Georgia Weidman), Supplementary Files, No Starch Press : Software > GNU/Linux - Mininova
    1 point
  6. Scris de dimineata la cafea: <script> function citeste(file) { fisier=new FileReader() fisier.onload = function(e) { var text = fisier.result; document.getElementById('display').innerHTML=text; } fisier.readAsText(file,'UTF-8') } </script> <input type="file" id="fileInput"> <input type='button' value='Citeste' onclick='citeste(fileInput.files[0])'></br> <textarea id='display' style='height:80%; width: 30%;'> </textarea>
    1 point
  7. Codurile sunt lifetime INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gjece'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gjeeq'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gjif4'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gjnem'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gjpta'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gjs24'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gk2rp'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gk562'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gk58v'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gkb7h'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gkcm6'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gkhkk'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gkq74'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gks8s'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gkvh8'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gkx5m'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gkx5w'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gm5t6'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gm8zt'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gm9ry'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gmbex'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gmcai'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gmcr7'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gmgks'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gmkge'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gmppa'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gmqxm'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gmqzu'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gmsb4'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gmth2'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gmwdk'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gnb53'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gnity'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gnqwc'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gnud7'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gnvjv'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gp55f'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gp6s8'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gpbgh'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gpg73'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gpgyc'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gpvrb'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gq6rk'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gqger'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gqghg'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gqqje'); INSERT INTO `coduri_sms6` VALUES ('002gqt7n');
    -1 points
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