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  1. aiurea naspa rau cam nasol plm
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. Last year at Google I/O developer event, Google launched a limited beta "App Runtime for Chrome" (ARC) project, which now expanded to run millions of Android apps within Chrome browser. Google has released a new developer tool called App Runtime for Chrome (ARC) Welder that allows Android apps to run on Chrome for Linux, Windows, and OS X systems. App Runtime for Chrome (ARC) was an early experiment specifically designed for app developers, but now anyone can download it. Google Chrome's ARC Welder app can now run any of your favorite Android apps like WhatsApp, Candy Crush, Angry Birds, all from your Chrome web browser. ARC welder tool operates via some special runtime implemented using Native Client (NaCl) in-browser binary execution tech. Native Client is a Chrome sandboxing technology that allows Chrome plugins and apps to run at near-native speeds, taking full advantage of the system's CPU and GPU. Google ported complete Android stack to Native Client, allowing Android apps to run on most major operating systems. Google ARC welder tool is based on Android 4.4, but there are some limitations: you can load only one app at a time you have to select portrait or landscape layout you need to choose, whether you want the app to run on phone- or tablet-style. LEARN HOW TO RUN ANDROID APPS IN CHROME:- Install the latest Google Chrome browser. Download and run the ARC Welder app from the Chrome Store. Add third party APK file host. After downloading APK app file to your PC, click Open. Select the mode -> "Tablet" or "Phone" -> in which you want to run your app. Finally, click the "Launch App" button. I have personally tried this tool before writing, and some of my favorite Android apps work pretty well. SOURCE
    1 point
  4. Te-ai gândit de ce te iau ??tia constat la mi?to? C? te laudai cu tot felul de chestii pe chat. Dac? î?i f?ceai injec?iile lini?tit ?i nu postai nimic extra acum to?i î?i ridicau statuie iar acum nu se foloseau de fiecare prilej s? te ia la ?uturi. De ce n-ai f?cut un user de care doar tu s? ?tii ?i s?-l aduci la rang de VIP iar dup? ce câ?tigai respectul s? nu mai aib? lumea treab? cu tine? Dar nu, trebuie s? se ?tie. Hai s?-?i dau un pont de ce nu mi?c?m, pentru c? din cauz? c? înc? mai e?ti cu nasul pe sus atragi mu?tele de pe forum ?i ne dai nou? de lucru. Poate de aceea nu facem treaba, c? ni se pune în bra?e tot mai mult f?r? voia noastr?. Motiv pentru care eu n-am dat ban ?i nici n-o s? moderez. N-am nimic cu tine, îns? dac? era vorba de alt user de-al t?u de care nu ?tia nimeni ?i era luat la ?uturi m-a? fi b?gat. Capul jos, e?ti un user ca ?i to?i userii pe acest forum indiferent cine e?ti/ai fost, începe s? respec?i ?i poate o s? fii respectat. Nu ne pas? c? ai fost admin ?i ai avut func?ii dac? n-ai fost om cu restul. Examenul îl d? fiecare dup? cum se comport? cu oamenii inferiori lui.
    1 point
  5. CuckooDroid - Automated Android Malware Analysis. Contributed By Check Point Software Technologies LTD. CuckooDroid is an extension of Cuckoo Sandbox the Open Source software for automating analysis of suspicious files, CuckooDroid brigs to cuckoo the capabilities of execution and analysis of android application. Installation - Easy integration script: git config --global user.email "you@example.com" git config --global user.name "Your Name" git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/cuckoobox/cuckoo.git cuckoo cd cuckoo git remote add droid https://github.com/idanr1986/cuckoo-droid git pull --no-edit -s recursive -X theirs droid master cat conf-extra/processing.conf >> conf/processing.conf cat conf-extra/reporting.conf >> conf/reporting.conf rm -r conf-extra echo "protobuf" >> requirements.txt Documentation CuckooDroid - CuckooDroid Book — CuckooDroid v1.0 Book Cuckoo Sandbox - Cuckoo Sandbox Book — Cuckoo Sandbox v1.2 Book You are advised to read the Cuckoo Sandbox documentation before using CuckooDroid! Powered by: Androguard -> https://code.google.com/p/androguard/ Google Play Unofficial Python API -> https://github.com/egirault/googleplay-api C redit botherder for linux_analyzer_dev -> https://github.com/cuckoobox/cuckoo/tree/linux_analyzer_dev Authors Idan Revivo - idanr@checkpoint.com (twitter: idanr86) Ofer Caspi oferc@checkpoint.com (twitter: @shablolForce) Sursa: https://github.com/idanr1986/cuckoo-droid
    1 point
  6. EvilAP_Defender is an application that helps wireless network administrator to discover and prevent Evil Access Points (AP) from attacking wireless users. The application can be run in regular intervals to protect your wireless network from Evil Twin like attacks. By configuring the tool you can get notifications sent to your email whenever an evil access point is discovered. Additionally you can configure the tool to perform DoS on discovered evil AP in order to give the administrator more time to react. However, notice that the DoS will only be performed for evil APs which have the same SSID but different BSSID (AP’s MAC address) or running on a different channel. This to avoid DoS your legitimate network. The tool is able to discover evil APs using one of the following characteristics: * Evil AP with a different BSSID address * Evil AP with the same BSSID as the legitimate AP but a different attribute (including: channel, cipher, privacy protocol, and authentication) * Evil AP with the same BSSID and attributes as the legitimate AP but different tagged parameter - mainly different OUI (tagged parameters are additional values sent along with the beacon frame. Currently no software based AP gives the ability to change these values. Generally software based APs are so poor in this area). Whenever an Evil AP is discovered the tool will alert the admin through email (SMS will be supported soon). Additionally the tool will enter into preventive mode in which the tool will DoS the discovered Evil AP. The tool can be configured easily by starting in what we call “Learning Mode”. In this mode you can whitelist your legitimate network. This can be done by following the wizards during the Learning Mode. You can also configure the preventive mode and admin notification from there as well. Finally, you need to change into Normal Mode or re-run the tool in this mode in order to start discovering Evil APs. Requirements: - Aircrack-ng suite - Your wireless card must be supported by Aircrack-ng. Check the following URL: compatibility_drivers [Aircrack-ng] - MySQL - Python Learning Mode: This Mode can be invoked with the “-L” switch. When running the tool in this mode the tool will start by scanning for the available wireless networks. Then it lists all the found wireless networks with whitelisted APs colored with green. It also lists the whitelist APs and OUIs (tagged parameters). The tool also provides several options which allow you to add/remove SSIDs into/from whitelist. You need to whitelist your SSID first before running the tool in the Normal Mode. Moreover, you can configure Preventive Mode from “Update options -> Configure Preventive Mode”. First you need to set the Deauthentication time (in seconds) into a number bigger than 0 (setting the value to 0 will disable this mode). Then you need to set the number of time to repeat the attack. This is so important for attacking more than Evil AP because the tool cannot attack all of them in the same time (how can you attack several APs on different channels? Later on we will improve the tool and allow it to attack (in the same time) several APs in the same channel). The tool will attack the first Evil AP for specified deauthentication time then it will stop and attack the second one and so on. Be careful from increasing the Deatuth time so much because this may attack only one AP and leaving the others running. My recommendation is to set the Deauth time to something suitable such as 10 seconds and increasing the repeat time. Finally, you can configure admin notification by setting admin email, SMPT server address, SMTP username (complete email address) for authentication purpose, and SMTP password. You can use any account on Gmail or your internal SMTP server account. Normal Mode: This is the mode in which the tool starts to discover Evil APs and notify the administrator whenever one is discovered. This mode can be invoked by “-N” switch. Feedback: Feedback is always welcomed on the tool git or through my email: moha99sa at yahoo dot com. Download Source
    1 point
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