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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/16 in all areas

  1. La cartela prepay nu primesti iphone cu care sa te dai mare in club.Asta e pattern-ul romanului,bmw luat in leasing,iphone pe abonament.
    3 points
  2. Pentru cei interesati, cititi carti, sau vreti sa va imbogatiti biblioteca digitala: https://doc.lagout.ovh/
    2 points
  3. Salut! am postat rezolvarea in alt topic... dar e ok si aici... inainte de asta trebuie pusa PLACA DE BAZA LA ULTRASUNETE, daca nu ai ultrasunete, cumperi ACLOOL IZOPROPILIC si il stergi usor cu betisoare de urechi dar STEARSA FOARTE BINE si dupa uscata. GRIJA MARE LA PIESELE DUPA PLACA!!!! 1. 2. Este foarte greu sa scoti rasina de langa CIP, dar cu "puterea soarelui", il rezolvi glumesc... il scoti la cald si il inlocuiesti. Acel "CIP QUALCOMM@" trebuie schimbat, dar inainte de asta, incearca sa ii dai RESOFTARE poate a fost o problema din soft! Daca nu, alta placa!
    1 point
  4. Te-ai lasat sedus de ispita si ai semnat ca fraierul ceva ce chiar tu recunosti ca nu ai citit. O meriti. Nu e vina Vodafone, e doar vina ta. M-am saturat sa vad ca va faceti abonamente si apoi va plangeti ca va trage teapa compania de telefonie mobila. Cartela prepay ce are ? O incarci cand vrei, cu cat vrei, alegi ce optiuni vrei, iar daca nu-ti convine ceva, o arunci si esti liber sa iti alegi altceva.
    1 point
  5. I did a report on encryption a while ago, and I thought I'd post a bit of it here as it's quite mind-boggling. AES-256 is the standardized encryption specification. It's used worldwide by everyone from corporations to the US government. It's largest key size is 256 bits. This means that the key, the thing that turns encrypted data into unencrypted data, is string of 256 1s or 0s. With each character having two possibilities (1 or 0), there are 2256 possible combinations. Typically, only 50% of these need to be exhausted to yield the correct key, so only 2255 need to be guessed. How long would it take to flip through each of the possible keys? When doing mundane, repetitive calculations (such as brute-forcing or bitcoin mining), the GPU is better suited than the CPU. A high-end GPU can typically do about 2 billion calculations per second (2 gigaflops). So, we'll use GPUs. Say you had a billion of these, all hooked together in a massively parallel computer system. Together, they could perform at 2e18 flops, or 2 000 000 000 000 000 000 keys per second (2 quintillion) 1 billion gpus @ 2 gigaflops each (2 billion flops) Since there are 31 556 952 seconds in a year, we can multiply by that to get the keys per year. *31 556 952 =6.3113904e25 keys per year (~10 septillion, 10 yottaflops) Now we divide 2255 combinations by 6.3113904e25 keys per year: 2^255 / 6.3113904e25 =9.1732631e50 years The universe itself only existed for 14 billion (1.4e10) years. It would take ~6.7e40 times longer than the age of the universe to exhaust half of the keyspace of a AES-256 key. On top of this, there is an energy limitation. The The Landauer limit is a theoretical limit of energy consumption of a computation. It holds that on a system that is logically irreversible (bits do not reset themselves back to 0 from 1), a change in the value of a bit requires an entropy increase according to kTln2, where k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature of the circuit in kelvins and ln2 is the natural log(2). Lets try our experiment while considering power. most high-end GPUs take around 150 watts of energy to power themselves at full load. This doesn't include cooling systems. 150 000 000 000 watts (150 gigawatts) 1 billion gpus @ 150 watts 1.5e11 watts This is enough power to power 50 million american households. The largest nuclear power reactors (Kashiwazaki-Kariwa) generate about 1 gigawatt of energy. 1.5e11 watts / 1 gigawatt = 150 Therefore, 1 billion GPUs would require 150 nuclear power plant reactors to constantly power them, and it would still take longer than the age of the universe to exhaust half of a AES-256 keyspace. 1 billion GPUs is kind of unrealistic. How about a supercomputer? The Tianhe-2 Supercomputer is the world's fastest supercomputer located at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. It clocks in at around 34 petaflops. Tianhe-2 Supercomputer @ 33.86 petaflops (quadrillion flops) =33 860 000 000 000 000 keys per second (33.86 quadrilion) 3.386e16 * 31556952 seconds in a year 2255 possible keys 2^255 / 1.0685184e24 =1.0685184e24 keys per year (~1 septillion, 1 yottaflop) =5.4183479e52 years That's just for 1 machine. Reducing the time by just one power would require 10 more basketball court-sized supercomputers. To reduce the time by x power, we would require 10x basketball court-sized supercomputers. It would take 1038 Tianhe-2 Supercomputers running for the entirety of the existence of everything to exhaust half of the keyspace of a AES-256 key. SURSA
    1 point
  6. ,,,o alta antena MiMo 2,6 GHz(4G)...
    1 point
  7. Legea 295/2004 Incredintarea armei este ilegala Legea spune ca inredintarea armei este ilegala, intrebarea este urmatoarea daca un copil find minor in urma cu cativa ani a pus o poza pe facebook cu pusca de vanatoare in mana este legal ? El nu are permis de port arma pentru pusa de vanatoare si totusi isi face poze cu ea si le pune pe facebook, deci legea unde este ?? Si inca o intrebare eu am pus mai demult pe facebook o poza cu o sabie (sabia nu este ascutita pot sa si dovedesc acest lucru) si am facut cursul pentru arma si mi-a respins dosarul pe motiv ca de ce am pus poza aia pe fb si din cauza asta ma crede periculor, intrebarea este urmatoarea cine este periculos eu ca am pus o poza cu sabia neascutita sau baiatul cel minor care are poze cu arma de vanatoare in mana desi el nu are autorizatie de port arma in schimb eu am dar mi-a respins dosarul pe motivul asta, deci legea 295/2004 de ce nu este aplicata in cazul lui ? si doar mie ? e corect ?? PS: Astept niste raspunsuri, daca este nevoie pot sa pun si adresa persoanei respective sa vedeti poza cu el si cu pusca de vanatoare in mana
    -1 points
  8. Cunosc pe cineva care are o masina si are instalatie pe gaz facuta de el, nu este omologata. Unde as putea sa ii fac o reclamatie ca sa il prinda politia si sa ii dea o amenda ? La politia din localitate nu am cum pentru ca este prieten cu el si oricum nu ii face nimic, ceva sfaturi ?
    -2 points
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