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De ce cacat e firesc ca salariul sa fie discutat live? Mi se pare o aiureala ca e si confidential. Omul trebuie sa stie din start la ce se duce, sa nu isi piarda timpul aiurea cu voi.3 points
Automatically post images and textual messages on Facebook groups or on your wall with the help of this lightweight and efficient application Facebook Automation is an interesting and easy to use piece of software developed in order to help you schedule and post various types of messages on your Facebook wall or on that of your friends, as well as in groups you are a member of. Initial configuration steps First off, you need to have at least one Facebook account, as you will need to login, in order for the application to be able to function properly. As such, you can input your credentials and offer it the necessary confirmations to get started. For each added account, Facebook Automation will provide you with an ID number which will let you post messages on one or all of your profiles. Create and schedule message postings on Facebook The context menu options from the main window allow you to create various messages (‘Message Text’, ‘Photo Post’, ‘Private Message’ or ‘Bump / Comment / Plain Text’), which you can then save to your computer, to FMSG format, and work with, whenever you need. For each ID you add, the program allows you to send a message, while the 'Schedules Manager' enables you to configure the posting task to occur at regular intervals, by specifying the action you wish to perform, either 'Schedule to Post a Message', ‘Schedule to Bump Posts from Group IDs’, ‘Schedule to Bump Posts from Post IDs’ or 'Schedule to Join Groups’, then entering the time along with the FMSG file containing your text. Facebook Automation lets you 'Fetch Your List of' friends, groups, your pages or liked pages. Moreover, this application enables you to search groups based on a keyword and join the ones that correspond to your website's interests for instance, or you can also search for pages, events and people on Facebook, sending them friend requests. A useful Facebook post scheduling instrument To conclude, Facebook Automation is a highly efficient utility that is meant to work as an advertising tool, which can draw more visitors on your website without having you go through too much trouble to get them there, by automatically posting messages in numerous groups, on your own profile or that of friends and increase your overall visibility. Download http://www35.zippyshare.com/v/cqmBQzsT/file.html1 point
Gather Proxy is a lightweight Windows utility designed to help users gather information about proxy servers and socks. Since this is a portable program, it is important to mention that it doesn’t leave any traces in the Windows Registry. You can copy it on any USB flash drive or other devices, and take it with you whenever you to need to generate proxy and socks lists on the breeze. Although it comes bundled with many useful functions, it boasts a clean and straightforward layout. Download http://www37.zippyshare.com/v/zuNKN8PL/file.html1 point
Cred ca poti intreba si la telefon daca sunteti pe aceeasi pagina. via-a-vis de salariu. Plus serios, acum, daca esti programator sti preturile din piata, si in afara de cateva exceptii, si aici ma refer la firme mai ciudate unde cred ca sunt smecheri si platesc sub piata, salariile sunt tot pe acolo.1 point
1 point
Code: pawcio07@interia.eu:paq123 Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> a.verdo@hotmail.it:03051994 Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> songoku_lc@hotmail.com:38771987 Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> alexandregil007@gmail.com:lollol7896 Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> lucass.estilo@hotmail.com:lucas2100 Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> viniciuschagas97@hotmail.com:vivi5959 Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> Mike.loopek@op.pl:MikMaster09 Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> lorak322@wp.pl:f26whib6 Total Game: 1 Game: Dragon Age™: Origins <------------> kvu_59@hotmail.com:heycooler2 Total Game: 1 Game: Battlefield 3™ Beta <------------> rafaelsilvestrim@hotmail.com:091290 Total Game: 1 Game: Battlefield 3™ Beta <------------> marco.mangano.96@hotmail.it:18marzo1996 Total Game: 1 Game: Battlefield 3™ Beta <------------> nizinosiro@hotmail.co.jp:itien159 Total Game: 1 Game: Battlefield 3™ Beta <------------> yofran_javier96@hotmail.com:23818998 Total Game: 1 Game: BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN FREE TRIAL) <------------> wernercolina@hotmail.com:20663199 Total Game: 1 Game: BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN FREE TRIAL) <------------> harickein@gmail.com:gts123 Total Game: 1 Game: Battlefield 3™ Beta <------------> lucas_22co@hotmail.com:3224400 Total Game: 1 Game: BATTLEFIELD 4 (ORIGIN FREE TRIAL) <------------> gripn@live.se:m0rpheuz Total Game: 1 Game: Battlefield 3™ Beta <------------> m.ete@gmx.net:meister1988ete Total Game: 1 Game: Battlefield 3™ Beta <------------> robertinho.azevedo@bol.com.br:jcns03292412 Total Game: 1 Game: Battlefield 3™ Beta <------------> heton99@gmail.com:brutus12 Total Game: 1 Game: Crysis® 3 MP Open Beta <------------> barry_super@hotmail.com:barry95 Total Game: 1 Game: Battlefield 3™ Beta <------------> kevin-adidas@hotmail.de:monika Total Game: 1 Game: Battlefield 3™ Beta <------------> juan.skalski96@gmail.com:32404277 Total Game: 1 Game: Battlefield 3™ Beta <------------> ferhatgs@hotmail.de:penner Total Game: 1 Game: Battlefield 3™ Beta <------------> tyzano118@gmail.com:tylert12 Total Game: 1 Game: Battlefield 3™ Beta <------------> luizlilu@Hotmail.com:92181323 Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> rsantana.m@hotmail.com:36145278 Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> maehata@hotmail.com:arthur01 Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> gabriel_alexandro.10@hotmail.com:61132174 Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> ricki_ricon06@hotmail.com:rosario Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> artemk10@gmail.com:Artemk6785 Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> yoga_17_26_4@hotmail.com:diegohack Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> lucas_bdpx@hotmail.com:lucas157s2 Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> eduard_007_1@hotmail.com:plastic Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> kahpe.felek13@windowslive.com:s8dnlvazwn Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> fedeld@gmail.com:562619 Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> rafael-siqueira2010@live.com:juniorcagando Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> deport2000@hotmail.es:balin17 Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> guhbobam@hotmail.com:32396930 Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> terenceleo@rocketmail.com:09166022759 Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> andreyo2008@hotmail.com:andreboi23 Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> mohdfadli_shah@yahoo.com:az123456 Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> wesleyadasilva14@hotmail.com:18011998we Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> jhosepluigi@hotmail.com:vencedor Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> tukon10@walla.co.il:213098 Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> suckerboy1995@yahoo.com:159753 Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> animal.team@hotmail.com:marce15 Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> ponex_26@hotmail.com:lokazox02 Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> Dark_euro.v9@hotmail.com:200698jy Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> shimii7@walla.com:xxx12345 Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> celiogoku_789@hotmail.com:matheus123 Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> gabriel-genio-capo@hotmail.com:gabriel8 Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> ozan_zeytunlu@hotmail.com:2f4469b0 Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> mats.lima@hotmail.com:loop123 Total Game: 1 Game: Mass Effect™ 3 Demo <------------> juancruz_gchu@hotmail.com:laventa Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> richard_daniel05@hotmail.com:25458851 Total Game: 1 Game: Need for Speed World <------------> alper_yesilay@hotmail.com:osman123 Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> victor.new@gmail.com:tereza1998 Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World <------------> le-vis-10@hotmail.com:14999927 Total Game: 1 Game: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™ Demo <------------> feliperoboboy@hotmail.com:asd1571533 Total Game: 1 Game: FIFA World1 point
-1 points
Nu cred ca e asa de ascuns dupa cum se zice, deja daca (virgula) cauti pe google.com "Deep Web" sunt sute de imagini pe care sunt aproape sigur ca nu vrei sa le vezi.-1 points
Definitie: Deep Web este partea "invizibil?" a internetului, care nu poate fi indexat? de motoarele de c?utare precum Google sau Yahoo. Se estimeaz? c? aceast? zon? "întunecat?" a informa?iilor însumeaz? 90% din internet.Iata cateva date statistice. · cantitatea de informa?ii publice pe deep web este în prezent 400 - 550 de ori mai mare decât de internetul definit "World Wide Web". Astfel: - Deep Web con?ine 7500 de terabytes de informa?ii, comparativ cu 19 terabytes de informa?ii din WWW. - Deep Web con?ine aproape 550 miliarde de documente individuale, comparativ cu 1 miliard de pe Web. Exista mai multe mult de 200.000 de site-uri Deep Web. - ?aizeci dintre cele mai mari site-uri de Deep Web contin colectiv aproximativ 750 de terabytes de informa?ii suficiente prin ele însele s? dep??easc? m?rimea WWW de patruzeci de ori. - Deep Web contine este cea mai mare categorie de informa?ii de pe Internet, focusate pe domenii, cu un con?inut mai profund, decat site-uri WWW - Mai mult de jum?tate din con?inutul Deep Web se afl? în subiecte specifice bazelor de date. - 95% din Deep Web este o informa?ie accesibil? publicului fara a face obiectul unor taxe sau abonamente. Aici poti intalni hackeri, oameni de ?tiin??, dealeri de droguri, astronomi, fizicieni, asasini, revolu?ionari, oficiali guvernamentali, poli?ie, FBI, teroristi, perver?i, mineri de date, r?pitori, sociologi, etc. Pentru a va forma o idee despre "marimea" Deep Web, o sa-l citez pe Eric Schmidt, CEO-ul Google, care explica de curând c? Internetul, în totalitate, este estimat la 5 milioane de terrabytes de informa?ie, din care cel mai mare motor de c?utare, Google, a indexat 200 de terrabytes, adic? 0,004%!! Pentru a accesa Deep Web, instala?i browser-ul Tor, cititi cu aten?ie ce este pe aici https://www.torproject.org/ Va amintiti de scandalul wikileaks?Multe din documentele publicate pe web, erau pe Deep Web, cu mult timp inainte.Exist? ?i un Wiki Ascuns ( http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/546/hwiki.jpg) Aten?ie: în ciuda faptului c? Deep Web cuprinde atât de mult? informa?ie ?i este atât de vast, are cu mult mai pu?ini utilizatori ca WWW. (daca naviga?i pe aici, aveti grija, ca utilizatorii nu-s fraieri, sau jucatori de metin) Motivele sunt cantitatea mare de con?inut dincolo de limita legii ?i a principiilor morale ale celor mai mul?i, dificultatea în a naviga printre siteurile din deep web f?r? ajutorul unui motor de c?utare gen Google, dar ?i lipsa informa?iilor cu privire la aceast? parte nev?zut? a Internetului.-1 points
Salut, vreau sa impartasesc cu voi un host gratuit foarte smecher pe care l-am gasit de curand. Se numeste GoogieHost si personal o sa-l folosesc MULT MULT timp de acum incolo. Caut de aproape 2 luni un host gratuit bun si pana acum nu e nici unul care sa se poata compara cu ei. Tot ce iti cer oamenii mai tarziu este sa le faci reclama pe oriunde poti, doar daca vrei desigur . Servicii oferite: 1000 MB Spatiu Stocare Bandwidth nelimitat 2 adrese mail (SMTP, IMAP, POP3 si webmail ,toate functionale si testate) AutoInstaller Scripturi SEO Tools CDN (CloudFlare) GRATUIT Backup lunar 99.95% Uptime Etc. https://client.googiehost.com/aff.php?aff=966 <- Acesta este link-ul pentru a va face cont, este din programul lor de referal, program destul de interesant de asemenea. Eu am hostate deja 2 domenii si 1 subdomeniu la ei si nu am nici macar un singur lucru sa le reprosez... Daca aveti nevoie de mai multe informatii sau ajutor, astept mesajele voastre! Big UP!-1 points