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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/17 in all areas

  1. http://rstvelion.party/ #LaMultiAni #tovarasi
    4 points
  2. lma ba. si bani, valoare, etc, etc
    2 points
  3. Hihihi, nu am mai vazut antichitati dealea demult, de pe vremea primului pentium. Erau ceva placi grafice PCI, am avut un S3VIRGE, cu 2 mega de ram, era jm3k3rie. Oricum, si daca mai gasesti o placa dinaia, nu poti folosi computerul decat pentru office si contabilitate, nici gand sa iti duca vreun joc mai nou. Nu stiu sigur, insa are suport hardware doar pentru directx 5, sau 6, nu mai stiu sigur.Cred ca vechitura aia nici youtube-ul sau pagini flash nu iti duce.Placa de baza respectiva este PCI, fara e, deci nu este compatibila cu placile video moderne PCIe 1, 2, etc, plm. Cel mai bine, vinde/doneaza unitatea respectiva, si ia-ti alta unitate.
    1 point
  4. Mai urca bugetu, macar la 300 lei. La 130 lei nu iei nici cea mai ieftina placa video http://www.pcgarage.ro/placi-video/ Pret crescator.
    1 point
  5. Last year, we demonstrated Linux running on the PS4 in a lightning talk - presented on the PS4 itself. But how did we do it? In a departure from previous Console Hacking talks focusing on security, this year we're going to focus on the PS4 hardware, what makes it different from a PC, and how we reverse engineered it enough to get a full-blown Linux distro running on it, complete with 3D acceleration.
    1 point
  6. La multi ani sa traiesti coane!. Also, la multi ani tuturor, sa va creasca pula mare.
    1 point
  7. Am scos din el : Command line options Kill by windows size Debug Kill full screen apps Tools WMI Am adaugat / imbunatatit : Physical memory scan (RAM) Shortcuts scan New 'Smart scan' technique Improved registry remover Auto uploading unknown lockers (if found by RAM scan) File scan (not only process scan) Screen Un mic demo : Download https://www.dropbox.com/s/09lns9sspnoa5jt/adlv3.exe?dl=0 Scan RazorScanner - Scan Result Q : Vreti sa fie mai bun ? A : Postati lockerele ce le gasiti pe NT-uri // @2/27/2015 1:19 AM system.componentmodel.win32exception FIX + Sabre Locker (Stub & Builder) FIX Ram Hang error @ 12:37 PM bug fix + Desktop VLocker + Goodies Survey Faster scan FIX process.id verification (major bug)
    1 point
  8. Nu fii rasist Probabil tatal tau este suparat pe vorbele tale.
    -2 points
  9. Din pacate tatal meu a murit, pentru ca a futut-o pe mama ta.
    -2 points
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