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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/17 in all areas

  1. Sincer iti apreciez munca dar parerea mea ar fi sa faci un fel de trial version de cateva zile iar apoi sa dai tu un key pt fiecare in parte. Nu as vrea sa cred dar sunt mai mult ca sigur ca altii o il comercializeze pe ceva $, si nu cred ca ar fi ok pentru tine, daca ar fi sa primesti ceva bani ar trebui sa ii primesti tu pentru ca munca/efortul de tine este facut.
    2 points
  2. Nu cred ca au lucrat la ele. Cunostintele de baza raman la fel oricum, si de fapt asta e cu OSCE: cunostinte de baza in exploit development.
    2 points
  3. Salut, am facut un program care posteaza singur in Grupurile de pe Facebook Sunt 3 fisiere : 1. grupuri.txt - aici pui link catre grupuri 2. text.txt - aici va fi textul de postat 3. config.txt - momentan aici se pot seta nr de secunde de asteptat intre postari Astept pareri si ce imbunatatiri sa-i adaug. Inca nu e gata, voi pune link de download cand este gata. Si cred ca o sa-l las pe consola momentan, fara interfata.
    1 point
  4. Recommended 1) Like per day 1000 2) Follow per day 350 3) Unfollow per day 350 4) Comment per day 100 Download: https://github.com/LevPasha/Instagram-bot-cs Full version key: 7c4645885b1113a1665cb6bb433ee7f6 (nu am testat, mi s-a parut interesant, poate ajuta pe cineva) ps: daca testeaza cineva, rog sa lase reply, multumesc!
    1 point
  5. This is my first share hope not gonna mess up.... have fun with your study 1. Burp Suite Video Training size:635 MB unrar to:1.25 GB Link:https://mega.co.nz/#!MBBhBawZ!nTQTj4B9XadEfoJcBJpjWkXxVSqCgytrzsBk4KtUT1o 2. Tactical Tips and Tricks: Burp Suite size:318MB unrar to: 638 MB Link:https://mega.co.nz/#!pcgmyCbL!vctaNMDWhGHa1K5KjYzELGjkbsoLOQMr8xOcyUAsaTs 3. Burp Suite Essentials Ebook size:11.4MB Format avilable: AZW3/EPUB/MOBI/PDF Link:https://mega.co.nz/#!oR53WZ5Q!U7RfhkDeGs-Hd1EmwOBAwJ_5fYKsb30187ZgaRIjS6k 4. Burp Sute Pro 1.6.12 size:12.8MB Install note: dont try to update it may not work if the crack work then great, just use the BurpLoader.jar Link:https://mega.co.nz/#!dNRlwaxb!O_pC_SaRFaghsnD2WHei0du8X7Yuaa0wcec9hop7g9c Here is few more links i found some forums thanks to the orignial posters... Kaotic Creations: BURP SUITE - PART I: INTRO via SQL INJECTION http://kaoticcreations.blogspot.gr/2011/11/burp-suite-part-ii-sql-authentication.html http://kaoticcreations.blogspot.gr/2011/12/burp-suite-part-iii-lfi-exploitation.html http://kaoticcreations.blogspot.gr/2012/01/burp-suite-part-v-mapping-target.html http://kaoticcreations.blogspot.gr/2011/12/burp-suite-part-iv-lfi-exploit-via-log_20.html http://kaoticcreations.blogspot.gr/2012/01/burp-suite-part-vi-more-fun-exploiting.html http://kaoticcreations.blogspot.gr/2012/01/burp-suite-part-vii-lfi-exploit-via.html SANS Tutorial for BURP Intruder : http://www.sans.org/reading-room/whitepapers/testing/fuzzing-approach-credentials-discovery-burp-intruder-33214?show=fuzzing-approach-credentials-discovery-burp-intruder-33214&cat=testing BURP Suite tutorials by Jeremy Druin (webpwnized): http://www.youtube.com/user/webpwnized/search?query=burp-suite Burp Suite: A Comprehensive Web Pen Testing - JoshinGeneral - CarolinaCon9 : How to pentest iphone apps with BURP: http://jordan-wright.github.io/blog/2013/11/07/how-to-pentest-iphone-apps-with-burp/ “Reversing” Non-Proxy Aware HTTPS Thick Clients w/ Burp http://blog.spiderlabs.com/2014/02/reversing-non-proxy-aware-https-thick-clients-w-burp.html
    1 point
  6. Stegano is a basic Python Steganography module. Stegano implements two methods of hiding: using the red portion of a pixel to hide ASCII messages, and using the Least Significant Bit (LSB) technique. It is possible to use a more advanced LSB method based on integers sets. The sets (Sieve of Eratosthenes, Fermat, Carmichael numbers, etc.) are used to select the pixels used to hide the information. Changes: Fixed an error when revealing a hidden binary file in an image. Download: https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/download/141562/Stegano-0.6.8.tar.gz Source: https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/141562/Stegano-0.6.8.html
    1 point
  7. foarte tare astaptam cu nerabdare sa il termini
    1 point
  8. - Am adaugat posibilitatea de a lasa comentarii random la primele N postari. - Ultimii utilizatori care au postat in acel grup pot fi salvati automat intr-un fisier text [link profil , username] (pentru a putea fi contactati sau tag in postare)
    1 point
  9. SENDERS: Inbox Webmail (1000 Emails / hour) Business Webmail (500Emails/Shoot , Unlimited/Day) Inbox Mailer with or without Attachment Smtp Servers , Ip and Domains HOSTINGS: Windows Hosting (for ScamPages,Deliver Results) Shell (compress/Uncompress , Deliver Results) FTP BulletProof Hosting (2database , 1 Month warantee , Renewal option) Linux Hosting (2database , 1 Month warantee , Renewal option) Onion Hosting (2database , 1 Month warantee , Renewal option) EMAIL ADDRESS Single Domain Leads ,mixed Countryes , updated January 2017 Worldwide Email Address , mixed Domains , updated January 2017 Business Email Address , mixed Domains , mostlly webmails , updated January 2017 More products will came ... be watching us ! For more infos please visit www.underground-market.ru Thank you, Admin
    -1 points
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