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  1. Pentru cei carora le place sa citeasca, si se descurca cu engleza, ofer gratuit capitole sau urmatoarele (255) carti intregi in format PDF de pe CRCnetBASE, majoritatea nu pot fi gasite pe torrente sau site-uri de ebooks grauite. Din anumite motive bine intemeiate, imi rezerv dreptul de a trimite aceste carti doar anumitor persoane. Tinand cont ca e un proces manual si trebuie sa imi iau niste masuri de siguranta, e posibil sa dureze ceva daca doriti multe carti sau am un backlog de cereri. Pentru a vedea un rezumat/abstract al cartii inainte sa o cereti, si pentru a salva timpul meu si al vostru, recomand mai intai sa dati un search pe pagina aceasta la titlul cartii in acest field si in dreapta va aparea un pdf gratuit cu rezumatul/abstractul/contents: Cererile doar prin mesaj privat, aici doar intrebari/nelamuriri/probleme va rog. Thx. UPDATE: Va rog pentru inceput sa cereti doar cate putin, cat cititi odata, nu la gramada tot ce pare fain, ca sa pot servi pe toata lumea. Cand terminati mai trimit - nu plec niciunde. Thx. Lista completa a cartilor: 802.1X Port-Based Authentication A Practical Guide to Security Assessments A Practical Guide to Security Engineering and Information Assurance A Technical Guide to IPSec Virtual Private Networks Adaptive Security Management Architecture Advances in Biometrics for Secure Human Authentication and Recognition Algebraic and Stochastic Coding Theory Algebraic Curves in Cryptography Algorithmic Cryptanalysis An Introduction to Cryptography, Second Edition Android Malware and Analysis Android Security, Attacks and Defenses Anonymous Communication Networks, Protecting Privacy on the Web Architecting Secure Software Systems Assessing and Managing Security Risk in IT Systems, A Structured Methodology Asset Protection and Security Management Handbook Asset Protection through Security Awareness Audit and Trace Log Management, Consolidation and Analysis Authentication Codes and Combinatorial Designs Automatic Defense Against Zero-day Polymorphic Worms in Communication 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Balancing Technology and Social Issues Effective Use of Teams for IT Audits Elliptic Curves, Number Theory and Cryptography, Second Edition Group Theoretic Cryptography Handbook of Applied Cryptography Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography Handbook of Financial Cryptography and Security Handbook of Finite Fields Handbook of Surveillance Technologies, Third Edition Hardware Security, Design, Threats, and Safeguards Homeland Security and Private Sector Business, Corporations' Role in Critical Infrastructure Protection Homeland Security Handbook How to Develop and Implement a Security Master Plan Industrial Espionage, Developing a Counterespionage Program Information Assurance Architecture Information Security Architecture, An Integrated Approach to Security in the Organization Information Security Architecture, An Integrated Approach to Security in the Organization, Second Edition Information Security Cost Management Information Security Fundamentals, Second Edition Information Security Governance Simplified, From the Boardroom to the Keyboard Information Security Management Handbook on CD-ROM, 2006 Edition Information Security Management Handbook, Fifth Edition, Volume 3 Information Security Management Handbook, Four Volume Set Information Security Management Handbook, Fourth Edition, Volume 4 Information Security Management Handbook, Sixth Edition Information Security Management Handbook, Sixth Edition, Volume 2 Information Security Management Handbook, Sixth Edition, Volume 3 Information Security Management Handbook, Sixth Edition, Volume 4 Information Security Management Handbook, Sixth Edition, Volume 5 Information Security Management Handbook, Sixth Edition, Volume 6 Information Security Management Handbook, Volume 2 Insider Computer Fraud, An In-depth Framework for Detecting and Defending against Insider IT Attacks Intelligent Network Video, Understanding Modern Video Surveillance Systems Intelligent Video Surveillance, Systems and 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Management Multilevel Modeling of Secure Systems in QoP-ML Multilevel Security for Relational Databases Multimedia Content Encryption, Techniques and Applications Multimedia Encryption and Authentication Techniques and Applications Multimedia Security Handbook Multimedia Security, Watermarking, Steganography, and Forensics Multimedia Watermarking Techniques and Applications Multiple-Base Number System, Theory and Applications Network and Application Security, Fundamentals and Practices Network Anomaly Detection, A Machine Learning Perspective Network Attacks and Defenses, A Hands-on Approach Network Perimeter Security, Building Defense In-Depth Network Security Technologies New Directions of Modern Cryptography Noiseless Steganography, The Key to Covert Communications Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK, Second Edition Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK, Third Edition Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP Exam Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CSSLP Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CSSLP CBK, Second Edition Official (ISC)2 Guide to the HCISPP CBK Official (ISC)2 Guide to the SSCP CBK Official (ISC)2 Guide to the SSCP CBK, Second Edition Official (ISC)2® Guide to the CAP® CBK®, Second Edition Official (ISC)2® Guide to the CCFP CBK Official (ISC)2® Guide to the ISSAP® CBK Official (ISC)2® Guide to the ISSAP® CBK, Second Edition Official (ISC)2® Guide to the ISSEP® CBK®, Second Edition Official (ISC)2® Guide to the ISSMP® CBK® Optical Coding Theory with Prime Oracle Identity Management, Governance, Risk, and Compliance Architecture, Third Edition PCI Compliance, The Definitive Guide Pearls of Discrete Mathematics Physical Security and Safety, A Field Guide for the Practitioner Practical Cryptography, Algorithms and Implementations Using C++ Practical Hacking Techniques and Countermeasures Practical Risk Management for the CIO PRAGMATIC Security Metrics, Applying Metametrics to Information Security Privacy-Aware Knowledge Discovery, 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Vulnerability Management Watermarking Systems Engineering, Enabling Digital Assets Security and Other Applications Web Security, A WhiteHat Perspective What Every Engineer Should Know About Cyber Security and Digital Forensics Windows Networking Tools, The Complete Guide to Management, Troubleshooting, and Security Wireless Crime and Forensic Investigation Wireless Multimedia Communication Systems, Design, Analysis, and Implementation Wireless Security
    1 point
  2. Status: Raported Asta e self Status: Raportat si asta Status: Raportat TIp: Stored
    1 point
  3. Salutare, am spus asta pe undeva mai sus in topic, se numeste Mesh Networking aceest concept...Spre deosebire de 2.4 GHz sau 5 GHz protocolul standard care se foloseste pentri WiFi, Z-WAVE foloseste 868 MHz pentru Europa, folosind aceeasta unda mai joasa semnalul trece mai usor prin obstacole (pereti ,usi , mobila) + consum redus de energie.(Minunat pentru dispozitivele pe baterii, nu?)
    1 point
  4. Cash doar celor din top 10. Or hof
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. da-mi mesaj si discutam in privat
    1 point
  7. Articol: https://securitycafe.ro/2017/02/28/time-based-data-exfiltration/
    1 point
  8. Ca sa intrebe prostii si sa crape haterii. Mori cretinule, daca vreau sa fac un bine nu trebuie sa iti dau tie explicatii! (Daca stau sa ma gandesc ar fi o categorie mai buna unde sa le bag pe toate + 1 carnat: in portul usb, dupa ce deschid portile unei femele dragi tie.) P.S. - multumesc ca de obicei moderatorilor si administratorilor care inchid ochii, 10000a oara, la offtopicul facut de aceasta creatura.
    1 point
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