Citeam articolul de pe wikipedia despre Markov Chain (Link) si am spus sa incerc sa il implementez repede in Python.
Link catre script.
Am sa pun si un asciinema cand am timp ca imi face niste mofturi acum si nu am timp sa il rezolv.
Aici e 'algoritmul' :
* It eats exactly once a day.
* If it ate cheese today, tomorrow it will eat lettuce or grapes with equal probability.
* If it ate grapes today, tomorrow it will eat grapes with probability 1/10, cheese with probability 4/10 and lettuce with probability 5/10.
* If it ate lettuce today, tomorrow it will eat grapes with probability 4/10 or cheese with probability 6/10. It will not eat lettuce again tomorrow.
Link catre 'demonstratie'