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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/18 in all areas

  1. Syhunt Huntpad is a notepad application with features that are particularly useful to penetration testers and bug hunters - a collection of common injection string generators, hash generators, encoders and decoders, HTML and text manipulation functions, and so on, coupled with syntax highlighting for several programming languages. Huntpad borrows many features from Syhunt Sandcat's QuickInject sidebar. Like its cousin, it is focused on File Inclusion, XSS and SQL Injection and comes with the following options: Syntax Highlighting - supporting HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, PHP, Ruby, SQL, Pascal, Perl, Python and VBScript. SQL Injection functions Filter Evasion - Database-Specific String Escape (CHAR & CHR). Conversion of strings to quoted strings, conversion of spaces to comment tags or new lines Filter Evasion (MySQL-Specific) - String Concatenation, Percent Obfuscation & Integer Representation (eg: '26' becomes 'ceil(pi()*pi())*(!!!pi()+true)+ceil(@@version)', a technique presented by Johannes Dahse). UNION Statement Maker Quick insertion of common injections covering DB2, Informix, Ingres, MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle & PostgreSQL File Inclusion functions Quick Shell Upload code generator PHP String Escape (chr) Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) functions Filter Evasion - JavaScript String Escape (String.fromCharCode), CSS Escape Various handy alert statements for testing for XSS vulnerabilities. Hash functions Hash Generators - MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2 (224, 256, 384 & 512), GOST, HAVAL (various), MD2, MD4, RIPEMD (128, 160, 256 & 320), Salsa10, Salsa20, Snefru (128 & 256), Tiger (various) & WHIRLPOOL Encoders/Decoders URL Encoder/Decoder Hex Encoder/Decoder - Converts a string or integer to hexadecimal or vice-versa (multiple output formats supported). Base64 Encoder/Decoder CharCode Converter - Converts a string to charcodes (eg: 'abc' becomes '97,98,99') or vice-versa. IP Obfuscator - Converts an IP to dword, hex or octal. JavaScript Encoders - Such as JJEncode by Yosuke HASEGAWA HTML functions HTML Escape/Unescape HTML Entity Encoder/Decoder - Decimal and hexadecimal HTML entity encoders & decoders JavaScript and CSS beautifiers JavaScript String Escape Text Manipulation functions - Uppercase, Lowercase, Swap Case, Title Case, Reverse, Shuffle, Strip Slashes, Strip Spaces, Add Slashes, Char Separator Time-Based Blind Injection code - Covering MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Server-Side JavaScript & MongoDB CRC Calculators - CRC16, CRC32, CRC32b, and more. Classical Ciphers - ROT13 & ROT[N] Checksum Calculators - Adler-32 & Fletcher Buffer Overflow String Creator Random String & Number Generation functions URL Splitter Useful Strings - Math, character sets and more. Download: http://www.syhunt.com/en/index.php?n=Products.SyhuntHuntpad
    3 points
  2. Dar daca ai pune mana sa inveti ce se spune la curs nu ar fi mai bine? Vrei sa-ti faca altul temele si tu cu sa ai diploma fara sa stii ce e ala "RX TX". Nu toata lumea trebuie sa aiba licenta, poate te orientezi pe alt subiect unde mai intelegi cate ceva. Cum plm iti faci licenta in arduino SPI radio-spectrum cand tu nu stii ce e un ledPin, RX, TX? Plm viitorul tarii.
    2 points
  3. Transfer deleted Sorry, this transfer has been deleted and is not available any more
    1 point
  4. sUnT hAcKeR sPaRg FaCeBoOk, NaSa, GoOgLe, PiZdA mAmEi
    1 point
  5. Hai pune sursa pe un https://github.com Fa un repo frumos si lasa lumea sa compileze direct de acolo. Doar nu ai niciun secret in sursa. Tot doreai sa oferi un API public sa-si faca oricine aplicatie. Atunci hai valea de pe forum. Te mai freci atata dupa ce ai fost prins.
    0 points
  6. Si eu am nevoie dar nu am găsit
    -1 points
  7. sall aveti sa mi dati si mie un sms bomber online sau pentru pc?
    -1 points
  8. eoifheoieh uoghzrui ghzuighzr uigzrh gzurihgz riu
    -1 points
  9. Bai pula, cand iti iei BAN futuz pizda ta? https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/ff0096934d08baef0ab9d25b5866744139acc91e3a523833c9f0aab659f1d72c/detection (3/65 trojan) https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/ff0096934d08baef0ab9d25b5866744139acc91e3a523833c9f0aab659f1d72c E deja al 2lea trojan. Uite aici https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/9264ff9bc79c62f0b92014f32e32120b79452f05b330cc3e8180b098fa466339/5ad70f4b7ca3e108f17eee73 Threat Score: 66/100 AV Detection: Yes
    -1 points
  10. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    -1 points
  11. Are cineva un sms bomber ?
    -1 points
  12. https://rstforums.com/forum/topic/108196-send-sms-bomb-phone-now/?do=getNewComment
    -2 points
  13. As dori daca se poate sa ma ajutati si pe mine cu acest proiect pentru facultate, ci anume sa creez un spectrum wifi utilizand cipul wifi CYWM6935 si placuta leonardo pro mini, iar acel spectrum sa mi se afiseze pe un display, sa mai adaug aici ca acest proiect ar trebui sa fie "stand alone" anume sa-l pun cumva pe baterii fara sa fie conectat la calculator. Eu am asamblat piesele insa nu stiu daca sunt bine aranjate, am rulat programul gasit aici: Proiect arduino in python insa nu-mi afiseaza corect acel spectrum, stiu asta intrucat am telefonul in mana cu o aplicatie spectrum si compar rezultatele. Am observat ca in codul din fisierul "ArduinoSA.ino" este acel ledPin = 2, si nu stiu la ce foloseste. Mai mentionez ca proiectul este facut pe magistrala SPI. Eu am urmatoarele conexiuni: /** * Cypress RADIO module 12-pin connector pins * Note that VCC=logic=3.3v * Name: GND VCC IRQ RESET MOSI SS SCK MISO GND PD * Pin: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (aici sunt pinii de la cip, gasiti documentarea aici: https://www.mouser.co.cr/ds/2/100/CYWM6935_38-16013_0C_V-42521.pdf) * Arduino: - +(3,3v) Neconectat D6 D11 D7 D13 D12 - PULLUP(nu stiu ce inseamna, nu l-am conectat) (iar aici sunt pinii de la arduino) */
    -2 points
  14. bai 'pula' vorbeste frumos nu e niciun trojan ma faci sa pun codu sursa nustiu de ce il detecteaza
    -3 points
  15. Cu acest micut soft puteti trimite sms-uri nelimitate si gratuite catre orice numar mobil (doar romania) Daca nu aveti incredere in acest soft...puteti trimite sms-uri si online pe www.opa-sms.ro Puteti da "bomb" catre un numar de telefon cu orice mesaj // Removed
    -3 points
  16. nimic nu e moca in ziua de azi
    -6 points
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